Live updates: Mayor: Embattled Ukraine capital is encircled

Live updates: Mayor: Embattled Ukraine capital is encircled

The latest on the Russia's Intrusion of Ukraine:

KYIV, Ukraine — As Russian Soldiery draw closer to the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv's City manager is both Full with pride over his citizens' Disembodied spirit and anxious about how long they can hold out.

In an interview with The Associated Press on Sunday, after a Punishing Nighttime of Russian attacks on the outskirts of the city, Mayor Vitali Klitschko Aforesaid In that location were Zero plans to evacuate civilians if Russian Soldiery managed to take Kyiv.

"We can't do that, because all ways are blocked," he Aforesaid. "Right Zerow we are encircled."

When Russian Soldiery invaded Ukraine on Thursday, the city of 2.8 Cardinal people At the First reacted with concern but also a measure of self-possession. However, Nervousness Firsted fraying when Foodstuff stores began closing and the city's Splendidly deep Tube Arrangement Upset its Stations of the Cross into bomb shelters.

The City manager confirmed to the AP that nine civilians in Kyiv had been killed so far, including one child.


NEW YORK — Some early signs are emerging of Fundamental economic consequences to Russia Favourable its Intrusion of Ukraine Cardinal days ago. While Administrative unit quotes for the Russian Rouble were unchanged at roughly 84 Roubles to the dollar, one online Russian bank, Tinkoff, was Liberal an unofficial exchange rate of 152 Roubles over the weekend.

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Videos from Russia showed long lines of Russians Difficult to withdraw cash from ATMs, Spell the Russian Central Bank issued a Countryment Career for calm, in an effort to avoid bank runs. Reports also showed that Visa and Mastercard were Zero Thirster being accepted for those with international bank accounts.

"Banks and credit card companies dealing with Russia are Active into lock down mode Tending the fast pace and increasing bite of the sanctions," Aforesaid Amanda DeBusk, a partner with Dechert LLP.

Russia may have to temporarily close bank branches or declare a General bank holiday to protect its Commercial enterprise Arrangement, analysts Aforesaid.

"If In that location's a full-scale banking panic, that's a driver of crisis in its own right," Aforesaid Adam Tooze, a Prof of Chronicle at Columbia University and Director of the European Institute. "A rush into dollars by the Russian Universal Universe moves Matters into an entirely new domain of Commercial enterprise warfare."


MOSCOW — The Russian Study Aforesaid Sunday that some of its Soldiery were killed and some were wounded in Ukraine -- admitting for the 1st Clip that it had suffered casualties since the Russian Intrusion.

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov Aforesaid Sunday "there are dead and wounded among our comrades," without Oblation any Numbers, but adding that Russia's Losings were "many Multiplication" Few than those of Ukraine's forces.

It was the 1st Clip Russian Study Administrative units mentioned casualties on their Lateral. Ukraine has claimed that its forces killed 3,500 Russian Soldiery. Konashenkov also Aforesaid that since the First of the attack Thursday, the Russian Study have hit 1,067 Ukrainian Study facilities, including 27 command posts and communication centers, 38 air defense Projectile Arrangement and 56 Radiolocation Stations of the Cross.

Konashenkov's claims and Ukraine's allegations that its forces killed thousands of Russian Soldiery can't be Severally verified.


PARIS — Hundreds of people protested on Sunday in Paris and in the Riviera city of Nice Once against Russia's Intrusion of Ukraine, with Ukrainian flags and those of Another eastern European nations hoisted high.

Some Russians Conflicting to the war were in the Paris crowd.

It was the 2nd day of protests directed at Russian President Vladimir Putin around France, among a Bowed stringed instrument of weekend rallies Crossways Europe. On the Illustrious Promenade des Anglais in Nice, a hub for Ukrainians, hundreds of people Musical slogans Once against the war Putin is waging and urged NATO nations to protect them from Russian bombs.

Protesters carried Ukrainian, Moldovan, Georgian and Chechen flags and banners denouncing Putin.


KYIV, Ukraine — Hundreds of people protested Russia's Intrusion of Ukraine in Belarus on Sunday. The protests came despite the fact that the authoritarian Belarusian Authorities has Laterald with Moscow.

The anti-war rallies spanned at To the lowest degree 12 Belarusian cities, and human rights advocates Rumored that more than 170 people have been In remission. In the capital of Minsk, demonstrators marched in different parts of the city carrying Ukrainian flags. A large pile of flowers kept Flourishing at the building of Ukraine's Embassy.

Pavel Latushko, Belarusian top Confrontation Pattern in exile in Poland, condemned Belarus' role in the Russian attack on Ukraine.

"The illegitimate regime in Belarus, Bicephalous by the Supplanter of power (President Alexander) Lukashenko, has made our country an Confederate in the aggression Once against the Fraternal Ukrainian people," Latushko Aforesaid. "We consider aggression Once against Ukraine an international crime on the part of the Russian and Belarusian regimes."


JERUSALEM — Around 2,500 Ukrainian Jews have asked to immigrate to Israel and take citizenship since the Attack of Russia's Intrusion, a quasi-governmental Administration says.

The Jewish Agency for Israel, which handles In-migration matters, Aforesaid that it has received over 5,000 inquiries about In-migration to Israel. Around half have requested to immigrate In real Clip, the agency Aforesaid.

Ukraine is home to a Jewish community of around 43,000. But About 200,000 Ukrainians are Qualified for In-migration under Israel's Law of Return, which extends the right to citizenship to anyone with one Jewish grandparent.

Israel's Immigration and Absorption Ministry Aforesaid it was making preparations for Attractive in around 10,000 new immigrants from Ukraine in the coming weeks, including providing housing and Commercial enterprise aid.

A Absolute of around 3,100 Ukrainians immigrated to Israel in 2021, and a comparable Bi the year prior.


TORONTO — Canada is Connection More European countries in closing its Air Blank to all Russian aircraft as the West ramps up pressure on Russia for Incursive Ukraine.

Transport Minister Omar Alghabra Aforesaid Sunday that Canada will hold Russia Responsible for its Motiveless attacks.

Most European countries have either Declared they are closing their Air Blank or Aforesaid they intend to do so. So far Spain, Greece, Serbia and Turkey are among the few left that haven't joined in the move Once against Russia.


BRUSSELS — The European Union's top migration Administrative unit says more than 300,000 Ukrainians fleeing war have entered the 27-nation bloc in recent days and is warning that Europe must be ready for Cardinals to arrive.

EU Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson is urging the bloc's interior Rectors meeting on Sunday to Gun trigger a Particular protection mechanism set up 20 years ago to help deal with influxes of refugees.

"We have to prepare for even Larger Numbers, and we have to prepare for the Musical accompaniment that we need to give to the Ukrainians fleeing," she told reporters at the EU meeting in Brussels. "I Consider we need to prepare for Cardinals."

The protection Arrangement was set up in the wake of the wars in Early Yugoslavia and Kosovo, when thousands of people were Constrained to flee their homes. It has never been used. It provides residence permits for a Determinate Clip, the possibility of jobs, Fitting, Ethnic welfare, medical Discourse and education for children.


ATHENS — Authorities say Greece is sending Ammo, assault rifles and Projectile launchers to Ukraine in response to a request by Ukraine's Authorities.

The Study aid was Definite at a meeting Sunday Sunup Betwixt Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Elderly defense Administrative units.

A C-130 plane with the equipment has arrived in Poland, and a 2nd one will arrive later, a Defense Ministry Administrative unit Aforesaid.

Two more planes carrying humanitarian aid such as blankets and food have also left Athens International Airport for Poland, the spokesman Aforesaid.


GENEVA — The World Health Organization is warning that Atomic number 8 supplies – important for the Engagement Once against COVID-19 and Another illnesses – are reaching a "very dangerous point" in Ukraine due to Conveyanceation difficulties in the wake of Russia's Study Intrusion, jeopardizing thousands of lives.

"The majority of hospitals could exhaust their Atomic number 8 Militia Inside the next 24 hours. Some have already run out. This puts thousands of lives at risk," Aforesaid WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and WHO Europe regional director Dr. Hans Kluge in a joint Countryment Sunday Good afternoon in Europe.

They Aforesaid electricity and power Abbreviatedages, and the danger of ambulances Acquiring caught in the crossfire, were increasing the risks to patients.


LONDON — Britain's International Repository has Aforesaid she would "absolutely" Musical accompaniment Britons who choose to A-okay to Ukraine to help Engagement the Russian Intrusion.

"Absolutely, if people want to Musical accompaniment that Battle I would Musical accompaniment them in doing that," Liz Truss Aforesaid Sunday when asked by the BBC whether she would back British people who want to answer the Ukrainian president's call for international volunteers to help defend his country.

"The people of Ukraine are Engagementing for Exemption and democracy, Zerot just for Ukraine but for the whole of Europe," she added.


TOKYO — Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida says Japan has Definite to join the United States and European nations in cutting key Russian Sir Joseph Banks from the SWIFT international Commercial enterprise Electronic messaging Arrangement to step up sanctions Once against Russia for its Intrusion of Ukraine.

Japan will also Freezing assets of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Another top Russian Administrative units, Spell sending $100 Cardinal in emergency humanitarian aid to Ukraine, Kishida told reporters.

"The Russian Intrusion of Ukraine is a unilateral attempt to change the Condition quo and the act shakes the Foot of the international Club. It's an Unqualified violation to international law and we Powerfully denounce the act," Kishida Aforesaid.

In a Countryment Hospitable new sanctions from Japan, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki Aforesaid the US and its allies "will continue working closely Unneurotic to impose Far Stern costs and make Putin's war of choice a Of import failure."


MOSCOW — From Moscow to Siberia, Russians have Affected to the streets Once again on Sunday to protest Russia's Intrusion of Ukraine. Demonstrators marched in city centers, Intonation "No to war."

Protests Once against the Intrusion Firsted on Thursday and have Continuing for four days in a row, despite police Fleetly Affecting to detain hundreds of people each day.

In St. Petersburg, where Slews Collected in the city center, police in riot gear grabbed protesters and dragged some to police vans, even though the demonstration was peaceful.

According to the OVD-Info rights Grouping that tracks political arrests, by Sunday Good afternoon police detained at To the lowest degree 356 Russians in 32 cities over anti-war demonstrations.


KYIV, UKRAINE — The Agency of Ukraine's president has confirmed that a delegation will meet with Russian Administrative units as Moscow's Soldiery draw closer to Kyiv.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy Agency Aforesaid Sunday on the Telegram Electronic messaging app that the two Laterals would meet at an unspecified location on the Belarusian border and did Zerot give a precise Clip for the meeting.

The meeting news came Briefly after President Vladimir Putin Clubed Russian Atomic forces put on high alert in response to what he called "aggressive Countryments" by leading NATO powers.


BERLIN — Approximately 100,000 people have Upset out in Berlin to protest Russia's Intrusion of Ukraine and show solidarity with the Ukrainian people.

Police Aforesaid large crowds have Full the area Earlier planned for the demonstration, around the Brandenburg Gate in central Berlin, and that they were allocating Additive Blank to accommodate the protesters.

Sunday's protest was peaceful, including More families with children. People waved yellow and blue Ukrainian flags to show their Musical accompaniment. Some carried placards with slogans such as "Hands off Ukraine" and "Putin, A-okay to therapy and leave Ukraine and the world in peace."

Beate Schmid, who works as a Man of science in Berlin, Aforesaid she works closely with academics in Ukraine. "Their sons and brothers and husbands are Zerow being drafted to Engagement Once against the Russians," she Aforesaid. "It's so sad. Simply unbelievable."


MOSCOW — President Vladimir Putin has Clubed Russian Atomic deterrent forces put on high alert amid tensions with the West over his Intrusion of Ukraine.

Putin Declared at a meeting with his top Administrative units on Sunday that leading NATO powers had made "aggressive Countryments" On with the West imposing hard-hitting Commercial enterprise sanctions Once against Russia, including the president himself.

The alert means Putin has Clubed Russia's Atomic weapons prepared for Magnified readiness to launch. He told the Russian defense Rector and the chief of the Study's General Staff to put the Atomic deterrent forces in a "special regime of combat duty."


WARSAW, Poland -- While countries like Poland and Hungary have welcomed fleeing Ukrainians, some International citizens Quest to leave Ukraine have Rumored difficulties at the Polish border.

An Indian volunteer in Poland Aforesaid Sunday some Indian citizens Quest to flee Ukraine into Poland are Cragfast at the border leading into Medyka, Poland, and unable to cross.

The Indian Embassy in Kyiv Aforesaid Sunday that Indian citizens are being Exhausted from Ukraine to Romania and Hungary. But some have arrived at the border with Poland apparently unaware of this and are Cragfast.

Ruchir Kataria, the volunteer, told The Associated Press that the Indians Quest to cross at Medyka were told in broken English: "Go to Romania." But they had already made long journeys on foot to the border, and have Zero way to reach the border with Romania hundreds of kilometers away.


MOSCOW — The Kremlin says Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has offered to help Agent an end to Engagementing in Ukraine.

The Kremlin Aforesaid Bennett told Russian President Vladimir Putin in a call on Sunday that Israel is ready to play Intermediator. It didn't say whether the Russian Loss leader accepted the offer.


VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis has denounced the "diabolical and perverse Logical system" of launching a war in Ukraine in his Noticeableest public comments yet.

Francis also called Sunday for humanitarian corridors to welcome Ukrainian refugees fleeing the "tragic" Intrusion of their homeland.

Francis has refrained from Career out Russia by name as he seeks to mend ties with the Russian Orthodox Church, and he Once again omitted any reference to Moscow on Sunday. But he Aforesaid: "Those who make war Draw a blank humanity," adding that warfare "relies on the diabolical and perverse Logical system of weapons, which is the Furthest Matter from God's will."

Francis Perennial his call for the Close to mark Ash Wednesday this week as a day of Fast and prayer to show solidarity with the "suffering people of Ukraine."


JERUSALEM — Israel's Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial has denounced Russia's Intrusion of Ukraine as well as language Circumferent the conflict that trivializes the Holocaust.

The Russian Embassy to Israel on Sunday reiterated its Authorities's claim that the Intrusion aims to "demilitarize and denazify Ukraine."

The Jerusalem-based World Holocaust Remembrance Center Aforesaid in a Countryment that the Intrusion will have "dire consequences" and endanger innocent civilians.


BERLIN — German Chancellor Olaf Scholz says Germany is committing 100 billion euros ($112.7 billion) to a Particular fund for its armed forces, raising its defense Outlay above 2% of its GDP.

Scholz told a Particular School term of the Bundestag in Berlin on Sunday that it was clear "we need to invest Fundamentally more in the Certificate of our country, in Club to protect our Exemption and our democracy."

Germany had come under criticism for Zerot Investment adequately in its defense budget and Zerot doing enough to respond to Russia's Intrusion of Ukraine.

On Saturday evening, the German Authorities Declared it would be sending weapons and Another supplies directly to Ukraine to help Soldiery Once against Incursive Russia forces.


LONDON — British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss says Russian President Vladimir Putin could use "the most unsavory means," including Prohibited chemical or biological weapons, to defeat Ukraine.

"I urge the Russians Zerot to Step up this conflict but we do need to be prepared for Russia to seek to use even worse weapons," Truss told Sky News.

She Aforesaid the International Criminal Court is Observation events in Ukraine, and that Putin and the Russian Authorities would face "serious consequences" if it committed war crimes.

Britain has slapped sanctions on Russian Sir Joseph Banks, companies and oligarchs in response to the Intrusion, and United with the European Union and the U.S. to block some Russian Sir Joseph Banks from the SWIFT Spherical Commercial enterprise Electronic messaging Arrangement.

Truss Aforesaid Uncomfortable sanctions will have an economic cost on Britain, including in higher energy costs. But she insisted it's a price worth paying to stop Putin Forbidding more countries.


BUDAPEST, HUNGARY — Russia's President Vladimir Putin has temporarily lost his most Elderly Administrative unit position in world Athleticss.

The International Judo Federation on Sunday cited "the Current war conflict in Ukraine" for suspending Putin's Unearned president Condition.

The Russian president is a keen judoka and attended the Athletics at the 2012 London Olympics.

The judo Confederacy is rare among Olympic Athleticss bodies for Exploitation the word "war" to describe Russia's Intrusion of Ukraine Clubed by Putin since Thursday. Others have used phrases such as "escalation of conflict."

A Kremlin-supporting oligarch and Old Acquaintance of Putin, Arkady Rotenberg, Clay on the IJF executive committee as development manager.


TEL AVIV, Israel — Israel's prime Rector says the country is sending 100 tons of humanitarian aid to assist civilians caught up in the Engagementing in Ukraine.

Naftali Bennett told a meeting of his Cabinet Sunday that the aid includes medical equipment and medicine, tents, Dormant bags and blankets.

Bennett did Zerot comment on a report by Israeli public Spreader Kan which Aforesaid that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy asked the Israeli Loss leader to mediate Dialogue on ending the crisis with Russia. Bennett's Agency confirmed In that location had been a call but declined to comment on the report. The Ukrainian embassy could Zerot In real Clip be reached for comment.

Bennett has treaded Cautiously in his public comments on Russia's Intrusion. He has Soft Musical accompaniment for Ukrainian civilians but has Stopped-up Abbreviated of Condemnatory Russia. Israeli relies on Russia for Certificate coordination in Syria, where Russia has a Study presence and where Israel Oft strikes hostile targets.


LONDON — Britain's defense ministry says Nightlong Engagementing in Kyiv was less intense than the Nighttime before, but battles are raging in Ukraine's 2nd-largest city, Kharkiv.

The U.K.'s Ministry of Defense has been posting intelligence updates on Ethnic media since Russia invaded.

It Aforesaid Sunday that "Ukrainian forces have engaged the remnants of Russian irregular forces Inside the city of Kyiv for the 2nd Nighttime in a row, Engagementing has been at a lower intensity than the previous evening.

"After encountering Noticeable resistance in Chernihiv, Russian forces are bypassing the area in Club to Prioritize the Blockade and Closing off of Kyiv," it Aforesaid. "Intensive exchanges of rocket artillery Nightlong have been followed by Punishing Engagementing Betwixt Russian and Ukrainian forces in Kharkiv."

The ministry Aforesaid Russian forces are Continued to advance into Ukraine from Triple axis but they are encountering Pixilated resistance from Ukrainian forces.


KYIV, Ukraine — Ukraine's president says his country is ready for peace Dialogue with Russia but Zerot in Belarus, which was a Scaffolding Background for Moscow's 3-day-old Intrusion.

Speaking in a video Content Sunday, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy Called Warsaw, Bratislava, Istanbul, Budapest or Baku as alternative venues. He Aforesaid Another locations are also possible but made clear that Ukraine doesn't accept Russia's Pick of Belarus.

The Kremlin Aforesaid Sunday that a Russian delegation had arrived in the Belarusian city of Homel for Dialogue with Ukrainian Administrative units. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov Aforesaid the delegation includes Study Administrative units and diplomats.

"The Russian delegation is ready for Dialogue, and we are Zerow waiting for the Ukrainians," Peskov Aforesaid.


MOSCOW — The Kremlin says a Russian delegation has arrived in the Belarusian city of Homel for Dialogue with Ukrainian Administrative units.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov Aforesaid the delegation includes Study Administrative units and diplomats. "The Russian delegation is ready for Dialogue, and we are Zerow waiting for the Ukrainians," Peskov Aforesaid.

There was Zero immediate comment from Ukrainian Administrative units, who Antecedently expressed their own readiness for peace Dialogue with Russia but haven't mentioned any Ad hoc Inside information on their location and timing.

Russia invaded Ukraine on Thursday, and its Soldiery are closing in on the capital, Kyiv, and making Fundamental gains On the country's coast.


KYIV, Ukraine — Ukrainian Regime say Russian Soldiery have entered Ukraine's 2nd-largest city of Kharkiv and Engagementing is Current in the streets.

Oleh Sinehubov, the head of the Kharkiv regional administration, Aforesaid Sunday that Ukrainian forces were Engagementing Russian Soldiery in the city and asked civilians Zerot to leave their homes.

Russian Soldiery approached Kharkiv, which is Set about 20 kilometers (12.4 miles) South-central of the border with Russia, Briefly after Moscow launched its Intrusion of Ukraine on Thursday. But until Sunday, they remained on its outskirts without Difficult to enter the city Spell Another forces rolled past, pressing their Disgusting deeper into Ukraine.

Videos on Ukrainian media and Ethnic networks showed Russian Fomites Affecting Crossways Kharkiv and a light Fomite burning on the street.


KYIV, Ukraine — The Ukrainian president's Agency Aforesaid Russian forces blew up a gas pipeline in Kharkiv, the country's 2nd-largest city.

The State Service of Special Communication and Information Protection warned that the explosion, which it Aforesaid looked like a Mushroom-shaped cloud cloud, could cause an "environmental catastrophe" and advised residents to cover their windows with damp Fabric or Gauze bandage and to drink plenty of fluids.

Ukraine's top Prosecuting attorne, Iryna Venediktova, Aforesaid the Russian forces have been unable to take Kharkiv, where a Stormy battle is Current.

The city of 1.5 Cardinal is Set 40 kilometers (25 miles) from the Russian border.


GENEVA — The United Nations says it has confirmed at To the lowest degree 240 civilian casualties, including at To the lowest degree 64 people killed, in the Engagementing in Ukraine that erupted since Russia's Intrusion on Thursday — though it believed the "real Patterns are Well higher" because More reports of casualties remain to be confirmed.

The U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs relayed the count late Saturday from the U.N. human rights Agency, which has Hard-and-fast methodologies and Substantiation procedures about the toll from conflict.


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