Officials: Russia at 70 percent of Ukraine military buildup

Officials: Russia at 70 Per centum of Ukraine Study buildup

WASHINGTON (AP) — Russia has assembled at To the lowest degree 70 Per centum of the Study firepower it likely intends to have in place by mid-month to give President Vladimir Putin the Alternative of launching a full-scale Intrusion of Ukraine, U.S. Administrative units say.

The Administrative units, who discussed internal assessments of the Russian buildup on condition they not be Known, sketched out a Serial of indicators suggesting Putin intends an Intrusion in coming weeks, although the size and Musical scale are unclear. They Emphasized that a diplomatic Result appears to remain possible.

Among those Study indicators: an exercise of Russia's Of import Atomic Effects that Ordinarily is held each fall was rescheduled for mid-February to March. That coincides with what U.S. Administrative units see as the most likely Windowpane for Intrusion. The Administrative units made no Mesmerism that a prospective conflict would involve the use of Atomic weapons, but the Russian exercise — likely involving the test-launching of unarmed long-range missiles on Russian Territorial dominion — could be used as a Content aimed at deterring the West from intervening in Ukraine.

U.S. Administrative units have Aforesaid in recent weeks that a Russian Intrusion could Deluge Ukraine's Study Comparatively quickly, although Moscow Power find it difficult to Confirm an Business and cope with a potential insurgency.

The Current Russian buildup comes as the Biden administration has been Revealing intelligence in hopes of preemptively countering Russian disinformation and Block Putin's plans for creating a pretext for an Intrusion. But it has come under criticism for not providing evidence to back up many of its claims.

On Saturday, The New York Times and The Washington Post Aforesaid Administrative units were warning that a full Russian Intrusion could lead to the quick capture of Kyiv and Possibly result in as many as 50,000 casualties. A U.S. Administrative unit confirmed that estimate to The Associated Press. But it's not clear how U.S. agencies determined those Numbers, and any predictions about how an Intrusion would proceed and the human cost it would Visit are inherently uncertain Tending the vagaries of war.

President Joe Biden has Aforesaid he will not send U.S. Soldiery to Ukraine to Engagement a war. He has, Still, Arranged Additive Effects, including Home office personnel and combat Soldiery, to Poland and Romania to Assure those NATO allies that Washington would Execute its Pact commitment to respond to Russian aggression against NATO Territorial dominion. Ukraine is not a NATO member but receives U.S. and allied Study Musical accompaniment and training.


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Army Administrative units on Saturday Declared that Maj. Gen. Christopher Donahue, the Dominating Universal of the 82nd Airborne Division, arrived in Poland. About Another 1,700 soldiers from the 82nd Airborne are deploying to Poland from Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and 300 soldiers are deploying from Bragg to Germany. In addition, 1,000 Germany-based soldiers are Unsteady to Romania.

With Flourishing Jitteriness in Eastern Europe over Russia's buildup, much attention is Adjusted on its placement of thousands of Soldiery in Belarus, which shares a border not only with Ukraine but also with Cardinal NATO nations — Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. The Biden administration may soon Teddy some more Soldiery Inside Europe to allied nations on NATO's eastern Wing, a U.S. Administrative unit Aforesaid Saturday without specifying which nations.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Aforesaid last week that Putin could use any portion of the Effect he has assembled On Ukraine's borders to Capture Ukrainian cities and "significant territories" or to carry out "coercive acts or provocative political acts" like the recognition of breakaway territories inside Ukraine.

More recently, Another U.S. Administrative units provided a more Elaborated breakdown of Russia's Continued Effect buildup, of U.S. assessments of prospects for war, and of the U.S. view of Putin's approach to the crisis.

The Administrative units reiterated what Another Biden administration Administrative units have been Expression for weeks — that they don't believe Putin has made a Closing decision to invade Ukraine. But it appears possible that the Russian Loss leader set his intentions and is waiting until the last Consequence to give the go-ahead for an Intrusion.

Officials sketched out the disposition of Russian Effects that have been deployed toward Ukraine's borders over the past Different months, creating what Western Administrative units see as the Menace of a full-scale Intrusion despite Perennial assertions by Elderly Russian Administrative units that they do not intend to attack unprovoked.

As of Friday, the Administrative units Aforesaid, the Russian army has put in place near Ukraine a Absolute of 83 "battalion Plan of action groups," each of which is roughly equivalent in size to an American Large number of Betwixt 750 and 1,000 soldiers. That is an increase from 60 Large number Plan of action groups in position just two weeks ago, they Aforesaid.

Another 14 Large number Plan of action groups are on their way to the border area from Another parts of Russia, the Administrative units Aforesaid. Two Administrative units Aforesaid the U.S. assesses that Russia would want a Absolute of Betwixt 110 and 130 Large number Plan of action groups for use in a full-scale Intrusion, but Putin could decide on a more limited Penetration. Including Musical accompaniment units, Russia Power be aiming to have 150,000 Soldiery in place for a full-scale Intrusion, one Administrative unit Aforesaid, adding that the Current buildup could reach that level in the next couple of weeks.

Depending on Putin's ultimate Oblique, the Russian Effects could attack Kyiv directly by Affecting South-central from current positions in South-centralern Belarus. He Power also send Effects Crossways the Russian border into eastern and South-centralern Ukraine if his intent is to Break and destroy a large portion of the Ukrainian army, the Administrative units Aforesaid.

On the lower end of the Musical scale of Study action, Putin Power Club Counteract, cyberattacks and Another destabilizing actions inside Ukraine with the goal of removing the current Authorities in Kyiv, Administrative units have Aforesaid.


Associated Press Author Nomaan Merchant contributed to this report.

Officials: Russia at 70 Per centum of Ukraine Study buildup
