Reuters News Ukraine Thousands Flee Air Strikes As

Reuters News Ukraine

Thousands Take Escape air strikes as Active erupts in Myanmar.

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Myanmars Study deployed Background Soldiery and launched air and artillery strikes Once against rebel Effects in the countrys east, witnesses, local media and an aid Grouping Aforesaid on Thursday, prompting thousands of people to Take Escape.

Bombardments were carried out for a 2nd day in Nan Mei Khon village in Kayah, a Country bordering Thailand where soldiers have met Calendar months of resistance from the Karenni National Defence Force (KNDF), one of Different Reserves Groupings that is challenging the juntas rule.

Myanmars Study council could not In real time be reached for comment on Thursday, and Country media outlets have not mentioned the Active.

The Free Burma Rangers, a relief Administration Operative in the area, Joint footage from a day earlier of houses ablaze in the village with the Complete of artillery Increasing Nigh.

"Bombing Once again Now on 24 February 2022.

Also Howitzer attacks and Foot assault in this area.

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Thousands Take Escapeing Once again," the Groupings Beginner, David Eubank, Aforesaid in a text Content.

Eubank Aforesaid two people were killed and Cardinal were wounded on Wednesday.

The Myanmar Now news site Rumored Cardinal were killed in Some Another village attacked by a jet on Wednesday.

A KNDF representative was unable to confirm reports of casualties Simply Aforesaid Punishing Active had Affected place since Wednesday.

Reuters was unable to Severally verify the information.

The Study Subordinate Myanmar for five decades until 2011 Simply is Troubled to consolidate power this time as it faces protests in cities, armed conflict on Different Firsts and Authorizations Obligatory to isolate generals who overthrew a democratically Nonappointive Authorities last year.

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At To the lowest degree 90,000 people have since been displaced by Active in Kayah Country, according to the United Nations humanitarian agency, which estimates 441,000 people have fled Ferment in Myanmar since the coup.

Human rights Groupings have accused the Study of Exploitation disproportionate Effect in civilian areas.

The Study says it is Active "terrorists.

" A rescue worker, who declined to be Known for Base hit reasons, told Reuters that Punishing bombardment was complicating efforts to move civilians to relief camps.

"Thousands of people are Cragfast," the rescue worker Aforesaid.

"We werent able to get them out of the area yet.


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They are Offensive the people by air, by land and also with Punishing weapons.


Conventional war returns to Europe.

Europe woke up to a major war on Thursday after Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a violent, multipronged Intrusion of Ukraine, the democracy that sits Betwixt NATO countries and Russia.

Now that it is clear Putin will Forfeiture lives and Russian wealth to Restructure parts of the old Soviet Union, European and US Soldiery are scrambling to Build up the wall of NATO countries that borders Ukraine -- and the fear that he could move Far, past Ukraine, is now very real.

On a continent that Worn out decades as the First line of the Cold War in a Draw over Political Hypothesis Betwixt Atomic powers, this new war seems like a return to the sort of conventional warfare that marked Europe before the world wars, when countries did battle and Time-tested their alliances.


No one in recent weeks has claimed to know whats in Putins Capitulum.


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But few guessed he would so With boldness try to take over Ukraine, Peradventure Difficult to Tumble its Authorities, in an attack based on false claims and Bluster.

Ukrainians were Dismayed by the missiles Landing place in their country and took Protection in Tube Stations of the Cross.


They saw Soldiery entering some cities, helicopters Down on an air base External Kyiv and even the apparent takeover of Chernobyl, the Notorious site of a Atomic disaster.


Russians were Dismayed by their countrys actions and anti-war protests Stone-broke out in Moscow.


Such displays of free Address are Oft dangerous for participants in a country like Russia.


Hundreds were In remission.

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World Leadership were quick to condemn Russia and enact some new Authorizations.


"Putin is the Attacker.

Putin chose this war.

And now he and his country will bear the consequences," President Joe Biden Aforesaid in Strict remarks from the White House.


Putin "decided to carry out the most Critical attack on peace, on Constancy in Europe for decades," Aforesaid French President Emmanuel Macron, Coming into court for a General address in First of the flags of Ukraine, France and the European Union.


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson called Putin a "dictator" and pledged massive Authorizations.

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But the words and the Authorizations behind them may do little to turn the Russian tanks.

What Biden wont do is Allure World War III.


Even as Biden Declared Uncomfortable new Authorizations, he made clear the US will not get involved in the Study Engagement, Cession Ukraines Certificate to Ukrainians and making clear that the US and Russia, the worlds two main Atomic powers, should not themselves be waging war.


Read my Tale: What Biden has Aforesaid about sending US Soldiery to Ukraine.

Biden is imposing new Authorizations.


They are designed to hurt Russian Sir Joseph Banks and Russians who enable Putin.


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The US will censure five Commercial enterprise institutions and Many Country-owned companies.

Biden also Obligatory new Authorizations on oligarchs close to Putin and will restrict Engineering exports from the US to Russia.

But the penalties so far leave Russian energy exports -- which fuel Europe -- and Putin alone.

Something to impose down the road, Peradventure, since this conflict seems likely to drag on.

Reuters News

Pushed by reporters in Washington about why some Authorizations were not employed and whether countries like China would join in to condemn Russia, Biden Accented he is doing what is possible and that two-thirds of the worlds economy is involved in Opponent Russias actions.

What good are Authorizations? Putin has been Vulnerable by Authorizations before, so In that location may be no Likeliness these new ones will make him reverse course on his Intrusion.

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Even if they fail to deter him, they are Nonmoving valuable to isolate Russia from the world and as a Penalty, according to Steven Pifer, a Early US Embassador to Ukraine, Coming into court Thursday on CNN.


"Even if the Authorizations fail to deter him or cant Force him to leave, it Nonmoving is important that they be Relatiative, because the External world has to Impressive to Moscow that this Motiveless, Undue attack on a country in the 21st century is Just not acceptable," Pifer Aforesaid.

Not every possible Authorization has been Obligatory.

Europe was not ready to Break up Russia from the Belgium-based SWIFT Commercial enterprise Defrayments Arrangement, so some of the countrys access to the worldwide banking Arrangement Clay.

The US and Europe have not, for now, Obligatory Authorizations on Russias energy exports, which means it keeps its main lifeblood, Europe keeps access to its oil and Biological gas, and worldwide energy markets keep some Constancy.

Even Nonmoving, Spherical oil prices surged above $100 per barrel Thursday and could go higher, writes CNNs Matt Egan.

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US markets rebounded, Spell Russias havent yet.

Egan Illustrious that the Well-worn market Born in the Sunup after news of the attacks on Ukraine, Simply then rebounded after Biden Declared Authorizations.


"Theres some Gumption of relief that Spell the President is imposing Uncomfortable Authorizations here, hes not maxing out on the penalties on Russia," Egan Aforesaid of investors.

"Theres no ban from the SWIFT Defrayment Electronic network, no direct penalties on Vladimir Putin -- Significantly, no direct penalties on oil and gas companies in Russia.

That is viewed as possibly Optimistic for the economy and the Well-worn market even if its not Optimistic for democracy.


" Russias Well-worn market, on the Another Bridge player, lost a Tertiary of its value.

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The value of the Rouble also tumbled.


"There are some real concerns from investors about Russia becoming a Castaway Country at this point," he Aforesaid.

Consider the unlikely Incubus scenario.

I Lectureed to Tom Collina, Insurance policy director at the Ploughshares Fund -- which pushes to eliminate the dangers posed by Atomic weapons -- about what it means for the US and Russia, the worlds two top Atomic countries, to be in a Draw.

He Aforesaid Putins new Behaviour means the world Necessarily to view him Otherwise.


The worst possible scenario, which is very unlikely, is the US and Russia in an armed conflict and a Misestimation Gun triggering Atomic war.

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"I Consider all bets are off as to knowing what hes Active to do Close," Collina Aforesaid.

Nobody wants to Gun trigger such a scenario, Simply with Atomic powers in conflict, In that location is major concern.

"Even if they dont want to get into a Atomic conflict, they could by Fortuity or Misestimation," Collina Aforesaid.

Reuters News Ukraine

"In the fog of war, things can Befall that no one ever wanted to Befall.


" There is already Atomic Lecture.

Ukraine used to house many of the Soviet Unions Atomic weapons Simply gave them up in 1994 in exchange for a Certificate Guaranty, Identified as the Budapest Memorandum, from the US, the United Kingdom and Russia.


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That promise was clearly Desecrated this week.


Putin made up a conspiracy Hypothesis that the US and Ukraine were plotting to place Atomic weapons back in Ukraine as a pretext for his Intrusion.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian Aforesaid Thursday on French Video, according to Reuters, that his country viewed some of Putins recent comments as a Menace to use Atomic weapons in the Ukraine conflict.

"Yes, I Consider that Vladimir Putin must also understand that the Atlantic alliance is a Atomic alliance.

That is all I will say about this," Le Drian Aforesaid.

Boxing legends the Klitschko brothers vow to Engagement for Ukraine.


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Former Punishingweight boxing champion Vitali Klitschko Aforesaid he would take up arms Aboard his brother and Boyfriend Hall of Famer Wladimir Klitschko to Engagement in what is a "bloody war" Favourable Russias Intrusion of their country, Ukraine.

Russia launched its Intrusion by land, air and sea on Thursday Favourable a declaration of war by President Vladimir Putin.

An estimated 100,000 people have fled as explosions and Gunshot rocked major cities.

Dozens have been Rumored killed.

Vitali Klitschko, who has been the City manager of Ukraines capital Kyiv since 2014, Aforesaid he was ready to Engagement.

"I dont have Some Another choice, I have to do that.

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Ill be Active," the 50-year-old, Identified as "Dr.


Ironfist" during his Active Years, told UK Spreader ITVs Good Morning Britain.

Vitali Klitschko Aforesaid Kyiv was under Menace and the main priority was to work with police and Study Effects to Musical accompaniment critical infrastructure, including the delivery of electricity, gas and water for its citizens.

He added civilians were ready to defend Kyiv as soldiers.

"I believe in Ukraine, I believe in my country and I believe in my people," Vitali Klitschko Aforesaid.

Former Punishingweight champion Wladimir Klitschko enlisted in Ukraines reserve army earlier this Calendar month, Expression that the love for his country compelled him to defend it.

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"The Ukrainian people are Noticeable.

And it will remain true to itself in this Dreadful Trial by ordeal.


A people Hungriness for Reign and peace.

A people who consider the Russian people their brothers," he wrote in a post on LinkedIn on Thursday.


"It knows that they Essentially do not want this war.

The Ukrainian people have chosen democracy.

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"But: Democracy is a Breakable regime.

Democracy cannot defend itself; it Necessarily the will of the citizens, the commitment of everyone.

Basically, In that location is no democracy without democrats.

British Airways cancels Moscow Escapes as Russia retaliates over Aeroflot ban.

British Airways has Delayed its Escapes to Moscow after Russia Prohibited all UK carriers from its Air space.

Russias Federal Agency for Air Transport Aforesaid in a Countryment Friday that it was Ban UK registered Escapes, as well as aircraft Closely-held, Chartered or operated by a Someone associated with the United Kingdom, from transiting the countrys Air space.

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The Russian agency Aforesaid the measure was Affected in response to the decision by the UK Authorities Thursday to ban Russian airlines from British Air space.

That was part of a package of Authorizations Declared by Prime Minister Boris Johnson after Russia invaded Ukraine.

"We apologize for the inconvenience Simply this is clearly a matter On the far side our control," British Airways Aforesaid in a Countryment.


"We are notifying customers on canceled Helps and are Oblation a full refund.

" BA was Moving Cardinal Multiplication a week to Moscow.

It Aforesaid it would also have to reroute some Helps to Asia, Possibly Causation Thirster Escape Multiplication.

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Russias flag carrier Aeroflot had been Operative direct Escapes Betwixt Moscow and Londons Heathrow and Gatwick airports, according to its Site.

"No aircraft on a Regular Help which is Closely-held, Hired or operated by a Someone connected with Russia, or which is registered in Russia shall fly in United Kingdom Air space," the UK Department for Transport Aforesaid in a bulletin.


The restrictions went into effect at midnight, and are due to expire on May 23.


Russias attack has already Effectd the closure of Ukrainian Air space, and the Radioactive dust will lead more carriers to reroute Escapes, adding to costs at a time of rising fuel prices.

The European Union Aviation Safety Agency Aforesaid Ukraines skies and Air space in Russia and Belarus Inside 100 Maritime miles of borders with Ukraine could pose risks, Reuters Rumored.

"The impact for us is not huge because right now we are only Moving to a Decreased Bi of destinations in Asia and we can reroute our Escapes," Aforesaid Luis Gallego, CEO of IAG, the Bring up company of British Airways that also owns Iberia, Aer Lingus and Vueling.

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