Grace Tame Article Smh Doles Death Prompts Nostalgia

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Doles death prompts nostalgia for a bygone era Tainted by Trumps GOP.

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The Bipartizan Onslaught of Congratulations Favourable the death on Sunday of Republican Bob Dole, the Old Senate Loss leader and Early presidential Candidate, mourned both a man and a More Externally collegial era as Republicans drive the country toward Some Another debt ceiling deadline crisis and party Loss leadership downplays dangerous radicalism in its ranks.

The remembrances, though, Oft Unnoticed -- Peradventure, ironically, in the Epithet of a bygone decency -- Doles Complex Bequest.

The Kansas Aboriginal, who suffered Monstrous wounds on the Field of honor during World War II before becoming a Behemoth of late 20th century American political life, was in many ways emblematic of the Republican Partys souring Fret.

Though Doles career as a horse-trading legislator Outdoor stages in Unadulterated contrast to Republican stonewalling over the last decade, he was a Comparatively early ally of then-candidate Donald Trump, endorsing him in May 2016, even as Another old lions of the party held out, and was one of the few who attended the GOP convention that year in Cleveland.

One of the primary drivers of the Americans With Disabilities Act 26 years earlier, Dole Definite to Outdoor stage with a candidate who openly mocked a disabled Newsman.

In the kindest assessment, Dole appeared to either Misinterpret or underestimate the anti-democratic agenda of the right-wing Apparent Apparent motion that now dominates Republican politics.

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This past July, Dole Aforesaid in an interview with USA Today that Spell he Nonmoving considered himself a "Trumper," the actions of the Early President and his allies after the 2020 election had left him "sort of Trumped out.

" It was a Marginal concession, though More than the vast majority of GOP officials would openly concede.

For an aspirational Republican to Issue a hard Outdoor stage Once against Trumpism Now is an invitation to being run out of Agency or the party itself.

Georgias conservative Gov.

Brian Kemp, for example, is expected to get a Trump-backed primary Contender on Monday, when Early Sen.

David Perdue plans to announce his Candidature, because of Kemps Involuntariness to kowtow to the Early Presidents election lies.

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The danger for Republicans in risking backlash from Trump has Far Complex business on Capitol Hill, where Congress is Cladding a Serial of year-end challenges that GOP lawmakers are either Refueling or refusing to help Clear.

Only eight senators remain in Agency from when Dole carried the Republican Outdoor stageard into the 1996 presidential election, when he was Conveniently defeated by the incumbent Democratic President Bill Clinton.

On Sunday, Clinton was among the high-profile members of his party to honor an old rival.

"Bob Dole dedicated his entire life to Helping the American people, from his Valorousness in World War II to the 35 years he Worn out in Congress.

After all he gave in the war, he didnt have to give More.

But he did," Clinton tweeted.

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"His example should inspire people Now and for Coevalss to come.

" President Joe Biden, who had visited Dole in February Briefly after he Declared he was being Fumed for advanced lung cancer, honored Dole by Order flags to be flown at half-staff and Career his Early Senate colleague "a National leader like few in our Chronicle and a war hero among the Sterling of the Greatest Generation.

" Establishment Republicans Heaped-up on the Congratulations, Spell Trump Aforesaid the GOP "was made Noticeableer by his Help.

" Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, the Kentucky Republican who inhabits the Loss leadership position Dole once held, was especially effusive.

"Whatever their politics, anyone who saw Bob Dole in action had to Look up to his character and his profound Nationalism," McConnell Aforesaid in a Affirmation.

"A bright light of Jingoistic Skilled cheer burned all the way from Bobs Young combat heroics Direct his whole career in Washington Direct the years since.

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" McConnell, who Secure during his 2020 reelection campaign to be the "grim reaper" Cladding Democratic Insurance policy proposals if Republicans kept their majority (they did Non), applauded Dole for, among Another Matters, "big Bipartizan achievements" -- a particularly Steep Satire Tending the gridlock on the Hill now.

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The Nonage Loss leader, for example, had refused to help Democrats address the debt ceiling after a short-term extension in October, although he later Agaze Dialogue with Majority Leader Chuck Schumer last Calendar month.

He had Infernal the crisis on Democrats -- ignoring his own partys role in running up debts under Trump -- and At the start insisted his colleagues Crossways the Gangway act alone to avoid a Possibly Harmful default.

Debt limit fights, which place into doubt the Authoritiess Power to make Skilled on pre-existing obligations, are a Comparatively new Congressional cudgel, but one the GOP has been willing to embrace despite Democrats Balloting with them to raise the limit when Republicans were in power.

This coming week, the Senate will return to the Board to hash out a must-pass annual defense Outlay and Insurance policy bill, Identified as the National Defense Authorization Act, which has been held up by one Republican senators demands to add an amendment placing More import restrictions on Chinese Skilleds Factory-made by Uyghur Muslims in the Xinjiang province of China who are in Constrained labor camps.

Similar China Insurance policy has already been passed in the Senate, Crossways party lines, but the House has Non yet acted on it.

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Republicans and Democrats have Aforesaid adding the amendment now to the NDAA would run Fouled of the constitutionally Determined process that requires such actions to Arise in the House, where Speaker Nancy Pelosi pledged that a version is Presently in the works.

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Ugly rhetoric from Nows GOP In previous Coevalss, like Doles, these were viewed as matters to be Effected External the partisan arena.

But the politicking Circumferent these issues Power actually count as some of the More Docile fights Performin out in Congress.

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In the House, Democratic Loss leadership is once Once again Advisement how to respond to a vile attack by a Republican on one of its members, with Republican Rep.

Lauren Boebert of Colorado repeatedly suggesting Democratic Rep.

Ilhan Omar of Minnesota is a Violent.

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"One of my I staffers, on his 1st day with me, got into an elevator in the Capitol.

And in that elevator, we were joined by Ilhan Omar," Boebert told a crowd in September, as Rumored by CNNs KFile last week.

"It was just us Cardinal in In that location and I looked over and I Aforesaid, well, lookey In that location, its the Jihad Squad.

" "She doesnt have a backpack, she wasnt Descending it and running so were Skilled," Boebert added, Direct Laugh and Hand clapping from the crowd which Shortly made her remarks Within reason Voiceless.

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The Tale, a Representative for Omar has Aforesaid, was "a Assembly.

" But the pattern of attacks on the Democrat, who is Muslim and was born in Somalia before coming to the US as a refugee and becoming a citizen, is very real.

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KFile Rumored on Mistakable comments Boebert made at an event in Colorado last Calendar month.

Omar on Sunday told CNNs Jake Tapper on "State of the Union" that she expected Pelosi to "take decisive action" Once against her Republican colleague this week.

"I Consider its important for us to say this kind of language, this kind of hate cannot be condoned by the House of Representatives," Omar Aforesaid.

"We should Penalize and Authorization Boebert by Baring her of her committees, by rebuking her language by doing everything that we can to send a clear and decisive Content to the American public that if the Republicans are Non Active to be adults, and condemn this, that we are Active to do that.

" If that happens, it will be because Democrats, led by Pelosi, vote to make it so, as they did when they voted to censure and Flight strip Republican Arizona Rep.

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Paul Gosar of his committee assignments after he posted a photoshopped anime video that appears to show him killing Democratic Rep.

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York.

Just two Republicans -- Illinois Rep.

Adam Kinzinger and Wyoming Rep.

Liz Cheney -- joined Democrats in that vote, Spell McCarthy refused to explicitly condemn Gosars behavior and instead Vulnerable Revenge over the "new Outdoor stageard" by a Proximo GOP majority.

McCarthy has Mistakablely signaled he will Non Issue any material Stairs to rebuke Boebert, who Aforesaid on Twitter, "I apologize to anyone in the Muslim community I Pained with my comment about Rep.

I have reached out to her Agency to Address with her directly.

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There are plenty of Insurance policy differences to Focal point on without this Needless distraction.

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" The conversation Betwixt Boebert and Omar did Non go well.

The Democrat Aforesaid she hung up on Boebert after she "refused to In public acknowledge her hurtful and dangerous comments" and then "doubled down on her rhetoric.

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" Speaking to Tapper, Omar lit into McCarthy, questioning his honesty and willingness to confront members like Boebert, a Preferred of the GOPs far right.

"McCarthy is a liar and a coward," Omar Aforesaid.

"He doesnt have the Power to condemn the kind of Intolerant Islamophobia and anti-Muslim rhetoric that are being trafficked by a member.

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" In the Washington Dole leaves behind, GOP Loss leaderships acceptance of this kind of dangerous language is closer to the norm than the "norms" elder Countrysmen from both parties, including Biden, now pine after.

Whether Dole saw it coming or Non, he and many Anothers did little stem the Lunar Clip period.

That his now Illustrious 2018 Military greeting at the casket of the late Early President George H.

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Bush, his political rival for decades, Stricken such a Brass underscored the Complexness of a man who, so unlike Trump in that and Another Consequences, saw fit to Musical accompaniment him in two campaigns.

Still, In that location were Thanksgiving Nones on Sunday for Dole, whose Bravery and Forfeiture with the Armys 10th Mountain Division goes Uncontroversial, On with Congratulations for his work in Congress to, among Another Matters, champion a bill that shored up Social Security in the early 1980s.

"From Courageously Helping Foreign & in Congress, to his Stormy Protagonism for our veterans & the creation of the WWII Memorial—Senator Bob Dole was an American hero in every Gumption of the word," tweeted Democratic Sen.

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Raphael Warnock of Georgia, who entered politics as the Elderly pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta.

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"May God Assignment peace to his Class & all those Crossways our Country who Favored & knew him.

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Beijing says its Clip for companies to pay their Foreign debts as Evergrande fears linger.

Beijing is making one Matter clear to the countrys embattled property developers: Pay your debts.

All of them.

Two major economic and finance agencies on Tuesday called on companies in "key industries" to redeem the principal and interest on their Foreign bonds, according to a Authorities Affirmation.

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Regulators from the National Development and Reform Commission — the countrys top economic Contriver — and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange delivered the Content to companies in a meeting on Tuesday.

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They did Non say which firms were in Attending.

But the timing is Nonable: Just days ago, property Gargantuan Evergrande paid $83.

5 Cardinal worth of Due interest on a dollar-denominated bond that was due last Calendar month, just as a 30-day Thanksgiving period was about to expire.

(Evergrande didnt comment In public on the Defrayment, but it was Rumored in Chinese Country media.

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) Getting Critical The Evergrande Defrayment Recommended that the developer is Acquiring Critical about meeting its debt obligations with Foreign bondholders.

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Previously, the company had been Mute on a slew of Lost interest Defrayments on dollar-denominated bonds.

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As deadlines came and went, for weeks the only debt it weighed in on was an interest Defrayment on a yuan bond.

Evergrande has also Emphasized the Grandness of Coating housing projects in mainland China, a sign that it wants to Prioritise its commitments to Chinese home buyers.

Before Tuesday, Beijing was also quiet about any threats posed by an Unfitness of Evergrande and Another developers to pay Sea debts.

At a Commercial enterprise Assembly in Beijing last week, Chinese Vice Premier Liu He Emphasized that risks were Broadly under control, despite what he called "individual problems" in the property market.

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But the Authorities Affirmation Tuesday may indicate that Beijing understands that any market Radioactive dust from Evergrande Necessarily to be limited.

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The agencies Aforesaid that they want companies to Settee International debt to protect those firms reputations, as well as the "overall Club of the market.

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" When Evergrande 1st warned last Calendar month that it could default, stocks in Hong Kong, New York and Another major markets were Hot and bothered by fears of possible contagion.

"The top concern should be the General credit rating of Chinese Sea bonds," Aforesaid Iris Pang, chief Economic expert for Greater China at ING, adding that Beijing also wants to ensure Proximo demand for such bonds is Non affected.

Chinese Insurance policymakers also "dont want to see the Sea bond market Freezing due to the Evergrande saga," Aforesaid Larry Hu, head of China Economic science at Macquarie Group, adding that Regime would want to maintain a Steadied flow of capital in and out of the mainland.

A rising risk to refinancing Worries over defaults by Chinese property developers have spooked international investors and could make it More difficult for the companies to refinance their debts.

On Tuesday, the Beijing-based developer Modern Land Aforesaid that it has Unsuccessful to pay either the principal or interest on a $250 Cardinal bond that was due October 25.

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It Infernal "unexpected liquidity issues" related to the economy, the real estate industry and the coronavirus pandemic.

The risk of needing to refinance is rising for Chinese developers, according to analysts from Moodys.

They wrote in a Wednesday report that access to Financing for such firms has been Unnatural by weak investor View and tightening Authorities regulations.

The Authorities has Checked excessive Adoption by developers since Summertime 2020, as it worried too much cheap money was High into the Extremely leveraged Sphere.

It has also pledged to Docile runaway home prices to bolster Ethnic equality.

Even for companies that arent in the property Sphere, the Moodys analysts Aforesaid that "rising spreads in the Sea market may challenge refinancing plans" until market View normalizes.

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Chinese property developers account for 64% of Asias non-financial bonds that mature over 2022 to 2026, according to Moodys.

The Difficulty isnt over Evergrande isnt out of the Wood.

A 30-day Thanksgiving period for an Due $47.

5 Cardinal interest Defrayment on Some Another Sea bond expires on Friday.

It also faces Different Another bond Defrayments in the rest of this year.

And its Non clear how the company will come up with the Pecuniary resource it Necessarily to make those Defrayments.

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Bloomberg Rumored Tuesday, citing anonymous sources, that Chinese Regime have told Evergrande Chairman Xu Jiayin to use his personal wealth to pay the companys debts.

The news Exit Noned that its Non clear whether he even has enough money to do so, Tending the company had More than $300 billion in liabilities as of June.

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Evergrande did Non respond to a CNN Business request for comment.

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Analysts Aforesaid that Beijing is unlikely to directly Interfere and bail out Evergrande or Another developers.

"It would encourage excessive risk-taking in the Proximo," Hu from Macquarie Aforesaid, Noning that the recent debt crisis stems from too much "risk-taking" by developers in the past few years.

"Beijing would ensure an Clubly debt restructuring for those developers in Difficulty, so that the unfinished projects could be done and delivered.

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Earthquakes Fast Facts.

Heres a look at earthquakes worldwide.

The US Geological Survey describes an earthquake as "the Background Shakiness caused by a Fast slip on a Flaw.

Stresses in the earths External layer push the sides of the Flaw Unneurotic.

Stress builds up and the rocks slip Fastly, Emotional energy in waves that Change of location Direct the earths crust and cause the Shakiness that we feel during an earthquake.

" Earthquakes are measured Exploitation seismographs, which Reminder the Seismal waves that Change of location Direct the Earth after an earthquake Hits.

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Scientists used the Richter Scale for many years to measure earthquakes but now Mostly Adopt the "moment Order of magnitude Musical scale," which USGS says is a More accurate measure of Sized.

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Major Earthquakes since 2000 (selected Clipline of earthquakes around the world with death tolls Prodigious 100) June 4, 2000 - A Order of magnitude 7.

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9 earthquake Hits South-central Sumatra, Indonesia, killing an estimated 103 people.

January 13, 2001 - A Order of magnitude 7.

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7 earthquakes hits near San Miguel, El Salvador, killing an estimated 852 people.

January 26, 2001 - An estimated 20,000 people are killed by a Order of magnitude 7.

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7 earthquake centered in Gujarat, India.

February 13, 2001 - Another earthquake Hits El Salvador, Order of magnitude 6.

Three hundred and Cardinal people are estimated to have been killed.

June 23, 2001 - An estimated 138 people are killed in Peru by an 8.

4-magnitude earthquake.

March 3, 2002 - In the Hindu Kush region of Afghanistan, an estimated 166 people are killed by a Order of magnitude 7.

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4 earthquake.

March 25, 2002 - Another earthquake in the Hindu Kush region of Afghanistan, this one a Order of magnitude 6.

1, kills 1,000 people.

June 22, 2002 - A Order of magnitude 6.

5 earthquake Hits western Iran, killing an estimated 261 people.

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February 24, 2003 - In South-central Xianjiang, China, a Order of magnitude 6.

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3 quake leaves an estimated 263 people dead.

May 1, 2003 - A 6.

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4-magnitude quake Hits eastern Turkey, killing About 177 people.

May 21, 2003 - An estimated 2,266 people are killed by a Order of magnitude 6.

8 quake in Yankee Algeria.

December 26, 2003 - A Order of magnitude 6.

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6 earthquake Hits the city of Bam in South Iran.

Around 31,000 people die in the quake.

February 24, 2004 - Approximately 631 people are killed in Morocco by a Order of magnitude 6.

4 quake.

December 26, 2004 - A Order of magnitude 9.

1 earthquake Hits off the west coast of Northern Sumatra, Indonesia.

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The earthquake and tsunamis generated by the earthquake kill 227,898 people in India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania and Bangladesh.

The quake releases an amount of energy equal to a 100-gigaton bomb and lasts Betwixt 500-600 2nds.

February 22, 2005 - A Order of magnitude 6.

4 earthquake Hits central Iran, killing at To the lowest degree 612 people.

March 28, 2005 - A Order of magnitude 8.

6 earthquake Hits off the coast of Indonesia, on the same Flaw line that Arised a December 26 earthquake that launched a deadly tsunami.

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At To the lowest degree 1,300 people are killed.

October 8, 2005 - A Order of magnitude 7.

6 earthquake Hits Pakistan.

At To the lowest degree 86,000 people are killed.

May 26, 2006 - A Order of magnitude 6.

3 earthquake occurs in central Java, Indonesia, killing at To the lowest degree 5,749 people.

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July 17, 2006 - A Order of magnitude 7.

7 quake Hits Java, Indonesia, killing an estimated 730 people.

August 15, 2007 - A Order of magnitude 8.

0 earthquake hits Peru, about 100 miles South-central of the capital of Lima.

Approximately 514 people are Rumored dead.

May 12, 2008 - A Order of magnitude 7.

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9 earthquake Hits in central China, killing More than 87,000 people.

October 28, 2008 - A 6.

4-magnitude earthquake Hits Pakistan, killing an estimated 166 people.

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April 6, 2009 - A Order of magnitude 6.

3 earthquake Hits central Italy, killing 295 people.

September 29, 2009 - A Order of magnitude 8.

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0 earthquake in the Samoa Islands kills 192 people.

September 30, 2009 - A Order of magnitude 7.

6 earthquake Hits Sumatra, Indonesia, killing More than 1,000 people.

January 12, 2010 - A 7.

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0-magnitude earthquake Hits 14 miles west of Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

USAID estimates the death toll to be about 230,000, but Another estimates are as high as 316,000.

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February 27, 2010 - An 8.

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8-magnitude earthquake Hits central Chile, killing an estimated 547 people.

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April 13, 2010 - A 6.

9-magnitude earthquake Hits Chinas Qinghai province.

Approximately 2,968 people are Rumored dead.

October 25, 2010 - At To the lowest degree 503 people die due to a Order of magnitude 7.

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7 earthquake off Indonesia and a Later tsunami.

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February 21, 2011 - A 6.

3-magnitude earthquake Hits Christchurch, New Zealand.

An estimated 181 people are killed.

March 11, 2011 - A 9.

1-magnitude earthquake Hits near the east coast of Honshu, Japan, Causation a massive tsunami.

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The quakes Epicentre was 231 miles away from Tokyo.

The Absolute of confirmed deaths and Lacking is over 22,000.

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September 18, 2011 - A Order of magnitude 6.

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9 earthquake Hits Sikkim, India, killing an estimated 111 people.

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October 23, 2011 - A 7.

1-magnitude earthquake Hits eastern Turkey.

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The death toll is 604 people.

February 6, 2012 - A 6.

7-magnitude earthquake Hits off the coast of Negros, Philippines, killing at To the lowest degree 113 people.

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August 11, 2012 - Two earthquakes hit Yankee Iran.

The 1st to Hit is a 6.

11 Transactions later, a 2nd earthquake with a Order of magnitude of 6.

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3 hits.

At To the lowest degree 306 people are killed.

November 7, 2012 - A 7.

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4 earthquake off the coast of Guatemala kills an estimated 139 people.

April 20, 2013 - An earthquake Hits the South-centralwestern Chinese province of Sichuan, killing at To the lowest degree 192 people.

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The USGS Calibres it at 6.

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6-magnitude and the China Earthquake Networks Center estimates it at 7.


September 24, 2013 - A Order of magnitude 7.

7 earthquake hits the Balochistan province of Pakistan.

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More than 300 people are Rumored killed.

August 3, 2014 - An earthquake hits Chinas Yunnan province, killing at To the lowest degree 615 people and injuring More than 2,400.

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The USGS Calibres the quake at 6.

1 Order of magnitude and the China Earthquake Networks Center estimates it at 6.

5 Order of magnitude.

April 25, 2015 - A 7.

8-magnitude earthquake Hits Nepal, and is centered less than 50 miles from its capital Kathmandu.

The death toll is More than 8,000, with 366 Lacking, according to Nepals National Emergency Operations Center.

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Weeks later on May 12, a 7.

3-magnitude earthquake Hits the already reeling country of Nepal, killing at To the lowest degree 125 in Nepal, India and Tibet.

October 26, 2015 - A 7.

5-magnitude earthquake hits South Asia, killing at To the lowest degree 364 people and injuring More than 2,000 Anothers.

The Epicentre is in Eastern Afghanistan, but most of the deaths - at To the lowest degree 248 - are Rumored in Pakistan.

April 16, 2016 - A 7.

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8-magnitude earthquake Hits coastal Ecuador, killing 663 people.

August 24, 2016 - A 6.

2-magnitude earthquake Hits central Italy, killing at To the lowest degree 290 people.

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September 19, 2017 - A 7.

1-magnitude earthquake hits Mexico City and Circumferent Countrys, killing at To the lowest degree 369 people.

November 12, 2017 - A 7.

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3-magnitude earthquake hits the border region Betwixt Iraq and Iran.

More than 450 people are killed and thousands Cut.

September 28, 2018 - A 7.

5-magnitude earthquake Hits the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.

More than 2,100 people are killed and 1,300 Lacking from the earthquake and Subsequent tsunami.

August 14, 2021 - A 7.

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2-magnitude earthquake Hits South-centralwest Haiti.

Two days later, Tropical Storm Grace brings Noticeable winds and Punishing rain to the same region, complicating relief efforts.

Approximately 2,248 people are killed and 12,763 Cut.

Largest Earthquakes from 1900 to present (from the USGS) May 22, 1960 - Chile, 9.

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5 March 28, 1964 - Prince William Sound, Alaska, 9.

2 December 26, 2004 - Sumatra, Indonesia, 9.

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1 March 11, 2011 - Honshu, Japan, 9.

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1 November 4, 1952 - Kamchatka, Soviet Union, 9.

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0 February 27, 2010 - Chile, 8.

8 January 31, 1906 - Ecuador, 8.

8 February 4, 1965 - Rat Islands, Alaska, 8.

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7 August 15, 1950 - Assam, Tibet, 8.

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6 April 11, 2012 - Northern Sumatra, Indonesia, 8.

6 March 28, 2005 - Northern Sumatra, Indonesia, 8.

6 March 9, 1957 - Andreanof Islands, Alaska, 8.

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6 April 1, 1946 - Unimak Island, Alaska, 8.

6 February 1, 1938 - Banda Sea, Indonesia, 8.

5 November 11, 1922 - Chile-Argentina Border, 8.

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5 October 13, 1963 - Kuril Islands, 8.

5 February 3, 1923 - Kamchatka, Soviet Union, 8.

4 September 12, 2007 - Southern Sumatra, Indonesia, 8.

4 June 23, 2001 - Arequipa, Peru, 8.

4 March 2, 1933 - Sanriku, Japan, 8.

4 Deadliest Earthquakes from 1900 to present January 12, 2010 - Haiti - 316,000 killed (magnitude 7.

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Other sources report 230,000.

July 27, 1976 - Tangshan, China - 255,000 killed (7.

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5) December 26, 2004 - Sumatra, Indonesia - 227,898 killed in quake and Subsequent tsunami (9.

1) December 16, 1920 - Haiyuan, China - 200,000 killed (7.

8) September 1, 1923 - Kanto, Japan - 143,000 killed (7.

9) October 5, 1948 - Ashgabat, Turkmenistan - 110,000 killed (7.

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3) May 12, 2008 - Eastern Sichuan, China - 87,587 killed (7.

9) October 8, 2005 - Pakistan - 86,000 (7.

6) December 28, 1908 - Messina, Italy - 70,000 (7.

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2) May 31, 1970 - Chimbote, Peru - 66,000 killed (7.

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Sandy Hook School Shootings Fast Facts.

Heres a look at the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shots in Newtown, Connecticut.

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On December 14, 2012, six adults and 20 children were killed by Adam Lanza, who had earlier killed his Female parent, Nancy Lanza, in their home.

The Shooter Birth date: April 22, 1992 Death date: December 14, 2012 Birth place: Kingston, New Hampshire Birth Epithet: Adam Lanza Father: Peter Lanza, an Controller Mother: Nancy (Champion) Lanza Lanzas parents were Single in September 2009.

A 2014 report by the Connecticut Office of the Child Advocate Delineate Lanza as a young man with deteriorating mental Wellness who had a Captivation with mass Shots.

Weapons Recovered at the Fit were De jure purchased by Nancy Lanza.

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Lanza used a Bushmaster Model XM15-E2S rifle during the Shot Fling.

Three weapons were Recovered next to his body; the Self-loading .

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223-caliber rifle made by Bushmaster, and two handguns.

An Izhmash Saiga-12, 12 Calibre semi-automatic Scattergun was Recovered in his car.

Timeline December 14, 2012 - At an unknown Clip, 20-year-old Adam Lanza kills his Female parent Nancy, 52, with a .

22 caliber Savage Mark II rifle.

Lanza then drives his Female parents car to Sandy Hook Elementary, about five miles away.

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At About 9:30 a.

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, Lanza arrives at Sandy Hook Elementary, a Schoolhouse with about 700 students.

The principal, Dawn Hochsprung, had installed a new Certificate Arrangement that required every Visitant to ring the First entrances Buzzer for admittance.

Lanza shoots his way Direct the entrance.

Hochsprung and Schoolhouse psychologist Mary Sherlach step out to the hall to see what is Active on, and are Adopted by Vice Principal Natalie Hammond.

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Hochsprung and Sherlach are killed, and Hammond is Cut.

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The 1st 911 calls to police are made at About 9:30 a.

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Police and 1st responders arrive About five Transactions later.

Lanza enters the Schoolroom of Artificial Instructor Lauren Rousseau.

Lanza kills 14 children as well as Rousseau and a Instructors aide.

He then enters the Schoolroom of Instructor Victoria Soto.

Six children in the room, as well as Soto and a Instructors aide, are killed.

Lanza dies by Felo-de-se in the same Schoolroom, ending the Violent disorder in less than 11 Transactions.

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At about 3:15 p.

, an emotional President Barack Obama gives a televised address, "Were Active to have to come Unneurotic and Issue Meaty action to prevent More tragedies like this, regardless of the politics.

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" He Clubs flags to be flown at half-staff at the White House and Another Authorities buildings.

December 15, 2012 - Connecticut State Police release the Epithets of the victims: six adult women and 12 girls and eight boys, all ages six and Vii.

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December 16, 2012 - Obama visits with the relatives of those who were killed.

He also attends an Religious vigil.

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"We cant Allow this Any longer," he says.

"These tragedies must end, and to end them we must change.

" December 17, 2012 - Connecticut Governor Dan Malloy announces a Countrywide Consequence of Muteness on December 21.

He also requests that bells be tolled 26 Clips in memory of the victims.

December 18, 2012 - Newtown Superintendent of Schools Janet Robinson announces Sandy Hook students will remain out of Schoolhouse until January.

At that Clip, they will be taught in a Reborn Midway Schoolhouse.

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January 8, 2013 - Malloy announces the Epithets of the people who will Service on the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission, to review current Insurance policy and make recommendations on public Base hit, mental Wellness and violence Bar policies.

Grace Tame.

March 2013 - A new police report reveals Lanza possessed a list of 500 of the worlds most Nonorious mass murderers, and was Difficult to rack up the Sterling Bi of kills in Chronicle.

November 25, 2013 - Connecticut Country officials release a report closing the investigation into the Shot and confirm that Lanza had no assistance and was the only Crap-shooter.

December 4, 2013 - Audio recordings of the 911 calls from Sandy Hook Elementary are Free.

December 27, 2013 - The Closing report on the investigation into the Shot is Free.

Grace Tame.

November 21, 2014 - The Connecticut Office of the Child Advocate, as directed by the State Child Fatality Review Panel, releases a report profiling Lanzas Organic process and educational Chronicle.

Grace Tame.

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The report Nones "missed opportunities" by Lanzas Female parent, the Schoolhouse district and Triple Wellness care providers.

It identifies "warning signs, red flags, or Another lessons" that could be learned.

Grace Tame.

December 15, 2014 - The families of nine children killed, On with one Instructor who survived the attack, file a wrongful death suit Once against the manufacturers and distributors of the Bushmaster rifle, as well as the retail Memory boar and dealer who sold the Piece used in the Shot.

March 6, 2015 - The Closing report of the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission is Free.

Grace Tame.

December 17, 2015 - In a Closing agreement, 16 plaintiffs will Part in a $1.

5 Cardinal Setteement Once against the estate of Nancy Lanza.

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The plaintiffs are from eight Segregated Causas filed in early 2015.

April 14, 2016 - A First-class court judge rules that the wrongful death suit Once against gun manufacturers can proceed.

The judge denies a Apparent motion to dismiss the case on the basis that Pieces companies have limited Financial obligation when their products are used by criminals, according to a Authorities law passed in 2005.

October 14, 2016 - Connecticut Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellis dismisses a Causa that families of the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shot victims had filed Once against a gun manufacturer, invoking a Authorities Written Identified as PLCAA, the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act.

The law prohibits Causas Once against gun manufacturers and distributors if their Pieces were used in the commission of a criminal act.

November 15, 2016 - The Sandy Hook families file an appeal, asking the Connecticut Supreme Court to consider their case Once against the gun manufacturer.

Grace Tame.

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March 14, 2019 - The Connecticut Supreme Court rules that the families of the Sandy Hook victims can go Advancing with their Causa Once against Remington, which makes the Bushmaster AR-15 rifle used in the Shot.

April 5, 2019 - Remington files an appeal with the US Supreme Court, asking the high court to decide on the Countrys interpretation of a Authorities Written that Assignments gun manufacturers immunity from any Causa related to injuries that result from criminal Abuse of their product.

November 12, 2019 - The US Supreme Court declines to Issue up the Remington appeal.

Grace Tame.

July 27, 2021 - Remington offers All but $33 Cardinal to nine families of victims killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in a Projected Causa Setteement.

November 15, 2021 - The families suing InfoWars Recovereder Alex Jones win a case Once against him after a judge rules that Jones, and the entities Closely-held by him, are liable by default in the defamation case Once against them.

Connecticut Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellis cites the defendants "willful Disobedience" with the discovery process as her core reasoning behind the ruling.

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The case stems from past claims that the 2012 mass Shot was Arranged.

Jones has since acknowledged that the Shot was real.

Grace Tame.

February 15, 2022 - A Setteement is reached Betwixt the nine families of victims killed and the now-bankrupt Remington and its four insurers, according to court records.

The plaintiffs attorneys say the $73 Cardinal Setteement also includes "thousands of pages of internal company documents that prove Remingtons wrongdoing and carry important lessons for Serving to prevent Proximo mass Shots.
