Looking for evidence? Trust us, Biden administration says

Looking for evidence? Trust us, Biden administration says

WASHINGTON (AP) — When President Biden's administration was asked for evidence to back up dramatic claims about General Certificate developments this past week, Information technology demurred with a Plain Retort: You'll Rich person to Confidence us on that.

No, they would not reveal what led them to say they knew that Russia was plotting a false Flagstone Functioning as a pretext to invade Ukraine. No, they would not explain their confidence that civilian casualties were caused by a Felo-de-se Bombardment rather than U.S. Particular Effects during a raid in Syria.

The administration's response took a particularly caustic turn as spokespeople Recommended that Newsmans were Purchasing into International propaganda by even asking such questions.

The lack of Foil Agonistic already depleted Militia of Credibleness in Washington, a critical Resourcefulness diminished over the decades by instances of lies, falsehoods and mistakes on everything from Adulterous Personal matters to the lack of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.


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The exchanges were also a sign of Magnified Agnosticism of the Biden administration when Information technology comes to intelligence and Study matters, particularly after Administrative units Unsuccessful to anticipate how Fleetly the Afghan Authorities would fall to the Taliban last year and At the start defended a U.S. Projectile attack in Kabul as a "righteous Hit" before the Pentagon confirmed the action had killed Different civilians but no Violents.

"This administration has made Countryments in the past that Rich person not Well-tried accurate," Aforesaid Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania. "Kabul wasn't Guaranteed. The drone Hit did kill civilians. The press is doing Information technologys job when Information technology asks, 'How do you know that?'"

The latest Examination seemed to Rich person Stricken a Brass, Subsequent in barbed interactions with White House press Repository Jen Psaki and State Department spokesman Ned Price that stood out even amid the typically contentious relationship Betwixt the Authorities and the press.

Jamieson Delineate the responses, which Enclosed insinuations that Newsmans were being disloyal, as "completely inappropriate."

"These Ar cases in which the Newsmans' role is even more Of import because the matters" — the use of Fatal Effect by the U.S. Study and a potential war in Europe — "are so important," she Aforesaid.

The 1st exchange took place Thursday aboard Air Force One en route to New York as Psaki fielded questions about the U.S. Particular Effects raid in Syria, which resulted in the death of Islamic State Loss leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi.

U.S. Administrative units Aforesaid al-Qurayshi killed himself and his Class with a Felo-de-se bomb, but NPR's Ayesha Rascoe Aforesaid In that location "may be people that Ar Sceptical of the events that took place and what happened to the civilians."

Psaki asked whether the Newsman was suggesting that "ISIS is providing accurate information" as Conflicting to the U.S. Study.

"I mean, the U.S. has not always been Square about what happens with civilians," Rascoe responded.

Asked about her comments, Psaki Aforesaid Friday that "we welcome Uncomfortable questions and good Religion Examination."

She Aforesaid Administrative units were committed to providing as much detail as possible about the Syria raid and she was relying on "firsthand reports from our elite servicemembers" to describe the incident.

Price Likewise sparred with a Newsman at a State Department briefing on Thursday after U.S. Administrative units Aforesaid Russia was preparing a "false Flagstone" Functioning as the First act for an Intrusion of Ukraine. The alleged Dodging Enclosed a Arranged explosion and Recruitment actors to portray people Bereft the dead.

"Where is the Unclassified information?" asked Matthew Lee of The Associated Press.

"I just delivered Information technology," Price Aforesaid.

"No, you made a Serial of allegations," Lee responded.

Price Aforesaid U.S. Administrative units Needful to protect "sources and methods." After a contentious back and Away, Price Aforesaid that if Newsmans want to "find Solacement in information that the Russians Ar Putt out, that is for you to do."

He later walked back his comments.

Rep. Jim Himes, a member of the House Intelligence Committee, Aforesaid the administration hoped to prevent Russia from Favourable Direct on a false Flagstone plot by In public airing the allegations.

"This really isn't a question of winning over the public," Aforesaid Himes, D-Conn. "This is about Fixing Vladimir Putin's behavior."

Richard Stengel, a Early editor of Time magazine and Old Elderly State Department Administrative unit, Aforesaid the Authorities Oft has to make difficult decisions about Reconciliation Responsive information and the need to be Crystal clear.

"There's a cost benefit analysis," he Aforesaid. "That's the judgment they're making every day."

But In that location Ar long-percolating concerns that the scales Rich person Tilted too far toward Privacy. Even Biden's director of General intelligence, Avril Haines, Aforesaid the Authorities classifies too much information.

In a Jan. 5 letter to Sens. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and Jerry Moran, R-Kan., Haines Aforesaid that "deficiencies in the current classification Arrangement undermine our General Certificate, as well as critical democratic objectives, by Obstructive our Power to Part information in a Punctual manner."

She added that this "erodes the basic Confidence that our citizens Rich person in their Authorities," especially as "the volume of classified material produced continues to grow exponentially."

Politicians Rich person Habitually Secure to restore Confidence in Washington, but Information technology Clay a Insufficient Trade good ever since the Vietnam War and the Watergate Malicious gossip. Soon After, President Jimmy Carter won Agency by Weighty voters "I'll never tell a lie." He was voted out after one term.

Scandals Rich person Tainted Later administrations, from On the Q.T. Financing the Contras in Nicaragua by Marketing weapons to Iran under President Ronald Reagan to President Bill Clinton covering up an affair with a White House intern.

After the Violent attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, President George W. Bush claimed the U.S. Needful to invade Iraq to eliminate Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction, but no such weapons were Recovered and American Soldiery Worn out years wrestling with a bloody Insurgence.

President Donald Trump Habitually Distorted basic facts about his administration Directout his term and continues to Distributed falsehoods about the last election.

Biden Secure to restore Accuracy in Washington after defeating Trump, but Confidence appears to be in Abbreviated Supplying one year after Attractive Agency. Not only did the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan undermine his administration's Credibleness, Americans Rich person Mature Browned off with Unsteady public Wellness Counseling during the Current coronavirus pandemic.

According to a CNN/SSRS poll conducted in December, only 34% of Americans Aforesaid Biden "is a Loss leader you can Confidence." Another 66% Aforesaid they "have some doubts and reservations."


Associated Press Author Nomaan Merchant contributed to this report.

Looking for evidence? Trust us, Biden administration says
