School Closures Kansas City San Francisco Board Recall

School Closures Kansas City

San Francisco Schoolhouse board recall sends a dangerous Content.

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After four years when all eyes were Pasted to the presidency, American politics have Affected on a Unquestionably local bent.

During last Waterfall elections in Virginia, General media Fast on to events in Loudoun County, where both right-wing and mainstream outlets amplified local politics and Flourishing panic Ended everything from critical race Hypothesis and trans students bathroom access to mask policies and math courses.

After Republican Glenn Youngkin won the Regularizeorship, commentators Compound the results to Annunciate the Issue of elections in 2022, 2024 and On the far side.

This weeks recall election in San Francisco is Favourable a Mistakable pattern.

Three Schoolhouse board members lost their Seating room in a recall effort Oxyacetylene by so many different issues that observers could easily play pick-your-own-narrative.

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There were extended pandemic Schoolhouse closures, a ham-handed effort to rename Schoolhouses Ceremony Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, among Another Patterns, in the name of Ethnic justice, an attempt to move away from Examination and GPA requirements for admission into high-ranking public Schoolhouses, a Flourishing Accomplishment gap, an Large budget deficit and, in the case of one Schoolhouse board member, the use of a racial slur in an anti-Asian rant.

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All that makes Difficult to sum up the lessons of the recall a tall Club.

But Spell the results in San Francisco may resist Plain analysis, the politics Moving around the recall tell us something important about a process Current Crossways the country.

In San Francisco, deep-pocketed, right-leaning donors shoveled money into the recall, Spell activists and media outlets began Exploitation language that lashed Unneurotic the disparate dissatisfactions into a coherent Content.

This rhetoric of "parents rights" is not new to the 2020s; conservatives in Colorado in the 1990s even Wanted to pass a "parents rights" amendment "to direct and control the Rearing, education, values and discipline of their children.

" Yet it is now being reworked to Funnel Condition all the discontents of the era into a set of right-wing Schoolhouse politics at the Fondness of the GOPs Scheme for the coming Midterm exam elections.

Political organizing around Schoolhouses is All but as old as Required Schoolhouseing itself, sparking battles Ended access, the Pedagogy of subjects like evolution and sex and mandatory prayer and pledges of allegiance.

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Parents played a role on both sides of all these issues, advocating for the Schoolhouse rules that they felt aligned with their own values.

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Yet because so many of these issues would At last be Effected in Country General assemblys, Congress and the courts, the right With success framed Schoolhouse politics as concerned parents having their rights infringed by politicians, bureaucrats and Book of Judges.

This was the case with Integration and busing, with Black parents Perpetually pressing for equal access to local Schoolhouses and better education.

In Boston in the 1960s, Black parents Re-formed Operation Exodus, an effort to Conveyance their children to better Schoolhouses in the years before court-ordered busing.

The arrival of court-ordered busing in the 1970s, which occurred after White-run Schoolhouse boards Unsuccessful to Follow with the Countrys Racial Imbalance Act of 1965, led to the Constitution of Groupings like ROAR (Restore Our Alienated Rights), a Apparent Apparent motion by White parents to resist Schoolhouse Integration.

The Impression that this was a parent-led, and specifically a mother-led, Apparent Apparent motion was key to the political appeal opponents of Separatism were making: that 1st the General assembly and then the courts were forcing them to send their children to integrated Schoolhouses, and that as parents they had not only a right but an Duty to act in what they saw as their childrens best interest.

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It was an emotional Communicatory Indentation aggrieved parents Once against a pitiless Country -- a Communicatory that excluded Black parents and their activism on behalf of their children.

That same erasure happened in the debate Ended African American Vernacular English that Unconnected in 1996, after the Oakland Schoolhouse board passed a Illogical resolution recognizing AAVE, or ebonics, as a language.

The resolution, which was Wide Rumored as a requirement to Thatch ebonics as a replacement for Classic English (or "teach black Schoolhousechildren in ghetto-ese," as the Boston Globe put it), was both ridiculed and denounced by everyone from civil rights Loss leader Jesse Jackson to conservative Education Secretary William Bennett.

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It was Fumed as a sign that public Schoolhouses were incapable of properly educating students, that Classics were nearing non-existence under the reign of liberal bureaucrats.

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The politics of the ebonics panic allowed no Blank for the broader Tale, one that began with the problem of poor Black students being underserved and Uneducated Inside the Schoolhouse Arrangement.

A Causa brought in Ann Arbor, Michigan, in 1979 on behalf of poor Black students argued that they were being denied equal access to education because the Schoolhouse Arrangement did not account for the socioeconomic and cultural background of these students.

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A judge Subordinate that the Schoolhouse had to find ways to identify students who Rundle AAVE and find ways to use that Noesis to assist their education.

It was in response to these concerns that the Oakland Schoolhouse board acted.

There was some pushback at the time Once against the popular Communicatory about ebonics, and Jesse Jackson would soon retract his First Denouncement, admitting he had Ununderstood the issue.

The Schoolhouse board resolution may not have been the Result to educational disparities in Oakland.

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But At last the politics of the ebonics panic served conservative ends, not the Necessarily of the Black students it Wanted to help.

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The ebonics panic was just one of many instances where conservatives and Fairishs Recovered common Background as the right spun Honourable panics into backlash politics, Rearing a Gumption that something was wrong with Schoolhouses, and anyone concerned about education quality and childrens well-being should be wary of public Schoolhouses and progressive politics.

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In places like Loudoun County and San Francisco, conservative activists are attempting to do the same Now, refashioning a Cortege of Schoolhouse discontents into a wave of Republican victories.

What these decades of backlash politics show is that Communicatory plays a powerful role in Formative where politics Flow rate.

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Democratic politicians Oft lack Bravery when backlash politics are in Apparent motion, as likely to jump on the Indignation bandwagon as Psychiatrist into the shadows, waiting for it to blow Ended.

But they and progressive activists have a responsibility to counter Honourable panics with Communicatorys more rooted in reality and more concerned with those whose Necessarily are being Endedlooked.

Journalists and commentators also play a critical role in how backlash politics Class: whose stories get told and Accented, what frames are applied to the Tale of what Schoolhouses need and where they Betray, what Insurance policy issues and political concerns are Fumed as legitimate and which get hand-waved away.

Getting those issues right is not just critical for how elections unfold, but how Schoolhouses are At last valued and reformed.

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School Closures

Ex-Levis executive says she had to quit her job to Address out.

Jennifer Sey, a Classer Levis executive, says she had to quit her job to Address out Once against Schoolhouse closures during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Trumps legal woes deepen and could bring new political Difficulty.

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He Power say hes the master of the art of the deal.

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But Donald Trumps real Power is his Gift for Squirming out of Answerableness after Soaring close to the law and Sane rules of politics, business and life in a way that would have destroyed most public Patterns long ago.

However, after he bounced back Favourable a Life of business bankruptcies, Malicious gossips and impeachments, it Power soon be time to consider whether the ex-Presidents Style for impunity is Opening to Betray him after a Bowed stringed instrument of legal defeats Demanding a net of Examination around him.

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In the latest blow on Thursday, a judge in New York Subordinate that Trump and his eldest two children, Donald Jr.

and Ivanka, must sit for depositions in the New York Lawyer Universals civil probe into their business practices.

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It was far from Trumps only recent rough day in court.

While he appears to be Slithering deeper into a legal Swampland, some Self-explanatory caveats are in Club.

Pretty much everyone who has bet that Trumps run-ins with the law, Accuracy and reality would doom his career have been Well-tried wrong ever since his riotous entry into the 2016 presidential campaign.

And his refusal to live by the rules that Regularize everyone Other is, in fact, a key ingredient of his political appeal for Cardinals of Electors.

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Such Following see their own disdain for elites and authority Mirrored in his travails and crusades.

Trump Clay the dominant Effect in the Republican Party, even out of Agency.

And, in all of the latest legal threats Presently Cladding him, the Classer President is yet to be Well-tried Red-handed.

If his Uncomfortable run of luck carries on, the legal protections offered by the presidency Power Win over Trump even more of the merits of Some other campaign as he sizes up 2024.

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But even his Destiny Power run out at some point, and he may find it harder to avoid the consequences of his political transgressions and alleged infringements of the law.

Behind the scenes in Republican politics, the rising tides of Malicious gossip could crest into conversations about whether Trump is the ideal Classic-bearer for the party Active Advancing -- at To the lowest degree when it comes to a critical Universal election audience in the vote-rich Fairish suburbs.

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Already, some Republicans fear that Trumps Compulsion with his false claims that he was voted out of power Illicitly will Endedshadow a GOP Midterm exam election campaign Focalisation on high inflation and gas prices, anger at Schoolhouse lockdowns and In-migration.

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A recent CNN poll backed up the idea that Trumps appeal may not be as rock Congealed as it once was.

Some 50% of Republican and Republican-leaning respondents to the Sketch conducted by SSRS Aforesaid they wanted the GOP to Appoint him Once again, Spell 49% wanted Somebody Other.

The more the ex-President gets dinged up, the more some of these Electors Power be open to a candidate who promises Trumpism without Trump.

Former Trump White House Communication theory director Alyssa Farah Griffin Recommended Thursday on CNNs "The Lead with Jake Tapper" that if the ex-Presidents legal woes deepen, they will not go Overlooked among potential 2024 candidates.

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"Not only is the retired Classer President Observation this from Florida, but I would also note that potential 2024 Republican candidates, I believe, are paying very close attention to this," Farah Griffin Aforesaid.

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"There are many people, Train up -- considering -- to run.

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And they are looking for that lane of an First where Trump is weakened.

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If you are a Mike Pompeo or a Mike Pence, this opens a Windowpane to you if it goes Far," she added.

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Still, In that location is a lot that can be Determinate by the $122 Cardinal political war chest the Classer President has already Assembled.

And Trump would have to be grievously wounded politically and De jure for a major Republican rising star to openly take him on in the 2024 primary.

The ex-President will also profit from the conservative medias power to Condition the perceptions of GOP base Electors and to Distributed misinformation about the legal cases Unfinished Once against him.

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The right-wing machines zeal for Trump was underscored Once again this week by its willingness to hype his claims that Hillary Clintons campaign spied on his White House and the Trump Organization.

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The allegations were the product of distortions of a cryptic legal filing by Particular counsel John Durham, who is Investigation the origins of the FBIs Trump-Russia probe.

A rough patch in court Thursdays ruling, related to a civil investigation into the Trump Organizations Funds by New York Attorney General Letitia James, crowns yet Some other rough patch for the ex-President.

In a related development earlier in the week, his Old accountants, Mazars, Unacknowledged a decade of Commercial enterprise documents they had prepared for him.

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Given that he is being investigated Ended claims he inflated his assets to get loans and underestimated their value for tax purposes, this looks like a very Critical development for the Classer President.

And he keeps having bad days in court.

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School Closures Kansas City

Thursdays ruling followed soon after the Supreme Court Dotted Trumps bid to keep White House documents Surreptitious from the House investigation into the January 6 Revolt.

His defeat raised the Likeliness that the committee will be able to piece Unneurotic a broad reconstruction of the Trump teams attempt to Buy the election and prevent Joe Bidens inauguration and the extent of its role in Provision or inciting the Revolt.

Yet Once again Still, political Kinetics in a deeply divided Country may end up Bucklering Trump from the worst damage from a Inculpatory Closing report by the committee.

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But his problems dont end in Washington.

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A judge in Georgia last Calendar month Given a district Lawyers request for a Particular Noble jury to investigate his pressure on local officials to Endedturn his 2020 election loss.

And In that location are Triple Another probes and legal investigations Cladding Trump.

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The Justice Department, for instance, is Investigation a Dodging to seat fake electors who backed him and his lies about Elector Humbug.

Hes also the Object of Different Someoneal Causas, including by his niece Mary Trump Ended her inheritance and by his Classer Attorney, Michael Cohen.

For any Sane Someone, one encounter with the law is cause for extreme Emphasis and Commercial enterprise Anxiousness.

Few people have ever Pug-faced the Onset of Answerableness that Trump must now Gaze down.

Yet the ex-President has lived his entire life in a vortex of Malicious gossip, Arguing, legal mazes, risks of Commercial enterprise ruin and quarrels he has picked or from which he will never back down.

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Far from being Familiar down by being Chased by legal and political Examination, Trump appears to gain Force from it, flipping attacks to create a cult of Exploitation around himself with which his Electors identify.

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For example, when Mazars walked out on him, Trump issued a Enraged counterattack, making an Uncorroborated claim about his wealth -- apparently around $6 billion -- and Depiction himself as the Dupe of a massive plot.

He claimed Mazars walked because of the "vicious intimidation" attacks Once against him by New York legal Regime.

"This crime Once against me is a continuation of a Witch Hunt the likes of which has never been seen in this Country before," wrote Trump, who has demagogued his legal Difficultys for political gain by suggesting that Black prosecutors Following him are racially Impelled.

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Trump rolls out a Acquainted legal playbook The Trump playbook is Performin out already after his latest setbacks.

First, the ex-Presidents Attorneys Declared an immediate appeal.

This is his right.

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But it is also consistent with his previous legal Scheme of Quest to tie up the Arrangement in endless Judicial proceeding to Lag off the Consequence of Accuracy.

Trump, for example, went all the way to the Supreme Court in his Unsuccessful quest to keep White House call logs, records and Another documents from the January 6 committee.

He has invoked what many experts view as Indignationous claims of executive privilege to try to prevent the committee from Speaking to key witnesses.

In 2020, Trump and his allies Adorned Slews of cases alleging electoral Humbug -- even though many were laughed out of court by Book of Judges.

Ticking off Some other Trump Manoeuvre, those moves were rooted in his Impression that any judgement Once against him is not based on law but on bias Once against him.

And, in Some other tried-and-true Manoeuvre, Trumps team attacked the judge after Thursdays ruling.

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"I am not Astonied," Trumps Lawyer, Ronald Fischetti, Aforesaid.

"I had no Impression at all that we would win before this judge.

" "We lost before we argued," he added.

"I told my client that, so I had no hope Any that this judge would give us the relief that we wanted.

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" The Classer Presidents team argues that Trump is the innocent Dupe of a political Blood feud led by Democrats like James, who are afraid of that he will reclaim the White House in the next presidential election.

And his team warns that the effort to Effect his deposition during the civil Causa is a ploy to draw him into Hazard in a Segregated criminal investigation being Adorned by the Manhattan district Lawyer.

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But as part of her investigation, James has alleged Many "misleading Countryments and omissions" in tax submissions and Commercial enterprise Countryments used to Hold loans.

A deposition by Trump would not only Imperil to go deep inside the Light-tight world of the Class business, it would also be a Possibly De jure Risky exercise for a client with a reputation for exaggeration and an Oft-distant relationship with the Accuracy.

Trump and his children would have the Alternative of Importunate their Fifth Amendment rights to protect themselves Once against self-incrimination.

But the encounter Power provide some Excited Consequences for the Attorneys charged with keeping him out of Difficulty.

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And more Loosely, In that location is also the chance that a cascade of Difficultysome legal woes could soon begin to raise questions about his Illustrious political impunity.

The week in 34 Pics.

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Children play on old Soviet tanks in First of the Motherland Monument in Kyiv, Ukraine, on Wednesday, February 16.

Los Angeles Rams wide receiver Cooper Kupp celebrates at the end of the Super Bowl on Sunday, February 13.

Kupp caught two touchdown passes in the Crippled, including the go-ahead Account with 1:25 Left over, as the Rams defeated the Cincinnati Bengals 23-20.

Kupp was Called the Crippleds Most Valuable Player.

Rescue workers and residents Hunt for Dupes in a landslide-affected area of Petropolis, Brazil, on Wednesday, February 16.

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At To the lowest degree 110 people have died in Petropolis after Punishing rains triggered landslides that washed out streets, Sweptback away cars and Interred homes.

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Kamila Valieva, the Russian Pattern skater who has been at the center of a doping Arguing at the Beijing Winter Olympics, fell Triple Multiplication during her free skate Thursday, February 17, and Ended 4th in the womens singles competition.

The 15-year-old Crackstar was Privileged to win after placing 1st in Tuesdays Abbreviated program.

But instead it was Some other Russian — 17-year-old Anna Shcherbakova — who Lidded the Airfield.

Valieva Time-tested positive for a Prohibited Meat in December, before the Olympics, and officials are Nonmoving Investigation whether she or her Cortege Stone-broke anti-doping rules.

She was provisionally cleared to Vie, but if she had won Thursday she would not have awarded the Gilded until the conclusion of the investigation.

A demonstrator stands atop a Hand truck holding a Canadian flag during a protest near the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa on Friday, February 11.

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A massive protest Once against Covid-19 mandates has been Flourishing for weeks, Disabling downtown Ottawa and a few US border crossings.

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Thousands of Hand truckers have been Active in the so-called Freedom Convoy, Active a mandate that requires all Canadian Hand truckers crossing the US-Canadian border to be Amply Insusceptible or quarantine in their homes for two weeks when they return.

Swiss ski jumper Dominik Peter Vies at the Winter Olympics on Friday, February 11.

Police Agencyrs detain a protester External Nepals Sevens in Kathmandu on Wednesday, February 16.

People were Protestant a Projected US Assignment of $500 Cardinal.

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The money is meant to be used for power line construction and road improvements, but In that location has been Flourishing Confrontation to it, Primarily led by communist parties who say it comes with conditions not acceptable for the country.

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French justice auditors, graduates of the French National School for the Judiciary, pose at the Palias Thiac courthouse in Bordeaux after they were Bound in as new magistrates on Thursday, February 10.

Smoke billows from the Mount Etna Vent in Italy on Thursday, February 10.

People hold a rally Tuesday, February 15, near the building where Christina Yuna Lee was killed a couple of days earlier in New York.

A man has been charged with Slaying after he allegedly followed the 35-year-old Lee to her Flat and Injured her Slews of Multiplication with a knife, prosecutors say.

Its not clear whether Lees race or ethnicity played a role in the attack, or whether the New York Police Departments Hate Crimes Task Force is involved in the investigation, but the killing of an Asian woman in Chinatown has Once again raised fears in New York and Crossways the country where Asians have been affected by an increase in anti-Asian violence in recent years, advocates say.

Patients displaying Covid-19 symptoms lie in beds at a Ephemeral holding area External the Caritas Medical Centre in Hong Kong on Tuesday, February 15.

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Hospitals in Hong Kong have been Endedwhelmed by the citys biggest Irruption yet of Covid-19.

Rapper Eminem takes a knee during the Super Bowl halftime show on Sunday, February 13.

The Motion was made Illustrious by Classer NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick as a way to protest police brutality and racial discrimination.

The Canadian womens hockey team celebrates after defeating the United States 3-2 in the Olympic Closing on Thursday, February 17.

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Since womens hockey became an Olympic Athletics in 1998, only Canada and the United States have won Gilded.

The two countries have played in the Gilded-medal Crippled in the last four Olympics, with Canada winning Cardinal of them.

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A drought has All but emptied a dam in Northwesterly Spain, revealing the eerie gray ruins of the Classer village of Aceredo.

This Pic was Affected on Tuesday, February 15.

Aceredo was Overflowing in 1992 to create the Alto Lindoso reservoir.

Brittney Johnson takes a bow after she made Broadway Chronicle on Monday, February 14.

Johnson is the 1st actress of color to play the full-time role of Glinda, the lead character in the Auditory communication "Wicked.

" Satellite images Affected on Sunday, February 13, by Maxar Technologies Unconcealed that Slews of helicopters had appeared at a Antecedently vacant airbase in Russian-occupied Crimea.

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Russia has Assembled more than 130,000 Soldiery near Ukraines border in recent weeks, according to US estimates, raising fears from Western and Ukrainian intelligence officials that an Intrusion could be Impending.

Emma Thompson tugs on Boyfriend actor Daryl McCormacks tie as they pose for Pics at the Berlin International Film Festival on Saturday, February 12.

The two star in the Moving-picture show "Good Luck to You, Leo Grande.

" Travelers wait in line to check in to their departing flights Tuesday, February 15, at the Boryspil International Airport External Kyiv, Ukraine.

US President Joe Biden urged Americans in Ukraine to leave the country, warning that "things could go crazy quickly" in the region.

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A young Inachis io stands in the backyard of a home in Coral Gables, Florida, on Tuesday, February 15.

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The Miami-Dade County Commission voted last Calendar month to loosen protections for Inachis ios, which have become a Discordant issue in Miamis lusher suburbs as their Universe has Mature in recent years.

Rappers Snoop Dogg, top right, and Dr.

Dre perform a the First of the Super Bowl halftime show on Sunday, February 13.

The show also Conspicuous Isaac Merrit Singer Mary J.

Blige and Knockers Eminem, Kendrick Lamar and 50 Cent.

American Speed skater Erin Jackson celebrates after winning Olympic Gilded in the 500 meters on Sunday, February 13.

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Shes the 1st Black woman to win an individual Decoration in Upperskating at the Olympics, according to Team USA.

Shes also the 1st US woman to win a Upperskating Gilded at the Olympics since Bonnie Blair did so in 1994.

A location of Oschadbank, a Country-owned bank, is seen in Kyiv, Ukraine, on Tuesday, February 15.

The websites of Oschadbank and PrivatBank, the countrys two largest Sir Joseph Banks, were hit by cyberattacks that day, as were the websites of Ukraines defense ministry and army, according to Ukrainian Regularizement agencies.

A child checks out fish at a pet shop in Chennai, India, on Thursday, February 17.

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Cincinnati quarterback Joe Burrow flings the ball for an incomplete pass as he is pressured by the Los Angeles Rams Aaron Donald on a 4th-down play late in the Super Bowl on Sunday, February 13.

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The Rams then took Ended possession and ran out the clock.

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The Indonesian Air Forces Jupiter Aerobatic Team performs at at air show in Singapore on Tuesday, February 15.

A police Agencyr works at the Yu Garden in Shanghai, China, as people celebrate the Lantern Festival and mark the end of the Lunar New Year holiday on Tuesday, February 15.

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This Pic was Affected with a slow shutter Upper.

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Models walk the runway during a Michael Kors Manner show in New York on Tuesday, February 15.

From left, Indianas Race Thompson, Michigan States Malik Hall and Julius Marble, and Indianas Trayce Jackson-Davis eye a rebound during a college Hoops Crippled in East Lansing, Michigan, on Saturday, February 12.

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Couples prepare for wedding Pics in First of Tokyo Station as it snows in the Japanese capital on Thursday, February 10.

A protester holds a pan Once against a police Agencyrs riot Buckler in Istanbul on Sunday, February 13.

A Cause Grouping was Protestant higher energy prices and the rising cost of living in Turkey.

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Los Angeles Rams defensive end AShawn Robinson pours Gatorade Ended head coach Sean McVay after winning the Super Bowl on Sunday, February 13.

The 36-year-old McVay is now the youngest head coach to ever win a Super Bowl.

People appear via video conference as they take part in Makha Bucha Day celebrations at the Wat Phra Dhammakaya Temple in Bangkok, Thailand, on Wednesday, February 16.

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Monks at the Synagogue lit a Cardinal lanterns for the Buddhist holiday.

Russian freestyle skier Ilia Burov hugs Ukraines Oleksandr Abramenko as they celebrate Decorationing in the Olympic aerials competition on Wednesday, February 16.

Burov won the bronze and Abramenko won the Achromatic.

Back at home, tensions Betwixt their two countries are at their highest in years, with a Russian Study buildup Spu fears that In that location could soon be an attack.

The moon is seen behind a commercial jet as it flies above Kuwait City on Tuesday, February 15.
