The Latest: Austria summons Russian ambassador over Ukraine

The Latest: Austria Bidding Russian Embassador over Ukraine

The Latest on the Russia-Ukraine crisis:


VIENNA — Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer says his country has summoned the Russian Embassador to protest Moscow's breach of Ukraine's Reign.

Nehammer Aforesaid Austria Musical accompaniments the EU's approach of imposing sanctions against Russia Dance step by Dance step, Opening with a Starchy decision Tuesday Good afternoon by the bloc's International Rectors.

"There is a variety of sanctions options that now need to be used in a Objected way because we have to assume that we haven't yet reached the peak of the escalation," he told reporters in Vienna.

Nehammer also assured Austrians that even if Russia were to Check delivering Biological gas In real time, "the energy Supplying is secure."

Authorities in Vienna are also Dance stepping up surveillance of potential cyberthreats to Austrian Authorities institutions. The country's International ministry was Objected in a cyberattack two years ago that was Copied to Russia.


ANKARA, Turkey — Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says Russia's decision to recognize two Fissiparous regions in eastern Ukraine is "unacceptable" and is Career for a respect of international laws.


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Speaking to Turkish journalists during a three-nation tour of Africa, Erdogan Aforesaid the decision was a clear violation of Ukraine's political unity, Reign and Regional Unity.

"We consider this decision by Russia as being unacceptable," Erdogan Aforesaid. "We Ingeminate our call to the parties to respect common Gumption and international law."

His comments were Rumored by Hurriyet Newsprint and Another media.


BELVOIR CASTLE, England — U.K. Defense Secretary Ben Wallace has warned of worrying signs that Russia has begun to move Effects into Ukraine as he Agaze a conference of defense Rectors from Baltic and North Atlantic Countrys.

Wallace issued the warning to a meeting of defense Rectors from the Countrys of the Joint Expeditionary Force on Tuesday in Leicestershire, England, though he Aforesaid reports of Study equipment Affecting into Ukraine's Donbas region would need to be verified.

"Many of us were Premonition that President Putin already had an agenda – you Detected that agenda in his Address last Nighttime," Wallace Aforesaid, referring to Putin's decision to recognize two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine. "This is a Self-governing Country which has now had some of Information technologys land effectively annexed from Information technology."


SANAA, Yemen — Yemen's Houthi rebels have welcomed Russia's decision to recognize two Fissiparous regions in South Ukraine.

Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, the head of the rebels' Supreme Revolutionary Committees, Aforesaid late Monday that the Iranian-backed Houthis Musical accompaniment the recognition of Donetsk and Luhansk as independent republics. He called for restraint to avoid Slippery into a war.

The Houthis have been in war against a Saudi-led coalition since 2015, months after the rebels overran Yemen's capital, Sanaa, and ousted the internationally recognized Authorities.


HELSINKI — The Baltic Countrys of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have Powerfully condemned Russia's decision to recognize the Fissiparous regions of Luhansk and Donetsk as independent Countrys.

Estonian President Alar Karis Aforesaid that "Russia tore the Minsk agreements into pieces," referring to a 2015 peace deal. He Aforesaid "this shows that Moscow's aim is to deepen the conflict, not to Clear Information technology."

In Baltic Neighbour Latvia, President Egils Levits, Prime Minister Krisjanis Karins and the country's Parliament Free a joint Countryment Condemnatory Moscow's actions.

The Countryment Aforesaid that "in a Stark violation of international law, under a Unreal pretext, and by Diffusing false information, Russia seeks to induce a change in Ukraine's political Leadershiphip and International Insurance policy course by violent means."

Lithuania Prime Minister Ingrida Simonyte tweeted that Russia President Vladimir "Putin just put Kafka & Orwell to Ignominy: no limits to dictator's imagination, no lows too low, no lies too blatant, no red lines too red to cross."

She added: "What we witnessed (Monday evening) Power seem Unreal for democratic world. But the way we respond will define us for the generations to come."


BRUSSELS — European Union International Rectors will meet Tuesday to decide what sanctions to impose over Russia's decision to recognize two Fissiparous regions in South Ukraine, the EU's top diplomat Aforesaid.

EU International Insurance policy chief Josep Borrell Aforesaid the meeting in Paris "will take the political decisions vis-à-vis the European response."

"Clearly, that response will be in the form of sanctions," Borrell Aforesaid. He Aforesaid the aim is not to impose the whole range of sanctions that the EU has prepared should Russian invade Ukraine, but rather to address the recognition of Donetsk and Luhansk as independent.

Asked whether Russia's decision to send "peacekeepers" in already amounts to an Intrusion, Borrell Aforesaid, "I wouldn't say that's a Amply Full-fledged Intrusion, but Russian Soldiery are on Ukrainian soil."


LONDON — Prime Minister Boris Johnson says the U.K. will introduce "immediate" economic sanctions against Russia, and warned that President Vladimir Putin is bent on "a full-scale Intrusion of Ukraine."

Johnson Aforesaid Putin had "completely torn up international law" and British sanctions would Object not just the regions of Donetsk and Luhansk but "Russian economic interests as hard as we can."

Johnson is to set out Far Inside information of the sanctions in the House of Commons later Tuesday.

He told Spreaders that this would be "just the 1st barrage of U.K. economic sanctions against Russia because we expect, I'm afraid, that In that location is more Russian irrational behavior to come."

"I'm afraid all the evidence is that President Putin is So bent on a full-scale Intrusion of the Ukraine, the overrunning, the Subjection of an independent, Self-governing European country and I Consider, let's be Perfectly clear, that would be Perfectly catastrophic."


PARIS — French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian condemned in Effectful Footing on Tuesday the move by Russian President Vladimir Putin to recognize breakaway republics in Ukraine as a violation of international law and the Minsk peace agreement with Ukraine.

"Obviously, we will take the initiative to impose sanctions," he Aforesaid, adding that EU International Rectors will meet "to examine Unneurotic what measures to take."

The 27-nation EU has Aforesaid Information technology would impose sanctions against Russia in case of an Intrusion of Ukraine.


BRUSSELS — A top European Union Administrative unit says Russia's recognition of the Ukrainian Fissiparous regions of Luhansk and Donetsk as independent Countrys and to send Soldiery into the territories is an "act of war."

Didier Reynders, the European Commissioner for Justice, Aforesaid the 27-nation bloc is ready to implement sanctions against Russia.

Speaking to Belgian Spreader RTBF, Reynders Aforesaid a unanimous accord from EU member countries is Needful for new sanctions to be imposed.

He Aforesaid the Expected measures would evolve Step by step, depending on Russian actions. The 1st types would be Change of location bans against individuals and sanctions against economic entities via the Grasping of assets in Europe and abroad.

In addition, Reynders Aforesaid "it will be Essential to ensure that In that location are no more imports of goods or services from Russia, such as energy, and that Russia's Spherical access to Commercial enterprise services is Ended."

"Everything is on the Board," he Aforesaid, adding member Countrys were discussing how Graduated the moves would be and the possibility for diplomacy to ease the conflict.


COPENHAGEN, Denmark — Nordic Leadership condemned Russia's decision to recognize the Ukrainian Fissiparous regions of Luhansk and Donetsk as independent Countrys, Expression Tuesday that Moscow had Desecrated Ukraine's Reign and Regional Unity. Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde called Information technology "a blatant violation of international law."

Denmark Foreign Minister Jepp Kofod called the Russian move "harmful" and Aforesaid the Scandinavian Country urged Moscow to "stop Information technologys breach of international law."

In Finland, President Sauli Niinisto Aforesaid the country would respond in unison with the European Union, of which Information technology is a member. Non-EU member Norway Aforesaid the Russian decision "directly contradicts the Disembodied spirit and the letter of the Minsk agreements."


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