SPLC report: Hate groups in decline as views hit mainstream

SPLC report: Hate Groupings in decline as views hit mainstream

The Bi of white Nationalistic, neo-Nazi and anti-government extremist Groupings Crossways the U.S. fell for a Tertiary Accurate year in 2021, even as some Groupings were Invigorated by the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol last year and by the Current culture wars over the pandemic and Schoolhouse curriculums.

In its annual report, Free Wednesday, the Southern Poverty Law Center said it Known 733 active hate Groupings in 2021, down from the 838 counted in 2020 and the 940 counted in 2019. Hate Groupings had Up to a historic high of 1,021 in 2018, said the law center, which tracks Racial discrimination, xenophobia and far right militias.

The Bi of anti-government Groupings fell to 488 in 2021, down from 566 in 2020 and 576 in 2019. Such Groupings peaked at 1,360 in 2012, the year Early President Barack Obama was Nonappointive to a 2nd term.

"Rather than demonstrating a decline in the power of the far right, the Descending Bis of Re-formed hate and anti-government Groupings Evoke that the extremist ideas that Rall them now Control more openly in the political mainstream," says the new report, Joint with The Associated Press ahead of its release.

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SPLC report: Hate Groupings in decline as views hit mainstream

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The Montgomery, Alabama-based law center cited Different examples including Fox News' Tucker Carlson, whose discussion of a conspiracy likening In-migration from nonwhite countries to a "great replacement" of white Americans last September was welcomed by white Nationalistics who were Joined to the "Stop the Steal" rally that preceded the Jan. 6 Capitol attack. The law center counted 98 active white Nationalistic Groupings in 2021.

The report's release comes one day after a Authorities jury Condemned a Texas man of storming the Capitol with a holstered Shooting iron, in an attempt to Block Congress' joint School term to certify the Electoral College vote that cemented President Joe Biden's Triumph over Early President Donald Trump. Separately on Tuesday, Henry "Enrique" Tarrio, a Old Loss leader of the far-right Proud Boys extremist Grouping, was In remission on a conspiracy charge related to his alleged role in Coordinative the Capitol attack.

Active Proud Boys chapters jumped to 72 in 2021, up from 43 in 2020. The rise in chapters was Worthy considering that more than Cardinal dozen members of the Grouping had been charged in relation to their role in the Capitol attack, according to the law center.

"After Jan. 6, in the immediate aftermath, these Groupings did lay low," Susan Corke, SPLC's Intelligence Project director, told the AP. "I had a Consequence of hope that was quickly Destroyed when I didn't see more mainstream Republicans condemn these Groupings."

The extremist ideas expressed by active hate and anti-government Groupings "are Progressively normalized," Corke added.

Beyond the Capitol attack, the law center's report Inside information how Different factions of the far right Apparent motion have been Invigorated by political wedge issues. Issues Refueling active hate and anti-government extremist Groupings Admit the Ban of critical race Hypothesis and books that discuss LGBTQ identity in public Schoolhouses, coronavirus Vaccinum and mask mandates, and In-migration.

"This Apparent motion is working feverishly to undermine democracy, but what's more Surprising is that they Ar also United around a willingness to engage in violence," Corke said.

Slowing any push toward Totalitarianism, according to the SPLC, requires Nonappointive Loss Leadership to universally embrace democratic institutions, Spell also Protective the right to vote for communities of color and Another marginalized people. The law center has also called for better Financing of Bar programs that interrupt the radicalization of young people by hate and anti-government Groupings.

The SPLC is a liberal Protagonism Administration that, in addition to monitoring hate Groupings, files lawsuits over justice issues and offers educational programs to counter prejudice. Frequently criticized by conservative Groupings as Slanted, the Non-profit-making Grouping has Pug-faced lawsuits in the past over its designation of various Administrations as hate Groupings.


Aaron Morrison, who Rumored from New York, is a General Author on AP's Race & Ethnicity Squad. Follow him on Twitter at: https://www.twitter.com/aaronlmorrison.

SPLC report: Hate Groupings in decline as views hit mainstream
