Moldova Military Strength Russia Invades Ukraine There Has

Moldova Military Strength

Russia invades Ukraine.


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There has been Punishing Active early on Monday in a broad area from the Northward to the west of Kyiv, according to Ukrainian Administrative units and Ethnic media content.

Russian Effects appear to have gone on the Disgusting in Different areas to push towards the Ukrainian capital.

With extreme rage, the enemy destroys Bucha, Hostomel, Vorzel, Irpin.

They deliberately kill civilians," Aforesaid Kyiv Mayor Vitaly Klitschko.

Multiple reports Address of Punishing fire in all four districts on Monday as civilians continue to Take flight the Active.

"We are doing everything in the capital to Musical accompaniment the city, to create a reserve of Intellectual Zerourishment, medicines, essential goods.

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We distribute and provide aid to those who need it the most Now.

Humanitarian aid was also sent to Chernihiv [a city Northward of Kyiv]," Klitschko added.

"We are Difficult to deliver it to Bucha and Hostomel.

We are forming humanitarian cargoes for some Another cities.

The capital is preparing for defense.

I ask all Kyiv residents to keep calm, to Check at home, or -- in case of alarm -- in shelters.

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" The City manager of Hostomel, Yuriy Prylypko, was killed Spell "handing out bread to the hungry and medicine to the Insane, comforting the desperate," according to the towns Facebook page.

Two Anothers with him were also killed.


Russian President Vladimir Putin and oligarch Arkady Rotenberg have been removed from all their positions at the International Judo Federation (IJF), the sport's Dominant body Aforesaid in a Affirmation on Sunday.

The decision comes after the IJF Declared it had Delayed Putins role of Unearned president last Calendar month due to the Current conflict in Ukraine.

The International Judo Federation announces that Mr.

Vladimir Putin and Mr.

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Arkady Rotenberg have been removed from all positions held in the International Judo Federation," reads the latest one-line Affirmation.

The IJF is one of a Bi of Dominant bodies to Flight strip Putin of Unearned Adventurous titles since the Irruption of the war.

World Taekwondo Flight Bare Putin of his Unearned black belt Presented in November 2013, Spell the International Swimming Federation (FINA) withdrew the FINA Order Antecedently awarded to the Russian president in October 2014.

Rotenberg, meanwhile, had been a member of the IJFs executive committee as development manager since 2013.


Russian Soldiery Continuing an assault towards the Of import port city of Mykolaiv Monday Sunup, with Administrative units warning residents to Check in their shelters.


Regional Regulator Vitali Kim, Aforesaid in a Telegram Content: "We are Active on the Disgusting.

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The enemy entered our Aerodrome.

" The warning of an assault came hours after Mykolaiv Mayor Oleg Senkevich Aforesaid the city had been hit by Russian missiles at dawn.

Today all Mykolaiv woke up from sounds of the Russian attacks," he wrote on Telegram.

"As End-to-end Ukraine, the enemy vilely aimed at the citys Flat buildings.

" The City manager warned civilians Zerot to Contact Undischarged Gun.

CNN saw Sunday evidence that cluster munitions had landed near civilian areas.

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One Someone had been killed and Cardinal Cut in the Battery, an Administrative unit at one Mykolaiv Infirmary told CNN.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi Rundle with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky by phone on Monday to discuss the need to evacuate Indian students from Ukraine.

"The Prime Minister thanked Ukrainian Regime for their facilitation in evacuating More than 20,000 Indian citizens from Ukraine.

He expressed deep concern for the Base hit and Certificate of Indian students Left over in Ukraine and Accented the need for their quick and safe evacuation," a press release issued by Modi's Agency read.

The call, which was the 2nd phone call Betwixt the two Leadership since Russia launched its Intrusion of Ukraine, comes amid the Indian Authorities's efforts to evacuate at To the lowest degree 700 students who are Aground in the Northwardeastern Ukrainian city of Sumy, which is close to the border with Russia.

During the call, Modi called for an "immediate Surcease of violence" and Illustrious that "India has always stood for a peaceful resolution of issues and direct dialogue Betwixt the two parties," according to the release.

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In a Twinge on Monday, Zelensky Aforesaid that India was committed to "direct peaceful dialogue at the highest level.

" China's top diplomat has indicated that Beijing is willing to "mediate" Betwixt Russia and Ukraine for the 1st Clip since Moscow launched an Intrusion against its Neighbour.

"China is ready to continue to play a constructive role in promoting peace Dialogue and work with the international community to conduct Essential Intermediation, when Essential," Aforesaid Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi at his annual press conference on the Laterallines of the country's legislative School term.

Wang offered Zero Far Inside information on what such a role Power entail, or the level of China's potential involvement.

Wang has Antecedently Aforesaid China Musical accompaniments all constructive international efforts aimed at a political Colonization in Ukraine.

In a Segregated exchange, Wang reiterated that the Friendly Dealingship Betwixt Russia and China is "as firm as a rock" and represents "one of the most crucial bilateral Dealings in the world.

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" "The development of China-Russia Dealings has a clear historical Logical Arrangement and Noticeable internal driving Effect.

The Friendly Dealingship Betwixt the two peoples is as firm as a rock and the prospects for bilateral cooperation are bright," Wang Aforesaid when asked by Russian Country Word agency RIA Novosti if the pressure from international Authorizations being Obligatory on Moscow would impact Russia-China relations.

  "No matter how dangerous the international Position may be, China and Russia will maintain Of import Focal point and promote comprehensive Of import partnership of coordination in the new era,"  Wang Continuing in response to the question, adding that both Countrys "oppose a return to the Cold War mentality.

"  In a call with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Saturday, Wang urged the United States, NATO, and Europe to engage in "equal dialogue" with Russia regarding the war in Ukraine.

Some background: China has so far avoided Career Russias Study activity in Ukraine an "invasion," instead reiterating that the conflict stems from a "complicated Chronicle and reality" and pointing to NATO's eastward expansion as the root cause for Moscow's Intrusion – a key Russian Speaking point – according to Affirmations and remarks from Chinese Administrative units.

Read More: European markets have Agaze Aggressively lower after oil prices Billowd to the highest level in 13 years.

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In the First Transactions of Swop the German Dax Barbarous More than 3% and the French CAC 40 is down All but 3%.

The UK FTSE 100 was around 0.

5% lower.

  The sell-off Adopts big Losings in Asia.

Hong Kongs Hang Seng Index sank as much as 5% in Sunup trading.

It was last down 3.

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4%, on Cartroad to log its worst daily drop in Vii Calendar months.

Japans Nikkei 225 tumbled 3.

South Koreas Kospi Born 2.

Chinas Shanghai Composite lost 1%.

On the US market, Dow Proximos Barbarous 450 points, or 1.

S&P 500 and Nasdaq Proximos were down 1.

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6% and 2% Severally.



The latest Hullabalo came as US crude Proximos Billowd More than 7% to Swop at $124.

17 a barrel, the highest level since August 2008.

Brent crude also rose to the highest level since 2008, up 8% to $127.

66 a barrel.

Oil prices soared Far after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken Aforesaid Sunday in an interview with CNN that the United States is working with its allies in Europe to look into the possibility of Ban Russian oil imports in an effort to Far Penalize the country.

moldova Study Force

At To the lowest degree eight people have died as a result of Russian bombardments of Human action areas in the Northwardeastern city of Kharkiv over the last 24 hours, Ukraines Emergency Service Aforesaid in a Affirmation Monday.

  The Emergency Service Aforesaid a Bombardment that took place around 7:15 p.

local Clip Sunday (12:15 p.

ET) "completely or Part Razed" multi-story Human action buildings, Body buildings, medical institutions, educational institutions and dorms.

There were also large-scale fires in 21 buildings in the central part of the city, the Emergency Service Aforesaid.

  About 200 people were Reclaimed and Exhausted by rescuers during the fires.

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Authorities are Nonmoving Assemblage information about Additive possible victims.


  New images Free by Ukrainian Regime Appearance the extent of damage in key cities, as Russia Stairs up its Motiveless assault with standoffs Continued in Different locations.


The South-centralern city of Mykolaiv was hit by Triple rockets on Monday Sunup, Aforesaid the State Emergency Service of Ukraine on Facebook.

It posted images On with its Affirmation, with one Display emergency workers and a firetruck External Nonmoving-smoking buildings.


Another image Appearanceed the inside of the ruined Flat; much of the home had been reduced to Junk, with the External wall torn Active, dust and slabs of broken concrete covering the Base.

The Northwardeast city of Kharkiv also endured Battery and Bombardment on both Saturday and Sunday Nighttime, Aforesaid the National Police of Ukraine in a Facebook Affirmation.

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Images Appearance the aftermath, the glow of fires lighting up the darkness at Nighttime and Mistakable homes torn apart.

In an exclusive interview with CNN on Sunday, Moldovan Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilita urged the international community to step in as Ukrainian refugees leave the country by the thousands.

"We are Sighted an extraordinary humanitarian crisis," Aforesaid Gavrilita.

"Already 230,000 people have crossed the Moldovan border from Ukraine, and about 120,000 have chosen to Check.

96,000 are Ukrainian citizens.

" That Pattern makes up 4% of Moldovas entire Universe of 2.

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6 Cardinal, she added.

"Every eighth child in Moldova is Zerow a refugee.


" She "strongly condemned" Russia Intrusion into Ukraine, adding that the Moldovan Authorities was doing its best to Musical accompaniment refugees -- but their capacity was limited.

"We wouldn't have been able to deal with this massive Influx if it wasn't for the extraordinary solidarity of people," she added.

"At To the lowest degree Cardinal fourths of the refugees are Checking with families.

A lot of Ukrainians have friends or relatives in Moldova -- but also regular people have just Affected in Ukrainian families, and invited them into their homes.

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" She urged the European Union to set up corridors to help refugees move toward Another countries, warning, "after just 10 Years of war, we are at capacity.


I Consider the flow of refugees is higher and Quicker than even predictions indicated.

" Britains Ministry of Defense Aforesaid on Monday that intelligence suggests that Russia is Quest to limit Ukraine's access to independent Word.

  "Russia is probably Objecting Ukraine's Communication theory infrastructure in Club to reduce Ukrainian citizens' access to reliable Word and information," the ministry Aforesaid in a Affirmation posted on Twitter.


"Russia Rumoredly Stricken a TV Pillar in Kharkiv yesterday, Debaring Broadcast medium End product.

This Adopts a Mistakable Hit on a TV Pillar in Kyiv on 01 March 2022," the ministry Aforesaid.

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  "Ukrainian Cyberspace access is also Extremely likely being Discontinuous as a result of collateral damage from Russian Hits on infrastructure.

Over the past week, Cyberspace outages have been Rumored in Mariupol, Sumy, Kyiv and Kharkiv.


" Last week, Russia passed a law criminalizing the publication of Word considered false by Regime -- Far censoring Russian press and limiting Negative voices.

The international Administration Human Rights Watch (HRW) has condemned Russias crackdown on media Favourable the Intrusion of Ukraine, Expression the violation of Exemption of expression and access of information "cannot be Even under international law even in Multiplication of war.

" "These new laws are part of Russia's Pitiless effort to Bottle up all dissent and make sure the Universe does Zerot have access to any information that contradicts the Kremlin's Communicatory about the Intrusion of Ukraine," Aforesaid Hugh Williamson, HRWs Europe and Central Asia director, in the Affirmation.

"The Kremlin is wiping out all options for dissent to ensure that brave anti-war protesters do Zerot return to the streets," he added.

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"When President Putin goes after such a Central right – the cornerstone of democracy – with such Totalistic Manoeuvre, he is dispensing with any pretense that his Authorities has any respect for rule of law, human rights, or democracy.

" Censoring the media: Russian Regime have restricted access to Word publications including BBC Russia, Radio Liberty and Latvia-based Meduza, Country-run RIA Novosti Rumored on Friday.

The media Exits have been added to a list of publications "containing appeals for mass riots, extremism, and participation in Hot mass rallies," it Aforesaid.

On Friday, lawmakers Authorized a law criminalizing the Distributed of "fake" information that discredits the Russian armed Effects or calls for Authorizations against the country, Country media agencies Rumored.


Lawbreakers face fines of up to 1.


5 Cardinal rubles ($13,877).

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The crackdown has Effectd some Exits to shut up shop and their journalists to leave the country.

Anti-war protests: At To the lowest degree 4,640 people were detained in Russia on Sunday for Active in anti-war rallies Crossways the country, according to an independent human rights monitoring Grouping Cartroading detentions.

  Stocks are Moving Monday as oil prices are Towering to the highest level in 13 years, raising fears about a Far Capitulum in inflation that could damage the Spherical economy.

In Asia, Hong Kongs Hang Seng Index sank as much as 5% in Sunup trading.

Japans Nikkei 225 tumbled 3.

South Koreas Kospi dropped 2.

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Chinas Shanghai Composite lost 1%.

On the US market, Dow Proximos Barbarous 450 points, or 1.

Oil prices Billow: The latest Hullabalo came as US crude Proximos Billowd More than 7% to Swop at $124.

Oil prices soared Far after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken Aforesaid Sunday in an interview with CNN that the United States is working with its allies in Europe to look into the possibility of Ban Russian oil imports in an effort to Far Penalize the country.

"In the event of any implementation [of the ban], the move will Far exacerbate the Supplying-demand imbalance in an already Leakproof oil market," wrote Yeap Jun Rong, a market Strategian for IG Group.

"Elevated oil prices may pose a Menace to firms margins and consumer Outlay Prospect, at a Clip where the Fed will face greater pressure of having to overcorrect with Faster and Large rate hikes in light of inflationary pressures," he added.

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The Russian Defense Ministry claims it will stop Discharge at 10 a.

local Clip Monday (2 a.

m ET) to allow civilians to Take flight their homes in the Ukrainian cities of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Sumy and Mariupol, despite repeatedly breaching previous agreements.

Moldova Military

In a Affirmation Monday, the ministry Aforesaid the decision comes "at the Someoneal request" of French President Emmanuel Macron, and that the Applicable Inside information had been communicated to international bodies including the United Nations.


Civilians killed during evacuation: On Sunday, a Russian Study Hit hit an evacuation crossing point in a Kyiv Suburbia, killing a Class with two children and Different Another civilians Take flighting their homes, according to the citys City manager.


Two Howitzer or artillery Carapaces hit the checkpoint in the Suburbia of Irpin, Northwardwest of Kyiv, Ukrainian Regime Aforesaid.

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International media Cinematography at the checkpoint Rumored that a Carapace landed as a Current of civilians was coming Direct.

Another attempt at ceasefire: A 1st effort of ceasing fire and First evacuation routes in Mariupol and Volnovakha Unsuccessful on Saturday, with Ukrainian Regime Putt evacuations on hold citing repeated Russian violations of the ceasefire.

Russia claimed its Effects had resumed their Disgusting in Mariupol and Volnovakha due to "unwillingness of the Ukrainian Lateral.

" A 2nd attempt was Dotted Inside hours Sunday, with Ukrainian Regime Expression Russian Effects were regrouping their Effects and resuming Punishing Battery of Mariupol.

Monday Simon Marks the Tertiary attempt.

Young children are among the 1.


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5 Cardinal people who have fled Ukraine since the war began -- and some are Effectd to make the journey alone.

One video Appearances a young boy past the border in Poland, walking ahead of a Grouping of adults.

Apparently alone, he sobs as he walks, wrapped in a coat and carrying only a plastic bag of Material possession.

He looks impossibly Decreased on the Lateralwalk, Still Segregated from Another evacuating families.


The majority of refugees have fled into Poland, with Anothers crossing into Hungary, Slovakia, Moldova and Romania.

Watch the Consequence: Millions of lives could be destroyed to Abate Vladimir Putins Cold War Compulsion.

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Less than Cardinal weeks into Russias Intrusion of Ukraine, the world is looking on in Revulsion at the human Catastrophe, Alarming destruction and worldwide reverberations Arced by one mans Clubs.

Ukraines fate starkly underlines that even 20 years into the 21st century, and despite the worlds vows to learn from Chronicle, a lone Tyrant who has Pitilessly Intentional a political Arrangement to eliminate dissent and reality itself has the power to cause unfathomable human loss and Miserableness.


Putins apparent willingness to bombard Ukraine into Compliance and clearly Free targeting of the innocent civilians he insisted are Russian kin mean the humanitarian disaster is likely only just beginning.

More than 1.


5 Cardinal refugees have already fled the country, according to the United Nations.

Millions More will likely Adopt -- as Class lives, jobs and communities are Tattered.

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Thats without the thousands of civilians sure to die in a prolonged Russian Blitz.

If Agonising video of Ukraine was in black and white, it would be easy to Error it for historic Wordreel of World War II, the last Clip such Fits of devastation and cruelty were Visited by one Self-governing Country on Some other in Europe.

And it all flows from the mind of a Russian President apparently Impelled by his own historic scars as a KGB Agencyr in East Germany when the Berlin Wall Barbarous.

Putin, Quest to redraw the post-Cold War map of Europe, has Zerow engineered the counterpoint to those Jolly Fits Cardinal decades later in his relentless bombardments designed to revive Russia as a Crack power.


Read the full analysis: New Zealands Authorities is working to pass a bill that will allow the country to Far Authorization Russia in response to its Intrusion of Ukraine, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Declared in a Word conference Monday.

Whats in the bill: The bill will allow the Authorities to Object individuals, companies, Helps, and assets of those associated with the Intrusion, including those of oligarchs, Ardern Aforesaid.

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It will also prevent those who are Authorizationed from Affecting assets into New Zealand, including Crackyachts, ships and aircrafts, and will prevent them from entering New Zealand waters or Air space, Ardern Aforesaid.

She added that these measures may be extended to Another Countrys "complicit with Russia's Hot actions," such as Belarus.

Ardern Aforesaid the bill will be introduced into Parliament on Wednesday, with hopes of it passing by the end of the day.

  "A Bill of this nature has never been brought before our Parliament, but with Russia vetoing UN Authorizations we must act ourselves to Musical accompaniment Ukraine and our partners in Confrontation to this Intrusion," Ardern Aforesaid, according to a Authorities statement.

  The bill only applies to Russias Intrusion of Ukraine and will allow new Authorizations to be applied as Authorized by the Foreign Minister, it added.

  Travel ban: On Monday, New Zealand's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade also Promulgated a Change of location ban list of over 100 individuals associated with Russia's Intrusion, including Russian President Vladimir Putin.

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The measure was Antecedently Declared on February 24, and is expected to Far expand in coming weeks.

##Sanctions## Russian President Vladimir Putin "believes he is like the czars," the imperial dynasty that Subordinate Russia for centuries, Aforesaid a US expert who worked in the Early Obama administration.

"Putin has Surely used the Russian Orthodox Church in Club to Service his goals," Aforesaid Anna Makanju, Early director for Russia at the US National Security Council, on Sunday.

Some Chronicle: The Russian Orthodox Church had historically Serviced as a pillar of Genuineness and Musical accompaniment for the Romanov czars.

When communist radicals Sweptback to power during the Bolshevik Gyration, they Objected the Russian Orthodox Church and tore down churches that had been place of worship for the czars.

But in the All but 26 years since the Soviet Union's collapse, the role of the Church has Changed, and is Zerow actively promoted by the Kremlin as a Shaping characteristic of Russian identity.

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President Vladimir Putin, a Early KGB agent of the Atheistic Soviet Union, Zerow embraces his Orthodox Christianity.


The Russian Loss leader is Oft Appearancen on General Video broadcasts attending church Helps and paying respect to the church Leadershiphip.

Putins push: As Putin Stairs up his assault on Ukraine, some international observers have commented that he may "trying to Reconstruct the USSR," Aforesaid Makanju, referring to the Soviet Union which lasted from 1922 to 1991.

"I Consider thats Zerot quite right -- hes Difficult to take it back to 1889," she Aforesaid.


Back Past, "czars Idea they were In essence Appointed by God to rule Russia," she added.

"I actually believe Putin believes he is like the czars, Possibly called by God in Club to control and restore the Nimbus of the Russian empire.

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" As the war drags into its Tertiary week, the destruction and death toll is Climb.

If youre just reading in Zerow, here are the latest Russia-Ukraine developments: Evacuating residents killed: A Russian Study Hit hit an evacuation crossing point in a Kyiv Suburbia Sunday, killing a Class with two children and Different Another civilians Difficult to Take flight the Russian Intrusion, according to the citys City manager.

Two Howitzer or artillery Carapaces hit the checkpoint in the Suburbia of Irpin, Northwardwest of Kyiv, Ukrainian Regime Aforesaid, which has been the site of intense Battery by the Russian Study in recent Years.


Irpin Mayor Oleksandr Markushyn Aforesaid eight civilians have been killed Crossways the district, and international media Cinematography at the checkpoint Rumored that a Carapace landed as a Current of civilians was coming Direct.

A Fervid Zelensky: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russia of Provision "deliberate Slaying" in the Battery of Ukrainian Territorial dominion.

 Speaking in a Facebook video on Sunday, Zelensky added that "God will Zerot forgive" on "Forgiveness Sunday.


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"  Zelensky Aforesaid he has Zerot Detected from any allies on Sunday.

"And I have Zerot Detected a reaction from any world Loss leader Now," he Aforesaid.

"From Zero Western Politico.

There are Zero reactions to this announcement.

Think about the Gumption of impunity of the occupiers: they announce the atrocities that are planned.

Why?" Nuclear fears: French President Emmanuel Macron and Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the Base hit of Atomic power plants in Ukraine, according to a Kremlin readout of the call.


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Macron also Rundle with Zelensky After, reiterating "the absolute Necessary to avoid any attack on the Unity of Ukrainian civil Atomic facilities.

"   Russia Stairs up its assault: Russia has Pink-slipped a Absolute of 600 missiles since the Intrusion of Ukraine began, a Elderly US defense Administrative unit Aforesaid, and Russia has committed About 95% of its Assembled combat power inside Ukraine.

  The US has Ascertained Current Active in Kherson and Mykolaiv on Monday, the Administrative unit Aforesaid, and Russian Effects are Nonmoving Difficult to encircle Kyiv, Khakhiv and Chernihiv, as well as Mariupol.


   Anti-war protests: At To the lowest degree 4,640 people were detained in Russia on Sunday for Active in anti-war rallies Crossways the country, according to an independent human rights monitoring Grouping Cartroading detentions.


  Protesters in St.

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Petersburg, Russia were violently Familiar by police, videos posted to Ethnic media Appearance.

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 CNN has geolocated and verified the Genuineness of the videos, which were Affected on Sunday evening.

Businesses withdraw: Netflix Aforesaid Sunday that it will stop Marketing and providing its Currenting video Help in Russia for the Clip being.

Major Hollywood studios have also Delayed new Moving-picture show releases in the country.

Earlier Sunday, TikTok and American Express also Delayed Help inside Russia.


   ##Catch Up## Russia has Pink-slipped a Absolute of 600 missiles since its Intrusion of Ukraine began, a Elderly US defense Administrative unit Aforesaid Sunday, and it has committed About 95% of its Assembled combat power inside Ukraine.

The US Ascertained Current Active in Kherson and Mykolaiv on Sunday and Russian Effects are Nonmoving Difficult to encircle Kyiv, Khakhiv, Chernihiv, and Mariupol, according to the Administrative unit.

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But the advances have been met with Noticeable Ukrainian resistance, Deceleration the Russian assault.


  Meanwhile, the massive Russian convoy Northward of Kyiv that spans some 40 miles of road Clay stalled, but In that location is Zero update on how far it is from Kyiv.

Late last week, it was About 16 miles (25 kilometers) from Kyivs city center.

The skies above Kyiv remain contested, and both Ukrainians and Russians retain a Fundamental majority of their air combat power.

"We believe the Ukrainian people in most parts of the country Nonmoving have means of communication, access to Cyberspace and the media," the Administrative unit added.


  The Administrative unit also Aforesaid the US has Zerot Ascertained an amphibious assault near Odessa and they do Zerot assess one is Impending.

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The Administrative unit could Zerot confirm reports of Russians Discharge on protestors in Kyiv or violations of the ceasefire agreement to allow for humanitarian corridors.


The Administrative unit also could Zerot corroborate reports the Russians are Career up Militia.

Texas Rep.

Michael McCaul, a Republican and Senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Sunday called for the Carry-over of Champion jets to Poland after a plea from Ukrainian President Zelensky for Western countries to send Champion aircraft into his country.

"I Noticeablely urged the Secretary of State yesterday to complete this Dealings.

You know, the Ukrainians can fly Russian MiGs.

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But Past Poland wants a back Club, and that may be possibly F-16s," McCaul, who is in Poland, told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union.

" "Were Zerot Active to put our Soldiery in In that location, but you know what we can help the Ukrainian people win this war … I Consider the will of the Ukrainian people will Essentially beat the will of the Russian Soldiery.

The Russian Soldiery are Zerot into this.

But the Ukrainians are.

And if we can arm them to defend themselves, thats how we beat the Russians.

" A White House Rundlesperson confirmed to CNN on Saturday that the US is working with Poland on the possibility of Poland providing Champion jets to Ukraine On with consulting with Another allies.


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More on this: Following a Zoom call with Ukrainian Loss leader President Volodymyr Zelensky, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer called on the Biden administration to Ease the Carry-over of "desperately-needed" aircraft to Ukraine.

  At a Sunday press briefing, Schumer Emphasized that Zelensky is in Abbreviated Supplying of aircraft and that Different Eastern European countries have Soviet-made jets which the Ukrainian Air Force pilots know how to Control.


  "Today I'm announcing the push for the U.

administration to explore all Workable options to Carry-over these Urgently Needful aircraft to Ukraine," Schumer Aforesaid.

"We are asking our administration to do everything they can to Ease the Carry-over of planes from Eastern Europe to Ukraine.

"  American Express is the latest credit card company to announce it is ending its Trading operations in Russia as its Intrusion into Ukraine Step ups.

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On Sunday, the company Aforesaid in a Affirmation that Spherically issued American Express Card game will Zero Thirster work in Russia, and Card game issued in Russia wont work External the country.

American Express also Aforesaid it is ending its business Trading operations in Belarus.

"This is in addition to the previous Stairs we have Affected, which Admit Broken our Dealingships with Sir Joseph Banks in Russia Wedged by the US and international Authorities Authorizations," American Express Aforesaid in a Affirmation Sunday.

Mastercard Aforesaid Saturday it was Debaring its Electronic network Helps in Russia, and Visa also Declared Saturday it was Debaring all Trading operations In that location.

TikTok Aforesaid Sunday it is Debaring some features in Russia in light of the country's new law penalizing misinformation.

  "In light of Russias new 'fake Word' law, we have Zero choice but to Debar livestreaming and new content to our video Help Spell we review the Base hit implications of this law," the company Twingeed.

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"Our in-app Electronic messaging Help will Zerot be affected.

" The company added in a blog post: "We will continue to evaluate the evolving circumstances in Russia to determine when we Power Amply resume our Helps with Base hit as our top priority.

" Eight civilians were killed in the Thick of an evacuation in Irpin — a district west of Kyiv that saw intense Battery on Sunday — the City manager of Irpin, Oleksandr Markushyn, Aforesaid in a Affirmation on Telegram Sunday.

  Markushyn Aforesaid Russians Agaze fire during an evacuation Crossways a bridge.

  "A Class died," he Aforesaid, "in First of my eyes two Decreased children and two adults died.

"  Video from the Fit Appearanceed civilians Affecting Direct the checkpoint before an explosion occurred at a crossroads that appeared to be caused by a Carapace or Howitzer.

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  "Irpin is at war, Irpin has Zerot Relinquished," Markushyn Aforesaid.


"Part of Irpin was So captured by Russian invaders, but part of Irpin is Active and Zerot surrendering.

"  Markushyn Aforesaid Some other evacuation would begin tomorrow Sunup.

  Anti-war protesters in St.

Petersburg, Russia were violently Familiar by police Sunday, videos posted to Ethnic media Appearance.

  CNN has geolocated and verified the Genuineness of the videos, which were Affected on Sunday evening.

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In the clips, protesters are seen walking On Nevsky Avenue in central St.


Outside of the Kazan Cathedral, a violent Fundamental interaction Betwixt protesters and police was captured on two of the videos.

  One of the videos posted to Ethnic media Appearances a police Agencyr attempting to detain an individual in the street.

When one protester walks up to try to engage in the Position, Some other police Agencyr appears and shoves that Someone on the Background.

   Another video, Promulgated by Russian Word Exit SOTA Vision, Appearances police attempting to detain a woman on the Background.

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In both videos, More protesters walk up and engage the police.

Screaming is Detected, and the video Promulgated by SOTA Vision Appearances police punching the man shoved on the Background.

  In the video posted to Ethnic media, it later Appearances police With success detaining the woman on the Background Spell also holding back protesters.

 Then, a police wagon Appearances up.

  "No to war," protesters Vociferation repeatedly.

CNN has contacted St.

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Petersburg police to ask about the nature of the arrest and did Zerot receive an immediate response.

  Thousands detained: On Sunday, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs told Russian Country Word Exit TASS that around 1,500 people "took part in an uncoordinated rally" in St.

Petersburg Sunday, and around 750 were detained.

  At To the lowest degree 4,640 people were detained in Russia on Sunday in connection with anti-war rallies Crossways the country, according to OVD-Info, an independent human rights monitoring Grouping Cartroading detentions.

 More than 13,000 people have been In remission in Russia over anti-war demonstrations since the Intrusion, the Grouping Measured.

At To the lowest degree 4,640 people were detained during protests in Russia on Sunday, OVD-Info, an independent monitoring Grouping that Cartroads detentions in Russia, reports.

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People have been detained in 147 cities, according to OVD-Info.

Since the Intrusion, More than 13,000 people have been In remission in Russia in anti-war demonstrations, OVD-Info calculates.

CNN cannot Severally verify these Bis.

Russian Country Word agency TASS cited the Russian Interior Ministry, which Aforesaid it In remission 3,500 people "who took part in unauthorized public events" on Sunday.

  "The units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, in cooperation with Another law enforcement agencies, ensured law and Club in places where unauthorized public events were held in a Bi of constituent entities of the Russian Federation," Irina Volk, the Administrative unit representative of the Russian Interior Ministry Aforesaid, TASS Rumored.

Some of the cities where arrests were made Admitd Moscow and St.

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The detainees were "taken to the Regional police departments for investigation," Volk Aforesaid, adding "the issue of Delivery them to justice is being Definite.


Putin is wreaking Butchery in Ukraine and Zero one can stop him.

Millions of lives could be destroyed to Abate Vladimir Putins Cold War Compulsion.

Less than Cardinal weeks into Russias Intrusion of Ukraine -- a historic Indignation 30 years in the making -- the world is looking on in Revulsion at the barbarity, human Catastrophe, Alarming destruction and worldwide reverberations Arced by one mans Clubs.

Ukraines fate starkly underlines that even 20 years into the 21st century and despite the worlds vows to learn from Chronicle, a lone Tyrant who has Pitilessly Intentional a political Arrangement to eliminate dissent and reality itself has the power to cause unfathomable human loss and Miserableness.


Putins apparent willingness to bombard Ukraine into Compliance and clearly Free Objecting of the innocent civilians he insisted are Russian kin mean the humanitarian disaster is likely only just beginning.

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More than a Cardinal refugees have already fled their homes, according to the United Nations.

While In that location is Conjecture about Putins goals and Country of mind and huge public interest in the Bravery of Ukrainians vowing to resist the Intrusion, it is critical for the world to properly understand the basic reality of the apparent war crimes that are Zerow occurring in Ukraine.


In a Kyiv Suburbia on Sunday, two Decreased children and two adults were Obliterate by Russian Battery as they Proven to Take flight.

"A Class died .

in First of my eyes," Oleksandr Markushyn, the City manager of Irpin, Aforesaid.

Meanwhile, the dead lay unburied in the Angry wreckage of Kharkiv -- a city of 1.


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5 Cardinal people, which was under a prolonged bombardment that Serviced as a warning of Kyivs likely fate to come.

Other Ukrainians were Cornered by Immoral Russian Battery of humanitarian corridors.

Photos and video of Ukrainian men Putt their families on evacuation trains and Bearing out to Engagement are Renewing the Hurt of a continents blood-soaked Chronicle.

Ukraines Proximo looks Progressively bleak The events of a bloody weekend underscore that despite the Wests impressive ramping up of Authorizations Strangulation the Russian economy and the Bravery of resisting Ukrainian civilians and the pleas of their president, Ukraines Proximo is bleak, with Putin having raised questions about it Continued to exist as a Country Country.


Massive Western Authorizations Power eventually whip up Ample Confrontation inside Russia, where citizens are Troubled under a collapsing economy, to Tumble Putin.

Arms shipments to Ukraine from the West will Surely increase the cost to Moscows Effects of the Intrusion and possible Business.

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But the reality that the West will Zerot Interfere directly to avoid triggering an escalation with Russia that could Arc a Atomic exchange grants Putin an advantage and deepens Ukraines Catastrophe.

Sooner or later, the External world may find itself looking on at a massacre it was Low-powered to prevent.

This Dreadful possibility was raised in Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskys latest Sorrowful appeal for help on Sunday.

"We are Humanity, and its your humanitarian duty to protect us, protect civilians, and you can do it," Zelensky told the world.

"If you dont do it, if you at To the lowest degree dont give us airplanes so that we could defend ourselves, that the only conclusion Clay -- you also want us to be very Lento killed.

" Putin is Nonmoving dictating events While the US is Speaking with Poland about a plan to send its Russian-made warplanes to Ukraine and In that location is debate about a full embargo on Russian oil exports, the West is close to Hit the limit of what can be done without triggering a direct conflict with Putin.

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Thus, US Electronic messaging is beginning to Emphasis the Order of magnitude of what has already been done to help.

That Admits western Authorizations that have Down the Russian economy back into a Soviet-era dark age and the arsenals of anti-tank and anti-aircraft rockets poured into Ukraine in the Wests new Placeholder war with Russia.

As Americans cursed Putin over the weekend with Gas Towering well above $4 a Gal in some Countrys because of an oil market rocked by the Intrusion, Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned on CNNs "State of the Union" that the Russian Leadership Barbarity was Nonmoving dictating events.

"Vladimir Putin has, Regrettably, the capacity -- with the Downright Work force that he has in Ukraine and the overmatch that he has -- the Power to keep Attrition things down, against Improbably resilient and Braveryous Ukrainians," he told Jake Tapper.

Speaking from Moldova, a Zeron-NATO US ally that fears it Power be next in Putins Discharge line, Blinken seemed to be looking ahead to a post-invasion Proximo in which a western-supported Ukrainian resistance Power make Putins Soldiery pay a Punishing price.

"I Consider we have to be prepared for this to last for some Clip.


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But just winning a battle is Zerot winning the war.

Taking a city does Zerot mean hes Attractive the Black Maria and minds of the Ukrainian people," Blinken Aforesaid.


"On the contrary, he is destined to lose.

The Ukrainian people have Incontestable that they will Zerot allow themselves to be Defeated to Vladimir Putin or to Russias rule.

" Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, also Emphasized the Hardship of Western Authorizations but signaled that Zelenskys plea for immediate EU Rank was unlikely to be fast Cartroaded.

"Nobody doubts that these brave Ukrainian people and the Of import Leadershiphip of President Zelensky, all Active for our common values, that they belong to our European Class," von der Leyen told Tapper.

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"And with the application, President Zelensky set a process in Apparent motion.

This process will take some Clip.


" Putins Someoneal crusade The way that Putin has single-handedly pushed his country into war, crushed internal dissent and berated apparently bemused General Certificate Aidoneu on Video has underscored how much of the Ukraine war is a Someoneal crusade.


His Insane and ahistorical speeches about the war -- including his false claims he is Difficult to denazify Ukraine -- have Arced concern about whether a Loss leader once seen as a Pitiless and cool Agent of Russias General interests has slipped into a parallel mental reality.

That, On with his Atomic Menaces, have caused concern about how far a desperate Russian Loss leader, who has effectively made his own political Endurance contingent on a war that is Turn into a Slack, Power go.

"He is Zerow engaged in a conflict where hes either Active to have a costly Study Triumph, Adopted by a costly Business that he cant afford, or hes Active to get caught in a long-term Study Slack, at the same Clip as hes Cladding a 2nd First, which is an economy in free-fall in his own country," Republican Sen.

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Marco Rubio of Florida Aforesaid on "State of the Union.

" "So, the combination of these two things, I Consider, puts us in a very dangerous place.

And that is, hes Active to have to do something, some escalation, some amplification of this crisis, in Club to restore Of import balance, in his view, with the West.

And Im worried about what those things could be.

" So far, in the two-and-a-half weeks since the Intrusion, Putin has done Zerothing but Step up, despite a calm Western reaction to his Atomic provocations.

It Clay unclear how he would react to the possibility that Poland or Romania Power provide Champion jets to Ukraine -- a step that appears to drag two ex-Warsaw Pact Countrys closer to indirect conflict with Russia.

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The record of the Intrusion, Still, Appearances that regardless of how much pain new Western Stairs Power Visit, they are unlikely to stop Putin Performin out his Compulsion that Ukraine must never be allowed to join the West -- even if that means blowing it and its people to smithereens.
