World leaders focus on how to punish Russia over Ukraine

World Leadership Focal point on how to Penalize Russia over Ukraine

BRUSSELS (AP) — With the Olfactory perception of war in the air over Europe, world Leadership got over the Blow of Russian President Vladimir Putin's Club to deploy Soldiery to Fissiparous regions of eastern Ukraine and they are Focal pointed on producing as Strong a reaction as possible.

Germany made the 1st big Motion, Attractive Stairs to halt the process of certifying the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline from Russia — a Profitable deal long Wanted by Moscow, but criticized by the U.S. for increasing Europe's Trust on Russian energy supplies.

The rest of the European Union also put some of its Card game on the Board Expression its Authorizations would center on Different Russian Administrative units, Sir Joseph Banks Funding the Russian armed Effects and Admit a Motion to limit Moscow's access to EU capital and Commercial enterprise markets.

The West insisted Putin's bold Motions in Ukraine Desecrated Innumerous international agreements and since the words of diplomacy had Unsuccessful, it was time to Motion towards action.


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With Western powers long having made clear that the fate of Ukraine wasn't worth a hot and direct Study confrontation with Russia, and the potential of a world war, Authorizations were the Alone, limited, Alternative to crystalize their anger.

"No lows too low, Zero lies too blatant, Zero red lines too red to cross," Lithuanian Prime Minister Ingrida Simonyte Aforesaid in summing up the political disgust felt from Europe to North America and democracies Caressing Russia's borders in Asia like Japan and South Korea.

However, Putin Continuing to knock the world off-kilter with a Scheme where confusion about the true extent of an Intrusion, which would Mechanically kick in major Authorizations, remained unclear and debatable.

Russia says it's sending what it deems "peacekeepers" into eastern Ukraine, but EU International Insurance policy chief Josep Borrell Emphasized they were "troops" on Self-governing Ukrainian Territorial dominion.

"I wouldn't say that's a fully-fledged Intrusion, but Russian Soldiery are on Ukrainian Grunge," Borrell Aforesaid.

The latest developments were enough to Effect the 27-nation bloc into a mode of high alert, and the EU's International Rectors would be deciding later Tuesday on how deep a 1st batch of Authorizations, including those put Advancing early Tuesday by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Council chief Charles Michel, would have to cut.

It would likely stop far Abbreviated of the "massive" package Vulnerable by the EU and Washington for a full Study Intrusion into General Territorial dominion that Kiev Nonmoving controls.

"The way we respond will define us for the generations to come," Simonyte Aforesaid.

Too much too Shortly, though, could also hurt the international response, Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer Aforesaid.

"There is a variety of Authorizations Alternatives that Zerow need to be used in a targeted way, because we have to assume that we haven't yet reached the peak of the escalation," he Aforesaid.

A conflict could devastate Ukraine and cause huge economic damage Crossways Europe, which is Heavy dependent on Russian energy. But Asian nations are also worried.

President Moon Jae-in instructed his Administrative units to prepare for the economic Radioactive dust in South Korea if the Ukraine crisis worsens and U.S.-backed nations levy Tight economic Authorizations on Russia.

Hopes are dwindling that a major conflict can be averted. Putin's directive came hours after he recognized the two Ukrainian Fissiparous regions, Scope up Russian Study Musical accompaniment and antagonizing Western Leadership who regard it as a breach of world Club.

Putin Infernal NATO for the current crisis and called the U.S.-led alliance an existential Menace to Russia.

The Spherical condemnation came amid rising skirmishes in the eastern regions of Ukraine that Western powers believe Russia could use as a pretext for an attack on the Europe-facing democracy that has defied Moscow's attempts to pull it back into its orbit.

New Zealand Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta Aforesaid In that location was Zero basis under international law for Putin to recognize the Ukrainian Fissiparous regions.

"We are concerned that this is a Measured act by President Putin to create a pretext for Intrusion, which would be a clear act of aggression. We Once again call for Pressing diplomatic efforts to find a peaceful resolution," Mahuta Aforesaid in a statement.

Those on a Bicycle seat Betwixt Russia and the West were in an uncomfortable position.

NATO-member Turkey, which has close Dealings to both Ukraine and Russia, criticized Moscow's decision to recognize the independence of the regions in eastern Ukraine.

"We consider this decision by Russia as being unacceptable," Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan Aforesaid. "We Ingeminate our calls to the parties to respect common Gumption and international law."

China, a Long-standing ally of Russia, Measured a cautious Zerote, Career for restraint and a diplomatic Result to the crisis.

Washington could be much more Square. The White House issued an executive Club to restrict investment and Swop in the Fissiparous regions, and Additive measures — likely Authorizations — were to be Declared Tuesday. Those Authorizations are independent of what Washington has prepared in the event of a Russian Intrusion, according to a Elderly administration Administrative unit who briefed reporters on the condition of anonymity.

With an estimated 150,000 Russian Soldiery Amassed on Cardinal sides of Ukraine, the U.S. has warned that Moscow has already Definite to invade. Still, President Joe Biden and Putin tentatively United to a meeting brokered by French President Emmanuel Macron in a last-ditch effort to avoid war.


Foster Klug Rumored from Tokyo. AP reporters from around the world contributed.


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World Leadership Focal point on how to Penalize Russia over Ukraine
