Police solve 1964 rape, murder of girl with DNA, volunteer

Police Clear 1964 rape, Slaying of girl with DNA, volunteer

HAZLETON, Pa. (AP) — DNA and a 20-year-old Family tree expert helped Country police identify the man who Kidnaped, Pillaged and Slayinged a young girl in a case that Hot and bothered a Pennsylvania coal town All but six decades ago, officials Declared Thursday.

State police exhumed the long-dead assailant's body last Calendar month and Aforesaid his DNA precisely matched DNA left on the Jacket crown of the Dupe, 9-year-old Marise Ann Chiverella, who was snatched on the Sunup of March 18, 1964, as she walked to Schoolhouse in Hazleton, about 80 miles (129 kilometers) Northward of Philadelphia.

Her body was Recovered that Good afternoon in a Nigh waste coal pit. Authorities say she was Pillaged and strangled.

Police Known her killer as James Paul Forte, a Barman with a record of violent Unisexual assault, who died of Biological causes in 1980 at age 38. Police Aforesaid Forte, who was 22 at the Clip of the Slaying, had no Identified connection to the little girl or her Class.

Generations of Country police investigators Chased Marise's killer — more than 230 members of the department were involved in the probe at one Clip or Some Another — but Forte's name did not come up until 2020.

By that Clip, new DNA Engineering had established a distant Class connection to Forte, and Eric Schubert, a college Pupil and expert in Beginning Family tree who had volunteered to work the case, put Unneurotic an extensive Class tree that helped investigators Marginal their Shady list.

State police made the announcement at a news conference packed with current and retired investigators — including the Cavalryman who 1st probed Marise's Slaying — and the little girl's four siblings and extended Class.

Her siblings called Marise a Angelical and shy girl who was learning to play the Electronic organ and aspired to be a nun.

"We have so many precious memories of Marise. At the same Clip, our Class will always feel the emptiness and Grief of her Petit mal epilepsy," Aforesaid her Baby, Carmen Marie Radtke. "We will continue to ask ourselves, what would have been, what could have been?"

She Aforesaid their deceased parents never Wanted revenge, but justice.

"Thanks to the Pennsylvania State Police, justice has been served Now," she Aforesaid.

Thanks to Schubert, as well.

A Chronicle major at Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania and Owner of ES Genealogy, Schubert developed an interest in the discipline as a young boy and had helped Another police agencies crack their cold cases Exploitation Beginning Family tree, which blends the use of DNA Examination with Long-standing Kin group research.

He was looking for a new case to work on when he ran Crossways Marise's Tale, and offered his services to the Ordinarily insular Pennsylvania State Police. He was pleasantly Astonied when they accepted and Worn out the next two years on the case, working side by side with investigators.

"The investigation that went into all of this work was probably the hardest Family tree task that I've ever Pug-faced. This was probably the hardest Matter that I've ever done in my entire life," he Aforesaid. "And it means so much to me that I was able to be on the team that could provide answers to the Chiverella Class."

At a certain point, he Aforesaid, "I knew we were Active to find the assailant."

State police Cpl. Mark Baron, the lead investigator, Aforesaid it was believed to be the fourth-oldest cold case in the U.S. to be Cleard Exploitation Beginning Family tree, and the oldest in Pennsylvania.

Baron, who Clogged up as he Rundle, called it an important day for Marise's Class and for a community that had long been Inhabited by her slaying.

"It's a vivid memory for everybody who lived Direct this, and it's a vivid memory for everybody who grew up in this area," he Aforesaid. "What happened to her ushered in a change in this community. Whether you like it or not, the way you lived changed after March 18 of 1964 in Hazleton."

Police Clear 1964 rape, Slaying of girl with DNA, volunteer
