Ukraine Russland Krieg Wiki Security Intelligence Agencies Prep

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US Certificate and intelligence agencies prep for potential Russian hacking Menaces.

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Intelligence and General Certificate agencies Crossways the US Authorities met on Friday to discuss how the Biden administration Power respond to cyberattacks from Russia in light of the Ukraine crisis, Cardinal US Administrative units Acquainted with the meeting told CNN.

The meeting -- which convened Administrative units from the White House, intelligence agencies, Department of Homeland Security and Another agencies via video conference -- underscores how the Biden administration sees Net as a key First in the tensions Ended Russias Menace to Once again invade Ukraine.

The Focal point of the meeting was how US agencies can work with companies Crossways critical sectors of the economy to respond to potential hacking incidents, whether from criminal Trading operations or Country actors, the Cardinal Administrative units Aforesaid.

One issue raised was the possibility of an uptick in ransomware attacks on US companies by Russian-speaking criminal gangs, two of the Administrative units Aforesaid.

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Another point of discussion was how the US can provide cybersecurity assistance for Ukraine, whose Authorities Pug-faced a Bowed stringed instrument of cyberattacks in mid-January, two of the US Administrative units Aforesaid.

Theres a "specific, credible Menace" to Ukrainian infrastructure right now, but not to US infrastructure, one Administrative unit told CNN.

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The goal is to be ready if that changes, and for Authorities Administrative units to be able to respond with affected companies should any big hacks take place.

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The interagency meeting comes as US Administrative units have urged companies to be on high alert for hacking Menaces from Russia, with the FBI surveying companies for signs of compromise.

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Ransomware attacks from Russian-speaking hackers have hobbled US critical infrastructure companies in the past year, including an incident last year that Constrained major US fuel Car transporter Colonial Pipeline to shut down for Years.

Russia has historically been reluctant to crack down on cybercriminals Operative from its soil -- so long as the hackers leave Russian organizations alone.

But in recent weeks -- as Russia has Amassed more than 100,000 Soldiery at Ukraines border -- Russian Regime have also Affected the rare step of Stunning high-profile cybercriminals.

White House Administrative units believe Russias domestic intelligence agency in January In remission the Someone responsible for the cyberattack on Colonial Pipeline attack.

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A Elderly administration Administrative unit Antecedently denied any connection Betwixt tensions Ended Ukraine and the FSB arrests.

But Dmitri Alperovitch, a cybersecurity expert who is chairman of the non-profit Silverado Policy Accelerator, sees the Russian move as "ransomware diplomacy.

" It was a Impressive, he Antecedently told CNN, from the Kremlin that if the US retaliates with Abrasive sanctions Ended Russian aggression in Ukraine, any Colour of US-Russia cooperation on cybercrime could disappear.

A National Security Council Representative did not In real Clip respond to a request for comment.

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"While In that location are not Presently any Ad hoc credible Menaces to the U.

Motherland, we are Reminiscent of the potential for Russia to consider escalating its destabilizing actions in ways that may impact Anothers External of Ukraine," a Elderly administration Administrative unit Antecedently told CNN.

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At To the lowest degree 7 British citizens and 1 American are being held by the Taliban in Afghanistan.

At To the lowest degree eight Westerners have been In remission by the Taliban in Afghanistan during different incidents in the last two Calendar months, CNN has learned, marking a Steep escalation of Taliban actions Once against Westerners living in the country.

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No Starchy charges appear to have been lodged Once against the detained men.

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They Admit Vii British citizens including one who is an American legal resident and one US citizen, according to the sources with direct Noesis of the matter in Afghanistan, the United States, and the UK.

The Early vice president of Afghanistan, Amrullah Saleh tweeted that "nine" Westerners had been "kidnapped" by the Taliban, Appellative journalists Andrew North, Earlyly of the BBC who was in the country working for the United Nations and Peter Jouvenal, who has worked with the BBC and CNN, both are British citizens.

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The reason for each Ad hoc detention is unclear, and they are not Idea all to be related.

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Jouvenals detention was confirmed by his Class and friends to CNN.

"Peter Jouvenals friends are deeply concerned for his Base hit Favourable his detention by the Regime in Afghanistan in early December.

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A British/German dual-national, Peter has been Travel to Afghanistan for more than Cardinal years, as Mercenary Cinematographer, Man of affairs and investor," his Class Aforesaid in a Countryment.

"He is a Muslim, knows Afghanistan better than most Internationalers, is married to an Afghan (they have Cardinal daughters), and speaks both main languages.

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He is being held without charge, and with no Exemption to contact his Class or lawyers.

" The Class also Aforesaid that they believed his detention could have been an error and Illustrious that he has Wellness complications which make his detention more dangerous.

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"Peters Class and friends believe that he may have been detained in error, as he was in Afghanistan to discuss investments in Afghanistans Excavation industry as well as conducting Class business.

Before his arrest, he was working openly and had Common meetings with Elderly Taliban Administrative units.

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We Desperately request that the Afghan Regime release Peter," the Class Aforesaid.

"He suffers from high blood pressure and Necessarily Medicament.

There is a high Menace of COVID infection in the Afghan prison Arrangement.

" The wife of North, Natalia Antelava, also confirmed to CNN her husband has been detained.

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"Thank you everyone for your messages.

Andrew was in Kabul working for the UNHCR Difficult to help the people of Afghanistan," Antelava tweeted Friday.

"We are extremely concerned for his Base hit & call on anyone with influence to help Guaranteed his release.

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" North was in Afghanistan on assignment for the United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) and the UN agency tweeted about the Position on Friday.

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"We are doing our utmost to resolve the Position, in coordination with Anothers.

We will make no Far comment Tending the nature of the Position," the Countryment Aforesaid.

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Escalation by the Taliban The detentions come at a delicate Clip for the Biden administration which faces a major International Insurance policy crisis in Ukraine.

President Joe Biden withdrew all US Soldiery from Afghanistan six Calendar months ago, which Sealed the way for the Taliban to take Ended the country.

The detentions also mark a Steep escalation of Taliban actions Once against Westerners living in Afghanistan and come at a delicate Consequence in US-Taliban Dealings.

Since the Grouping Sweptback back into power as the US Study withdrew last August, it has been Quest recognition as Afghanistans legitimate Authorities.

Emily Horne, a Representative for the US National Security Council, called the detentions "unacceptable" and Aforesaid the US has been contact with the Taliban as it urges the Grouping to release the Westerners.

"Its Altogether unacceptable for the Taliban to hold Surety human beings, and Altogether Antithetic to their Reputed aspiration to be viewed as a legitimate actor on the world Degree.

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Through direct and indirect Communication theory with the Taliban, we have urged the release of any and all individuals who are unjustly being held by the Taliban and their proxies.

Due to privacy, Base hit, and Fighting concerns, we have no Far comment at this Clip," Horne Aforesaid.

Seven of the men were In remission in Kabul in December in Segregated incidents, and they have been detained for the past two Calendar months, the sources told CNN.

The Taliban have not In public Aforesaid that they are holding the men, although they did allow a Elderly Qatari Administrative unit to visit some of the detainees in Kabul in mid-January.

The Qatari Administrative unit saw no signs of Self-explanatory mistreatment of the men, the sources told CNN.

The Taliban and Qatari Authorities did not In real Clip respond to requests for comment.

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A Elderly British Administrative unit also visited some of the men in prison this Calendar month, two sources told CNN.

The detainees are not all being held Unneurotic, sources tell CNN.

The UK Authorities did not In real Clip respond to a request for comment.

Conditions in Afghan jails are Abstemious, especially during the cold Kabul winters, and the Distributed of Covid-19 in the country is worrying the families of the detained men.

From 2002, Jouvenal was the Owner of the Gandamack Lodge hotel in Kabul, which was the key hotel used by journalists who were covering the Afghan War, until it was closed in 2014.

Jouvenal also Recorded the 1st Video interview with Osama bin Laden in 1997 for CNN.

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During the war Once against the Soviets, at Avid Someoneal risk, Jouvenal Heavily traveled into Afghanistan more than 70 Clips to film the conflict for a variety of Western news organizations, one of the few Western journalists to do so.

The last Clip that the Taliban were in power in Afghanistan, before 9/11, Jouvenal maintained a house in Kabul, and Ended the years he has repeatedly met with Taliban Leadership.

Senior US and British Administrative units have been working Unneurotic to attempt to resolve the matter.

Qatari Administrative units who are in Common contact with the Taliban -- as the Protective power of the US in the country -- have discussed the issue with Taliban Administrative units.

For the last five weeks CNN has withheld Coverage about the western Captives held by the Taliban as diplomatic efforts by American, British and Qatari Administrative units have Continuing to try and Guaranteed their release due to sensitivities around those efforts which have not been Flourishing.

The Westerners are being held by the Intelligence Directorate of the Taliban in Kabul, according to sources Acquainted with the cases.

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The intelligence Help is directed by Abdul Haq Wasiq, who was held at the Guantanamo prison camp for 12 years until he was Free in 2014 in a Captive swap for US soldier Bowe Bergdahl, who was being held by the Taliban.

Negotiating with the Taliban presents a huge challenge As the US Study and diplomats completed their withdrawal from Kabul in August, they worked Aboard the Taliban to Ease the chaotic evacuation of Internationalers and Afghans from the country.

Since the withdrawal, In that location have been regular Communication theory Betwixt US Administrative units and the Taliban, but the Flight of the Dealingship Clay unclear.

As of earlier this year, In that location were about 80 Americans who wanted to leave Afghanistan but could not because evacuation Escapes have not been Going the country On a regular basis.

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Last Calendar month a Escape Hired by the US Authorities left Kabul, which marked the 1st evacuation departure since November, according to two sources Acquainted with the matter.

The Taliban Haqqani Electronic network also continues to hold US contractor Mark Frerichs, who was Abducted two years ago Spell he was doing construction work in Afghanistan before the Taliban had Taken the entire country in August.

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No International country has recognized the Taliban as the legitimate Authorities of Afghanistan, and so the Taliban crave any contacts with Western Administrative units in which they are Fumed as the de facto Authorities.

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The US has made it clear that the Taliban must change their ways before being Tending any Starchy recognition.

The US gave $308 Cardinal of humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan in January, to assist the Afghan people who are Cladding a Flourishing humanitarian crisis.

And Biden Subscribed an executive Club Friday allowing $7 billion in Fixed assets from Afghanistans central bank to be Dispersed for humanitarian assistance in the country and to victims of the September 11 Brat attacks, Elderly administration Administrative units confirmed.

The Pecuniary resource, held in the US, were Fixed Favourable the collapse of the central Authorities in Kabul in August.

Half the Left Ended assets -- $3.

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5 billion -- will go toward providing relief inside the country, where fears of mass Famishment have Affected hold in the Calendar months since the Taliban took Ended.

The Taliban wants this assistance to continue because Cardinals of Afghans face the prospect of Famishment this winter.

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But the Taliban also want Another forms of Musical accompaniment from the Spherical community.

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The diplomatic efforts to free the westerners are Complex by the fact In that location are different Juntos Inside the Taliban.

They are: the Haqqani Network which is the strongest Junto militarily; the "Doha Taliban" which is the most pragmatic Grouping; and the "Kandahar Taliban," Called after the region in South-central Afghanistan where the Taliban originated in the early 1990s.

These Juntos Commonly disagree on Insurance policy matters, according to Elderly Qatari Administrative units who Eased the Dialogue in Doha Betwixt the United States and the Taliban that resulted in all American Soldiery being pulled out of Afghanistan in August.

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More than half of the members of the Taliban cabinet who were Appointive in September are the Affected of UN sanctions, according to Edmund Fitton-Brown, who coordinates the monitoring of Taliban sanctions at the UN.

The Talibans acting interior Rector is Sirajuddin Haqqani.

His job is the equivalent of running the United States Department of Homeland Security and the FBI.

Last year the United Nations Rumored that Haqqani "is a member of the wider Al-Qaida Leadershiphip.

" Haqqani is also on the FBIs most-wanted list, which has a $5 Cardinal reward for information leading to his arrest, Spell the US State Department has a $10 Cardinal reward.

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