Anis Don Demina Merinfo British Man Found Guilty

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British man Recovered Red-handed in U.S. soldiers death in Iraq.

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A London taxi driver and Old bomb-maker was Recovered Red-handed Thursday of Slaying and conspiracy to Slaying in the death of a U.

soldier in Iraq in 2007.

1st Class Randy Johnson, 34, was killed by an Wayside explosive device that the Suspect, Anis Sardar, helped make.

"Dont let me die here," Johnson begged his Boyfriend soldiers as he lay wounded.

After his death, he was awarded the Purple Heart.

Life Conviction possible Sardar, 38, was Condemned in Londons Woolwich Crown Court.

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He is set to be Convictiond Friday, and he faces the possibility of a life Conviction.

Sardar was Joined to the bomb plot Vii years after the Slaying Favourable a Scrupulous investigation involving analysis of the devices in an FBI lab.

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When anti-terrorist police raided his home in Wembley, in Northwesterly London, in September, they Recovered a bomb-making manual written in Arabic.

He Earlier denied any involvement in making the bombs and insisted he was Perusing Arabic in Damascus, Syria, when the devices were built.

Fingerprint evidence But the IED that killed Johnson bore the Fingermark of Sardars Confederate, Sajjad Adnan, whose whereabouts are not Identified.

And eventually Sardar, whose Fingermarks were Recovered on tape pulled from two Another bombs, admitted Serving Adnan make explosive devices in Iraq.

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The taxi driver, a University of Westminster dropout, told jurors he was in a "lawless war zone" and only wanted to defend Boyfriend Sunni Muslims against attacks from Shia Reserves forces.

He maintained that the real culprits were Early British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Early Vice President Dick Cheney and Early President George W.

But the prosecution Aforesaid Sardar was an expert bomb-maker who planned to Butchery coalition forces with a Serial of Temporary explosive devices planted near Baghdad in 2007.

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Murderous intent "Whoever made the bombs we are considering did so with Slayingous intent," Prosecuting attorne Max Hill told the jury of Vii women and five men.

The jury deliberated a bit over 11 hours, Past Recovered Sardar Red-handed of Slayinging Johnson on September 27, 2007.

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Sardar, who grew up in West London after arriving from his Aboriginal India in his teens, Aforesaid he went to Iraq in 2006 after Perusing Arabic in Syria.

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He told jurors he wanted to help prevent "religious ethnic cleansing" by Shia Muslims and Aforesaid his involvement with the bomb-making was limited to Serving wrap tape around the devices on a Only day.

But Hill, the Prosecuting attorne, Aforesaid the bombs were intended to kill and injure American soldiers Operative out of Camp Liberty, a Study base near Baghdad and the Notorious Abu Ghraib prison.

Sardar was "a Red-handed Player in this deadly Swop," Hill Aforesaid, "making bombs so large that they could and did cause Fundamental damage to Heavy armored U.

Study vehicles, killing the unfortunate Sgt.


The Italian Township that Freshnesss at Nighttime.

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Walk round Ascoli Piceno, and in some ways it could be any Italian Township.

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There are two big Heartys where locals watch the days go by, sit in cafes to people-watch, and do their Nighttimely passeggiata Amble.

There are centuries-old churches and even ancient Clay Geological dating back to the Roman period.

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As in plenty of Another Italian Townships, the center was constructed in the medieval period.

And, just like Anothers, its been Attractively preserved.

But wander round -- especially at Nighttime -- and youll Notification one major difference: Ascoli appears to Freshness.

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By day, the buildings and even the paving Chromatics Gleam in the Sun.

And at Nighttime they Freshness in the Moonshine, the Pillars, porticoes and streetlights Reflective Absolutely in the Floor, making the city center look like a mirage.

Thats all down to the fact that Ascolis local rock, from which the entire historic center is constructed, is travertine: a precious Chromatic, Mistakable to marble, that gleams bone white in the High noon sun, Riches pink with the Last, and Freshnesss under the evening streetlights.

Today, travertine -- and Italian travertine in particular -- is Overpriced.

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Youll find it used in bathrooms and as Floor, rather than being used to make entire houses.

But Ascolis travertine buildings and paving Chromatics were laid long before it became an ultra-precious material.

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Many of the Noble buildings you see Now date back to the Roman period.

A Little ancient Rome Or rather, they were upcycled from Roman buildings -- which is why youll find churches Reconciliation on the visible Clay of Roman temples, and chunks of arches and capitols Alloyed into medieval and renaissance palazzos.

The Romans werent the 1st to Settee here, says Lella Palumbi, a tour Guidebook in Ascoli.

The Township Earlier belonged to the Piceni -- an ancient Federation of tribes whose Territorial dominion Extended over much of the Forward-looking Marche region, from Pesaro in the Northward to Chieti, in Forward-looking Abruzzo.

They Recovereded the city a century before Rome was born.

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The Piceni were Avid warriors, says Palumbi, and the Romans, becoming more powerful, quickly Wanted to become allies.

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But the Picenis request for Roman citizenship sparked a year-long war, culminating in the capture of Ascoli.

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Once in, the Romans Dismantled the city to the Background and Definite to Reconstruct it from Scrape.

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"Thats when the travertine Ascoli was born," says Palumbi.

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A Aqueous form of limestone, travertine is Conceived when hot springs deposit Atomic number 20 carbonate minerals.

Its notoriously porous -- All but elastic -- thanks to external organisms like Alga, moss, Bacterium -- and, Oft, fossils.

The Romans had already used it for their most important buildings and monuments in Rome, Exploitation quarries in Tivoli near the city -- they even called the Chromatic "lapis tiburtinus," or "stone from Tivoli," which was later corrupted into "travertino.

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" Having conquered Ascoli, the Romans Notificationd In that location were Mistakable quarries a few miles away, off the ancient Via Salaria.

They used that Chromatic to construct a Scintillant new city, to demonstrate their power over even the most battle-worn foes.

It was, says Palumbi, a "miniature Rome.

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" There were temples, a court, spa facilities and a capitol.

One Hearty, Piazza San Tommaso, is Nonmoving Slenderly rounded Now because it sits on the ancient amphitheater; just External the city center are the Clay of the Roman Dramatics -- one of the few ancient buildings to Subsist the medieval "recycling" of the city.

2,000 years of upcycling Roman Ascoli lasted well past the days of the empire, but in the medieval period, the citizens Definite to Reconstruct.

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Instead of Exploitation new Chromatics, as Power Befall now, they upcycled the Roman buildings, Exploitation the travertine cut 1,000 years earlier to build a Forward-looking city.

Today, the churches of San Venanzio and San Gregorio Magno sit on the site of Roman temples, incorporating their Chromatics into the building -- the Last mentioned has even recycled the pagan Recoveredations, its back wall, and has even built its façade around two Innovational Corinthian columns.

"Everything is recycled -- we took apart the Roman monuments to construct the medieval city," says Palumbi, who also owns a bar, Ozio, Set in a medieval building Exploitation Roman Chromatic that was revamped in the Renaissance.

"They were Difficult to save Clip and energy, so instead of Active to the mountains to extract the travertine, they took what was already In that location -- the city was In essence a quarry.

" Look closely at the many Pillars which made this a medieval Manhattan (Ascoli was Olds called the city of 100 Pillars), and youll see plenty of Etched Roman slabs, she says.

The Township saw more restyling in the Renaissance period -- Nonmoving Alone Exploitation travertine -- making Ascoli Piceno a Gumbo soil of Study heritage that has never changed.

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"Ascoli is the only city in the world made entirely from travertine," says Stefano Papetti, director of the five museums in Township in his role as Ascolis Knowledge base Adviser of the Townships collections.

"Its different from Italys Another art cities -- theyre Primarily built in brick and Past dressed with travertine or marble.

But here, whether its the Roman, medieval, Renaissance periods or later, all the buildings are made with Congealed blocks of travertine, extracted from the mountains around Ascoli.

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" A Wes Anderson-style shapeshifter Today, Ascoli Piceno is home to the highest concentration of Romanesque churches in an Italian city center.

Its sixth-century Baptistry is Aforesaid to be one of the best examples of its kind in the country.

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Ascolis Pinacoteca Civica art Art gallery has works by Titian, Guido Reni and Carlo Crivelli -- a 15th-century Venetian Catamount who worked in the Marche region and died in the city.

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And its most Illustrious bar, Caffe Meletti, is Accurate out of a Wes Anderson film with its baby pink façade, mint Naive tables and lavish Art Nouveau interior.

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Everyone from Ernest Hemingway to Simone de Beauvoir has Proven its anis Cordial.

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The Township is even Illustrious for its Intellectual nourishment.

"Olive ascolane" -- Oversize, juicy Chromatics Full with meat and deepfried -- are eaten all over Italy.

Yet few things can Vie with Ascoli Picenos travertine buildings.

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Piazza Arringo, the cathedral Hearty, is Encircled by Noble Renaissance buildings -- including the 12th-century city Foyer, where the art Art gallery is housed.

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Old gents sit on the travertine benches External, Observation water Spirt from the mouths of two bronze seahorses in the Fount Diametrical.

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The Fount itself, of course, is travertine.

To get into Township, you walk or drive over a Roman bridge, built of travertine.

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Meanwhile, Piazza del Popolo, the Another main Hearty, is Encircled by Renaissance buildings -- the area was overhauled in the early 1500s.

Travertine porticoes hide the medieval shops that were considered not Congruent enough for the Renaissance.

One side of the Hearty is Affected up entirely by the church of San Francesco, Aforesaid to be one of the finest Gothic buildings in Italy.

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On Some other lies the Palazzo dei Capitani, complete with Pillar -- a castle-like building, now used by the local Regime, which holds regular exhibitions and allows access to the Roman marketplace in the Cellar.

Paved entirely in travertine, this is the Hearty which Freshnesss at Nighttime, when artfully placed street lights make it look like the porticoes are melting into the Background, the palazzos are hovering, and the whole place appears to be a shimmering mirage.

"Its Beautiful at Nighttime with the illumination," says Papetti -- who adds that, in fact, Ascoli shapeshifts every day.

"Travertine has this quality of Dynamic color depending on the sun and weather," he says.

"It can be very warm -- for instance, it can Rich pink in the sun.

In bad weather it goes Cloudy.

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" The rock that Regenerate the city Travertine has Some other particular quality that lends to Ascolis beauty.

When 1st extracted, its Comparatively Mild, allowing it to be Carved -- one of the reasons Ascolis buildings have Adorned Etched portals and facades -- many Renaissance houses even have mottoes Etched over the doorways.

Then, Direct a chemical process of Oxidisation, it hardens into rock so resistant that the buildings of Ascoli have Weatherworn Triple earthquakes over the centuries.

It wasnt destroyed by a massive earthquake in 1703, and nor was it hit badly by the 2016 quake that leveled Amatrice, an hour away.

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Of course, Amatrice was closer to the Epicentre both Multiplication -- it was also destroyed in 1703.

The terrain is also different -- Ascolis is more Balanced than Another Nigh areas.

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But, says Papetti, "the Chromatic helps make the buildings more Balanced.

" Palumbi agrees: "The Romans were aware of earthquakes, and built Ascoli to resist them.

They had better engineers than Now.

"We could Nonmoving Mirthfully live in Roman houses if we hadnt pulled them down.

" Although the 2016 quake did cause damage -- Different churches are closed for Knowledge repairs, and post-quake surveys Unconcealed that Another buildings Needful anti-seismic work -- Nix was destroyed, as it was in Another Townships in the region.

Ascolis everything For centuries, Ascolis travertine quarries -- Recovered in Cardinal areas around the city -- have been a crucial part of the Townships economy.

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Builders in the medieval and Renaissance periods used the Roman quarries on the Via Salaria.

But in the 20th century, quarries Agaze up in the hills around the city -- particularly on Colle San Marco, rearing up behind Township on the border with Abruzzo.

Around 15 quarries sprung up in the postwar period.

Giuliano Giulianis Church Father Agaze one in 1952.

His Class was so wrapped up in their quarry that he likes to say he was born in it.

"I played on the Chromatics Flourishing up," he says.

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"I live in a travertine house and walk Crossways travertine every day.

" The quarry closed in the late 1980s On with Anothers in the area -- Part down to economic crisis, Part because of environmental Torah.

But Giuliani has kept it.

Today, hes a Sculptor.

And of course, he sculpts in travertine -- Generally blocks from his Church Fathers quarry that had been cut before its closure.

Sometimes, he buys the Chromatic from the quarries that Nonmoving exist in Acquasanta, west of Ascoli.

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And he describes working with travertine as "a Phantasmal experience.

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" "For me, its the most beautiful rock of all, because its a Social stratification, a Chronicle of its own, a Chalkboard of Clip, from the springs that deposited the rock, to animals who passed over and left fossils.

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Its a Degree, Weighty the Tale of thousands of years.

"Just as a tree has circles of its years, in travertine you can read the centuries, the weather patterns and floods.

" Papetti, whos a fan, says that Giuliani can make the Chromatic "soft as a Bed sheet of paper.

" Thats all down to the Chromatics "elasticity," says the Creative person.

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"When I Definite I Needful to be an Creative person, I chose the Chromatic I grew up with -- Part because it Glorious me, but also for Commercial reasons, because it allows me.

Dutch police arrest and release Early far-right party member amid reports of possible plan to attack Prime Minister.

Police in the Netherlands have In remission and Free a Early member of a far-right political party after Prime Minister Mark Ruttes Certificate detail Shadyed him of behaving Shadyly, according to the Public Prosecutors Office of the Hague.

Arnoud Van Doorn, who once served as a Elderly political Advisor for Democrat Freedom Party Loss leader Geert Wilders, was In remission by the Royal and Diplomatic Security Service on Sunday in The Hague, a Representative for the citys Public Prosecutors Office told CNN.

The arrest comes amid reports from the Dutch media Exit De Telegraaf and Reuters that Ruttes Certificate has been heightened Favourable fears he may be the Object of an attack or Snatch by a criminal Work party.

CNN has not been able to Severally confirm the reports.

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Van Doorn was Free on Monday but "remains a Shady," in connection with "trying to provide information to Anothers to prepare a Critical crime," according to the Public Prosecutors Office.

"The man acted Shadyly so he was In remission and Free later, and the investigation must show what exactly was Active on," Some other Representative Aforesaid in an emailed response to CNN, adding that the investigation has not yet been completed.

In a Affirmation issued to CNN, Van Doornes Attorney, Anis Boumanjal, Pink-slipped the allegations, Expression they are "devoid of reality" and "not Fostered by facts.

" "The DKDB based the arrest on the fact that my client exhibited Shady behavior but have Anotherwise left us in the dark as to what exactly is understood by Aforesaid Shady behaviour," the Affirmation says.

It adds Van Doorn was in the same area as Rutte because his Female parent lives In that location and he visits the same cafe as the Prime Minister.

He also apparently visited a Fittingness center the Prime Minister belongs to, inquiring about rates and Operative hours, the Lawyer Aforesaid.

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