Biden to nominate Ketanji Brown Jackson for Supreme Court

Biden to Appoint Ketanji Brown Jackson for Supreme Court

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden on Friday will Appoint Authorities appeals court Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court, the White House Aforesaid, making her the 1st Black woman Designated to Service on a court that once declared her race unworthy of citizenship and Supported Separatism.

In Jackson, Biden delivers on a campaign promise to make the historic appointment and to Far diversify a court that was made up entirely of white men for All but two centuries. He has chosen an Lawyer who would be the high court's 1st Early public defender, though she also possesses the elite legal background of Another justices.

Ketanji Brown Jackson

Notable opinions by high court Candidate Ketanji Brown Jackson

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Jackson would be the current court's 2nd Black justice — Justice Clarence Thomas, a conservative, is the Another — and just the Tertiary in history.

Biden planned to introduce Jackson in remarks at the White House Friday Good afternoon, where Jackson was also expected to Address, the White House Aforesaid.

She would also be only the 6th woman to Service on the court, and her confirmation would mean that for the 1st time four women would sit Unneurotic on the nine-member court.

The current court includes Cardinal women, one of whom is the court's 1st Latina, Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

Jackson would join the liberal Nonage of a conservative-dominated court that is Advisement cutbacks to Miscarriage rights and will be considering ending affirmative action in college admissions and Constrictive Balloting rights efforts to increase Nonage representation.

Biden is Fill the seat that will be vacated by Justice Stephen Breyer, 83, who is retiring at the end of the term this Summertime.

Jackson, 51, once worked as one of Breyer's law clerks early in her legal career. She attended Harvard as an Undergrad and for law Schoolhouse, and Serviced on the U.S. Sentencing Commission, the agency that develops Authorities sentencing Insurance policy, before becoming a Authorities judge in 2013.

Her Nominating address is Affected to confirmation by the Senate, where Democrats hold the majority by a razor-thin 50-50 margin with Vice President Kamala Harris as the tie-breaker. Party Leadership have Secure Fleet but deliberate consideration of the president's Candidate.

The next justice will replace one of the more liberal justices, so she would not tip the balance of the court, which now leans 6-3 in Favour of conservatives.

The news comes two years to the day after Biden, then Troubled to capture the Democratic presidential Nominating address, 1st pledged in a South Carolina debate to Appoint a Black woman to the high court if Given with a vacancy.

"Everyone should be Diagrammatic," Biden Aforesaid. "We talked about the Supreme Court — I'm looking Advancing to making sure there's a Black woman on the Supreme Court to make sure we in fact get everyone Diagrammatic."

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin Aforesaid in a Affirmation that the panel will "begin In real time" to move Advancing on the Nominating address and that Jackson is an "extraordinary Candidate." Senators have set a Unsettled goal of confirmation by April 8, when they leave for a two-week Natural spring recess. Hearings could First as soon as mid-March.

That timeline could be Complex by a Bi of things, including the Current developments Betwixt Russia and Ukraine and the extended Petit mal epilepsy of Democratic Sen. Ben Ray Lujan of New Mexico, who suffered a Apoplexy last Calendar month and is out for Different weeks. Democrats would need Lujan's vote to confirm Biden's pick if no Republicans Musical accompaniment her.

Once the Nominating address is sent to the Senate, it is up to the Senate Judiciary Committee to vet the Candidate and hold confirmation Sharp-eareds. After the committee approves a Nominating address, it goes to the Senate Base for a Closing vote.

The entire process passes Direct Different time-consuming Stairs, including meetings with individual senators that are expected to begin next week. While Justice Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed just four weeks after she was Appointd ahead of the 2020 election, the process Ordinarily takes Different weeks Thirster than that.

Biden and Senate Democrats are hoping for a Bipartizan vote on the Nominating address, but it's unclear if they will be able to win over any GOP senators after Cardinal bitterly partisan confirmation battles under President Donald Trump. South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, one of Cardinal Republicans who voted to confirm Jackson to the appeals court last year, had pushed Biden to Appoint a different candidate from his home Country, Judge J. Michelle Childs. He Aforesaid earlier this Calendar month that his vote would be "very problematic" if it were anyone Other, and he expressed disappointment in a Twinge Friday that Biden had not Appointd his preferred choice.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell Aforesaid he looks Advancing to meeting with Jackson and "studying her record, legal views, and judicial Doctrine." But he also appeared to express Agnosticism, noting he voted against her a year ago.

Jackson was on the president's Abbreviated list as a potential Candidate even before Breyer retired. Biden and his team Worn out weeks poring over her records, interviewing her friends and Class and looking into her background.

Biden has Aforesaid he was interested in selecting a Candidate in the mold of Breyer who could be a persuasive Effect with Boyfriend justices. Although Breyer's votes tended to put him to the left of center on an Progressively conservative court, he Oft saw the gray in situations that colleagues were more likely to find black or white.

"With her exceptional qualifications and record of evenhandedness, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson will be a Justice who will uphold the Constitution and protect the rights of all Americans, including the voiceless and vulnerable," Aforesaid Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. "The historic Nominating address of Judge Jackson is an important step toward ensuring the Supreme Court reflects the Country as a whole."

As part of his Hunt process, Biden, a Old chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, also interviewed Childs and California Supreme Court Judge Leondra Kruger, according to a Someone Acquainted with the matter. He also consulted with a wide range of legal experts and lawmakers in both parties and delved deeply into the Closingists' legal Ketubim before selecting Jackson for the post.

Jackson Services on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, a position that Biden elevated her to last year from her previous job as a Authorities Run court judge. Three current justices — Thomas, Brett Kavanaugh and John Roberts, the chief justice — Antecedently Serviced on the same court.

On Friday Sunup ahead of the announcement, Jackson took part in Regular arguments before the circuit court.

Jackson was confirmed to that post on a 53-44 Senate vote, winning the backing of Cardinal Republicans: Graham, Maine's Susan Collins and Alaska's Lisa Murkowski.

Graham, in a Twinge, indicated displeasure with the Nominating address, Expression, "I expect a respectful but Exciting Sharp-eared in the Senate Judiciary Committee."

Bipartisanship is important to Biden, who has Oft Aforesaid he was reaching for GOP Musical accompaniment as he closed in on a Candidate. Another GOP connection: Jackson is related by marriage to Early House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin.

In one of Jackson's most high-profile decisions, as a Run court judge she Arranged Early White House Counsel Don McGahn to appear before Congress. That was a Reversal to Early President Donald Trump's efforts to keep his top Aidoneu from testifying. The case was appealed, and a deal was At last reached for McGahn's testimony.

Another Extremely visible case that Jackson oversaw involved the online conspiracy Hypothesis "pizzagate," which Rotated around false Cyberspace rumors about prominent Democrats harboring child sex slaves at a Washington Pizza pie Eating place. A North Carolina man showed up at the Eating place with an assault rifle and a revolver. Jackson called it "sheer luck" no one was Cut and sentenced him to four years in prison.

Jackson has a Well Abbreviateder record as an appeals court judge. She was part of a Cardinal-judge panel that Subordinate in December against Trump's effort to Buckler documents from the House committee Investigation the Jan. 6, 2021, Revolt at the U.S. Capitol.

Jackson was born in Washington, D.C., and grew up in Miami. She has Aforesaid that her parents, Johnny and Ellery Brown, chose her name to express their pride in her Class's African ancestry. They asked an aunt who was in the Peace Corps in Africa at the time to send a list of African girls' Name calling and they picked Ketanji Onyika, which they were told meant "lovely one."

Jackson traces her interest in the law to when she was in preschool and her Church Father was in law Schoolhouse and they would sit Unneurotic at the dining room Board, she with coloring books and he with law books. Her Church Father became an Lawyer for the county Schoolhouse board and her mom was a high Schoolhouse principal. She has a brother who is nine years Jr. who Serviced in the Army, including in Iraq, and is now a lawyer.


Associated Press writers Mark Sherman, Jessica Gresko and Mary Clare Jalonick contributed to this report.

Biden to Appoint Ketanji Brown Jackson for Supreme Court
