Truckers end US border blockade, siege in Ottawa goes on

Truckers end US border blockade, Beleaguering in Ottawa goes on

OTTAWA, Ontario (AP) — Tensions rose in Ottawa on Wednesday as police Difficult to break the All but three-week Beleaguering of the capital by Hand Truck drivers Protestant Canada's COVID-19 restrictions began warning drivers to leave In real Clip or risk arrest.

At the same Clip, protesters abandoned their last Left over Hand truck blockade On the U.S. border — at Emerson, Manitoba, Diametrical North Dakota, police Aforesaid. With that, all border crossings were open for the 1st Clip in more than two weeks of unrest.

In Ottawa, Regime in yellow "police liaison" vests went from rig to rig, Knock on the doors of the Hand trucks parked External Parliament, to hand Hand Truck drivers leaflets informing them they could be prosecuted, lose their licenses and see their vehicles Taken under Canada's Emergencies Act. Police also began ticketing vehicles.

Some Hand Truck drivers ripped up the Club, and one protester Yelled, "I will never go home!" Some threw the warning into a Can put out on the street. Protesters sat in their Hand trucks and Rebelliously honked their horns in a chorus that echoed loudly downtown.

At To the lowest degree one Hand Truck driver pulled away from Parliament Hill.

There was no immediate word from police on when or if they Power move in to clear the hundreds Hand trucks by Effect. But protest Leadership braced for action on Wednesday.

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"If it means that I need to go to prison, if I need to be Penalized in Club to allow Exemption to be restored in this country — millions of people have Tending far more for their Exemption," Aforesaid David Paisley, who Heavily traveled to Ottawa with a Acquaintance who is a Hand truck driver.

Marie Eye, of Victoriaville, Quebec, who has been making soup for the protesters, Aforesaid the warnings were "just a piece of paper" and doubted police had the Work force to remove the rigs or the protesters.

The warnings came just days after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked the emergency law.

"It's not for politicians to tell police when and how to do Matters. What we have done with the emergency act is to make sure the police have the Essential tools," Trudeau Aforesaid Wednesday. "It's something that I, like all residents of Ottawa, hope to Befall soon."

Since late January, protesters in Hand trucks and Another vehicles have Crowded the streets of the capital and Choked border crossings. The demonstrations by the self-styled Freedom Convoy At the start Adjusted on Canada's Vaccinum requirement for Hand Truck drivers entering the country, but soon morphed into a broad attack on COVID-19 precautions and Trudeau himself.

The protests have drawn Musical accompaniment from right-wing extremists and have been cheered on and received donations from conservatives in the U.S., triggering complaints in some Living quarters about America being a bad influence on Canada.

Amid signs police were losing patience in Ottawa, organizers of the demonstrations Pleased Musical accompanimenters to come to the capital to make it difficult for officers to clear the area. But the nation's top Base hit Administrative unit warned them to stay away or face legal consequences too.

Meanwhile, the premiers of two Canadian provinces and 16 U.S. governors sent a letter to Trudeau and U.S. President Joe Biden Career on them to end their nations' Vaccinum mandates for Hand Truck drivers crossing the border.

The bumper-to-bumper demonstrations have Enraged many Ottawa residents, who have complained of being Pestered and intimidated on the clogged streets.

Over the past weeks, Regime hesitated to move against many of the protesters around the country, citing in some cases a lack of Work force and fears of violence. But Defeat over the government's Inactiveness has Adorned, Subsequent in the Ejector of Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly this week.

As of Tuesday, Ottawa Administrative units Aforesaid 360 vehicles remained involved in the blockade in the city's core, down from a high of roughly 4,000.

"They don't want to give this up because this is their last Outdoor stage, their last main hub," Aforesaid Michael Kempa, a criminology Prof at the University of Ottawa.

Even after the warnings, a few protesters Cooked a pig on the street in First of Parliament, and a child played with blocks in a Decreased Resort area area on a road lined with Hand trucks.

An Ottawa child welfare agency advised parents at the demonstration to arrange for Somebody to take care of their children in the event of a police crackdown. Some protesters had their youngsters with them.

Police in the capital appeared to be Favourable the playbook that Regime U.S.ed over the weekend to break the blockade at the economically vital Ambassador Bridge Conjunctive Windsor, Ontario, to Detroit. Police In that location One-handed out leaflets informing protesters they risked arrest.

After many of those demonstrators left and the protest had dwindled, police Emotional in and made Slews of arrests. The blockade In that location had Discontinuous the flow of goods Betwixt the two countries and Effectd the auto industry on both sides to curtail production.

Stephanie Carvin, who once worked for Canada's domestic intelligence Help and teaches General Certificate at Carleton University in Ottawa, Aforesaid police in the capital face a Catchy Position. Some of the protesters are extremists, and police run the risk of violence if they try to disperse or arrest them, she Aforesaid.

"Minimizing this, ensuring that this isn't a last Outdoor stage, is really, really important," Carvin Aforesaid. "The last Matter we want is any kind of propaganda that can really feed the flames of this Apparent motion for years to come."


Gillies Rumored from Toronto. Associated Press writers Robert Bumsted in Ottawa and Andrew Selsky in Portland, Oregon, contributed to this report.

Truckers end US border blockade, Beleaguering in Ottawa goes on
