Schalke 04 Transfermarkt Forum UEFA Moves Champions League

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UEFA moves Champions League Final St. Petersburg sporting world reacts Russian invasion Ukraine.

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UEFA announced year Champions League Final longer place St.

Petersburg extraordinary meeting governing body Executive Committee Friday.

The 2022 final scheduled held Krestovsky Stadium, sponsored Russian state-owned company Gazprom, moved Stade de France Paris played original date May 28.

"UEFA wishes express appreciation French Republic President Emmanuel Macron personal support commitment European club football prestigious game moved France a time unparalleled crisis," a statement UEFA Friday.

"Together French government, UEFA fully support multi-stakeholder efforts ensure provision rescue football players families Ukraine face dire human suffering, destruction displacement.

" UEFA added Russian Ukrainian clubs competing UEFA competitions -- Champions League, Europa League Conference League -- play home matches neutral venues " notice.

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" On Thursday, UEFA released a statement "strongly condemns" Russia military invasion Ukraine: "UEFA shares international community significant concern security situation developing Europe strongly condemns ongoing Russian military invasion Ukraine.

"As governing body European football, UEFA working tirelessly develop promote football common European values peace respect human rights, spirit Olympic Charter.

"We remain resolute solidarity football community Ukraine stand ready extend hand Ukrainian people.

" Russian Grand Prix canceled current circumstances Meanwhile Friday, Formula One announced Russian Grand Prix, originally scheduled place Sochi September 23-25, held " current circumstances.

" A statement F1 added: "We watching developments Ukraine sadness shock hope a swift peaceful resolution, bringing nations .

" The decision -time world champion Sebastian Vettel race Russia Grand Prix .

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"My opinion I , I ," Vettel, races Aston Martin, told reporters a press conference Thursday, adding: "I innocent people losing lives, killed stupid reasons a , strange mad leadership.

" Reigning F1 world champion Max Verstappen "correct" race a country war.

"When a country war, correct race , ," Red Bull driver told reporters.

Wider football world reacts Ukrainian midfielder Ruslan Malinovskyi scored Atalanta Europa League Thursday night, revealing a "No War Ukraine" shirt jersey celebration goal.

Playing Greece Olympiacos hours country invaded Russia, Malinovskyi scored stunning strikes midway knockout stage leg.

The 28-year- proceeded lift jersey reveal undershirt anti-war message written , adding a goal mere minutes a staggering strike box.

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His brace helped secure a 3-0 victory night a 5-1 aggregate win Italian side, move 16 competition.

Atalanta coach Gian Piero Gasperini morning game asked Malinovskyi -- parents family Ukraine -- felt ready play match.

"We living a special moment ," Gasperini told Sky Italia.

"This morning, I asked felt playing parents family Ukraine.

I happy brace.

"Sometimes, football solve problems, , a small contribution feel closer: hope resolved.

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" Barcelona Napoli players joined display a Stop War banner Europa League -leg knockout match Naples.

Moments kick-, starting players teams assembled hold a white banner message capitalized red.

English Premier League club Manchester United announced withdrawn Russian airline Aeroflot sponsorship rights, a club spokesperson confirmed CNN.

"In light events Ukraine, withdrawn Aeroflot sponsorship rights," Manchester United Friday.

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"We share concerns fans world extend sympathies affected.

" Meanwhile, German football club FC Schalke 04 remove Gazprom logo jerseys replace team.

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But club revealed reviewing ties state-owned Russian gas giant, sponsored team 2007.

A -time winner German division, Schalke playing tier year relegation Bundesliga season.

Ukrainian footballer Oleksandr Zinchenko, plays English Premier League leader Manchester City, Instagram Tuesday voice support Ukrainians escalating tensions Russia.

"The civilized world worried situation country," Zinchenko, 48 caps Ukraine national team, wrote.

"I stand [] put point.

The country I born raised.

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A country colors I defend international sports arena.

A country glorify develop.

A country borders remain intact.

"My country belongs Ukrainians .

We give ! Glory Ukraine.

" Ukrainian football icon national team manager Andriy Shevchenko pleading world homeland.

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"My people family attack," Shevchenko Instagram post.

The -footballer Ukraine people " peace territorial integrity.

Please I support country call Russian government stop aggression violation international law.

"We peace.

War answer," Shevchenko added.

Meanwhile, Fyodor Smolov Russian footballers speak country invasion Ukraine Thursday.

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The 32-year- -- capped 45 times Russian national team -- posted a picture a black screen Instagram a read: "No war!!!!" Smolov plays Dynamo Moscow signing Russian Premier League side January.

On Thursday, football federations Poland, Sweden Czech Republic World Cup qualifying games scheduled place March held Russia.

"The military escalation observing entails consequences considerably safety national football teams official delegations," a statement nations reads.

FIFA Thursday released a statement "condemns force Russia Ukraine type violence resolve conflicts.

" The statement "FIFA calls parties restore peace constructive dialogue" "continues express solidarity people affected conflict.

" Klitschko brothers arms Ukrainian world heavyweight champion boxer Wladimir Klitschko posted a passionate plea defense democracy Linkedin Thursday.

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Writing Kyiv, 45-year- labeled Russian invasion "Putin war" result Russian president "megalomania.

" "He [Putin] clear destroy Ukrainian state sovereignty people," Klitschko wrote.

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"Words missiles tanks.

Destruction death .

That , blood mix tears.

"We face reality courage draw conclusions future children.

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This a blatant violation international law.

" A Ukrainian Olympic gold medalist Atlanta 1996, Klitschko asserted country "basically war," rely Western governments defend democracy " late.

" "This war country result man madness, result years weakness Western democracies.

"This madness stopped stepping deterrents.

Our governments loud clear.

" Vitali Klitschko choice arms fight brother country.

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Nicknamed "Dr.

Ironfist" fighting days a world heavyweight champion, Vitali Klitschko served Mayor Kyiv 2014.

"I choice, I .

I fighting," Vitali Klitschko told British broadcaster ITV "Good Morning Britain.

" The 50-year- main objective support critical infrastructure ensure continued supply basic utilities gas, water, heating Ukrainian citizens.

"I Ukraine, I country, I people," added.

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"Ukraine a peaceful country, a peaceful people, weapons fight.

" IOC strongly condemns breach Olympic Truce Meanwhile, International Olympic Committee (IOC) Thursday strongly condemned breach Olympic Truce Russian government invading Ukraine.

"Following events, IOC deeply concerned safety Olympic Community Ukraine.

It established a task force closely monitor situation coordinate humanitarian assistance members Olympic Community Ukraine ," IOC a statement.

The Olympic Truce a resolution adopted United Nations General Assembly December 2, 2021, , , calls Member States cooperate IOC International Paralympic Committee " sport a tool promote peace, dialogue reconciliation areas conflict period Olympic Paralympic Games.

" The truce effect days February 4 start Beijing Winter Olympics ends days closing Paralympic Games, scheduled conclude March 13.

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On Friday, IOC urged sporting federations relocate cancel events planned held Russia Belarus light breach Olympic Truce.

In .

Former Germany defender Christoph Metzelder guilty sharing child pornography pictures.

Former Germany defender Christoph Metzelder a 10-month suspended prison sentence Thursday guilty sharing pictures child pornography acquaintances a message service, a court Düsseldorf .

The court Metzelder guilty offense investigation started 2019, player admitting earlier Thursday sharing files WhatsApp.

"I pictures I unspeakable suffering kids files ," told court.

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"I leave a wound heal.

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I live rest life," .

"I accept sentence.

" Metzelder, a Bundesliga champion Borussia Dortmund, played Schalke 04 Real Madrid.

He a World Cup runner- 2002 won 47 caps country.

He played 2006 World Cup.

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Metzelder president boyhood club TuS Haltern stepping 2019 due case.

He worked social projects children defunct foundation.

League Legends growing. Traditional sports watch .

With millions viewers, lucrative titles sell- competitions, surprise world esports beginning challenge Europe established sports.

While industry young, continued growth shows sign slowing sponsors keen capitalize emerging market.

League Legends remains industry successful titles , data sports industry analysts Nielsen, a huge hit younger audiences Europe.

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A study League Legends European Champion (LEC) a higher Average Minute Audience (AMA) sports tennis, basketball rugby union aged 16 29.

AMA calculates average number people watching a specific game event point time.

The study compared AMA European viewers year broadcasts rugby union Heineken Champions Cup, a tennis grand slam, UEFA Champions League LEC.

"The LEC growing double digits semesters.

Year year," Alban Dechelotte, head business development EU Riot, game publisher, told CNN Sport.

"It kind amazing a challenge -- growing bringing fans?" Bright future The data determined average age LEC fan 23 years -- 19 years younger average age soccer fans -- showing lifelong potential supporter base.

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Viewers game tend a specific demographic; young, single men high sch**l college.

For Dechelotte, a bright future game opportunity diversify broaden audience.

He industry parents involved believes people passion esports eventually passed naturally generations.

"It happening," .

"We show parents proud children playing esports.

"Our dream , day, fridge, parents putting a [medal] kid League Legends, judo.

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" While LEC continues grow -expanding esports industry, sponsors flocking game.

Dechelotte identified generations brands involved LEC began, showing evolution increasing acceptability industry.

Initially, tech organizations keen players equipment.

Then brands, including food companies, wanted target viewers live events.

And, , brands Louis Vuitton wanted collaborate industry.

"We positioned terms audiences, terms vision, terms a bit ," Dechelotte , adding Covid-19 pandemic increase viewers regular sports lockdown.

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Schalke FC Such promising potential encouraged traditional soccer organizations develop esports branch, German club Schalke.

Tim Reichert club chief gaming officer successful development LEC.

Reichert played professional football Germany a transition esports retirement, brother industry.

As avid gamer life, Reichert began potential a title, League Legends, .

"I realized a sport organizations point.

It obvious atmosphere, people, crowd viewership point interesting," told CNN Sport.

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"I convinced case a esport titles I I .

" "The target group [ LEC] perfect, viewership great, publisher strong bloody sports, complicated sport organizations due ethics problems.

" We a huge impact Despite Schalke initially coming , Reichert faced challenges convince people esports branch positive wider organization.

He admits years a roller-coaster branch a separate asset traditional football side.

"This pay a marketing budget," , speaking impact esports branch .

"We a huge impact Schalke FC brand, football.

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People buying jerseys.

It a real revenue size club, a start.

"People start loving esports brand football brand a Schalke fan, time, kids a Schalke fan a fan esports organization point.

"There add-ons business creating.

It surprising size.

" While esports pandemic helped accelerate industry -- people viewing digital content -- Reichert growth happened naturally.

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And organizations, laments financial impact Covid-19 .

"There a year 20 30 years, a decrease viewership esports.

There doubt ," .

"Coronavirus helped future a bit, .

There a downside.

A lot companies, big companies, struggling coronavirus.

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"Media spending, marketing spending decreased hits esports market.

So great coronavirus.
