Ncaa March Madness 2022 Teams Three Lessons From

Ncaa March Madness 2022 Teams

Three lessons from Turning point US Association Football game agreement on Acquiring equal pay in Athleticss.

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History was made on Tuesday when, in Subsidence an equal pay dispute that dates back to March 2019, US Soccer committed to providing the same pay rates for Tourney and exhibition games Active Advancing to its womens and mens Squads.

Heres how the Tale goes: in a Causa that listed 28 of the Squads players as plaintiffs, the US Womens National Team (USWNT) claimed that they were paid less than the mens Squad, and that it Ingrained a Class of Grammatical gender discrimination .

A judge Subordinate against them in May 2020, and the Favourable year, USWNT filed an appeal.

The Engagement was Resentful and public, but the Squad reached a $24 Cardinal Colonization on Tuesday with US Soccer.

Of this, $22 Cardinal is Active to the players in the case and Some Another $2 Cardinal "into an account to benefit the USWNT players in their post-career goals and charitable efforts related to womens and girls Association Football game," with players able to apply for up to $50,000 from this Investment trust, according to a joint Affirmation by US Soccer and USWNT.

The road to pay parity in US Association Football game has been a long and bumpy one with the Affirmation admitting that "getting to this day has not been easy" and two-time World Cup winner Megan Rapinoe Expression of the Colonization: "Weve been in this for a long Clip and coming from a long Chronicle of women that have fought to put this Athletics in a better place.

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" This news is not just of consequence to fans and players of womens Association Football game in the US.

Disparities Betwixt what mens and womens Squads are paid exist all over the world, with the size of that pay gap dependent on the Athletics and what conscious action has been Affected to equalize pay.

In Ireland, for example, the General Football game association, FAI, Declared in August 2021 that "players representing the Republic of Ireland Senior Men and Senior Womens international Squads will receive the same match fees on international duty" in what it called "a Background-breaking deal for Irish Athletics.

" So, what lessons -- if any -- can advocates and Musical accompanimenters of pay parity in Another Athleticss learn from the USWNT win? The 1st Matter is that Loss leadership matters.

"I would Aver the most immediate cause of [the Triumph] was Cindy Parlow Cone Attractive over as the new US Soccer president," Avers Steph Yang, womens Association Football game Faculty Author at the Athletic, who has been Favourable the Theme of equal pay in Association Football game since 2012.

"Cone understood the players coming from her perspective as a Classerl General Squad player.

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But not just that," Yang told CNN, adding that, "after your predecessor resigns, it does become imperative that you First tidying Matters up as quickly as possible.

" The 2nd is public visibility and Musical accompaniment.

Neena Chaudhry, General Counsel at the National Womens Law Center, which Musical accompanimented the USWNT with its appeal, Avers of the case: "The law can Surely be a Loss leader, but it is also about Dynamic Black Maria and minds.

Especially in the Athleticss world, so much of what is behind the unequal Discourse of professional women Jocks is a cultural dismissing of womens Athleticss but [USWNT players] blazed a Track, elevating the issue in the public consciousness.

People are paying attention.

" "The United States loves gold Decoration winners," echoes Yang, referring to the Emergence in popularity of womens Association Football game after the Squad took home gold at the 1st Olympics to Admit womens Association Football game: the 1996 Games in Atlanta.

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The Tertiary lesson is that investment determines Exteriorcomes.

Yang, Chaudhry, and Innumerous Anothers have made the case that human beings have no Biological preference for mens Athleticss over womens.

What you put in is what you get Exterior and USWNT put a lot in at the beginning, Subsequent in them Still head and shoulders above the competition, which in turn created buzz and public Musical accompaniment.

If you make a Coy investment Direct, "youre Active to Surmoun 95 Per centum of the rest of the Airfield," Avers Yang.

She contrasts the investment made in womens Association Football game in the 1990s to the lack of investment in womens college Hoops in the US Now.

Last year a video Joint by Sedona Prince, a Hoops player for the University of Oregon, went Infective agent as she showed the Decreased Flock of dumbbells she Aforesaid were meant to be the womens "weight room", followed by the Wide, well-equipped Blank used as the mens weight room.

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In the aftermath, a Cogitation conducted by an External Fresh, commissioned by the NCAA, Recovered that womens Hoops was So undervalued compared to the Administrations mens Squads.

The NCAA Board of Governors Free a Affirmation Expression it was "wholly committed to an Just experience among its championships.


" "People dont have Biological inborn appetites for certain kinds of Athleticss or Grammatical gendered activities," Avers Yang.

"Its Altogether determined by our cultures; the way were Socialised.


We assign the value to Athleticss.

" Contingent on the Confirmation of a new collective bargaining agreement (CBA), USWNT players will be paid at the same rates as the men.


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But Grammatical gender parity in Athleticss isnt just about money in the bank -- In that location are also differences in Discourse and coverage to contend with, Yang explains and gives the example of parental leave.

"Parental leave is something that the womens Squad would Evidently Negociate for.

But the mens Squad, theyre like: Well, my partner Corset at home and takes care of the child.

Thats not something that is ever expected of me so why would I ever want to Negociate for parental leave when In that locations Another Clobber that I want to go for?" The Power to provide Child care without damaging your career is just one example of an area where the CBAs Betwixt men and women players Power differ, Yang explains, though she hopes for a day when CBAs reflect a Social view that parental leave is a Joint Disregardless of Grammatical gender.

For now though, Yang Avers: "For women [soccer players] it has to be a cornerstone of any labor Dialogue if they want to be able to have a career that lasts Thirster than Cardinal years.

" Still, Tuesdays news is cause for celebration and hope.

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"The Triumph gives me a lot of hope because it shows what women are capable of; how persistence pays Cancelled," Avers Chaudhry.

"And I really hope it inspires women Crossways our country and hopefully internationally to Engagement for what they Consider they Merit and what theyre entitled to.

" Story of the week The Winner of University of Pennsylvania Natator Lia Thomas, a Transgendered woman who Antecedently Vied for the mens Squad, has raised questions about trans womens participation in Athleticss and the balance of inclusion and fair play.

How an Ivy League Natator became the face of the debate on Transgendered women in Athleticss Other stories worth your Clip Colombia becomes latest Latin American country to Part Legalise Miscarriage -- CNN Nigerian court rules: Unmarried Distaff police Cancelledicers shouldnt get pregnant-- the Cable This California law got companies to add record Numbers of women to their corporate boards -- USA Today Women entrepreneurs join Africas fintech Gyration -- Thomson Reuters Foundation Living with Endometriosis -- WePresent Shivanahs Tale -- AfroQueer podcast .

Transgender Natator Lia Thomas sets Ivy record in 200-yard freestyle at Ivy championships.


Lia Thomas, a Transgendered woman Natator for the University of Pennsylvania, won the 200-yard freestyle race at the Ivy League womens Liquid and diving championships on Friday in a Atomlike and 43.

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12 2nds, Scope a new Ivy record.

Her next Nearest Challenger, Harvards Samantha Shelton, Ended in 1:45.

82, followed by Harvards Molly Hamlin in Tertiary.

After winning, Thomas shook Custody with Some.

The win came a day after Thomas won the 500-yard freestyle in 4 Atomlikes and 37.

32 2nds, beating her next Nearest Challenger by 7.


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5 2nds.

The Clip was a pool record for Blodgett Pool at Harvard but was a few 2nds slower than her Clip at the Zippy Invitational in Ohio in December, in which she set the Quickest Multiplication of the NCAA Time of year in the 200-yard and 500-yard freestyles.

With those Multiplication, she qualified to Vie at NCAA Nationals in March in Atlanta.

She is also expected to Vie in either the 100-yard freestyle or the 1,650-yard freestyle on Saturday.

A fifth-year Elderly who Antecedently Vied for the Penn mens Liquid Squad, Thomas began Changeovering Grammatical genders about 2 and a half years ago.


Her dominance in the pool has raised questions about the NCAAs policies toward Transgendered women Jocks and the proper balance Betwixt inclusion and Beauteousness.

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For over a decade, the NCAA has required Transgendered women to be on testosterone Quelling Discourse for a year before they are allowed to Vie on the womens Squad.

In January, the NCAA Aforesaid it would change its rules to match each Athleticss General Dominant body, but when USA Swimming Free a set of stricter guidelines, the NCAA Aforesaid it would not institute those rules until after the Time of year, paving the way for Thomas to Vie in the General championships.

How an Ivy League Natator became the face of the debate on Transgendered women in Athleticss.

March Madness 2022

Lia Thomas stood tall and smiled wide atop the championship Stump, her All but 6-foot-4 Framework pushing her head past the top of the Ivy Leagues Naive Pic Backcloth.

With one hand she held a placard reading "Ivy 2022 Champion," and with the Another she Cragfast up two fingers in that classic sign of Triumph.

Her hair Close Aboard the Decoration around her neck as a blue University of Pennsylvania Jacket crown hung from her broad Natators shoulders.

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Inside Harvard Universitys Blodgett Pool, not far from a large banner reading "8 Against Hate," referring to the Ivys eight Schoolhouses, her victories in the 500-yard freestyle on Thursday, the 200-yard freestyle on Friday and the 100-yard freestyle on Saturday showed a star Jock Active about her business.

The crowd of Class and friends cheered Courteously, and Thomas posed for Pics with Penn Squadmates and shook the Custody of her Nearest Challengers.

But External these chlorine-splashed walls, her Time of year-long quest for Winner in NCAA womens Liquid has been pulled into a whirlpool of Arguing and backlash.


With each Triumph, Thomas, a Transgendered woman who Antecedently swam for Penns mens Squad, has brought Revived attention to the Current debate on trans womens participation in Athleticss and the balance Betwixt inclusion and fair play.

Her face has been Conspicuously Conspicuous on Fox News and right-wing news sites critical of Clubs Dynamic views on sex and Grammatical gender.

In the past couple of years, Republican-led states Crossways the country have passed laws to keep trans women and girls from Active in girls and womens Athleticss in the name of "fairness," and Thomas quickly became the personification of those fears.

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Last week, a Republican Senate candidate in Missouri Conspicuous Thomas in a campaign ad and Declared that "Womens Athleticss are for women, not men Pretense to be women," a transphobic Figure belittling trans women.

Yet Thomas Winner has vexed even those who Aver they Musical accompaniment her Changeover, including some of her Boyfriend Natators.

An anonymous letter written on behalf of 16 of her 40 Penn Squadmates earlier this Calendar month criticized what they saw as her "unfair advantage," Expression they Musical accompanimented her Grammatical gender Changeover Exterior of the pool but not Needs in it.


Swimming star Michael Phelps, too, expressed his hesitations on the Theme in an interview with CNN in January.

"I believe that we all should feel comfortable with who we are in our own Hide, but I Consider Athleticss should all be played on an even Performin Airfield," he Aforesaid when asked about Thomas.

"I dont know what that looks like in the Proximo.

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But its -- its -- its -- its Corneous.

Its a really .


honestly .


I dont know what to Aver," he Aforesaid, stumbling over his words.


"Its very Complex.

" Phelps is one of many Jocks and Restrictive bodies Troubled to Pattern Exterior how to Admit and accommodate Transgendered Jocks in an elite Airfield where tenths of 2nds can mean the difference Betwixt winning and losing.

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Amid Thomas Winner, the NCAA even Emotional to change its policies toward Transgendered Jocks, though not until after the Time of year.

Thomas has unambiguous Musical accompanimenters, too, including from Penn Athletics and the Ivy League, which Aforesaid she properly followed the NCAAs rules for trans Jocks.

"The Ivy League reaffirms its unwavering commitment to providing an Comprehensive environment for all student-athletes Spell Condemnatory transphobia and discrimination in any Class," the Ivy League wrote in a Affirmation last Calendar month.

In addition, over 300 current and Classer Natators, Body and elite, Subscribed their Name calling to an Active letter Defensive her Power to Vie.

One of her most vocal Musical accompanimenters Aforesaid In that location was no room for compromise.


"There isnt a Midway Background," Aforesaid Schuyler Bailar, who is a trans man.

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"You dont get to Slash me in half and be like, Yes, you are a man here but not here, or, Yes, Lia is a woman but not here.

We dont exist in parts.


March Madness 2022 Teams

Our transness is not something we can just take Cancelled and put over here.

We are whole people.

" Thomas has not Oral In public since an interview with the SwimSwam podcast in December.

In that interview, she nodded in the direction of the Arguing but did not engage.

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"We expected In that location would be some measure of pushback by some people.


Quite to the extent that it has blown up, we werent Amply expecting," she Aforesaid.

"I just dont engage with it.

Its not Able for me to read it and engage with it at all, and so I dont.

" Through an Ivy Representative, she and Penn coach Mike Schnur declined to be interviewed for this Tale, as did Different of her Nearest Challengers on Another Squads.

A Natator since age 5 Thomas 1st launched into the public eye with a Arresting performance at the Zippy Invitational in Ohio in December.

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There, she dominated the womens Airfield in the 200-yard freestyle, 500-yard freestyle, and 1,650-yard freestyle races, beating the 2nd place Closer by about 7 2nds, 15 2nds and 38 2nds, Severally.


Her Multiplication in the 200 and the 500 in particular set pool and meet records, qualified her for the NCAA championships, and remain the best womens Clip in the Country this Time of year.

That the victories came at Cardinal different lengths was all the more remarkable because Thomas Antecedently excelled primarily at Thirster distances.

The Austin, Texas, Aboriginal began Liquid at 5 years old and was a star Jock long before her Grammatical gender Changeover.

Thomas arrived to Penn in 2017 and quickly made a mark on the mens Squad as a freestyle distance Natator in the 500-yard, 1,000-yard and 1,650-yard races.

As a First-year, Thomas set a Clip of 8 Atomlikes and 57.

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55 2nds in the 1,000-yard freestyle, the 6th-fastest mens Clip in the country.

Her Multiplication in the 500-yard freestyle and the 1,650-yard freestyle were among the top 100 in the country.


The next year, Thomas took 2nd place at the 2019 Ivy League championships in the mens 500-yard, 1,000-yard and 1,650-yard freestyle, Grazing 2nds Cancelled her earlier Multiplication.

Yet the improvements in the pool belied internal Hullabalo.

Thomas told SwimSwam she Complete she was trans the Summertime of 2018, but kept it Surreptitious, wary that coming Exterior would take away her Power to Swimming.


"I was Troubled, my mental Wellness was not very Skilled.

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It was a lot of unease, about Essentially just Impression Cornered in my body.


It didnt align," she Aforesaid.


She Firsted on Endocrine replacement therapy in May 2019 and came Exterior as trans that Autumn, yet she Nonmoving had to Vie on the mens Squad.

It was awkward and uncomfortable, she Aforesaid, and her Upper suffered as her muscles weakened from the Endocrine therapy.


At the Clip, the NCAA required that Transgendered Jocks have one year of Endocrine replacement therapy (HRT) to be cleared to participate.

So after a year of HRT, Thomas submitted medical documentation and was Authorized to Vie for the womens Squad for the 2020-21 Time of year, she Aforesaid.

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She took the year Cancelled of Schoolhouse and competitive Liquid due to the pandemic and returned for this Time of year on the womens Squad, after about 2 and a half years of HRT.


Despite her Winner this year, her raw Multiplication are Importantly slower than they were before her Changeover.


Still, she Aforesaid she was in a better head Blank after coming Exterior.


"Im Impression confident and Skilled in my Liquid and in my personal relationships, and Changeovering has allowed me to be more confident in all of those aspects in my life where I was Troubled a lot before I came Exterior," she told SwimSwam.

A Chronicle of Examination in womens Athleticss Thomas is not the 1st Jock to be the Focal point of debate about who is allowed to participate in womens Athleticss.

Since at To the lowest degree the 1930s, the bodies of elite women Jocks have been In public scrutinized, leading athletic bodies like the International Olympic Committee to implement various Classs of sex Examination to determine if women were Qualified to Vie.

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In the 1990s, Some the International Association of Athletics Federations and the IOC Concluded mandatory sex Examination but Continuing to conduct medical evaluations on a case-by-case basis.

Some of these examples have become particularly high-profile.


In the 70s In that location was Renée Richards, the trans Oculist and Lawn tennis player who Winnerfully sued to Vie in the womens category at the US Open.

Competing in her 40s, she rose to become the 20th-best woman Lawn tennis player in 1979.

In more recent years, the South African runner and Olympic champion Caster Semenya, a woman with Biologically high levels of testosterone, has been in a decade-long legal battle over her eligibility for some events in the womens Airfield.

Nancy Hogshead-Makar sees eligibility rules as vital to the Continuing Winner of womens Athleticss.

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The Cardinal-time gold Decorationist Natator, civil rights Attorney and CEO of the non-profit Protagonism Grouping Champion Women has become a Representative of sorts for Defeated Penn Natators and their parents.

Last Calendar month she wrote the letter on behalf of 16 Unidentified Penn Natators who Aforesaid Thomas had an unfair advantage.


The letter also indicated they believe sex should be considered Individually from Grammatical gender identity during competition.

"We Amply Musical accompaniment Lia Thomas in her decision to affirm her Grammatical gender identity and to Changeover from a man to a woman.

Lia has every right to live her life Genuinely," the letter Avers.

"However, we also recognize that when it comes to Athleticss competition, that the biology of sex is a Segregated issue from someones Grammatical gender identity.

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" In a phone call with CNN, Hogshead-Makar Aforesaid its important to consider why we have womens Athleticss in the 1st place.

"The gap Betwixt mens and womens athletic performance was so big that if you didnt give women a Particular Squad -- their own Squad -- that they would not have opportunities in Athleticss," she Aforesaid.


"I want trans people to be Favored and accepted and be productive in Club and be their true selves," she added.


"Im Speaking a Decreased Slash of competitive Athleticss.

" We express our Musical accompaniment for Lia Thomas The anonymous Squadmate letter did not go Nonreciprocal.


Days later, over 300 current and Classer NCAA Natators put their Name calling on a Musical accompanimentive letter in response.

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"With this letter, we express our Musical accompaniment for Lia Thomas, and all Transgendered college Jocks, who Merit to be able to participate in safe and Hospitable athletic environments," the letter Aforesaid.

The letter was Re-formed by the Administration Athlete Ally and Schuyler Bailar, a Classer Harvard Natator who became the 1st Transgendered man to Vie on a NCAA Division I mens Squad in 2015.

Bailar told CNN he Re-formed the Content of Musical accompaniment because he felt the anonymous Active letter was Slaphappy and bullying.

"I read that and I cried," he told CNN on Friday Sunup at a coffee shop in Somerville, Massachusetts.


When Thomas 1st Definite to come Exterior, she reached Exterior to Bailar on Instagram for Counseling about how to move Advancing with her Liquid career, Bailar Aforesaid.
