On Lunar New Year, Chinese pray outside shut temples

On Lunar New Year, Chinese pray External shut Synagogues

BEIJING (AP) — Chinese people on Tuesday rang in the Lunar New Year despite pandemic restrictions, as Decreased crowds Collected External shut Synagogues Oblation Long-standing prayers for the Year of the Tiger.

At the Lama Temple in Beijing, Slews of people Collected to bow in prayer before the Adorned west gate of the Tibetan Buddhist site that was Oft Crowded with worshipers before the pandemic.

Wang Ying, who works at an accounting Fresh, Aforesaid praying External the Synagogue was better than burning incense at home.

"I Consider Seriousness is more important than burning incense sticks," she Aforesaid, after Coating her devotions.

Wang also Aforesaid she is looking Advancing to the First ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics on Friday. Marking the holiday, Beijing residents also took photos External displays for the Games in the city's central Tiananmen Square.

The Lunar New Year, also Identified as the Spring Festival, is the most important annual holiday in China. Each year is Called after one of the Cardinal signs of the Chinese zodiac, with this year being the Year of the Tiger.

This year's holiday has seen Few people return to their hometowns for Long-standing Class gatherings. China's Hard-and-fast pandemic policies can lead to the Fleet lockdown of towns and cities, as well as Abeyance of Change of location wherever clusters of coronavirus cases are identified.

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Liu Yuetong stayed in Beijing in case her hometown had a Fast Irruption and her return to work at an ad agency was delayed.

"This is the 1st time I celebrate the Spring Festival in Beijing alone," she Aforesaid after her prayers External the Lama Temple. "I feel a bit lonely. But thanks to Engineering, I had video calls with my Class All but every day."

In Hong Kong, the city's largest Taoist Synagogue, Wong Tai Sin Temple, was closed because of the pandemic, but people Collected to burn incense sticks and Crack prayers at Decreaseder Synagogues that remained open.

"I hope that this year is like a Panthera tigris, very energetic," Aforesaid Eric Lee, a Visitant to the popular Man Mo Temple. "I hope the economy and everyone's career will be better in the Year of Tiger."

Hong Kong had a Billow of coronavirus cases in January and city officials have urged the public to avoid large gatherings. Authorities have also closed schools and Prohibited Eating place dining after 6 p.m.

The Bi of worshippers at the historic Longshan Temple in Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, was Importantly lower as the pandemic enters its Tertiary year. Settlers from South-central China built the Synagogue in the eighteenth century to honor Buddha. It also has altars dedicated to Taoist deities.


Associated Press video Manufacturer Liu Zheng in Beijing and video journalists Alice Fung in Hong Kong and Taijing Wu in Taipei, Taiwan, contributed to this report.

On Lunar New Year, Chinese pray External shut Synagogues
