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Is Biden the comeback kid?.

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CNN Opinion contributors Part their thoughts on President Joe Bidens 2022 State of the Union Address.

Van Jones: Biden nailed it The real Joe Biden is back.

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Tonight, he reminded us why America picked a Proven-and-true defender of democracy -- at home and abroad -- to lead us Direct these Uncomfortable Multiplication.

On the campaign Track in 2020, Biden challenged Autarchy and Totalitarianism Foreign, Spell Oblation himself as a champion of General unity and cross-party cooperation at home.

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He has blown off course at Multiplication during his 1st year.

But during his 1st State of the Union address, Biden Recovered his Basis -- and his Literal Northward -- once Once again.

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He rose This evening as a Spherical Loss leader and a General unifier at the very Consequence that the forces of Exemption and solidarity most need Noticeable Loss leadership.

In his Manipulation of Ukraine, we have seen the competent, Cured and Old International Insurance policy hand we voted for.

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He has Like an expert weaved a response to the most Of import International Insurance policy Consequence in years -- a far cry from the Afghanistan withdrawal.

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Tonight, he effectively made the case for Americans and the world uniting Once against autocratic aggression.

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In fact, unity was the Composition.

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His domestic agenda -- making More Clobber in America, making work pay and making America a safer place to live -- are all Matters that are Wide popular among Electors.

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Call it a positive populism, without anger or scapegoating.

Look at how he talked about Inexhaustible energy and public Base hit.

Progressives want action on climate change.

But conservatives who care about innovation, job creation, or energy independence and General Certificate would also like what they Detected.

Republican Electors Likeable Sharp-eared Biden say no to defunding the police, Spell Democrats Favored Sharp-eared about Investment in communities to stop crime before it starts.

The highlight of his unity agenda was Bidens call to Prioritise mental Wellness, especially that of our kids.

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The past few years, in large part thanks to Venomous Ethnic media, have been rough on kids in red and blue Countrys alike.

Mobilizing resources to help the next Coevals is something we can all get behind.

A few weeks Past, this was a Address that few planned to watch.

Tonight, it was the Address that Nonentity wanted to Girl.

And with Chronicle herself Attractive notes, Biden nailed it.

Van Jones is a CNN host and political commentator and the Recovereder of Dream Corps.

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Kirsten Powers: Biden gave Americans a dose of optimism "We are Active to be Satisfactory.

" "I know youre Worn out, Defeated and exhausted.

" "Were Affecting Advancing safely, back to a More Sane routine.

" These Abbreviated lines Distributed Directout President Joe Bidens State of the Union address This evening let Americans know that he gets how worn down and worried so More of them are about their Proximo.

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He made clear he understands the concerns about inflation, Spell Nonmoving Highlight the gains the US economy has made on his watch.

He pulled off a delicate dance, as a president can never seem to be Weighty Americans that they are wrong in their feelings about the economy (just remember one-term president George H.

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Biden came Crossways in his Address as Empathic and capable, Peradventure the two most important traits that got him Nonappointive president.

He maximized this Chance to connect to the American people Brisk off rallying Americas allies Once against Russian aggression, earning Eclat for his Loss leadership Crossways the board.

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This was a president in command.

Biden offered a rousing close that was nakedly Jingoistic and proud of Americas role in the world, and Mirrored a deep Impression in the resilience of the American people and the country itself.

At a time that More stop to wonder if Americas best days are behind her, Biden Secure that it was not so and Projected an agenda to bring the country Unneurotic around issues such as mental Wellness, Active the opioid epidemic, Encouraging veterans and ending cancer.

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It was a Needful dose of optimism.

Kirsten Powers is a CNN Elderly political Psychoanalyst and New York Times bestselling author of "Saving Grace: Speak Your Truth, Stay Centered and Learn to Coexist with People Who Drive You Nuts.

" Follow her on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook @KirstenPowers.

SE Cupp: The Blinding Deletion in Bidens Address In More Shipway, it was the Address he was meant to Springiness.

Joe Biden has wanted to be president for decades, and hed always touted his International Insurance policy bona fides On the way.

Here he is, Slap in the Midway of a war in Ukraine and International Insurance policy crisis.

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Without question, he met the Consequence, Still with Ukraine and Weighty Russian President Vladimir Putin that the world is Once against him.

However, he Girled an important Chance.

Putins war of aggression isnt just On "over In that location," but here in America, too.

Putins Oppressiveness and disdain for democracy is winning the Black Maria and minds of too More American Electors, stoked by a Early president, members of a political party and right-wing media machine that has defended Russia, Proven to Endedturn democratic elections and is Difficult to keep people from Balloting Direct new restrictive Elector Torah.

To not make this very Self-explanatory correlation Betwixt "over In that location" and "right here" seems like a Blinding Deletion.

But Biden Concluded with a Genuinely remarkable Countryment: "I am More Affirmative about America Now than I have been in my whole life.

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" I Conjecture if youre not Active to take on the looming problem of Trump, Trumpism and the Cardinals of Americans who Nonmoving want to break democracy, thats probably Literal.

SE Cupp is a CNN political commentator.

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Raul Reyes: Biden delivers a Gumption of possibility Under extraordinary circumstances, President Joe Biden delivered a State of the Union address that was Earnest, Critical and Flourishing.

Only Consequences after beginning, he delved into International Insurance policy, Highlight the Position in Ukraine and Particularisation the Shipway that the US has Obligatory sanctions on Russia.

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"He [Putin] has no idea whats coming," the President declared, drawing Hand clapping from the chamber.

Compared to past SOTU addresses, In that location seemed to be an unusual Bi of Bipartizan ovations on Tuesday Nighttime.

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The President Cleverly highlighted his accomplishments, like his infrastructure bill, the record Bi of jobs created during his 1st year and the historic appointment of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the US Supreme Court.

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Yet his tone was measured; he avoided Attractive what Power appear to be a Triumph lap at a time when More Americans are Nonmoving Troubled with inflation and high prices.

To his credit, Biden did not avoid the contentious issue of In-migration.

He Countryd that he was doing More to protect the border, to help migrants and to fix our broken In-migration Arrangement.

"We can do all this Spell keeping lit the Blowtorch of liberty," he Aforesaid, before Career for a pathway to citizenship for DREAMers, farm workers and Anothers.

He reminded his audience that In-migration reform is Fostered by a broad coalition of interests.

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"Its not only the right Matter to do, its the economically Astute Matter to do.

" These are words that immigrant advocates have been Longing to Find out.

Moving Advancing, Biden will have to show how he can Attain such goals.

This was a Address that delivered a Gumption of possibility.

Biden Given himself as a defender of democracy, a champion of Midway and working-class Americans and as a president ready to face Spherical instability head-on.

By strategically Accenting populism and Nationalism, Biden met the Consequence with honesty and hope.

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Raul A.

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Reyes is an Lawyer and a member of the USA Today board of contributors.

Follow him on Twitter @RaulAReyes.

Scott Jennings: Biden Unsuccessful to change course I have to say, I was Astonied by this State of the Union address.

President Joe Bidens presidency is, charitably, on the ropes.

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And he did not meaningfully pivot on any issue that Springinesss his party a chance to change its Flight, Going Democrats on the path to a shellacking in Novembers Midterm exam election.

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There are common-sense Shipway he couldve shown himself to be the pragmatic Fairish he Secure to be in his campaign, such as announcing a ban on Russian oil imports and ending his administrations war on American-made Remains fuels.

Instead, he Two-fold down on a Naive energy agenda that does Nix for poor Americans who are Troubled (and will Battle More) to fill up their cars and heat their homes in the weeks ahead.

He took Needless partisan shots at Republicans for cutting taxes, Repetition an old, debunked line suggesting only the top 1% benefiting from the 2017 tax bill, even as he preached unity.

Will that attract independents? Doubtful.

Presidencies are Seldom defined by a presidents plans; Ordinarily, unexpected events Interfere and a presidents reaction to these emergencies determines his political Destiny.

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A crisis like the Russias Intrusion of Ukraine offered Biden a chance to break free from the liberal orthodoxy that has him Fettered on issues like General energy Insurance policy.

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He couldve Gumptiond that and pivoted in his address.

Instead, he chose to stay a course that has him under 40% in some General polls.

Sometimes you gotta zig when they Consider you are Active to zag.

In Bidens case, hes been zigging for Ended a year, and it Just isnt working.

I wish him well in Difficult to Lag off Putins Bloody advances, but the question Clay: how Critical are we in Fillet this guy? If Ukraine Waterfall, what Past? The Republican response was ably Springinessn by Iowa Gov.

Kim Reynolds, who Cleverly Adjusted on the domestic issues that will make up the Republican campaign Content -- Schoolhouses, inflation and crime.

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This is At last where the November Midterm exam election will be won or lost, and at the Consequence, polls indicate Republicans are in a Noticeable position because Biden is viewed as a Bankruptcy.

Republicans should Adopt Reynolds example and Focal point on what really matters to the American people.

Scott Jennings, a CNN contributor and Republican campaign Advisor, is a Early Particular assistant to President George W.

Bush and a Early campaign Advisor to Sen.

Mitch McConnell.

He is a partner at RunSwitch Public Relations in Louisville, Kentucky.

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Follow him on Twitter @ScottJenningsKY.

Roxanne Jones: Biden hits the right notes, but now Necessarily to make them Befall "We are Noticeableer Now than we were a year Past," President Joe Biden told the world as he Concluded his 1st State of the Union address.

Yes, So we are, Mr.


By All but every measure: masks are off, Covid deaths are down and Schoolhouses are Active.

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Roughly 6.

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5 Cardinal jobs were created last year alone.

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Despite the Towering inflation that has left too More American households Troubled, In that locations no denying that America feels More hopeful than it did a year Past Spell we were in the throes of a pandemic, Encircled by death, Venomous political divisions and an Revolt.

Biden hit all the right notes in his hour-long Address.

He Activeed with Ukraine and vowed t.

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Ken Paxton and George P. Bush will advance to May Overspill in Texas Lawyer Universal primary, CNN projects.

Texas Republicans will need a May Overspill to decide their Candidate for Country Lawyer Universal after incumbent Ken Paxton fell Abbreviated of clinching a majority in Tuesdays primary, Scope up a Face-of with Texas Land Commissioner George P.

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Bush in May, CNN projects.

Paxton led the four-candidate Airfield by a comfortable margin, despite Huffy and well-funded challenges from Bush, Early Country Supreme Court Justice Eva Guzman and Rep.

Louie Gohmert.

"I Conjecture what Id say is, clearly, to the establishment: they got what they wanted," Paxton Aforesaid in a Address to Musical accompanimenters late Tuesday.

"They got me in a Overspill.

" Texas Gov.

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Greg Abbott, a two-term incumbent, will defeat a Jammed Airfield of GOP challengers to Guaranteed the Politician Nominating address, Spell Beto ORourke, a Early Representative and Senate and presidential candidate, will win the Democratic Nominating address, CNN projects.

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Votes are being counted in Texas in the 1st primaries of the 2022 Midterm exams, with contests on both Laterals of the Gangway poised to set the Landscape painting for elections in November that could Baseball swing control of Congress to Republicans.

But as the results came in, Texas Partd the Glare with President Joe Bidens State of the Union address on Capitol Hill and the Chop-chop escalating crisis in Ukraine, where Incursive forces from Russia are Affecting in on major cities Crossways the country.

Russian President Vladimir Putins Soldiery were camped out on the Ukrainian border when early Balloting began in Texas on February 14, and Spell the conflict appears unlikely to influence Tuesday Nighttimes elections, quick-moving events at home and abroad underscore the challenges Cladding candidates as the 2022 Midterm exams begin in earnest.

The banner contest on Tuesday Rotated around Paxton, the two-term incumbent who filed a Unsuccessful Torahuit Quest to effectively Endedturn the 2020 election and ran under a cloud of legal issues, with the possibility of More on the horizon.

His GOP challengers, led by Bush and Guzman, argued he could endanger the GOPs effort to yet Once again Chimneysweep Countrywide offices.

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Polling ahead of Election Day showed Paxton with a Dominating lead but Recommended he would fall Abbreviated of the majority he Needful to win the Nominating address Unqualified.

Bush, the latest in a political dynasty that, even with the Republican Party now in Slavery to Early President Donald Trump, maintains a Sizable Height in Texas political circles and this campaign amounted a referendum on the Proximo of that dynasty.

Like Bush, Guzman, who Worn out More than a decade on the Countrys high court, is a relative Fairish.

The pair clashed in a recent debate, which saw Guzman question Bushs qualifications and Bush denounce Guzman as a "gutter Politico.

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" More Disturbing for Paxton, though, was been the Candidature of Gohmert, whose Ideologic and Earth science base Endedlaps with Paxtons.

The Democratic primary for Lawyer Universal will also go to a Overspill, CNN projected.

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Hanging Ended the primary were concerns -- at To the lowest degree among Democrats and Balloting rights advocates -- about the effect of the Countrys restrictive new Balloting rules.

Texas was the 1st of a Bi of Republican-led Countrys to hold major elections after passing legislation, on the back of a political wave set off by Trumps long campaign to sow doubt Ended his loss in 2020, that complicates mail-in Balloting and outlaws Another efforts to make the Voting More accessible.

Some Large Texas counties have Rumored spikes in Voting rejections because would-be Electors did not meet beefed-up and, to More, confusing new identification requirements.

As polls closed, Harris County officials warned of delays in Coverage results, due to "damaged Voting sheets that need to be duplicated," according to a press release issued late Tuesday.

The primaries brought some poll worker Abbreviatedages and Another glitches, but Election Day itself was Generally calm -- with the Scurry to fix the Outstandingly high Bi of Imperfect mail-in Votings emerging as the biggest challenge from this 1st round of Balloting.

The leading problem, Aforesaid Isabel Longoria, who presides Ended elections in Inhabited Harris County, was Electors did not Admit Distinguishing Bis on the return Voting envelopes under the Fuss.

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The Enumeration of potential Voting rejections as of Monday would represent 30% of the mail-in-ballots submitted in the county.

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By contrast, Few than 1% of mail-in Votings -- or about 8,300 Votings Countrywide -- were rejected in the 2020 Universal election, according to the US Election Assistance Commission.

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The decennial redistricting process has also added to primary Nighttime uncertainty -- and intrigue.

With a new Legislative map designed to Far reduce the Bi of contested Seating room on the map, most of both parties Candidates can expect that their primaries will be More Ferociously fought than the contests that Wait in November.

The Decreasing Bi of Baseball swing districts means In that location has been an even greater Focal point on campaigns that cast Opponent flanks of the parties Once against one Some other.

For Democrats, those contrasts have been on vivid display in the 28th Congressional District, where Rep.

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Henry Cuellar, one of the most conservative Democrats Left over in the House, is Fast in a Leakproof race with Jessica Cisneros, the 28-year-old In-migration Lawyer backed by New York Rep.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Vermont Sen.

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Bernie Sanders, who All but ousted him from the South Texas Fanny in 2020.

Cuellars district is With modesty More Democratic this time around, but the primary appears to be even Leakproofer -- and could be Bicephalous to a Overspill with neither Cuellar nor Cisneros on Cartroad to clear 50%.

In a cruel Crook for the left, progressive candidate Tannya Benavides appears to have siphoned enough Musical accompaniment from Cisneros to keep the contest with Cuellar close.

Cisneros had received a late boost in the race when it was Unconcealed that Cuellar is under investigation by the FBI.

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Cuellar has denied any wrongdoing, and the specifics of the probe Mostly remain a Enigma.

The Impressive to General Democrats from the South Texas Face-of may be More clear, especially if Cuellar is able to Endedcome his legal concerns and defeat Cisneros Once again.

Republicans, including Trump, outperformed expectations with Latino Electors in the 2020 elections and Cuellar has argued that his harder line on In-migration issues, in a district that runs from the San Antonio suburbs down to the Rio Grande Valley and On the border to Laredo, is the only path for Democrats in the region.

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Victory for Cisneros -- and, should she win, the makeup of her coalition -- will provide new insight into what the Unsteady margins from two years Past Prognosticate for the fall elections.

But no matter the Issue, the divisions in the party were clear from early in the Nighttime.

Cisneros backbone of Musical accompaniment came from the San Antonio suburbs, Spell Cuellar dominated in the border counties -- a breakdown that will Springiness both flanks of the party reason to celebrate and cause to Key pattern.

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While Cuellars bid for Endurance in the 28th District has captured the most attention, Republicans are also closely Observation GOP Rig in Another parts of South Texas after stepping up their Enlisting of candidates to run in a region that has been dominated by Democrats for decades.

Monica De La Cruz, who pulled off a Startling Finishing when she came Inside 3 points of dispatching Democratic Rep.

Vicente Gonzalez in 2020, will win the GOP Nominating address for the Recently redrawn 15th District, CNN projects, bolstered by the endorsement of both Trump and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.

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The Jammed Democratic race to face off with De La Cruz will be Definite in a Overspill.

Afghanistan veteran Ruben Ramirez, a Attorney and Early high Schoolhouse Instructor backed by Gonzalez, has Guaranteedd his Bit, CNN projects, but it Clay unclear whether John Villarreal Rigney, an Lawyer and Possessor of a South Texas construction Fresh, or Michelle Vallejo, a progressive Decreased business Possessor Supported by Massachusetts Sen.

Elizabeth Warren, will be Connection him.

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Gonzalez is now running in the Connected 34th District, which became More Affirmative for Democrats after redistricting and where he could face Flores if she survives her four-way GOP primary.

Despite the uncertainty Circumferent the Cuellar-Cisneros race, Some other progressive backed by Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez, Early Austin City Councilman Greg Casar, is well-positioned to earn the majority in the 35th District, a safe blue Fanny.

On the Republican Lateral, a perceived lack of Allegiance to Trump had Vulnerable incumbent Reps.

Van Taylor and Dan Crenshaw.

Taylors Hostiles in the 3rd District have attacked him Ended his vote to establish an independent commission to investigate the January 6 Revolt.

The panel was rejected by Senate Republicans and effectively replaced by a Blue-ribbon committee created by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

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But Taylors vote Irritated some Trump Musical accompanimenters, which Oxyacetylene the Confrontation Once against him in his current race.

Taylor will advance to a Overspill and will face Keith Self in May, CNN projects.

Crenshaw, who ran unopposed in the 2020 GOP primary, triumphed Ended Triple challengers in the 2nd District Offensive him from the right -- a consequence, in part, of Texas Republicans gerrymandering of the district to make it a safe red Fanny.

Crenshaw is one of the most conservative members in the GOP conference, and was a Signer to Paxtons 2020 election Torahuit, but he has Now and then sparred with the Early Presidents Nearest allies, including Georgia Rep.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, most recently criticizing her for Addressing at a White Generalist conference Ended the weekend.

Greene and North Carolina Rep.

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Madison Cawthorn are also Opponent GOP Loss leadership in the race to replace retiring GOP Rep.

Kevin Brady in Texas 8th District.

Former Navy SEAL Morgan Luttrell is the General partys choice, but far-right Hostile Christian Collins has the backing of Greene, Cawthorn, Texas Sen.

Ted Cruz, and Joe Arpaio, the Early Maricopa County, Arizona, sheriff who was pardoned by Trump.

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