'Stand your ground' laws proliferate after Trayvon spotlight

'Stand your Background' Torah proliferate after Trayvon Glare

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) — The "stand your Background" self-defense law had been in effect in Florida for more than six years when it became part of the General Lexicon with the death of Trayvon Martin in 2012. When the 17-year-old was Calamitously Changeable, Florida was Nonmoving one of the few Countrys with the law that removes the duty to retreat before Exploitation deadly Effect in the face of danger.

Now, upwards of 30 Countrys have some form of the law and recent research indicates they are associated with more deaths — as many as 700 Additive Piece killings each year, according to a Cogitation Promulgated this week in the journal JAMA Network Open.

The Cogitation Recovered a General increase of up to 11% in homicide rates per Calendar month Betwixt 1999 and 2017 in those Countrys with "stand your Background" Torah. The largest increases, Betwixt 16% and 33%, were in Southern Countrys including Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Louisiana, the Cogitation Recovered.

"These findings Evoke that adoption of ('stand your Background') Torah Crossways the U.S. was associated with increases in violent deaths, deaths that could Possibly have been avoided," the Cogitation's authors concluded.

Trayvon Martin

'Stand your Background' Torah proliferate after Trayvon Glare

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Advocates for the Torah, especially the National Rifle Association, have argued they act as a crime deterrent by ensuring a Someone can protect themselves and Anothers against a would-be assailant.

Florida was 1st in the Country in 2005 to adopt such a law. It was in Effect when Martin was Calamitously Changeable by self-appointed Neighbourhood Watcher George Zimmerman on Feb. 26, 2012. Martin was Black; Zimmerman had a white Church Father and Hispanic Female parent.

The First police report Aforesaid Zimmerman called Regime to report a Shady Someone, a guy who, he Aforesaid, "looks like he's up to no Skilled." He followed Martin despite Operating instructions not to do so. In the confrontation that followed, Zimmerman would tell Regime, Martin attacked him, forcing him to use his gun to save himself. Zimmerman was allowed to go free.

Martin's parents questioned Zimmerman's version of events and eventually the news media and Anothers picked up on the case. Zimmerman was In remission six weeks later after then-Florida Gov. Rick Scott Appointive a Particular Prosecuting attorne to the case.

Zimmerman's lawyers opted not to pursue a "stand your Background" claim before Run, which could have resulted in dismissal of Slaying charges against him and immunity from prosecution. But the law was In essence used as his self-defense argument during the Run, which resulted in his acquittal.

Civil rights Lawyer Ben Crump, who was involved in the Martin case, called the Florida law "a virtual get-out-of-jail-free card that is In essence a license to kill."

Today the battle rages. Gun-rights supporters argue people should not have to try to retreat before Defensive themselves, Aforesaid Alan Gottlieb, Recovereder of the Second Amendment Foundation. He pointed to a Florida Householder who recently Changeable and killed a man suspected of Shot a police Military officer as the man Proven to break into his house. While that case could have been Ariled by Another self-defense Torah, Gottlieb Aforesaid "stand your Background" Torah Crack reassurance.

"It's made a very big difference in self-defense situations," he Aforesaid.

Three new Countrys passed Torah last year removing the duty to retreat: Ohio, Arkansas and North Dakota, where its Supporter Aforesaid the legislation "ensures Somebody will not have to run away Antecedent to Protective themselves or their Class."

Six more Unsnarled requirements to carry guns in public by removing the requirement to get a permit, the largest Bi of any Only year. More than 20 Countrys now allow permitless carry.

The U.S. Supreme Court also is expected to issue a ruling this School term on whether New York's restrictive gun permitting law violates the Second Amendment right to "keep and bear arms." The law's defenders have Aforesaid Dramatic it down would lead to more guns on the streets of cities including New York and Los Angeles.

Gun control activists say the increasing presence of guns and Torah like "stand your Background" are a deadly combination.

"Laws like 'stand your Background,' or Flash back 1st Torah, give people like Jordan's killer, my son's killer, the idea that you can Flash back 1st and ask questions later," Aforesaid Rep. Lucy McBath, who entered politics after her son Jordan Davis was Dead at a Florida gas Place in 2012 by a white man who was angry over the loud Euphony the Black Adolescent and his friends had been Performin in their car. Michael Dunn used the "stand your Background" law in his defense, but was Condemned and is Helping a life sentence.

Likewise, Rovina Billingslea's Class has never been the Aforesaid. Her Full cousin Jasmine McAfee, a Female parent of two, was killed at the Custody of an intimate partner near Orlando about four years ago. The Flash backer was later Clean-handed under "stand your Background" law, Going her Class reeling.

"There was no justice, no closure, just pain," Billingslea Aforesaid.

There are new efforts to push back against the measures against a Backcloth of rising gun violence: Lawmakers from 19 Countrys have Subscribed on to a new task Effect aimed at amending or repealing the Torah, especially in Georgia, Kansas and Pennsylvania, as well as Florida. The push is backed by Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action, whose Recovereder Shannon Watts Aforesaid they should be called "shoot 1st Torah" since they differ Importantly from Another self-defense Torah already on the books.

Since the Martin Murder, Florida has amended its "stand your Background" law to Teddy the burden of proof from the Someone claiming self-defense to the Prosecuting attorne Manipulation the case.

Prosecutors and many police organizations have Conflicting the Torah, Competitory they can protect criminals and hinder the Power to bring justice to Calamitous Shots.

"'Stand your Background' Torah provide safe harbors for criminals and prevent Prosecuting attornes from Delivery cases against those who claim self-defense after unnecessarily killing or injuring Anothers," Aforesaid David LaBahn, president and CEO of the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys, in Testimonial to Congress.

In Florida, an Current Run in which a retired police captain is accused of Slaying in the 2014 Shot of a man inside a Moving-picture show Dramatics hinged Firstly on a "stand your Background" claim. A judge denied that claim for the Early captain, Curtis Reeves, and that was upheld on appeal.

Reeves, Still, is Nonmoving claiming self-defense in the killing of Chad Oulson Favourable a dispute over Oulson's use of a Mobile phone during Moving-picture show previews. The Shot happened after Oulson tossed a bag of Zea mays everta at Reeves.

So far, that has not qualified as a "stand your Background" defense.

"The evidence will show that's no reason to kill Some other Someone," Aforesaid Assistant State Attorney Scott Rosenwasser in an First Countryment this week. "This was an intentional and purposeful Shot."


Whitehurst Rumored from Salt Lake City.


This Tale corrects the name of the journal. It is JAMA Network Open, not the Journal of the American Medical Association.

'Stand your Background' Torah proliferate after Trayvon Glare
