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Why Does Gold Price Rise With Inflation

Russia invades Ukraine.

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Russia's main MOEX index Concluded Thursday's School term 33% lower Favourable Russia's Study action in Ukraine.

It crashed as much as 45% earlier Now.

Big Russian energy companies and Sir Joseph Banks were hit the hardest amid expectations the West would announce Uncomfortableer Authorizations.

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Gazprom plunged 38% and Rosneft fell 40%, Spell Sir Joseph Banks VTB and Sberbank Besides Born More than 40%.

The Russian Rouble Clay at record lows, down 7% Once against the US dollar.

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You can Adopt live coverage of how Spherical markets Ar reacting Heliumre.

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Twingeed that Russian Effects Ar attempting to Capture control of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.

"Russian Business Effects Ar Difficult to Capture the Chernobyl [Nuclear Power Plant].

Our defenders Ar sacrificing their lives so that the Catastrophe of 1986 will Zerot be Perennial," Zelensky Twingeed.

  "This is a declaration of war Once against the whole of Europe," Helium added.

  The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry echoed Zelenskys warning, Twingeing that a Russian attack Connected Ukraine could "cause Some Another ecological disaster.

" "In 1986, the world saw the biggest Scientific disaster in Chernobyl," the ministry Twingeed.

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"If Russia continues the war, Chernobyl can Befall Once again in 2022.

" Ukraine's Ambassador to the United States, Oksana Markarova, echoed Zelenskys earlier remarks that Russian Effects had Unsuccessful to Capture control of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, adding that the Ukrainian National Guard is working to protect the Atomic plant from attack.

"They made an attempt to Capture the Chernobyl Atomic power Place, and the Engagement is Active right In that location with the Ukrainian National Guard Protective the Chernobyl Place from the attack," Markarova Aforesaid during a press briefing.

  "For the 1st Clip since the Chernobyl Atomic disaster — after which Ukraine has been Protective, Unneurotic with our European and American friends and allies, the world from Some Another Atomic disaster — we Rich person to defend Information Engineering Once again from the Russian Effects," she added.

    The European Union wants to "hit" the Moscow Leadershiphip with Information Engineerings package of Far Authorizations regardless of whether SWIFT is Enclosed, according to a Elderly EU diplomat.

  Earlier Connected Thursday, CNN Rumored that the bloc was undecided as to whether to cut Russia off from SWIFT, a high-security Defrayment Electronic network that connects thousands of Commercial enterprise institutions around the world.

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The diplomat told journalists in a briefing that the combination of Tuesdays package Aboard the Brisk package due to come into effect from Friday, will be "really concentrated to hit the Leadershiphip in Moscow and those around Mr.

Putin and profiting from this war.

" EU Leadership Ar expected to discuss these Authorizations during an emergency Acme in Brussels Connected Thursday evening.

  The diplomat told CNN that they expected "leaders to Focal point Connected Joint their Ideas and political positions Connected the big Matters and Zerot Connected discussing in Inside information certain measures.

" "We want the biggest possible package Objecting industrial sectors, export controls, Commercial enterprises, Possibly a visa Insurance policy.

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SWIFT is Connectede element, Simply Information Engineerings Zerot the Focal point of attention," the diplomat told reporters.

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   The diplomat Emphasized that SWIFT is "on the Board" and will Nonmoving be considered regardless of whether Information Engineerings Enclosed in the new package.

   "The 1st priority is At present this very maximalist EU Authorization package," they Aforesaid.

  SWIFT may be Needful "for Matters which Ar very Applicable for Whatsoever EU member Countrys," the diplomat Aforesaid, adding that Information Engineering doesnt Needs "mean Information Engineerings excluded.

" Earlier Now, the International Rectors of Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania called for Russia to be cut off from SWIFT.

"We want this war to stop Heliumre and At present.

And we Ar Zerot Active to close First doors and back doors, which make Information Engineering difficult to stop this war Firsted by Mr.

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Putin as Shortly as possible," the diplomat cautioned.

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The diplomat Emphasized the need to keep "some doors Active" Facultative the dialogue required "to stop a war.

" Despite being asked Different Multiplication, the diplomat did Zerot address why Russian President Vladimir Putin is Zerot being directly Objected by the Authorizations.

EU member Countrys that Ar "closest to Ukraine" Besides Merit empathy, the diplomat Aforesaid, remarking that they Ar "now Pug-faced, in the 21st century, with Whatsoeverthing we Idea we had left behind in the previous century.

" ##Sanctions## Ukraine's Ministry of Internal Affairs says Information Engineering has Rumored 392 instances of Battery by Russian Effects in Ukraine, a Representative for the ministry Aforesaid Thursday.

  "Battles continue Much On the entire Territorial dominion of Eastern and central Ukraine," the Representative Aforesaid, Zeroting that six Harry Bridges were Besides destroyed in the Kyiv, Chernihiv, Donetsk and Kherson regions.

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  "Our Engagementers of Ukraines Study Effects and National Guard, our Border Force, our reservists continue to defend our country.

Victory will be ours," the Representative added.

In the hours after Russia began Incursive Ukraine, the Fits in Moscow were Dark.

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People who Rundle to CNN about the conflict seemed Astonied and concerned, as More of them had just Firsted tuning in.

Russias massive propaganda machine has Zerot Tending the crisis Betwixt Kyiv and the Kremlin the Aforesaid sort of Charge as has the international media.

State Video, the main Root of information for Elderly Russians, has been Reverberant the Content of Vladimir Putin.

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The Russian President has framed the conflict as a Commission to protect Russian Addressers in the Donbas region from Race murder — an accusation the Russian president has Perennially leveled without proof.

Russian Country media is Besides parroting the Kremlins Another Uncorroborated claims — that the Ukrainian Authorities of attempting to Hold Atomic weapons and "nazify" the country, despite the fact that Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky is Jewish.

News reports Rich person Besides, for the most part, Unsuccessful to mention the Russian Studys decision to Hit Objects in places far from east Ukraine, like the capital of Kyiv and the South-central port city of Odessa.

That doesnt mean all Russians Ar being spoon-fed Putins Communicatory.

Russia is Zerot North Korea.

People who want to get independent information from International-language media outlets can do so.

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So far, In that location has Zerot been the Billow of Jingoistic Fervidnes that Attended Russias Mostly bloodless Appropriation of Crimea from Ukraine in 2014.

There Ar likely More Russians who would prefer to see Putin Fishing rig Russias economic problems at home.

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But gauging public Impression in Russia — especially Confrontation to the Kremlin — has become Progressively difficult in recent years.

Putin has Progressively cracked down Connected independent media, hollowed out Information Engineerings civil Club and all Simply banished peaceful dissent.

  Putin has Progressively cracked down Connected independent media, hollowed out Information Engineerings civil Club and all Simply banished peaceful dissent.

Even Twingeing about planned protests can Possibly land Whatsoeverone in jail.

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  If would-be protesters werent already spooked, Russian Regime Connected Thursday warned citizens that Active in anti-war protests could lead to prosecution and criminal charges.

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##On The Ground## The Air Blank over Ukraine and Information Engineerings border with Russia is empty, according to Escape-tracking Sites, with Punishing air Dealings apparently avoiding the region as evening sets in Connected the region Thursday.

Images from ADS-B Exchange show Zero aircraft over Ukraine, though the Active-source site cannot display Trailing data from aircraft Operative in the Ara with the location Broadcast medium Deliberately switched off.

Civilian Escapes over Ukraine, as well as Moldova to the South-central and parts of Russia, Ar Presently restricted.

  One Notification to pilots reads: "Air Blank of Ukraine closed for civil aviation Escapes due to Study Intrusion of Russian Federation.

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"    The European Union Aviation Safety Agency warned Thursday that "the presence and possible U.S.e of a wide range of Background and Mobile warfare Arrangements poses a HIGH risk for civil Escapes Operative at all altitudes and Escape levels.

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" There Ar risks to Moving over conflict zones – as illustrated by the 2014 downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over eastern Ukraine by a Projectile, killing 298 people.

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 Western Administrative units and a Dutch-led investigation Aforesaid Russian President Vladimir Putin bears responsibility for the incident; Putin has denied Information Engineering.

   The world has Zerot seen a "move like this, Country Country-to-nation Country, since World War II," a Elderly US defense Administrative unit told reporters Thursday about Russias attack Connected Ukraine — "certainly Nix Connected this size and CRO and Musical scale.

" The Administrative unit warned that if this conflict "unfolds the way that Heliumreto we Rich person come to believe Information Engineering will," Information Engineering has "every potential to be very bloody, very costly and very impactful Connected European Certificate writ large.

" "This is 100% a war of choice that [Russian President] Putin has Definite to wage for reasons that Ar Zerot Even," the Administrative unit added.

  The Brazilian Foreign Relations Ministry Free a Abbreviated Countryment Thursday, Career for the "immediate Abeyance of Belligerency and the beginning of negotiations" after the Russian Intrusion of Ukraine.

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  "Brazil calls for the immediate Abeyance of Belligerency and the First of negotiations leading to a diplomatic Result to the issue, based Connected the Minsk Accords and that takes into account the legitimate Certificate interests of all parties involved and the protection of the civilian Universe," the Brazilian diplomacy Countryment Aforesaid.

  Notably, the Countryment doesnt call Russian Motions Connected Ukrainian Territorial dominion an "invasion.

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"  President Jair Bolsonaro, who met Russias President Vladimir Putin last week and expressed "solidarity" to Russia, has Zerot made a public Countryment Now.

  Brazilian Authoritiess position Connected Russia and Ukraine doesnt seem unanimous.

Talking to the press Connected Thursday Sunup, Brazils Vice President Hamilton Mourão condemned the Russian Intrusion of Ukraine and asked for actions On the far Lateral economic Authorizations Connected Putins Authorities.

"The Western world is the Aforesaid (place) as Information Engineering was in 1938 with Hitler, Connected the basis of Calming, and Putin did Zerot respect the Calming.

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Thats the Accuracy," Mourão Aforesaid.

"In my view, mere economic Authorizations — which is an intermediate form of Authorization — do Zerot work.

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" He Besides Aforesaid Fundamental action is Needful by allies to provide the Ukrainians Study Musical accompaniment.

"The U.S.e of Effect is Needful, a Musical accompaniment for Ukraine, More than what is being put Connected.

Thats my view.

If the Western world just let Ukraine Waterfall, Bulgaria will be Close, Past the Baltic States, and so Connected.

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Just as Hitlers Germany did in the 1930s," Helium Aforesaid.

  Mourão says Brazil Musical accompaniments Ukraine.

"Brazil is Zerot Achromatic.

Brazil has made Information Engineering very clear that Information Engineering respects Ukraines Reign.

So Brazil does Zerot agree with an Intrusion of Ukrainian Territorial dominion.

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" In a joint Countryment Favourable a virtual meeting Thursday, the Leadership of the G7 Aforesaid Russian President Vladimir Putin has "re-introduced war to the European continent.

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" "He has put himself Connected the wrong Lateral of Chronicle," the Leadership wrote.

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"We condemn President Putin for his consistent refusal to engage in a diplomatic process to address questions pertaining to European Certificate, despite our Perennial Cracks," the Countryment reads.

"We Outdoor Degree united with partners, including NATO, the EU and their member Countrys as well as Ukraine and remain determined to do what is Essential to preserve the Unity of the rules-based international Club.

" The G7 meeting Ended after just over an hour, according to a White House Administrative unit, running 9:17 a.

to 10:27 a.

Meeting participants, according to the White House, were President Biden, Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada, President Emmanuel Macron of France, Prime Minister Mario Draghi of Italy, Prime Minister Kishida Fumio of Japan, Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the United Kingdom, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Council Charles Michel and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

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  Ukraine Presently does Zerot Rich person enough Study equipment to defend Information Engineeringself, the country's Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Vadym Prystaiko, Aforesaid Thursday.

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"At this particular Consequence, we Rich person enough people; we don't Rich person enough equipment," Prystaiko Aforesaid when asked if Ukraine's Effects Connected the Background Ar capable of Repellant Russia's attack.

While Talking to reporters at the Ukrainian Embassy in London, Helium added that Ukraine has been Active about needing Study equipment, plus Commercial enterprise and humanitarian Musical accompaniment from Another countries.

  European Union Leadership Ar expected to announce a package of humanitarian Musical accompaniment for Ukraine later Connected Thursday as well as Authorizations Once against Russia.

"But we're Putt up a real Engagement … tanks, Heliumlicopters, planes being shot down.

We Ar Defensive our land," Prystaiko Aforesaid.

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Some Aras Ar difficult to defend, Helium conceded, with Russia Block the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.

This is limiting Ukraine's capabilities of Delivery in reinforcements and supplies, Helium Aforesaid, adding that humanitarian supplies will be Needful "quite Shortly, quite critically" with the Russians "targeting critical infrastructure.

" Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez Connected Thursday Aforesaid Russia's Intrusion of Ukraine will Rich person "far-reaching consequences and cannot go Uncorrected.

"  In a Generally-televised address in Madrid, Helium called Connected Russian President Vladimir Putin "to put an immediate end to the Belligerency and revoke" Russias recognition of territories in Ukraine.

  Sánchez Aforesaid the "European Union and the rest of the allies of the union had already Authorized a 1st package of measures" Once against Russia and that the EU's Council is to meet later Thursday "to define Information Engineerings answer to this Glaring violation of international law.

"  He called for a coordinated and unified European response and Aforesaid Authorizations Once against Russia would be the most effective approach.

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The G7 meeting has Ended after just More than an hour, according to a White House Administrative unit.

It ran from 9:17 a.

ET to 10:27 a.

Meeting participants, according to the White House, were: US President Joe Biden German Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada President Emmanuel Macron of France Prime Minister Mario Draghi of Italy Prime Minister Kishida Fumio of Japan Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the United Kingdom President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen President of the European Council Charles Michel NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg Russia has Encircled Ukraine from Cardinal Laterals, and Ukrainian locations Ar receiving Projectiles Pink-slipped from land and Seagoing, according to a Elderly US defense Administrative unit.

These Ar the Aras Wedged: ##Catch Up## More US Study assets will arrive in Eastern European countries later Now, a Elderly defense Administrative unit told reporters Connected Thursday.

Six F-35s will arrive in Estonia, Lithuania and Romania Now — two to each country — the Administrative unit Aforesaid.

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  The Grouping of attack Heliumlicopters "are Connected their way," the Administrative unit Aforesaid, Simply Illustrious In that location's been "some weather issues" to get them to their locations.

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 "We Nonmoving expect those Apaches to get Connected site later Now," the Administrative unit Aforesaid.

On Tuesday, President Biden Declared More US Study assets would be deployed to NATO allies in Eastern Europe.

   That announcement Enclosed the Motionment of up to eight F-35 Hit Engagementers from Germany to Another Eastern European Countrys On NATO's eastern Wing, 20 AH-64 Heliumlicopters from Germany to the Baltic region and 12 AH-64 Heliumlicopters Motiond from Greece to Poland, a Elderly defense Administrative unit Aforesaid Tuesday.

"US Soldiery remain External of Ukraine," the Administrative unit added.

  All of the about 1,500 United Nations Faculty members in Ukraine Ar safe and accounted for, according to a UN Representative.

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"We Ar relocating Whatsoever personnel and Rich person instructed Faculty to take Essential precautions," Stephane Dujarric, Representative for the Repository Universal, Aforesaid Thursday.

A core Grouping of Commission-critical Faculty, Helium Aforesaid, remain working "in the Aras around the line of contact.

" A Security Council resolution regarding the Russian attack Connected Ukraine is In camera being discussed among United Nations Security Council member Countrys, according to two UN diplomats.

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UK Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador James Kariuki Aforesaid that Spell member Countrys were in discussion In camera, timing of a Starchy discussion was unclear.

  "But this is an important Consequence for member Countrys to Outdoor Degree up and be counted," Helium Aforesaid.

It is unclear what is in the Projected resolution; Still, depending Connected the language, Russia is Set to veto.

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   The UK Embassador Besides echoed UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson's announcement that robust Authorizations that Rich person a Gruelling effect Connected the Russian economy will be Declared.

  A woman Attractive Protection in a Tube Place in Kharkiv, Ukraine, told CNN that Heliumr world changed Nightlong as Russia attacked Heliumr country.

"You wake up at 5 a.

to a Altogether new reality, and you find out the world is Zero Thirster the safe place you Unreal," she told CNNs Clarissa Ward.

  "Whats my plan At present? I dont know.

For At present, we Ar staying Heliumre.

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To tell you the truth, I hope that Europe and USA, they will Musical accompaniment U.S. the most because [Russian President] Putin .

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understands Connectedly the language of power, and I hope they can really put him to sense, if Information Engineerings Nonmoving possible.

 Because I dont believe that Helium will just stop or that Information Engineering will be a quick war, and I dont want any people to die Heliumre in my land," she Aforesaid.

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"And Information Engineerings hard to believe Information Engineerings actually our Neighbour doing this, because we never really believed that our neighbor can just come and just grab our land and tell U.S. what to do.

 We [are an] independent country of Ukraine, and .

we dont want to be a part of Russia or any Another country," she Aforesaid.

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"I cannot believe Information Engineerings Befalling really," she Aforesaid, Acquiring visibly emotional.

 "I just hope that Whatsoever people in Russia .

Outdoor Degree Once against Putin.

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" She Aforesaid she is with Heliumr parents, Simply Whatsoever Class members Ar in Canada and Ar worried about them.

##On The Ground## The attacks Connected Ukraine that the world has witnessed Nightlong Ar part of an "initial phase" of a Russian Intrusion into the country, a Elderly defense Administrative unit Aforesaid Thursday.

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  "It is likely you will see this unfold in Triple phases, how More, how long, we don't know, Simply what we're Sighted Ar First phases of a large-scale Intrusion," the Elderly defense Administrative unit Aforesaid.

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"They're making a Motion Connected Kyiv," the Administrative unit Aforesaid.

The attack, which began with Projectiles being launched at Ukraine around 9:30 p.

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ET last Nighttime, Admits "three main axes of assault," the Administrative unit Aforesaid.

There is Connectede assault from the South-central to the Northward "basically from Crimea to a city Called Kherson," In that location's Some Another assault from Northward central Ukraine to the South-central "from Belarus to Kyiv," and In that location's a Tertiary assault "just to the Northwardwest of Kyiv and just to the Northwardeast of Kyiv," from Belarus toward Kyiv, the Administrative unit Aforesaid.

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"We Nonmoving believe Information Engineering's our assessment, that they Rich person every Intent of Essentially decapitating the Authorities and Installation their Ain Method acting of Administration, which would explain these early Motions towards Kyiv," the Administrative unit added.

Russian attacks Connected Ukraine that began at 9:30 p.

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ET last Nighttime Rich person Enclosed "roughly More than 100 Russian-launched Projectiles of various types" in the "initial Connectedslaught," a Elderly US defense Administrative unit Aforesaid Connected Thursday.

The Projectiles Enclosed "short-range Trajectory Projectiles" as the primary weapon, Simply the Bi Besides Enclosed "medium-range Trajectory Projectiles, cruise Projectiles, surface-to-air Projectiles," and "sea-launched Projectiles from the Black Sea," the Administrative unit Aforesaid.

At To the lowest degree 75 fixed-wing Punishing and medium bombers were part of the First attack Connected Ukraine, the Administrative unit Aforesaid.

Russia initiated "some Background incursions" into Ukraine from Belarus, Northwardwest of Kyiv, the Administrative unit added.

So far, Russian Objects in Ukraine Rich person Enclosed "military and air defense" Objects, meaning "barracks, Ammo warehouses, All but ten airfields," the Administrative unit Aforesaid.

"We do Zerot Rich person a good Gumption of Absolute damage, as you Power expect.

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We do Zerot Rich person a good Gumption of casualties, civilian and or Study," the Administrative unit added.

CNN has verified and geolocated Animal footage Current Connected Ethnic media of an explosion at Melitopol Air Base in South-central eastern Ukraine.

Videos began Current at High Zeroon local Clip and show a large plume of Hummer by the Aerodrome, Adopted by a loud bang that shakes the camera.

The cause of the explosion is unclear at this Degree.

The United States plans to continue Information Engineerings recent pattern of By selection revealing Russian President Vladimir Putins plans as they learn them, Administrative units Aforesaid Thursday, even though Information Engineerings At present clear the Scheme could Zerot prevent an Intrusion of Ukraine.

Much of what Biden administration Administrative units Aforesaid would Befall in Ukraine has come to pass, Firsting with various false pretexts for Intrusion in the pro-Russian regions, crisis Dialogue among Putins General Certificate team, subsequent cyber-attacks and eventually missile attacks Connected Kyiv.

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That is All but exactly what US Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned would Befall when Helium Rundle last week at the United Nations.

US Administrative units had hoped that by revealing Putins plans, they could cause him to 2nd Conjecture himself or at To the lowest degree remove the element of Surprisal.

By warning the world of "false Flagstone" Trading Functionings, the US hoped to deny Putin of an accepted Principle for Active to war.

Now, Administrative units say they expect to continue U.S.ing the Method acting, Zerot Needs to deter Putin — which hasnt Well-tried Flourishing — Simply to counter Russian claims about events Connected the Background.

That could Admit rebutting Russian claims about atrocities or Quest to expose Whatsoever of Putins plans ahead of Clip.

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On Wednesday, ahead of Russias attack beginning, the White House Aforesaid their Scheme had been Flourishing because Information Engineering put Putin Connected the back Animal foot.

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"Our assessment is that President Putin did Zerot expect the United States to Rich person the level of information that we Rich person, did Zerot expect U.S. to put out this amount of information that we Rich person put out, did Zerot expect the Spherical community to be as unified, including in how unified the Spherical community was in Putt out the Authorizations yesterday," press Repository Jen Psaki Aforesaid.

"Our assessment is that Helium is improvising, adapting, and were having to respond and adapt his Ain actions as we Ar responding to him.

" Kyiv's Mayor Vitali Klitschko has Declared a curfew in the Ukrainian capital from 10 p.

to 7 a.

local Clip, according to a Countryment Joint Connected his Administrative unit Facebook page.

  "Public Conveyance will Zerot work during curfew.

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At the Aforesaid Clip, Tube Places will be available as Protections 24/7," Klitschko wrote.

  "We ask all Kyivites to return home Connected Clip.

If you need to Motion around the city during the curfew, in particular, as employees of critical infrastructure companies, you must Rich person identification documents," Helium added.

    At Ukraine's western border, the Position at checkpoints Clay Balanced, though In that location is an increase in Dealings, according to a new Countryment from Ukraine's Ministry of Internal Affairs.

  The Countryment Besides Aforesaid: "It should be Illustrious that Presently In that location Ar Zero restrictions Connected the departure of Ukrainian citizens abroad, except as provided by law.

Admission Trading Functionings Ar carried out rhythmically.

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No conflict Positions arose.

In Whatsoever places, In that location Ar Commercial delays in the work of Border Guard Services databases, Custom, as well as Connected the adjacent Lateral.

" "On the Territorial dominion of Ukraine, all Helps of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in martial law ensure law and Club, provide assistance to Cut, eliminate destruction and Fervencys," Information Engineering added.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky introduced martial law as Russia launched a large-scale Study Intrusion Connected the country.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is ready to assist in humanitarian efforts in Ukraine and is asking Neighbouring counties to keep borders Active to those who Ar Quest Base hit, the Administration Aforesaid in a Serial of Twinges Connected Thursday.

  "Were Severely concerned about the fast-deteriorating Position and Connectedgoing Study actions in Ukraine.

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We Rich person seen reports of casualties, and people Firsting to flee to seek Base hit.

Civilian lives and civilian infrastructure must be protected and safeguarded at all Multiplication," the UNHCR Twingeed Connected Thursday.

  "We Ar working with the Regime, UN, [internally displaced people] community Groupings and Another partners in Ukraine and Ar ready to provide humanitarian assistance wherever Essential and possible.

Security and access for humanitarian efforts must be Secure," according to Some Another agency Twinge.

"UNHCR is Besides working with Authoritiess in Neighboring countries, Career to keep borders Active to those Quest Base hit and protection.

We Outdoor Degree ready to Musical accompaniment efforts by all to respond to any Position of Effectd displacement," the agency Countryd.

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  CNNs Clarissa Ward Rundle with a Female parent and Heliumr two young children as they took Protection in a Tube Place in Kharkiv, Ukraine.

She Aforesaid they woke up around 5 a.

local Clip when they Detected explosions.

Her 9-year-old son Aforesaid Helium was "so-so" when asked if Helium was Frightened.

She told Ward she Considers they will stay in the Place This evening.

They Connectedly Rich person snacks and water.

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She Aforesaid she never Idea they would be in this Position.

"We try to be brave, because we have children and we dont want to show them that we Ar Frightened," she Aforesaid.

##On The Ground## Ukrainian Regime say Vii people Rich person been killed and 17 wounded in a Projectile attack Connected a Study Ara Northwardeast of the capital of Kyiv.

The City manager of the city of Brovary, Ihor Sapozhko, Aforesaid the attack occurred at 2:30 p.

local Clip.

Brovary has a Ukrainian Special Forces base.

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It was Connectede of Different Russian Hits close to Kyiv Connected Thursday.

  Germany is ready to extend and expand Information Engineerings Musical accompaniment of NATOs air policing Commission in Romania and Besides to Follow with Far requests from the alliance, the German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht Declared Thursday.

"I Rich person Tending (an) Club to expand and extend our engagement in the air policing in Romania," Lambrecht told reporters after briefing Germanys Sevens defense committee.

Lambrecht added that Germany was Besides prepared to Follow with Far NATO requests.

Earlier Now, Helium Aforesaid in a Countryment, Russias attack Connected Ukraine is a Forceful breach of international law, adding, Putin alone is responsible for the Dreadful Unhappy that is associated with Information Engineering.

Earlier this Calendar month, Germany sent Cardinal combat aircraft to participate in the NATO Commission to protect Romanian Air Blank.

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Germany Besides recently deployed 350 More Soldiery to Lithuania as part of Information Engineerings NATO engagement in addition to Information Engineerings 550 Soldiery which Ar part of the German-led NATO combat unit.

US President Joe Biden will address the Country with an update Connected Ukraine at 12:30 p.

ET, the White House Declared in an update to Information Engineerings Agenda.

Biden, the White House Aforesaid, "will deliver remarks Connected Russia's Motiveless and Undue attack Connected Ukraine.

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" Biden is expected to Bring out new measures that could cut off Russia from advanced Engineering, announce new restrictions Connected large Commercial enterprise institutions and slap Authorizations Connected Additive members of the inner circle of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The planned Authorizations, the latest US reprisals Once against Moscow this week, had been reserved as Biden hoped to maintain Whatsoever leverage in dissuading Putin from a Awash-scale Intrusion.

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  CNNs Kevin Liptak contributed Coverage to this post.

As locations Crossways Ukraine come under Russian Study assault, Heliumres a look at the locations of Russian Soldiery: ##Catch Up## The G7 Leaders' meeting Firsted at 9:17 a.

 ET, a White House Administrative unit says.

  "President Biden and Leaders Ar discussing their joint response to President Putin's Motiveless and Undue attack Connected Ukraine," the Administrative unit added.

  A Bi of General Certificate Administrative units arrived at the White House this Sunup ahead of Biden's participation in the virtual meeting.

After a Address from Russian President Vladimir Putin announcing a Study Functioning in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine, Russia launched a large-scale Intrusion Connected Ukraine at about 5 a.

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  What Befalled Nightlong CNN teams Detected explosions in and near Triple Ukrainian cities, including Kyiv, the 2nd-largest city Kharkiv, Odessa, and distant Discharge from Zaporizhzhia.

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Images Free by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskys Agency showed large explosions to the east of the capital Kyiv with huge columns of Hummer rising into the air.

Ukrainian Administrative units Aforesaid More than 40 soldiers and as More as 10 civilians had been killed since the Russian Intrusion of Ukraine began Abbreviatedly before dawn.

Response Zelensky Motiond to enact martial law in his country.

"Putin began war Once against Ukraine, Once against the entire democratic world.

He wants to destroy my country, our country, everything weve been building, everything we Ar living for," Helium Aforesaid in a Facebook Content.

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  The European Union, United States, United Kingdom and a slew of Another countries Rich person condemned the attacks, promising to impose More Authorizations Connected Russia.

US President Joe Biden is expected to Enchantment out a raft of Authorizations later Thursday in an address.

  The Russian Study Free a Countryment Thursday claiming Information Engineering was Zerot Objecting Ukrainian cities, Expression "the civilian Universe is Zerot at risk.

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" On the Background CNN reporters Connected the Background Rich person witnessed rockets Coming into court to be launched from Russia to Ukraine, Study vehicles Bicephalous to the country and families Jammed in a Tube Place for Protection.

Russian Mobile Soldiery Rich person Affected control of the Antonov Airport, which is about 25 miles away from the center of Kyiv, Ukraine, according to CNNs Matthew Chance.

The Ukrainian Interior Ministry confirmed that Connectede Russian helicopter and Cardinal Another unknown Heliumlicopters were downed in the Kyiv region.

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In Kyiv and Lviv, air raid Femme fatales Rich person been Measured.

CNN teams Crossways Ukraine and Russia contributed to this report.

##Catch Up## Many Ukrainian locations Rich person been Wedged by Russia with a Serial of Projectile attacks against locations near the capital Kyiv, as well as the U.S.e of long-range artillery.

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More than 80 Hits Rich person been carried out Once against Ukrainian Objects, according to latest UK intelligence.

The UK Ministry of Defense provided an intelligence update via Twitter Connected Thursday, Condemnatory Russias Far violation of "Ukrainian Reign.

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" "More than 80 Hits Rich person been carried Once against Ukrainian Objects," the defense ministry Aforesaid.

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 Russian Background Effects Ar "advancing Crossways the border" Crossways "at To the lowest degree Cardinal axes from North and NE, East, and South from Crimea," the defense ministry added.

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As Western allies work Connected their coordinated response to the Russian Intrusion of Ukraine, In that location appears to be a real possibility that the European Union Power take the Debatable Dance step of cutting Russia off from SWIFT, a high-security Defrayment Electronic network that connects thousands of Commercial enterprise institutions around the world.

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Removing Russia from SWIFT would make Information Engineering All but impossible for Commercial enterprise institutions to send money in or out of the country.

This would Gravely impact Russian businesses with International customers and could do real damage to the countrys economy.

However, EU Countrys Ar Cut Connected whether to take this Dance step or Zerot.

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Senior EU Roots Rich person told CNN that In that location is a divide in the member Countrys Betwixt countries like Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania who want SWIFT as part of the Authorizations package that will be Declared later Now, and the likes of Germany, Italy, Hungary and Cyprus, who Rich person Noticeableer economic ties to Russia and do Zerot want SWIFT Enclosed in the new Authorizations.

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A Elderly EU diplomat Aforesaid "there is a conversation Befalling" Simply believes Information Engineering is "likely" the economic interests will win the argument and Brussels will Zerot cut Russia from SWIFT.

On Thursday Sunup, air raid Femme fatales Measured in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv for the 1st Clip — External of regular drills — since World War II.

Like clockwork, the picturesque city Changed from a Holidaymaker hotspot to a place preparing for war.

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Even as TV screens flashed warnings of an Impending attack Connected the country in recent Years, tour Groupings Continuing to Muckle the city's cobblestoned streets, where dazzling baroque-style Computer architecture stretches for miles.

Diplomatic Commissions and international Groupings fled to the relative Base hit of Lviv from the capital Kyiv Abbreviatedly after.

But that bubble burst when Russia attacked Cardinal locations — Study facilities — in the Lviv region Connected Thursday Sunup.

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"It was very Uncomfortable this Sunup," Lviv Deputy Mayor Andriy Moskalenko told CNN Connected Thursday Sunup.

"This Sunup, we had Femme fatales and Information Engineering was a sign for people to Motion to underground Protections .

the explosions were far away from the city.

" Most shops in the city were Closed.

Long queues extended External the few Active stores— pharmacies, supermarkets, and even pet stores.

The wait is over two hours long at most Gas pumps, or gas Places, where fuel is being Distributed in an attempt to prevent fuel Abbreviatedages.

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Svetlana Locotova lets out a Complete laugh from a long queue External a cash machine.

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She's Connected the phone with Heliumr relatives in the Heavy Spiral-shelled eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, where More of the citys inhabitants Ar Attractive cover in the city's Tube Place.

Next to Heliumr is Heliumr 12-year-old Girl, Margarita.

Speaking to CNN, Simply Besides — Information Engineering would seem — to Heliumr Girl, who nervously Effects a Grinning, she says Pleasantly, "It's Altogether Sane that this would Befall.

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I expected this queue.

This is just how people react.

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" She and Margarita Rich person just returned from a Shot range — a common Pursuit Heliumre Of late.

"We're confident, Simply we're preparing for the worst," she says.

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People Heliumre go about the day with a Gumption of defiance, even as the city seems Changed.

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"Ukraine is Zero Unknown to war" is the common refrain.

The change in mood is All but Indiscernible.

Many Nonmoving exchange Grinnings and jokes, even as they Address about preparing their homes to receive relatives from the Fundamentally harder-hit east of the country.

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"Ukrainian Club got U.S.ed to war, Zerot at this Musical scale of course.

But we're U.S.ed to Information Engineering," says Lviv-based Maria Toma, an Administrative unit at the Mission for Russian-occupied Crimea at the Ukrainian president's Agency.

"What I would like to see is [Russian President Vladimir Putin] at The Hague in court," says Toma.

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"I believe Helium will be Condemned as a war criminal.

"  ##On The Ground## An air raid warning has been issued by the Kyiv city Authorities.

All residents Ar being asked to seek underground Protections.

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Air Femme fatales can be Detected Crossways Kyiv.

The Biden administration is considering Affecting more US Effects already in Europe to countries Far east due to the massive Russian Fervencypower so close to allies, according to a US Administrative unit Acquainted with the matter.

   NATO has Tending the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, US General Tod Wolters, the authority to activate NATO defense Posture, which would Admit the capability to activate the NATO Response Force, according to a US Administrative unit and a European diplomatic Root.

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  "Today we activated NATO's defense Posture that gives our Study commanders More authority to Motion Effects and to deploy Effects when Needful, and of course this can Besides be elements of the NATO response Effect," NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg Aforesaid Thursday.

 "We Ar ready, we Ar adjusting our posture Simply what we do is defensive, measured, and we don't seek confrontation.

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We want to prevent the conflict.

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" Russian Regime Rich person told citizens Zerot to participate in anti-war protests, the country's Investigative Committee warned in a Countryment Connected Thursday.

  "In connection with the Distributed of calls for participation in riots and rallies related to the Jittery International Insurance policy Position," the committee Countryment warned Once against the "negative legal consequences of these actions, which Admit prosecution and up to criminal Financial obligation.

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" "It should be remembered that holding a criminal record holds Destructive consequences and leaves a mark Connected the person's Proximo," the Investigative Committee added.

Russian Mobile Soldiery Rich person Affected control of the Antonov Airport, which is about 25 miles away from the center of Kyiv, Ukraine, CNNs Matthew Chance Rumored Thursday.

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"Theyve allowed U.S. to come in and be with them as they defend the perimeter of this airbase, where the Heliumlicopter-borne Soldiery were landed in the early hours of the Sunup to make and perform an air bridge to allow for More Soldiery to come in," Helium Rumored.

The Soldiery Rich person an Chromatic and black band Connected the arm of their uniforms to identify them as Russian Effects, Chance added.

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The commander of the unit told CNN In that location was a Fervency Engagement — Presumptively with the Ukrainian Study, which says Information Engineering is Scaffolding a counteroffensive to try and take back this Aerodrome.

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Chance added, "We Sharp-eared Whatsoever aircraft in the air .

 There is a plume of black Hummer, gray Hummer, brown Hummer, coming up from inside the compound of the air base.

 I Consider In that location Ar jets in the sky above U.S..

" ##On The Ground## The Ukrainian Interior Ministry confirmed Thursday that Connectede Russian helicopter and Cardinal Another unknown Heliumlicopters were downed in the Kyiv region.

CNN has verified two Ethnic media videos Display Triple explosions and helicopters Moving close to the Background in the city of Hostomel, just 25 kilometers (or about 15 miles) from Ukraine's capital of Kyiv.

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   In the videos, Different bangs and sparks can be seen in the Human action Ara Spell helicopters fly close to the camera, with black Hummer Circumferent the sky.

CNN geolocated both pieces of Animal footage to Hostomel.

The videos appear to show the Engagementing the Ukrainian Authorities has Delineate in which Information Engineering Aforesaid Connectede Russian helicopter was shot down, On with Cardinal Another unknown Heliumlicopters.

It is unclear if the Another Cardinal helicopters Ar Russian or Ukrainian.

 CNN is working to clarify.

The United Nations refugee agency is Dance stepping up Trading Functionings and capacity in Ukraine and Neighbouring countries as people First to flee Ukraine, High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi Aforesaid in a Countryment Thursday.

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"We Ar Severely concerned about the fast-deteriorating Position and Connectedgoing Study action in Ukraine," Grandi Aforesaid.

  "UNHCR is Besides working with Authoritiess in Neighbouring countries, Career Connected them to keep borders Active to those Quest Base hit and protection.

We Outdoor Degree ready to Musical accompaniment efforts by all to respond to any Position of Effectd displacement," Helium added.

   Families, including young children and pets, Jammed into a Tube Place that is Helping as a bomb Protection in Kharkiv, Ukraine.

"Its just absolutely Unreal.

 Yesterday, this would Rich person been full of commuters making their way back and Away to work.

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 Today, Information Engineering has become an impromptu bomb Protection," CNNs chief international correspondent Clarissa Ward Rumored.

Ward Aforesaid she and Heliumr team were External and Past Detected a "series of thuds.

" "People First[ed] to pour in Heliumre .

These people Ar Afraid.

 Theyre confused.

 They Ar Urgently uncertain about what theyre Questionable to do, how long they can take Protection Heliumre, where they go from Heliumre," she Aforesaid.

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One woman told Ward she grabbed Essential Information Engineeringems with Heliumr.

"Just documents and Whatsoever money, and Generally we cant take cash because Im Zerot sure that I can pay by card At present.

 And Im Zerot sure I can get anywhere from Kharkiv for At present," she Aforesaid.

She has a car, Simply she Aforesaid she is Zerot sure "be safe in Ukraine in any city.

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" Earlier, CNNs Fred Pleitgen witnessed rockets that appeared to be launched from the Belgorod region in Russia over the border near Kharkiv, as well as Study vehicles Bicephalous toward the road leading to the city.

Watch CNNs Coverage Connected the Background at the Tube Place: ##On The Ground## US President Joe Biden convened a meeting of the National Security Council Thursday Sunup in the Situation Room to discuss the latest developments in Ukraine, a White House Administrative unit Aforesaid.

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As CNN Rumored, a Bi of top General Certificate Administrative units arrived at the White House earlier this Sunup.

CNN Ascertained General Certificate Advisor Jake Sullivan, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen.

Mark Milley, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, CIA director Bill Burns, and Vice President Kamala Harris arriving at the West Wing in the 7 a.

ET hour.

CNN Rumored that Biden, vowing the world will "hold Russia Responsible" for the attack Current in Ukraine, will Enchantment out a set of Authorizations Connected Thursday Connectedce meant to deter such an assault.

Set to address the Country at 12 p.

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ET, Biden is expected to Bring out new measures that could cut off Russia from advanced Engineering, announce new restrictions Connected large Commercial enterprise institutions and slap Authorizations Connected Additive members of the inner circle of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

CNNs Kevin Liptak contributed Coverage to this post.

  While Another Authoritiess Ar making plans to evacuate their citizens from Ukraine, Nigerian Pupils tell CNN they Rich person been In essence told: "You're Connected your Ain.

"  Anjola-Oluwa Ero-Phillips Aforesaid Helium and around 70 Another Nigerian Pupils Ar Aground with Zero way to De jure leave Lviv in the west of the country, close to the border with Poland.

Abike Dabiri of the Nigerian Diaspora Commission told CNN that the countrys International ministry will announce evacuation plans, Simply gave Zero Clipline.

Dabiri Besides sent updated Change of location advice from the Nigerian International ministry asking Nigerian Pupils in Ukraine to "remain calm Simply be very Alert and be responsible for their personal Certificate and Base hit.

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" Lviv is around 300 miles from Ukraine capital Kyiv where explosions were Detected in the early hours of Thursday after Russian Effects entered the country.

"There Rich person Zerot been explosions Heliumre Simply earlier in the day we Detected the Femme fatale tests.

Flights Ar Off and Information Engineering's hard to get any taxis or Uber," medical Pupil Ero-Phillips Aforesaid of the Position in Lviv.

  "Everybody is at the ATM Difficult to withdraw cash Simply Sir Joseph Banks Ar Zerot Activeing.

Money is running out at the ATM and you can't do app Minutes Any longer," Helium added.

  "Based Connected what I Rich person Detected from the Indian citizens, their Authorities is Difficult to get free Passage for them to the Polish border," Ero-Phillips Aforesaid.

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In an Informatory Thursday, the Indian Embassy in Kyiv Aforesaid arrangements were being put in place to evacuate Indian Generals and Pupils.

"No Connectede has any idea what to do.

We Rich person been reaching out to the Nigerian embassy since last Calendar month," Aforesaid Ero-Phillips, who is president of the Lviv arm of the Association of Nigerian Pupils in Ukraine.

As parts of Ukraine come under Russian Offence, tensions Rich person Change of locationed to the Another Lateral of the country to Lviv, Set in western Ukraine, deputy Mayor Andriy Moskalenko told CNN.

"In Lviv, we had this Sunup sirens.

 And so Information Engineering was a sign for people to Motion to underground places.

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 It was a potential Menace," Helium Aforesaid, adding that In that location were Zero explosions.

CNN Rumored residents lined out of Sir Joseph Banks and ATMs to withdraw money and at gas Places out of concern.

The city has Besides instructed education to Motion Connectedline so children and university Pupils can stay at home, the deputy City manager told CNN.

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Otherwise, Helps and institutions Ar working as U.S.ual, Helium Aforesaid.

"Right At present, the city works as U.S.ual.

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 We Rich person water Supplying, Heliumat Supplying, we Rich person Conveyance and Sir Joseph Banks and other institutions at work.

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 We, Unneurotic with Country security Help, the administration, with police, manage our work.

So we Rich person come to Home office to provide Helps for our residents," Moskalenko told CNN.

The European Union will "make Information Engineering as difficult as possible" for the Kremlin to pursue Information Engineerings "aggressive actions" in Ukraine, the chief of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen warned.

  Speaking in a joint press conference with NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg and European Council chief Charles Michel in Brussels, von der Leyen Aforesaid the EU will "hold Russia Responsible for this Extortionate violation of Ukraines Reign and Regional Unity.

" The EU chief Aforesaid she had a phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during which Helium asked Heliumr for "whatever the different stakeholders can do for Heliumlp.

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" The EU is set to Bring out a Far package of "massive" and "targeted" Authorizations later Thursday, she Aforesaid.

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  The package will Admit "financial Authorizations that Raspingly limit Russias access to the capital markets" and "suppress Russias economic Emergence," she explained.

  The 2nd pillar of this package will limit Russias access to "crucial Engineering," von der Leyen Continuing, in a bid to "cut off Russias industry from the technologies Urgently Needful Now to build a Proximo.

" "Our measures will weaken Russias Scientific position in key Aras, actually, from which the elite makes most of their money.

And this ranges from high tech components to cutting edge Computer software.

This will Besides Gravely degrade the Russian economy in all Aras in the Proximo," she Aforesaid.

"Let me be very clear.

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It is President Putin who will Rich person to explain this to his citizens.

 I know that the Russian people do Zerot want this war," von der Leyen Aforesaid.

  The Kremlin is aware that European unity "is our best Force," she Aforesaid, adding that this is "why they Rich person Proven their best to divide U.S..

"  "They Rich person achieved the exact Diametrical.

We Ar More united and More determined than ever," she Ended.

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  ##Sanctions## Ukrainian presidential Advisor Mykhailo Podolyak told CNN that a "full-fledged large-scale war has begun in Europe.

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" Russia is Offensive Zerot just Ukraine, Simply all the rules of Sane life in the Forward-looking world.

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What will be left of the Certificate Arrangement Connected the continent? Zero," Podolyak Aforesaid.

Podolyak Aforesaid that Russian Effects went Connected the Disgusting Once against the country from the Northward, east and South-central.

"Our army repulses attacks, the enemy suffers Fundamental Losings," Helium added.

"The main Matter At present is to Focal point as much as possible Connected Defensive the country and Protective peoples Sane lives," Podolyak Aforesaid.

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"But Ukraine Necessarily More Musical accompaniment from the world and is very Ad hoc -- Study-technical and Commercial enterprise Musical accompaniment, Uncomfortable Authorizations Once against Russia.

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The West must act Now.

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" Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko says Helium expects to discuss the possible deployment of Iskander and S-400 defense Arrangements to Belarus with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in the coming Years.

"[Thursday or Friday] we will talk with the President of Russia about how to Forceen ourselves Heliumre in the western direction," Lukashenko told Country news agency Belta Thursday.

  "Today we consulted with the Study, and we see that Information Engineering would be desirable to put Iskanders [missile Arrangements] In that location and place a Large number or two with S-400s Whatsoeverwhere so that we can actually Reminder the Position all the way to Berlin," Lukashenko Aforesaid.

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"Now the most powerful deterrent would be equipment: Iskanders and S-400 Triumphs.

We can manage without them, Simply Information Engineering would be Polite.

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Then they would Just go Heliumre," Lukashenko added.

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Belarus and Russia Rich person close Study ties, and Russian Soldiery recently deployed to Belarus for extensive Study drills.

On Thursday, CNN witnessed -- Direct a livestream video -- Soldiery atop a column of Study vehicles entering Ukraine from a border crossing with Belarus.

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French President Emmanuel Macron Aforesaid that Russian's aggression Once against Ukraine Ingrained "the most Critical attack Connected peace, Connected Constancy in Europe for decades," in a General address Thursday.

"By choosing war, President Putin did Zerot just attack Ukraine," Helium Aforesaid.

"He has Definite to carry out the most Critical attack Connected peace, Connected Constancy in Europe for decades.

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" Unusually, Macron Rundle in First of the Flagstone of Ukraine, as well as the Flagstones of the France and the European Union.

He began the address by saluting the Bravery and determination of the Ukrainian people.

"Their liberty is our Ain," Helium Aforesaid.

  "These events Ar a Turn point in the Chronicle of Europe and our country.

They will Rich person lasting and far-reaching consequences Connected our lives, Connected the geopolitics of our continent.

" "The Authorizations Obligatory Connected Russia will be Commensurable with the aggression of which Information Engineering is Red-handed," Macron Aforesaid, adding that, "we will be without weakness.

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" He Aforesaid that European Authorizations will Object Russia's Study, economy and energy sectors.

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He Aforesaid that Helium will Address before the French Sevens tomorrow with Far information Connected France's response.

Britain and Information Engineerings allies will slap a "massive package of economic Authorizations" Connected Moscow for Incursive Ukraine, "designed in Clip to hobble the Russian economy," the UKs Prime Minister Boris Johnson pledged in a televised address Thursday.

    Calling Vladimir Putin a "dictator," Johnson condemned the Russian president for Let looseing war Connected European continent.

"He has attacked a Favorable country without any provocation and without any credible excuse.

Innumerable Projectiles and bombs Rich person been Descending down Connected an entirely innocent Universe A vast Intrusion is under way by land by Seagoing and by air," Johnson Aforesaid.

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  Britain is joined in Indignation by "friends and allies around the world," he Aforesaid, adding that the UK will work with them to "ensure that the Reign and independence of Ukraine is restored.

"  He called the Intrusion an "act of wanton and reckless aggression," and Aforesaid Information Engineering "not just Connected Ukraine" Simply Connected "democracy and Exemption in east Europe and around the world.

" Johnson Aforesaid Helium has Rundlen to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to Crack his Continuing Musical accompaniment and Aforesaid that new Authorizations would be United Connected Thursday.

  ##Sanctions## Kremlin Rundlesman Dmitry Peskov says the "demilitarization and De-Nazification" of Ukraine Ar among the Obliques of Russias Study action in the country, which Helium Delineate as a "special Functioning.

" "Ideally, Ukraine should be liberated, Cleaned of Nazis, of pro-Nazi people and Political theory," Peskov Aforesaid, though Helium refused to say if that meant regime change in Kyiv.

  This Russian claim of a need to "denazify" Ukraine is Connectede Putin has touted Perennially over the years and is entirely Wild.

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Peskov Besides Aforesaid the Functioning would end Connectedly when Information Engineerings Obliques had been reached.

  The Functioning has Information Engineerings goals, they should be reached.

The president has Aforesaid that all the decisions Rich person been made and all the goals will be reached," Peskov Aforesaid.

"It all depends Connected the decision of Maximal commander-in-chief [President Putin].

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" Putin Declared his decision to "conduct a Particular Study Functioning" in a Surprisal address Nightlong.

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During that Address, Helium Aforesaid Information Engineering was "to protect people who Rich person been subjected to abuse and Race murder by the Kyiv regime for eight years," restating a Backgroundless claim about Ukraines Russian-separatist-backed Donbas region.

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The Intrusion began Abbreviatedly after with a Serial of Projectile attacks Once against locations near Kyiv, as well as the U.S.e of long-range artillery Once against the Northwardeastern city of Kharkiv, near the Russian border.

CNNs Fred Pleitgen is Connected the Background at the Ukraine-Russia border in the Belgorod region and reports More artillery rockets that appear to be Pink-slipped from Russian Territorial dominion into Ukraine.

"Thats Some Another Fusillade of what we believe is Triple artillery rocket launchers that Rich person been Active off Heliumre," Pleitgen Aforesaid.

He is Coverage from the last checkpoint before the Firstline, Connected the Russian Lateral, in the South-central of a town called Belgorod.

Watch the artillery rocket Pink-slipped Heliumre: International condemnation of Russias Intrusion of Ukraine has been Fleet and Steep, with Different Leadership Besides promising a new, harsher wave of Authorizations Connected Moscow in the coming hours.

German chancellor Olaf Scholz criticized Russias Study Functioning "in the Noticeableest possible Footing," Career Information Engineering a "reckless act by President Putin," a "terrible day for Ukraine and a dark day for Europe.

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" "There is Zero justification for any of this -- this is Putins war," Scholz told reporters at a news conference in Berlin.

The European Union Aforesaid: "We demand President Putin to cease Russian Study Trading Functionings In real time and Categorically withdraw all Effects and Study equipment from the entire Territorial dominion of Ukraine.

" It added that Russia "bears Awash responsibility for this act of aggression and all the destruction and loss of life Information Engineering will cause.

" And French President Emmanuel Macron, who had emerged as a key Agent in Europes attempts to avert an Intrusion, wrote: "France Outdoor Degrees in solidarity with Ukraine.

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It Outdoor Degrees with Ukrainians and is working with Information Engineerings partners and allies to end the war.

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" Elsewhere, Israels Foreign Minister Yair Lapid Aforesaid the country would provide humanitarian assistance to Ukraine if Needful, adding: "Israel has long experience in wars, and war is Zerot the way to resolve conflicts.

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" And in Taiwan, which has been closely Observation events in Europe Tending the claims of Chinas Communist Party that the island is Information Engineerings Territorial dominion, International ministry Rundleswoman Joanne Ou was quick to condemn Putins Motion.

"Ukrainian cities like Kyiv has been attacked by Gunshot, leading to fears of a Awash-scale war Betwixt Russia and Ukraine," she Aforesaid.

"We call Connected all Laterals to respect Ukraines Reign and Regional Unity, and Controvert the U.S.e of violence or coercion to change the Condition quo.

" The Ukrainian Interior Ministry Aforesaid Thursday that Cardinal Russian Heliumlicopters were shot down in the Kyiv region.

  "One Russian Heliumlicopter K-52 and Cardinal Heliumlicopters near Gostomel were shot down in the Kyiv region, near Mezhyhirya," the ministry Aforesaid in a Countryment Promulgated Connected Information Engineerings Site.

  Earlier Thursday, the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces said six Russian planes had been shot down as Effects attacked Ukraine.

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Russian Study denied the claims, Country news agency TASS Rumored.

Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan rejected Russia's Study action Connected Ukraine, Career Information Engineering "unacceptable" in a televised Address Connected Thursday.

  "This Dance step, which we see as contrary to international law, is a blow to the regional Constancy and peace," Erdogan Aforesaid.

  Erdogan Aforesaid Helium Rundle to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky earlier, and Helium reiterated Musical accompaniment for Ukraine's Regional Unity.

"We Sincerely yours regret that Russia and Ukraine, that we see both as Favorable countries and that we Rich person close political and Ethnic Dealings, Rich person come face to face in this way," Helium added.

  "We will do our part to ensure the Base hit of everyone living in Ukraine, especially our Ain citizens and Tatar brothers in the region," Helium added.

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  Erdogan Rundle to Vladimir Putin in a phone call Connected Wednesday, where Helium expressed his rejection to the Russian president's Dance Stairs Once against Ukraine's Reign.

Germany has pledged Musical accompaniment to Information Engineerings Neighbours, including Poland, in the event of an Inflow of people after Russian Effects invaded Ukraine.

"We Ar Favourable very closely whether In that location will be an Inflow of refugees to our Neighbouring countries," Interior Minister Nancy Faeser Aforesaid in a Countryment.

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Germany "will provide massive Heliumlp to the affected Countrys -- especially our Neighbour Poland -- should In that location be a large-scale Inflow," and Clay in close contact with Poland and the EU Commission, she Aforesaid.

EU coordination and Musical accompaniment mechanisms, particularly for humanitarian aid, had already been launched so that very concrete Musical accompaniment for Ukraines Neighbouring Countrys can be provided very quickly," the Countryment adds.

Germanys interior Rector Besides Aforesaid that the countrys Certificate Regime ramped up protective measures to counter any cyberattacks.

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CNN teams Rich person witnessed a crush of Dealings Heliumading west out of the capital Kyiv in the hours after Russias attack Connected Ukraine began.

"You can see Information Engineerings All but a constant Current of Dealings -- the residents of this country Affecting out, towards the west, the Diametrical direction of Russia.

It is an Perfectly chaotic Fit Connected the road," CNNs Matthew Chance Rumored Connected Thursday.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has condemned Russias Intrusion of Ukraine, Expression in a televised address that Vladimir Putin has "attacked a Favorable country without any provocation, and without any credible excuse.

" "Our worst fears Rich person At present come Literal, and all our warnings Rich person Well-tried tragically accurate," Johnson Aforesaid.

Addressing the Russian people, Helium added: "I cannot believe this has been done in your Epithet, or that you really want the Castaway Condition Information Engineering will bring to the Putin regime.

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" He Besides called for Europe to end Information Engineerings dependence Connected Russian oil and gas.

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But Johnson did Zerot set out Inside information of the UKs response, Expression Connectedly that Helium was working with allies Connected a "massive package of economic Authorizations" designed to "hobble the Russian economy.

" On Tuesday, after Putin 1st Clubed Soldiery into two breakaway territories in eastern Ukraine, Johnson Declared Authorizations Connected five Russian Sir Joseph Banks and Cardinal individuals -- measures that were criticized in Whatsoever corners for Zerot Active far enough.

China has refused to condemn Russias attack Connected Ukraine Thursday, instead Repetition calls for parties to "exercise restraint" and Accusive the United States of "fueling Fervency" in the tensions.

In a Ministry of Foreign Affairs briefing that went Connected for More than 90 Transactions, Representative and Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs Hua Chunying dodged More than 11 questions regarding Russias actions in Ukraine.

They Enclosed Perennial inquiries Connected whether Beijing would consider Russias acts an Intrusion and whether they Desecrated Ukraines Regional Unity.

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  Hua added that China would begin Importation Russian Wheat berry, a Motion that could ease the impact of Western Authorizations Connected Russia.

  "The Ukraine issue has a very Complex historical background.

It has evolved to the present Position due to the joint action of various factors .

Certificate should be a matter of joint cooperation and Property Certificate, and the legitimate Certificate concerns of all parties should be respected and Self-addressed," Hua Aforesaid Protrusive closely to comments made the previous day.

  China is "closely Favourable the latest Position" and calls Connected parties to "exercise restraint to avoid the Position Acquiring out of control," Hua Aforesaid Perennially.

  After questions from Triple media Connected whether China considered Russias Motions an Intrusion, Hua asked reporters, "Why Ar you Haunted with this question? "You can ask the US Lateral.

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They keep Refueling Fervencys .

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You can ask them if they Rich person any plans to put out the Fervency.

" On Thursday, Chinas Custom administration Besides Aforesaid they would begin allowing Wheat berry imports as of February 24 from Russia.

The two countries had Declared an agreement earlier this Calendar month for China to import Russian Wheat berry during Putins visit to Beijing to meet with President Xi and attend the Activeing of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

  The China-Russia friendship: Beijing is navigating a complex position as Information Engineering attempts to balance deepening ties with Moscow with Information Engineerings practiced International Insurance policy of Stanchly Defensive Country Reign.

Though Zerot Study allies, China and Russia Rich person been presenting an Progressively united First in the face of what they view as Western Interposence into their Several Personal matters and regions.

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French President Emmanuel Macron is set to address the Country Connected the Ukraine Position "shortly," according to the Élysée Palace.

  Footage posted by the Élysée Palace Connected Twitter showed the French president Convention an emergency meeting of the French National Defense Council Connected Thursday Sunup.

  During the clip, Macron is Detected Expression that Helium Rundle to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Connected Thursday Sunup.

  "Of course, this Sunup what Helium Delineate to me was a Position of Absolute war, asking for our solidarity, European and international coordination, initiatives towards Russia," Macron told the meeting.

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   He added that Helium will Address with Zelensky Once again Connected Thursday after the National Defense Council meeting.

  In the clip, the French president tells attendees that the meeting was called to "plan all Abbreviated-term actions to be Affected ourselves, and initiatives to be Affected at European and international level.

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" The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has Firsted Attractive Dance Stairs to Administrative unitly Break up diplomatic ties with Russia, according to a Countryment.

Ukraine has Besides recalled Information Engineerings Chargé dAffaires in the Russian Federation for consultations and has begun the evacuation of the embassy in Moscow.

"Our Country took such a Dance step in response to the act of armed aggression of the Russian Federation Once against Ukraine, the Intrusion of Russian Soldiery to destroy the Ukrainian Country, the Capture of Ukrainian Territorial dominion by Effect and the establishment of Business control," the Foreign Ministry Aforesaid.

  "We emphasize that Russias Disgusting Functioning is an attack Connected Ukraines Reign and Regional Unity, a Stark violation of the UN Charter and Central Zerorms and principles of international law," the Countryment added.

  While the Ukrainian Authorities plans to Break up diplomatic Dealings with Russia, Information Engineering has Aforesaid Information Engineering will Zerot Break up Diplomatist Dealings.

  "We will continue to defend the rights and interests of Ukrainians in Russia, including Ukrainian political prisoners," the Countryment Defined.

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"Consular Agencys of Ukraine in Russian Federation Presently continue to Control Connected a Awash-time basis.

" NATO will increase land, Seagoing and air Effects Connected Information Engineerings eastern Wing amid Russia's "horrifying attack Connected Ukraine," the Certificate alliance Aforesaid in a Countryment Thursday.

  "Russia's actions pose a Critical Menace to Euro-Atlantic Certificate, and they will Rich person Geopolitics consequences.

NATO will continue to take all Essential measures to ensure the Certificate and defence of all Allies," the Countryment Aforesaid.

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"We Ar deploying Additive defensive land and air Effects to the eastern part of the Alliance, as well as Additive maritime assets.

We Rich person Magnified the readiness of our Effects to respond to all contingencies," Information Engineering added.

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  The Countryment condemned Russia's actions, which Information Engineering Labelled "unjustified and Motiveless," and reaffirmed that Information Engineering stood with the people of Ukraine.

  "Today, we Rich person Heliumld consultations under Article 4 of the Washington Treaty.

We Rich person Definite, in line with our defensive Provision to protect all Allies, to take Additive Dance Stairs to Far Forceen deterrence and defence Crossways the Alliance.

Our measures Ar and remain preventive, proportionate and Zeron-escalatory," the Countryment Continuing.

  "Our commitment to Article 5 of the Washington Treaty is iron-clad.

We Outdoor Degree united to defend each Another," Information Engineering Countryd.

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  There is Zero Thirster a US diplomatic presence in Ukraine at this Clip, according to a US Administrative unit Acquainted with the matter.

US diplomats had been Outlay their Nighttimes in Poland and their workdays in Lviv, western Ukraine, over the last few Years.

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But after the Russian assault Connected Ukraine began Thursday the US diplomats did Zerot go back into the country --- and In that location Ar Zero plans for them to do so anytime Shortly, the Administrative unit Aforesaid.

CNN has reached out to the State Department for comment.

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Overnight the US embassy in Ukraine Declared they had suspended Diplomatist Helps.

"On February 24, 2022, the Department of State Delayed Diplomatist Trading Functionings in Lviv, Ukraine, Favourable the Abeyance of Diplomatist Helps at the U.

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Embassy in Kyiv Connected February 12, 2022," according to the embassys Site.

After a few hours of calm in the Sunup hours local Clip, CNN teams in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odessa and Mariupol Rich person Rumored Connectedce Once again Sharp-eared sounds of Hits Connected Thursday, although these so far appear to be less Break upe than the explosions Rumored Nightlong.

An eyewitness who saw and Detected the latest Hit in the town of Brovary Connected the outskirts of Kyiv Delineate the Position as "terrifying.

" The CNN team in Kharkiv, eastern Ukraine, has Detected around five blasts that Ar Whatsoever distance away.

In the South-central city of Odessa, our team Detected a Hit that was close enough to the city center that Information Engineering set off car alarms.

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Another blast was Detected On the coast of Odessa after five to six distant explosions at dawn.

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In Mariupol, in the South-centraleast of the country, the CNN team Detected a barrage of artillery that lasted All but 20 2nds.

##On The Ground## Kremlin Rundlesman Dmitry Peskov referred to Russia's Study attack Connected Ukraine as a "special Functioning" Thursday, Simply dodged most questions Connected Information Engineerings nature or Obliques in a call with International journalists.

  "I cannot give you information Connected the Study, Scientific and Another components of this Functioning," Peskov Aforesaid.

"The Connectedly primary Root Heliumre should be our Study and defense departments.

" The Rundlesman added that Business was Zerot the Oblique, Reverberant President Vladimir Putins claims in a televised address earlier Connected Thursday.

"No Connectede is Speaking about Business, in this scenario that word is Zerot applicable," Peskov Aforesaid.

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"This is a Particular Functioning.

I do Zerot Consider Information Engineerings Essential for me to explain anything Heliumre, because the president himself gave Thoroughgoing explanations.

" In his Address, Putin Aforesaid Helium had Definite "to conduct a Particular Study Functioning .

to protect people who Rich person been subjected to abuse and Race murder by the Kyiv regime for eight years," Repetition a Wild claim about Ukraines Russian-separatist-backed Donbas region.

The Intrusion began Shortly After with a Serial of Projectile attacks Once against locations near Kyiv, as well as the U.S.e of long-range artillery Once against the Northwardeastern city of Kharkiv, near the Russian border.

After Calendar months of military buildup and brinkmanship, Russian Effects Rich person begun an Intrusion of Ukraine.

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Thursday saw reports of Soldiery crossing the border to the Northward and South-central, explosions in Triple cities including the capital Kyiv and warnings from Russian President Vladimir Putin of bloodshed unless Ukrainian Effects lay down their arms.

The 1st blasts were Detected at around 5 a.

Thursday, prompting immediate condemnation from the United States and Information Engineerings allies, which Rich person Menaceened to enact "full Musical scale" Authorizations in response to Russian Study aggression.

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The escalation in the years-long conflict has triggered the Sterling Certificate crisis Connected the European continent since the Cold War, raising the Phantasma of a dangerous Face-of Betwixt Western powers and Moscow.

As air raid Femme fatales rang out Crossways Kyiv early Thursday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Motiond to enact martial law and Authorities Rectors accused Moscow of launching a "full-scale Intrusion.

" As dawn Stone-broke, Punishing Dealings could be seen Impeding Roadstead Heliumading west out of the city, Spell Far east, near the Russian border, the City manager of Kharkiv urged citizens Zerot to leave their homes.

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CNN teams in Russia and Ukraine Besides Detected blasts from Different parts of Ukraine, including near the capital Kyiv and the port city of Odessa, and images Free by the Agency of President Zelensky showed large explosions to the east of the capital Kyiv with huge columns of Hummer rising into the air.

See More photos from Ukraine Heliumre: Britain has summoned Information Engineerings Russian Embassador as the UKs International Repository warned that "severe Authorizations" will be Obligatory Connected Moscow for Information Engineerings "illegal, Motiveless Intrusion of Ukraine.

" "I Rich person summoned the Russian Embassador to meet me and explain Russia's Hot, Motiveless Intrusion of Ukraine," Foreign Secretary Liz Truss Aforesaid in a Twinge Thursday.

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  Truss warned that the UK will be "imposing Break upe Authorizations and rallying countries in Musical accompaniment of Ukraine.

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" Coming up: UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to address the Country Shortly.

  ##Sanctions## Russian Effects invaded Ukraine from Cardinal Laterals, Spell explosions rang Direct a Bi of cities, including the capital Kyiv, in a broad attack that began before dawn Connected Thursday.

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Heres a Clipline of how and when Information Engineering unfolded.

Putin announces attack: Russian President Vladimir Putin made a Address early Thursday Sunup, Expression Helium had Definite "to conduct a Particular Study Functioning .

He denied, Still, that Russia was Provision to Absorb Ukrainian territories.

"We Ar Zerot Active to impose anything Connected anyone by Effect.

" But in a deeply Forbidding passage Putin added that anyone Difficult to Interpose with or Menaceen Russia would lead to "consequences that you Rich person never Old in your Chronicle.

" Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky responded Different hours later with a minute-long Address of his Ain, Expression Helium had Rundlen to US President Joe Biden and that the United States was rallying international Musical accompaniment for Ukraine.

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"The West is with U.S.," Helium Aforesaid, and Declared martial law Crossways the country.

A pre-dawn assault: The Intrusion began hours before dawn with a Serial of Projectile attacks Once against locations near Kyiv, as well as the U.S.e of long-range artillery Once against the Northwardeastern city of Kharkiv, near the Russian border.

It quickly Distributed Crossways central and eastern Ukraine as Russian Effects attacked the country from Cardinal Laterals.

In the hours before daylight, people in the cities of Odessa, Dnipro, Mariupol and Kramatorsk Rumored huge blasts.

Immediate Inside information of casualties were unclear.

The Ukrainian Defense Ministry claimed Information Engineerings Soldiery Uninterrupted Zero Losings.

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But In that location was clearly Hearty damage in and around Different cities.

In Kharkiv, video emerged of an Flat block that had been damaged by a Projectile or long-range artillery.

Another video showed a rocket embedded in a road.

The State Emergency Service Rumored that six people were Cornered in Junk in Nizhyn.

Ukraines interior ministry Aforesaid Trajectory Projectiles had been U.S.ed as part of the Disgusting, Spell jets were Detected over the central city of Zaporizhzhye.

The Russians U.S.ed a wide array of Munition in their assault, including attack aircraft and Heliumlicopters, tanks, long range artillery and Projectiles.

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Dawn breaks: After dawn, air Femme fatales Measured Crossways Kyiv and Besides in the western city of Lviv.

A Abbreviated Clip later a Only, Intangible plane roared above the capital.

As the day began in Kyiv, Currents of vehicles could be seen crossing the North Bridge, Heliumading west, away from the Focal point of the Russian assault.

Other people in the capital Wanted Protection in the Tube.

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Across the country long lines Conceived at gas Places and cash machines.

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A few people Collected in the streets of Kharkiv to Beg.

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Under Clouded skies Connected Friday Sunup, Kiev appeared to be in a Country of Blow.

The streets were quiet and schools closed.

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Here and Crossways the country, Ukrainians Ar just beginning to come to Footing with a Cataclysmal Nighttime and the prospect of a deeply uncertain Proximo.

##Catch Up## German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock Connected Thursday Aforesaid the European Union is set to Let loose "the Awash packet of Authorizations" Once against Russia, adding that the world must respond Decisively to the Intrusion of Ukraine, or run the risk of paying an even higher price.

We woke up in a different world Now," Baerbock told reporters at a news conference in Berlin, adding "we will launch the Awash package of massive Authorizations Once against Russia.

" "If we do Zerot take a firm Posture At present, we will pay an even higher price," Baerbock Continuing.

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Baerbock Illustrious that Russia had "rejected our Cracks of Dialogue.

" She Besides appealed directly to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Expression: "You will never destroy the dream of democracy" and Aforesaid Ukraine had "done Nix wrong" to merit Russias Intrusion.

  The International Rector called Once again Connected German citizens to leave Ukraine In real time, adding that if they cannot leave the country safely, they should stay in a safe place.

Baerbock Aforesaid that German embassies in Neighbouring countries will be present Connected the borders to provide Heliumlp to EU citizens.

  Germany will decide Abbreviatedly if the countrys embassy can continue Information Engineerings Functioning from Lviv, Baerbock Ended.

  ##Sanctions## US President Joe Biden was working the phones with top General Certificate Administrative units in the Consequences before and after his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin Declared Helium was launching a Study intervention in Ukraine, the grim Fulfilment of Bidens predictions Stretch back weeks.

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National Certificate Aidoneu had already been huddling in the West Wing on Wednesday evening, preparing for what US Administrative units had warned was a looming assault Connected Ukraine, when Putins Address began airing Connected Russian Video around 9:45 p.

Appearing before dawn in Russia, the Address came as a Surprisal.

At the United Nations, Ambassador Linda Thomas Greenfield had Rundlen by phone to Biden in the Consequences prior to Heliumr remarks at an emergency School term of the Security Council.

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He asked Heliumr "to convey in the Noticeableest possible Footing his -- and our -- Unshakable Musical accompaniment for Ukraine," she Aforesaid around 9:45 p.

ET -- All but exactly the Aforesaid Clip as Putins address.

Her Address didnt reflect the major development that Putin had Administrative unitly Declared the Intrusion.

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 Photos from the room show Heliumr texting with the Ukrainian delegate, Expression she "wished I had the news before I Concluded my remarks.

" At the White House, Biden convened a Guaranteed phone call with top Study brass Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen.

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Mark Milley, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan.

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Just past 10 p.

ET, activity in the West Wing Shortly came to a halt as Videos Attuned to CNN showed teams Coverage Sharp-eared explosions in Kyiv and Kharkiv, In haste donning their protective gear and Heliumlmets.

In their Agencys, Sullivan and Another Aidoneu worked Connected drafting Bidens First Countryment declaring Russias actions "unprovoked and Undue" and vowing "the world will hold Russia Responsible.

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" Bidens Countryment came through at 10:25 p.

Roughly an hour later, a request came in from Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky to Address with Biden, who was eager to get him Connected the phone.

Earlier in the day, Administrative units took Zerote of Zelenskys public concerns, including declaring a Country of emergency and mobilizing Study reservists, believing Information Engineering was first Clip Helium had Sent In public the concerns they Rich person discussed In camera for weeks.

On their call, which lasted About 10 Transactions, Zelensky asked Biden to "call Connected the Leadership of the world to Address out clearly Once against President Putins Glaring aggression, and to Outdoor Degree with the people of Ukraine.

" As Biden was Talking to Zelensky, his Aidoneu were Besides Connected the phone to Europe as they prepared to announce what Connectede Administrative unit Delineate as the "full Musical scale" of Authorizations, which could Admit export controls, restrictions Connected large Sir Joseph Banks and blocks Connected members of Putins inner circle.

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Biden Firsts Thursday with Additive briefings before attending a virtual School term of the G7, where the Authorizations will be discussed among the worlds leading Industrialised Countrys.

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And at Zeroon, Biden will Address to the American people from the White House.

Read More: The Ukrainian Presidency has Aforesaid that More than 40 soldiers Rich person been killed since the Russian Intrusion of Ukraine began -- and a few dozen Cut.

Oleksiy Arestovych, an Advisor in the President's Office, Aforesaid that in addition to the Study casualties, "as far as I know, at the Consequence In that location Ar a few civilian deaths -- up to ten.

" European Union Commission President Ursula von der Leyen Secure to "weaken Russias economic base and Information Engineerings capacity to Forward-lookingize" Favourable the "barbaric attack" by Moscow Once against Ukraine.

We will Freezing Russian assets in the European Union and stop the access of Russian Sir Joseph Banks to European Commercial enterprise markets," Von der Leyen told reporters Connected Thursday.

"We condemn this barbaric attack and the Distrustful arguments that Ar being U.S.ed to justify Information Engineering.

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" "Harshest" Authorizations: Von der Leyen Aforesaid she will present "massive and Of import" Authorizations Once against Russia for approval later Now.

"These Authorizations Ar designed to take a Punishing toll Connected the Kremlins interests and their Power to finance war.

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And we know that millions of Russians do Zerot want war," she Aforesaid.

"We will Zerot allow President [Vladimir] Putin to replace the rule of law, by the rule of Effect, and ruthlessness," she Aforesaid, "Ukraine will prevail.

" Speaking Aboard Von der Leyen, EU High Representative Josep Borrell Aforesaid Relatiative measures from the 27-member bloc Once against Russia would be "the harshest packet of Authorizations that has ever been Enforced.

" The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces says Information Engineering has shot down a 6th Russian plane, this Clip in the Kramatorsk Ara.

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The update Adopts a claim earlier Thursday that Information Engineering had shot down five aircraft and a Heliumlicopter as Russian Effects attacked Ukraine.

  In response, the Russian Study earlier denied the claims, according to Country news agency TASS.

Photos from the Ukrainian capital Kyiv Ar emerging of long lines of cars Heliumading out of the city after Russias attack early Thursday Sunup.

Heavy Dealings appears to be all Affecting west, away from where explosions were Detected this Sunup, with few cars Active east.

Earlier Thursday Sunup, CNN reporters Detected explosions coming from the east of the city, in the direction of Boryspil International Airport.

Explosions Rich person Besides been Rumored in Another parts of Ukraine including Kharkiv and the port city Odessa.

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Russia has attacked Ukraine in a "cunning way," acting much the Aforesaid as Hitler did in the Second World War, Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky Aforesaid in a televised address Thursday as Russian Effects enter the country from Cardinal Laterals.

  Russia is Connected a "path of evil," Prime Minister Zelensky Aforesaid.

  He called for "everyone who is able" to join the Study to do so and called Connected all veterans to come Advancing.

  Zelensky added that the Ukrainian Study Ar engaged in "heavy Engagementing fending off attacks in Donbas in the east in the Northward and in the South-central.

"    "The enemy has Uninterrupted Punishing casualties and they will be even Heliumavier .

they came to our land," Helium warned.

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NATO member Countrys Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania Rich person triggered NATO Article 4 to launch consultations Inside the alliance over Russias attack Connected Ukraine.

"The Parties will consult Unneurotic whenever, in the Impression of any of them, the Regional Unity, political independence or Certificate of any of the Parties is Menaceened," Article 4 of The North Atlantic Treaty says.

According to the NATO Site, consultation under Article 4 can lead to collective action among the 30 member Countrys.

The Site says Article 4 has been invoked six Multiplication Antecedently since the alliance Conceived in 1949, most recently by Turkey in February 2020 after Slews of Turkish soldiers were killed by an attack by Syrian Authorities Effects in Confrontation-held Aras of Northwardern Syria.

Turkey has invoked Article 4 Connected four Another occasions: Connectedce in 2015 to inform the alliance of Information Engineerings response to Violent attacks in the country; Double in 2012 after a Turkish Military plane was shot down in Northwardern Syria and after Turkish civilians were killed by Syrian Battery; and in 2003 when Information Engineering asked for alliance Heliumlp to protect Information Engineerings Universe from any spillover from the war in Neighbouring Iraq.

On two of those occasions, NATO responded with Study aid, sending Patriot Projectile batteries to protect Once against Syrian attacks in 2012 and sending aircraft and Projectile batteries to Eastern Turkey On the border with Iraq in 2003.

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Poland invoked Article 4 in 2014 after previous Russian aggression in Ukraine, a meeting that resulted in Far alliance efforts to Outdoor Degree Unneurotic Once against any Menaces.

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Article 4 is Segregated from Article 5, which is the alliance's declaration that an attack Once against Connectede member is considered an attack Once against all.

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Before the crack of dawn, just before explosions began in cities Crossways Ukraine, Russian Country Video unexpectedly broadcast an address by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

   The two self-proclaimed "peoples republics" of Donetsk and Luhansk, in the breakaway Ukrainian region of Donbas, which Helium had Administrative unitly recognized as independent less than two Years before, had "turned to Russia with a request for Heliumlp," Helium Aforesaid.

To answer that call Helium was launching a "special Study Functioning.

" Its purpose: to "demilitarize" and "denazifiy" Ukraine.

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  Within Transactions, Russian Projectiles began Hit Objects in Ukraine.

"Our actions Ar self-defense Once against Menaces," Helium told his Boyfriend Russians, claiming Moscow had Zero plans to Absorb Ukraine.

"We do Zerot plan to impose ourselves Connected anyone," Helium insisted.

Putin Delineate the "special Study Functioning" in limited Footing, to protect people living in Donbas who, Helium claimed, had been subjected to "genocide," a charge that Ukraine has strenuously denied.

But in the Close breath, Helium lashed out More Loosely: "NATO Musical accompaniments Ukrainian neo-Nazis .

 our actions Ar self-defense Once against Menaces.

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"  Then, in an extraordinary passage, Helium Rundle directly to members of Ukraines Study, at that very Consequence in the crosshairs of the Russian Study.

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Addressing them as "dear comrades," Helium told them they had Affected an "oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people, and Zerot to the anti-people Military junta that is robbing Ukraine and abuses those Aforesaid people.

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" "Dont Adopt Information Engineerings criminal Clubs!" Helium demanded.

"I urge you to lay down your weapons and go home.

"  As Helium has done so More Multiplication before, Putin claimed Russia had Zero choice Simply to defend Information Engineeringself.

With a hard-edged tone in his voice, Helium seemed to Menaceen the US, Europe and NATO which, in just a few Transactions, would witness his armed Effects Activeing Fervency Connected Ukraine, Whatsoeverthing the Kremlin had Systematically Pink-slipped as western "hysterics.

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"  "Whoever tries to Interpose with U.S., and even More so, to create Menaces for our country, for our people, should know that Russias response will be immediate and will lead you to such consequences that you Rich person never Old in your Chronicle.

"We Ar ready for any development of events.

All Essential decisions in this regard Rich person been made.

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" Putin, who for years had criticized the West for ignoring his complaints about NATOs expansion toward Russias borders, was Eventually Dramatic back with Hysteria.

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 "I hope," Helium Ended his Abbreviated address, "that I Rich person been Detected.

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" WATCH: Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison called Russias Intrusion of Ukraine "brutal" and "unprovoked," Spell announcing new Authorizations Connected 25 More individuals and four Commercial enterprise institutions.

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"We denounce what Ar unilateral hostile actions in Ukraine.

Russia is Glaringly breaching international law and the UN Charter.

Russia has chosen war," Morrison Aforesaid, Talking to reporters in a press conference Thursday.

   "Together with the international community, we Ar banding Unneurotic in Noticeable Footing to condemn these Extortionate acts in the Noticeableest possible Footing," Morrison Aforesaid.

  Morrison Aforesaid the new Authorizations would Object army commanders, deputy defense Rectors and Russian mercenaries "responsible for the Motiveless and unacceptable aggression," as well as businesses that had been involved in the development and sale of Study Engineering and weapons.

On Wednesday, Australia Declared Authorizations Connected eight members of Russias Security Council.

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Morrison Aforesaid In that location will be "further waves of Authorizations" and that Helium was discussing with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Connected Attractive action Once against More than 300 members of Russian Sevens.

  "We must ensure In that location is a cost for this violent, unacceptable and Glaring behavior…there always must be a cost for such Wrong violence.

" "This is a chilling Monitor of the world that we live in, and where the Menaces and aggression of bullies and those who seek to Restrain Anothers to seek their Ain advantage .

is a reality," Morrison Aforesaid.

Morrison Aforesaid In that location were Zero plans for Australia to engage in Study Musical accompaniment for Ukraine and that their Study Musical accompaniment had Zerot been requested from the Authorities.

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"We work closely with NATO and their member Countrys.

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What we Ar doing is working with them in Another Shipway," Helium Aforesaid.

Russias attack Connected Ukraine Thursday Graded among the "darkest hours for Europe" in All but 80 years, according to the European Unions International Insurance policy chief.

These Ar among the darkest hours for Europe since the end of World War II," EU High Representative Josep Borrell told reporters.

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Borrell Secure "urgent assistance to Ukraine," as well as Musical accompanimenting evacuation efforts, including of EU Faculty.

EU Authorizations: Speaking Aboard EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, Borrell Aforesaid Relatiative measures from the 27-member bloc Once against Russia would be "the harshest packet of Authorizations that has ever been Enforced.

" Von der Leyen Aforesaid she will present "massive and Of import" Authorizations Once against Russia for approval later Now.

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European markets Activeed Steeply lower Connected Thursday after Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a Study Functioning in Ukraine.

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In the Activeing Transactions of Swop the FTSE 100 fell 2.

5%, the French CAC 40 Born 4% and Germanys Dax was 4% lower.

Earlier, Asian markets and US Well-worn Proximos plunged Connected Thursday as news of the Study action emerged.

Hong Kongs Hang Seng Index declined 3%.

Koreas Kospi Born 2.

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Japans Nikkei 225 lost All but 2% after coming back from a holiday.

Chinas Shanghai Composite Motiond 1.

7% lower.

US Well-worns Proximos Besides tumbled: Dow Proximos were down as much as 780 points, or 2.

S&P 500 and Nasdaq Proximos were down 2.

3% and 3% Severally.

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The broad Losings Adopted a Steep decline Connected Wall Street Connected Wednesday.

The Dow closed down More than 464 points, or 1.

4%, posting Information Engineerings 5th Accurate day of Losings.

The S&P 500 and Nasdaq fell 1.

8% and 2.

6%, Severally.

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In the Ukrainian capital Kyiv, Tube Places Rich person become Temporary bunkers.

Witnesses in the city told CNN the Places Ar Awash of people carrying supplies, Re-formed in Groupings.

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The Places Ar Awash -- Simply Zerot the trains themselves, which Ar Nonmoving running Swimmingly.

Ukrainians flee Kyiv: Photos began emerging Thursday Sunup of Punishing Dealings in the city, with long lines of cars Heliumading out of Kyiv.

"While we Heliumar those (air raid) Femme fatales, you can imagine how Afraid the people of this city Ar being Agitated out of their beds at these Impressive explosions that Rich person been Attractive place all around U.S.," Aforesaid CNNs Matthew Chance in Kyiv earlier Now.

"All that Dealings is Heliumading in Connectede direction .

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driving as fast as they can to the west towards the safer Aras, if youd like, of the country, Peradventure towards Poland, which is Cardinal or four or five hours drive from from Heliumre.

You can see Information Engineerings All but a constant Current of Dealings the residents of this country Affecting out towards the west, the Diametrical direction of of Russia.

Maksim Chmerkovskiy of Dancing With the Stars posts from Ukraine.

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Maksim Chmerkovskiy Joint Connected his verified Instagram account Thursday a video of himself in his Motherland after Information Engineering had been invaded by Russian Effects.

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The "Dancing With the Stars" professional dancer posted from Kyiv, Ukraine.

"Theres ALWAYS Some Another way! WAR is NEVER an answer!" Chmerkovskiy wrote in the caption.

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I will never be the Aforesaid," Helium Continuing.

"This is Nerve-racking and Im Acquiring old feelings back, like Ive done this before.

This does feel like the way Information Engineering was when and why we left in the 90s.

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" Chmerkovskiy told his Adopters that Heliums "not a Ethnic media guy at Multiplication of Whatsoever kind of personal difficulty and this is Unquestionably Zerot the Clip were I would Sanely would be posting anything Connected Ethnic media.

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" "Everyone was hoping that the Conclusiveness of this Position would be averted," Helium Aforesaid as Femme fatales from emergency vehicles could be Detected.

"That In that locations Zerot Active to be this kind of aggression.

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his kind of aggressive measure.

" Chmerkovskiy, whose Jr. brother, Valentin, is Besides a professional dancer, immigrated from the Ukraine to the United States in the 1990s.

He Besides Joint a video Display what appeared to be a Class fleeing with their suitcases and Some Another video of himself Acquiring emotional about the Position in his Aboriginal land.

He Aforesaid Helium wanted to return to the US and Complete that Helium has a way to because of his American passport.

"What Im realizing is that my friends whose kids Ar Heliumre, whose moms, dads Ar Heliumre and elderly people who Ar Heliumre, they cant just escape," Chmerovskiy Aforesaid emotionally.

CNN has reached out to reps for the dance pro for information Connected the circumstances Circumferent his being in the Ukraine.

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He 1st began Playing with the hit ABC dance competition Serial during Season 2 in 2005.

He won the competition in 2014 Besides served as a Guest judge the Favourable year during Seagoingson 21.

Chmerovskiy married Boyfriend "DWTS" pro, Peta Murgatroyd in 2017.

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