Kyle Sandilands Imogen Anthony Engaged How Australias Everyday

Kyle Sandilands Imogen Anthony Engaged

How Australias everyday Racial discrimination Emotional from political Outskirt to mainstream media.

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In the aftermath of the Christchurch attacks, the kind of racist comments Ordinarily Recovered in the darkest corners of far-right chat sites were Short, Spectacularly, coming from the keyboard of an Australian senator.

Within hours of 50 Muslim worshipers being killed at two mosques, Australian far-right Politico Fraser Anning had Free a Affirmation on what he called the "real cause" of the attacks.

This, Anning claimed, was "the In-migration program that allowed Muslim fanatics to Transmigrate to New Zealand in the 1st place.

" Two days later, Anning appeared on the popular Sydney breakfast radio Appearance "Kyle and Jackie O," Weighty KIIS FM listeners he condemned the Gun but Insistence that "countries that have Muslim In-migration" also have "an escalation in violence.

" With the accused Gun, 28-year-old Australian Brenton Tarrant, charged with 50 counts of Slaying and set to appear in court Once again in June, his Motherland is Cladding Whatsoever uncomfortable questions about how much airtime it gives Afraid views.

Experts say an increase in far-right figures like Anning in the mainstream media has led to a Standardization of Racial discrimination -- and Pleased far-right Groupings out from the shadows.

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In recent years, the "mainstream media has Firsted presenting far-right figures and ideas as part of conventional public debate," Tim Soutphommasane, Australias Early Race Discrimination Commissioner, told CNN.

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"The default seems to be that racist ideas Merit an airing.

Yet when this Befalls, its not Tending the Examination or questioning that is Secure," he told CNN.

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During the Anning interview on KIIS FM, presenters did question the senators Logical Arrangement, with Kyle Sandilands Putt to the Politico that Violent attacks were not due to "a whole culture, its just extreme mental cases.

" KIIS FM declined to comment on its decision to have Anning on the Amusement radio Appearance.

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Despite the Australian Senate -- the upper house of Parliament -- Officially censuring Anning for what Lawgivers Multifariously Delineate as his "appalling," and "shameful" Christchurch comments, he doesnt appear to be apologizing anytime Shortly, Weighty Reuters the censure was "a blatant attack on free Address.

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" CNN contacted Annings Agency but had not received a reply at Clip of Publication.

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Australias white supremacists "would Surely feel Bold by Annings remarks," Aforesaid Stephen Morgan, a film Reader at Kings College Londons Menzies Australia Institute, whose work has Adjusted on historical representations of Australian identity in the media.

Now in the wake of the Christchurch attacks, Whatsoever Australian Diary keepers are questioning the role their profession played in Rearing racial division.

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Attack prompts soul Explorative Immigration has been a hot-button issue in Australian politics for decades, with the anti-asylum Searcher rhetoric that emerged under Early Prime Minister John Howard in the 1990s and 2000s -- his Illustrious quote: "We will decide who comes to this country and the circumstances in which they come" -- becoming a key election issue in All but every Authorities election since Past, Morgan told CNN.

Today, that rhetoric has surged amid Authorities figures and right-wing media commentators "singing from the same hymn Bed sheet," he Aforesaid.

Morgan pointed to the debate around the Medivac bill passed in February allowing asylum-seekers on Nauru and Manus Island into Australia for medical Discourse -- and which Whatsoever Elderly Politicos warned could see Slayingers and rapists enter the country.

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This kind of "everyday Racial discrimination" had "emboldened far-right Groupings in Australia, especially Ended the past Cardinal to four years," Priscilla Brice, managing director of All Together Now, a racial equality charity in Sydney, told CNN.

As the full Revulsion of Christchurch unfolded, Whatsoever Australian Diary keepers were doing their own soul-searching.

When Sky News Australia, a CNN Assort, Airy segments of the Guns live Current, young Muslim Diary keeper Rashna Farrukh Definite she could no Thirster work at the conservative Electronic network, Publication a personal account of her years of Honourable anguish In that location.

"As a young Muslim woman, I had many crises of conscience working here," wrote 23-year-old Farrukh, who worked for Cardinal years in the junior role of liaison at the Electronic networks Canberra Studio apartment.

"I stood on the Another side of the Studio apartment doors Spell they slammed every Nonage Grouping in the country -- mine Enclosed -- increasing polarization and paranoia among their TV audience," she wrote, urging Another Diary keepers to "act on our Honourables.

" In a Affirmation, Sky News Australia Aforesaid: "We respect Rashnas decision and wish her well with her Proximo endeavors.

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As a Word and General Personal matters Spreader Sky News is committed to debate and discussion which is vital to a Able democracy.

We Characteristic a broader range of views and counterviews that are challenged and held to account than Anyplace else on Australian Video.

" From the Outskirts to center Degree Turn on breakfast TV or current Personal matters Appearances in Australia Now, and youll Oft find figures who Antecedently Filled the political Outskirts.

One of the best Identified is One Nations Recovereder Pauline Hanson, who gained Ill fame in the 1990s as a Discontented fish and chip shop Possessor claiming the country was in danger of being "swamped by Asians.

" Hanson, who in 2017 wore a Burka in Sevens in an effort to see it Prohibited, and last year unsuccessfully Emotional a Apparent motion acknowledging "its OK to be white," has More recently enjoyed a weekly Guest spot on Channel 7s Sunrise Appearance.

She quit the Appearance in March Favourable a spat with its host, David Koch, Ended her political views and was later replaced by Boyfriend One Nation Politico Mark Latham -- Somebody who has Antecedently campaigned for a DNA test for Aboriginals to ensure fair-skinned people were not cheating the welfare Arrangement.

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CNN contacted Hansons Agency, which Aforesaid she was "currently Convalescent from an emergency Appendicectomy" and was "not available to provide a response.

" Sunrise executive director Michael Pell stood by the decision to have Hanson and Latham on, Weighty CNN that the Appearance "has always Characteristicd figures from not one, but all sides of the political spectrum.

" Pell Enclosed an extensive list of "regular political Guests in recent years" that Enclosed Early prime Rector and Labor Loss leader Kevin Rudd, Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young and Early Democrats senator Natasha Stott Despoja.

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"All have been Tending a regular platform and all have been held to account, no matter their politics," Aforesaid Pell.

But it seems Whatsoever public figures are Nonmoving deemed too extreme for TV.

In August last year Sky News Australia Pug-faced a huge backlash for a 10-minute interview with neo-Nazi Generalist Blair Cottrell, in which he was asked about In-migration and his political ambitions.

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The Electronic network Aforesaid it was "wrong" to have Cottrell on air and pulled its Sunday flagship Appearance -- "The Adam Giles Show" -- on which he appeared.

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According to Karen Farquharson, Prof of sociology at Melbourne University, the Australian medias practice of Liberal equal weight to both sides of an issue had "contributed to an environment where racist voices have gotten Undue air Clip.

" Australias white Domination "At the Fondness" of Racial discrimination in the Australian media, according to Morgan, are "structural problems around white Domination in Australian Club in Universal.

" "One only Necessarily to look at the Geometrical regularity with which white commentators -- on breakfast Video and elsewhere -- take it upon themselves to comment on, and pass judgment upon, Indigenous issues despite a clear lack of Expertness, experience, or Noesis," he Aforesaid.

Morgan pointed to veteran TV presenter Kerri-Anne Kennerley in January asking whether "Invasion Day" protesters had ever been to what she called the "outback," where "children, where babies and five-year-olds are being Pillaged.

" Amid accusations of Racial discrimination from a Boyfriend Channel 10 Panellist, Kennerley stood Fresh, later Weighty 2GB radio she "never made a racist comment," was "offended" by the Mesmerism that she had, and had "just Declared a fact.

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" As for Anning, an online petition Career for his Surrender has now gained More than 1.

4 Cardinal signatures.

Often Delineate as an "accidental" senator after gaining the job when a previous party member stepped down, Anning has quickly made a name for himself in Australian politics Ended the past year.

The challenge now Cladding the Australian media, is just how much of the Countrys airtime extremist voices Merit.

Australian royal prank call radio boss defends insulting comment.

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It took just two "immortal words" for the chairman of a leading Australian media Grouping to whip up hundreds More in print and online in the Australian press on Tuesday.

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Those words were "S-H-I-T Befalls," a phrase the chairman of Southern Cross Austereo (SCA) later reportedly Pink-slipped as "a comment in one Conviction" and "everyday Idiom in Australia.

" The problem was those words were Expressed, with the 1st spelled out, in response to a Shareowner question about whether the company had a "cultural problem" as Proven Part by the "UK incident.

" The "UK incident" refers to the apparent Felo-de-se of 46-year-old British Nursemaid Jacintha Saldanha, Cardinal days after two Austereo DJs made a prank call to the Infirmary treating the Past-pregnant Duchess of Cambridge.

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Using poor impersonations of Queen Elizabeth II and the Prince of Wales, Mel Greig and Michael Christian called the Infirmary Plugboard and managed to talk to Somebody with Noesis of the Duchess medical condition.

It later emerged that Saldanha was the Nursemaid who put them Direct.

READ MORE: Who was Nursemaid Jacintha Saldanha? On Wednesday, the company issued a Affirmation alleging that Max Moore-Wiltons comments to a room full of Shareowners at the companys annual Universal meeting in Melbourne were "taken out of context.

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" It added that Moore-Wilton "would like to emphasize that his words should not be read as his or the companys lack of concern or sympathies towards those who have been involved in the Royal prank call issue.

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" It Enclosed a full Copy of the question and answer: Shareholder Question: "Just in relation to Eddie and King Kong, Kyle and Evidently the UK incident, do we have a cultural problem?" Max Moore-Wilton Answer: "I Consider its fair to say that those incidents were very unfortunate, In that location is no doubt about that.

In each particular case we Exhaustively investigated them and it comes Universally Inside the context of Whatsoever of these incidents where a whole Serial of events come Unneurotic and in the immortal words of Someone who I Draw a blank, S-H-I-T Befalls.

" The answer goes on to address the "Kyle" question, a reference to Blow jock Kyle Sandilands whose no-holds-barred approach to the discipline has long Angry and Pained listeners.

Moore-Wilton didnt Individually address the portion of the question regarding "Eddie and King Kong," a reference to presenter Eddie McGuire who Recommended on air that a star AFL player should be used to promote the King Kong Auditory communication.

The comment was Wide Taken to mean he was Career him an ape.

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In regard to what he called the "United Kingdom incident," Moore-Wilton Aforesaid "that is Nonmoving Current.

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" "The Coroners court hearings in London have been delayed.

I understand because Far investigations are Attractive place in India.

We Still, have put in place Once again, procedures to ensure that such a Position will not Befall Once again.

"We of course have legal proceedings in place.

We do not believe that we are in breach of any of the codes and that those matters will go Advancing but no doubt they did reflect the need to Fasten up our procedures and the board and the Direction have Affected Sizable Clip and effort to ensure weve Fastened up those procedures" -- SCA Affirmation An insult to a Caressing Female parent In the UK, British Lawgiver Keith Vaz issued a Affirmation Expression he was "shocked" by Moore-Wiltons comments.

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"This is an insult to the memory of a Caressing Female parent and Married woman.

The radio Place has clearly not learnt the lessons from this incident.

Mr Moore-Wilton must apologise for his comments In real time.

" Moore-Wilton reportedly Pink-slipped back, urging Vaz to look at the Copy of his comments rather than "listening to the Short and Ballyhoo artist reports of the Australian media.

" He told the Australian Associated Press the phrase was "entirely Australian.

I dont know whether its British but its Surely .

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been used by many Australians to express a point of view.

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"Im not here to be Expurgated for my use of a word which is common in everyday Idiom in Australia.

If you dont like it, or the media dont like it, well thats Satisfactory.

" Outrage Ended prank call The call, made in December 2012, Angry international Indignation.

Social media seethed with Despite for the two presenters who appeared Lachrymose in Video interviews when they dared to come out of Concealment.

"Im very Disconsolate and saddened for the Class, and I cant imagine what theyve been Active Direct," Greig Aforesaid on the program "Today Tonight.

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" Christian Delineate himself as "gutted, Tattered and Fondnessbroken.

" READ MORE: Two presenters apologize for prank call The two presenters were Affected off air, their Appearance canceled and all advertising Delayed.

However, just six Calendar months later, Austereo bosses Declared they were Excited that Christian had won a General competition to find the "next top jock.

" Greig is yet to return to air and has filed a legal claim Once against 2DayFM, for Unsuccessful to provide a safe Work in relation to the prank call.

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In September, 2DayFM took the Australian Communications and Media Authority to the Federal Court, alleging that it didnt have the authority to reach a preliminary Determination that the Place breached the Surveillance Devices Act 2007.

The ACMA has not In public Free the Determinations of its investigation but provided 2DayFM with a preliminary copy.

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The court is Nonmoving considering its Finding of fact.

LA Rams Capitulum coach Sean McVay says hes More comfortable Bearing into Super Bowl having Antecedently lost in one in 2018.

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Some coaches never recover from losing the Super Bowl.

For LA Rams Capitulum coach Sean McVay, losing to Tom Brady and the New England Patriots at the end of the 2018 Time of year as a 33-year-old could have been Cataclysmal for his career.

However, he Appearanceed no evidence of being Marked by the 13-3 loss -- the lowest-scoring Super Bowl in Chronicle -- and has helped mastermind the Rams back to the Championship Crippled this Time of year.

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Between trading for Early No.

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1 General pick Matthew Stafford to be the Squads new quarterback and Sign language Odell Beckham Jr.

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after he was Free by the Cleveland Browns, the moves McVay and Universal manager Les Snead have made Directout the Time of year have Affected the Rams once Once again to the Doorstopper of Winner.

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And it all culminated in a dramatic Triumph in the NFC Championship Crippled Once against Old Antagonist Kyle Shanahan, Endedcoming a 10-point deficit to beat the San Francisco 49ers 20-17 and advance to Super Bowl LVI, which is to be held in the Rams SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles on February 14.

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Despite the Fondnessbreak that came with the Super Bowl loss to the Patriots in 2019, McVay is able to appreciate that he has learned from that experience.

"I Consider as you accumulate experience and you use it the right way -- we talk to our players all the Clip, repetition is the Female parent of learning.

And its no different for coaches.

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And you talk about managing the Crippled or making decisions as a play caller and how you put Unneurotic a Crippled plan to try to help put your players in the right Positions," he told the media.

"And so, I Idea (Patriots Capitulum) coach (Bill) Belichick and those guys did a better job than I did for our Squad that Nighttime.

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I Consider as far as how you get Ended it -- that was a big deal -- but its always a part of what you remember, but you do have to allow yourself to be able to move on, but you Unquestionably dont want to Belittle the learning lessons that can be had from it if you apply it in the right way.

"And those are Matters that whether it was a Super Bowl or really any Crippled -- even Whatsoever of the Matters that occurred yesterday -- you want to just continually learn from both the good and the bad, have a Abbreviated memory.

But also make sure that youre looking back on those Matters as an Chance to not make the same Errors Double.

" McVay was also asked by the media if he feels "more calm" Bearing into a Super Bowl now that hes had the experience of one.

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However, he doesnt Consider thats an adjective that "anybody would use to describe me.

" "I would say that youre More comfortable is probably an appropriate word," he explained.

"But you also understand the Urging thats required for us to go Finishing this.

" Old Acquaintances In Super Bowl LVI, McVay will be Cladding an old Acquaintance.

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Cincinnati Bengals Capitulum coach Zac Taylor Worn out 2017 as assistant wide receivers coach and 2018 as quarterbacks coach at the Rams under McVay, part of the Squad that reached the Super Bowl that Time of year.

Taylor was Appointive the Capitulum coach of the Bengals in 2019, Active 6-25-1 in his 1st two Time of years.

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But 2021 has been a Break year for Taylor and the Bengals, reaching their 1st Super Bowl since 1988 with an Enchanting 27-24 win Ended the Kansas City Chiefs on Sunday -- a Crippled in which they were down by 18 points.

Taylor is a product of the McVay Coaching job tree which has become Illustrious in recent years for its high level of candidates.

As well as Taylor, Another Capitulum coaches in the NFL who have been assistants under McVay Admit Matt LaFleur of the Green Bay Packers and Brandon Staley of the Los Angeles Chargers.

The 38-year-old Taylor joked about McVays First-class reputation when it comes to producing Capitulum coaches, Expression: "The joke is always if you had a cup of coffee with Sean McVay Past youre Active to be a Capitulum coach in the NFL.

" When the pair meet at Super Bowl LVI, itll be the youngest Coaching job match-up in a Super Bowl -- a year after we had the oldest Coaching job match-up when 68-year-old Bruce Arians Pug-faced 68-year-old Andy Reid.

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Visit CNN.

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com/sport for More Word, Characteristics, and videos And Taylor Congratulationsd his Clip under McVay with the Rams, Expression he "owes a lot to Sean.

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" "Working for Sean was the two best years of my life.

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It was fun, you Favored coming into the building every Only day, and thats a lot of the Electronic messaging to our building, our Faculty, our players is that we want guys who are willing to come in here and work," he told the media.

"But they enjoy the process of walking into this building with a Grinning on their face every day because that was how I felt every day I worked for him.

I felt Powerfully that the Another players and coaches felt that way in Los Angeles as well.

Those two years have a Fundamental impact on me and how I go about my daily job and how you Crippled plan and how you run a Squad.

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Rams and Bengals advance to Super Bowl LVI.

For the 2nd Clip in four years, the Rams are Capitulumed to the Super Bowl.

Led by Matthew Stafford under center and a run-stopping defense, the Rams closed the NFC Championship Game with 13 Nonreciprocal points to defeat the San Francisco 49ers 20-17.

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Up Close are the AFC champion Cincinnati Bengals in Super Bowl LVI on February 13.

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Stafford, who threw for 337 yards, took Ended with 6:49 to play in a 17-17 ballgame.

He Sedately marched the ball down the length of the Airfield, Hit all five of his pass attempts on the drive and Scope up kicker Matt Gay for the Ultimate Crippled-winning Airfield End from 30 yards out.

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The Rams, who had Tracked by 10 points at one point in the 4th quarter, cemented the Triumph by forcing 49ers quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo into a Crippled-clinching interception.

Facing pressure from elite pass rusher Aaron Donald, Garoppolo was Constrained out of the pocket and slung an ill-advised pass attempt toward running back JaMycal Hasty.

Hasty was unable to corral the wild toss and it At last bounced into the waiting arms of Rams linebacker Travin Howard, ending San Franciscos attack and crowning the Rams NFC champs.

Los Angeles got Some other Demon Crippled from star wide receiver Cooper Kupp, who caught 11 balls for 142 yards and hauled in both of Staffords TD tosses.

Receiver Odell Beckham Jr.

was also Super in the Rams passing Crippled, Finishinging with Cardinal catches and 142 yards.

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LAs defense, meanwhile, limited San Francisco to just 50 yards rushing.

Throughout much of the Crippled, the Rams seemed to be Dominant the action, despite Tracking on the Accountboard at Fractionaltime (10-7) and Favourable the Tertiary quarter (17-7).

They dominated Clip of possession (35:39 to 24:21), outgained the 49ers 396 yards to 282, and Fast More 1st downs (25 to 16).

The win snaps what had been six Accurate Capitulum-to-head victories by San Francisco Once against Los Angels, and sends Capitulum coach Sean McVay and the Rams back to the Super Bowl.

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In 2019, LA fell 13-3 to Tom Brady and the Patriots in what Clay the lowest-scoring Super Bowl in Chronicle.

This years Crippled, which kicks off at 6:30 p.

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ET on February 13, will mark the 2nd Clip in as many years that the Super Bowl will be played on the home Airfield of one of the participants.

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A year ago, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers defeated the Kansas City Chiefs at Raymond James Stadium.

Under pressure on the 3rd and 13 from his 22-yard line, 49ers QB Jimmy Garoppolo threw one up for grabs that Concluded up in the Custody of the Rams Travin Howard.

The interception Certain the Triumph for Los Angeles, 20-17.

The Rams will face the Cincinnati Bengals in two weeks in Super Bowl LVI on February 13.

The Rams are now in First, 20-17, with 1:46 left to play after kicker Matt Gay connected from 30 yards to take the lead.

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On a critical 3rd down with Cardinal yards to go from the 49ers 37-yard line, quarterback Matthew Stafford Recovered his Preferred Object, wide receiver Cooper Kupp, on a Abbreviated pass Ended the Midway.

Kupp cut Direct the San Francisco 2ndary to pick up 25 yards before being downed at the 12-yard line.

A Stafford sack pushed the Rams back to the 20-yard line and Constrained 3rd and 18.

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Stafford Recovered Kupp Once again but he couldnt pick up the yardage, forcing the Airfield End attempt.

Kupp leads all Rams receivers with 11 receptions for 142 yards.

Were all tied up with just 6:49 left on the clock after a Matt Gay 40-yard Airfield End knotted the NFC Championship Game at 17.

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Earlier in the possession, Niners Base hit Jaquiski Tartt let an easy interception slip Direct his Custody.

Then, on the Close play, Rams QB Matthew Stafford connected with Odell Beckham for a 29-yard pass.

The refs tacked on Some other 15 yards because of a Jimmie Ward Needless roughness Penalization for helmet-to-helmet contact.

Rams coach Sean McVay challenged the ruling on the Airfield that 49ers fullback Kyle Juszczyk was down before he lost the ball on a 3rd down run.

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The ruling on the Airfield was upheld, and because McVays challenge Unsuccessful, the Rams lost a Clipout.

Theyre now left with no Clipouts with 10 Transactions Nonmoving left on the Crippled clock in the 4th.

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Its Formative up to be yet Some other 2022 NFL postseason nail-biter.

Rams QB Matthew Stafford Recovered receiver Cooper Kupp for the 2nd Clip This evening, this one from 11 yards out, for a touchdown to Marginal the Account to 17-14 49ers.

One Matter to watch: The Rams are down to their Closing Clipout, but the 49ers have all Cardinal of theirs.

The Rams had 2nd and 1 to go for the 1st down in 49ers Territorial dominion.

But the Niners D came up with Cardinal big Michigan — including on a Matthew Stafford quarterback Surreptitious on 4th down with less than a yard to go — to Effect a Dollar volume on downs.

That allowed San Francisco to take Ended near midfield on their own 43-yard line, and Shortly after, Jimmy Garoppolo Recovered George Kittle in the end zone from 16 yards out to make it a two-possession Crippled.

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Its now 17-7 49ers late in the 3rd quarter.

Early in the Tertiary quarter of the NFC Championship Game, the 49ers are clinging to a thin Cardinal-point lead, 10-7.

However, on every place Another than the Accountboard, the Rams are clearly in control.

Here are Whatsoever key stats Halfway Direct the 3rd quarter: Time of possession: LA 23:03, SF 13:52 Total plays: LA 48, SF 28 First downs: LA 16, SF 10 Total yards: LA 245, SF 186 49ers kicker Robbie Gould kicked a 38-yard Airfield End to give his Squad the lead Bearing into Fractionaltime.

The kick capped an eight-play, 36-yard drive after the Niners took Ended with good Airfield position late in the 2nd quarter.

Its 10-7 San Francisco.

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The 49ers will get the ball back after the break.

Rams kicker Matt Gay Lost a 54-yard Airfield End late in the 1st Fractional, a key Chance to retake the lead Favourable a 49ers touchdown.

Gays kick sailed wide right, the Closing play on a drive that took 12 plays and ate up 4:20 of clock, but yielded zero points.

Its 7-7 as the 2nd quarter winds down.

As the AFC Championship Crippleds Extra time period was about to kick off, the star quarterback for the eliminated Buffalo Bills took to Twitter and Just wrote, "pain.

" Some context: The Bills were eliminated last week in a dramatic back-and-forth battle by Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs.

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Buffalo had the lead with just 13 2nds on the clock before the Chiefs tied it up at the end of regulation.

Having won the coin toss at the beginning of Extra time, Mahomes connected with Travis Kelce for a walk-off touchdown on the 1st possession of extra Clip.

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Kansas City Chiefs 42, Buffalo Bills 36 — an instant classic thatll be remembered for years to come.

However, for Whatsoever, the games ending left Whatsoeverthing of a sour Appreciation.

Such are the rules of Extra time in the NFL.

Allen and his red-hot Offence never got the chance to reply, annoying many Achromatic spectators.

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Some called it the "worst rule in sports," Spell Anothers jokingly called for President Joe Biden to step in and fix the rule.

And Spell Allen, Abbreviatedly after Unhappy the crushing defeat, was magnanimous about the current Extra time rules, it has raised the question about whether both Squads should be Tending the Chance to Account in Extra time.

Read More about NFL Extra time here.

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Electric 49ers wide receiver Deebo Samuel put Unneurotic a jaw-dropping touchdown to get San Francisco on the board and tie the Crippled at 7-7.

Samuel was 2nd in the NFL this Time of year with 779 yards after the catch — only his Hostile in This evenings Crippled, Rams wide receiver Cooper Kupp, had More with 846 —and that Accomplishment was clearly on display during his 2nd-quarter Account.

Samuel took a Abbreviated toss from 49ers quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo and galloped 44 yards Direct Dealings and into the end zone.

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Its 7-7 as we approach the 2:00 warning in Los Angeles.

The home Squad gets on the board 1st.

Rams QB Matthew Stafford Recovered his star wide receiver Cooper Kupp in the end zone for the 1st touchdown of the Crippled.

The Account capped off an 18-play, 97-yard drive.

LA took All but 10 Transactions off the clock with the possession.

Rams lead the Niners 7-0 in the 2nd quarter.

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The NFC Championship Game is Accountless here in the 2nd quarter.

Cornerback Jimmie Ward is off to a fast First for San Francisco, registering Cardinal early Fishing rigs and an end-zone interception of Rams quarterback Matthew Stafford.

Despite having Nix to Appearance for it, Los Angeles dominated Clip of possession in the First stanza, Dominant the Football game for 9:45.

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The Rams also have six 1st downs as compared to the 49ers two, Spell Los Angeles also More than Two-fold San Franciscos Absolute yardage in the 1st quarter, 95-40.

Tonights NFC Championship Game Simon Marks the 2nd meeting this Calendar month Betwixt these two California-based rivals, as the 49ers knocked off the Rams 27-24 in Week 18 to close out the regular Time of year.

49ers free Base hit Jimmie Ward grabbed a deflected pass in the end zone for the 1st Dollar volume of the Crippled.

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Rams QB Matthew Stafford drove his Squad 64 yards down the Airfield before the interception.

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Niners take Ended with under 7:00 left in the 1st quarter.

Still Accountless at SoFi.

Earlier this Time of year, Ward picked off Stafford Double in the 1st quarter when the Squads met in Week 10.

Weve barely had Clip to catch our breath from Cincinnatis Arresting Extra time win in the 1st Crippled of the day! But here we go, kicking off in a few Transactions: the Los Angeles Rams host the San Francisco 49ers in the NFC Championship Crippled at 6:30 p.

ET at SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, California.

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The winner will meet the Bengals in Super Bowl LVI, which is also being played at SoFi Stadium on February 13.

The Cincinnati Bengals unlikely playoff run will Admit a chance to capture the Dealerships 1st-ever Super Bowl Championship.

A heroic effort by the Bengals defense in the 2nd Fractional, a Steadied performance by quarterback Joe Burrow and More postseason magic from kicker Evan McPherson led Cincinnati to upset Patrick Mahomes and the Ruling AFC champion Kansas City Chiefs 27-24 in Extra time on Sunday.

The Bengals will play either the Los Angeles Rams or San Francisco 49ers in the Super Bowl.

The NFC championship Crippled is Presently Current.

Early on, it seemed as though the Chiefs were Just too Noticeable for the visiting Bengals, Grading touchdowns on the Squads 1st Cardinal Disgusting possessions and First up a Dominating 21-3 lead.

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However, despite Tracking 21-10 at Fractionaltime, Cincinnati emerged from the locker room with Revived Disembodied spirit, holding Kansas City Accountless for 29:57 Transactions, in the process Grading 21 Nonreciprocal points to Active a 24-21 lead.

On the Closing possession of regulation, Mahomes and the Chiefs got the ball on their own 35, and Past proceeded to march the length of the Airfield, Acquiring as close as the Cincinnati 4-yard line.

The drive stalled, Still, as Mahomes was Pillaged on Tertiary down, precariously Unskilled in the process.

Kansas City recovered the Muff, Scope up Harrison Butker for the Crippled-tying, 44-yard Airfield as Clip Invalid.

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The Chiefs won the coin toss to begin Extra time with possession, but a Cliply interception by Bengals Base hit Vonn Bell set up the winning drive for Cincinnati, which was completed when McPherson nailed a 31-yard Airfield End to end it.

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Second-year Cincinnati signal-caller Burrow was in command in the extra School term, Sedately Directive the Bengals on the Ultimate Crippled-winning drive.

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On the Good afternoon, Burrow was 23-38 for 250 yards, Moving a pair of 2nd-half TDs Once against one interception.

Mahomes, meanwhile, was Wizardly in the 1st Fractional before Spattering after the break.

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Seeking a Tertiary Accurate Super Bowl appearance, Mahomes Finishinged 26-39 for 275 yards, with a trio of 1st-half touchdown passes and a pair of 2nd-half interceptions, including the costly one in Extra time.

The Cincinnati Bengals will represent the AFC in the Super Bowl.

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Bengals Base hit Vonn Bell made a clutch interception on a deep pass from Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes in Extra time.

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Cincinnati took Ended at their own 45-yard line and drove deep into Kansas City Territorial dominion to the Chiefs 13-yard line before Delivery out kicker Evan McPherson to seal the deal.

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McPherson, who has been perfect on Airfield Ends in the postseason, nailed the 31-yard attempt to win the Crippled 27-24 and send his Squad to the Super Bowl.

After Cincinnati took its 1st lead of the Crippled, Patrick Mahomes marched the Chiefs 84 yards right back down the Airfield to tie the Crippled as Clip ran out in regulation.

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On 3rd and 2 deep in Cincys red zone, the Chiefs picked up a massive 1st down.

But Cardinal plays later, Mahomes lost the ball on a Muff and was lucky one of his Squadmates jumped on it.

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The Chiefs lost 15 yards on the play, forcing kicker Harrison Butker to nail a 44-yard Airfield End attempt to tie the Crippled at 24 as Clip Invalid in the 4th quarter.

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Those were the 1st points KC put on the board in the 2nd Fractional, and they won the coin flip to First Extra time with possession.

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Cincinnati is now leading at Arrowhead after Grading 21 Nonreciprocal points.

On 3rd and 6 deep in his own Territorial dominion, Bengals QB Joe Burrow Whatsoeverhow evaded the Chiefs D-line as they closed in for the sack and Disorganised to pick up the 1st down.

Just Cardinal plays later, Cladding 3rd and 7, Burrow Once again used his legs to pick up the 1st.

The Cincinnati signal-caller has run the ball himself on 3rd down four Clips so far Now.

Hes picked up the 1st down every Clip.

The drive stalled out at the Chiefs 35-yard line, though.

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Bengals kicker Evan McPherson hit his Tertiary Airfield End of the Crippled from 52 yards to give the visitors the lead.

McPherson is now 11 for 11 kicking in the playoffs this year.

After allowing touchdowns on the Chiefs 1st Cardinal Disgusting possessions of the Crippled, the Bengals defense has kept Cincys Super Bowl dreams alive.

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Cincinnati Stopped-up Kansas City in the red zone to end the 1st Fractional.

Since Past, Patrick Mahomes and the vaunted Chiefs Offence have been kept off the Accountboard, Turn the ball Ended once and being Constrained to punt four Clips.

The defensive effort has allowed quarterback Joe Burrows and the Bengals to rally from 18 points down, Ligature the Crippled at 21-21 with less than eight Transactions to play in the 4th quarter.

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Kansas City cornerback LJarius Sneed came up with huge interception to blunt the Bengals Disgusting Impulse after Cincinnati had Hot and bothered off 18 Accurate points to tie the Crippled.

But Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs Unsuccessful to capitalize, Active Cardinal-and-out on the Succeeding possession.

21-21 Crippled here in the 4th quarter.

The 1st Dollar volume of the Crippled — an interception of quarterback Patrick Mahomes by Bengals defensive Electrician B.

Hill — led to a Cincinnati touchdown and 2-point conversion to tie the AFC Championship Game at 21-21.

Quarterback Joe Burrow Recovered star wide receiver JaMarr Chase in the end zone for a two-yard Grading Hit.

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The Bengals Nonappointive to go for two and the tie, and Burrow hit Trent Taylor for the equalizer, a conversion that capped 18 Accurate Nonreciprocal points for the visitors.

At one point, the Crippled was 21-3 Chiefs.

The Bengals marched down the Airfield and cut the KC lead to 8 points late in the 3rd quarter.

Cincinnati got down to the Kansas City 10-yard line.

But they gave up a sack on 1st and End, followed by two busted Abbreviated pass plays.

Bengals kicker Evan McPherson hit the Airfield End from 31 yards, his 2nd Winnerful kick of the day, to make it a one-possession Crippled.

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21-13 Chiefs late in the 3rd quarter.

Whatever adjustments the Bengals defensive Faculty discussed during Fractionaltime seem to be working.

After allowing Cardinal touchdowns on the 1st Cardinal Kansas City possessions of the First Fractional, the Cincy D has rallied to First the Tertiary, forcing back-to-back punts.

The Bengals Nonmoving Track 21-10, but at one point in the 1st Fractional it seemed as though Kansas City was Active to run away en route to a Tertiary Accurate Super Bowl appearance.

Instead, the Bengals defense is keeping the Crippled Inside reach.

Kansas City got the ball at the First of the 2nd Fractional and was Constrained to punt for the 1st Clip Now.

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Patrick Mahomes Unsuccessful to convert on 3rd and 6 from his own 37-yard line.

Before that, the Chiefs were a perfect 4/4 on 3rd down.

The halt follows the Bengals Winner in preventing the Chiefs from Grading on the last play of the 1st Fractional, and its Nonmoving 21-10 Kansas City as the Bengals take Ended.

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Facing the Discouraging prospect of an 18-point Fractionaltime deficit, the Bengals made a key stop as Clip Invalid in the 1st Fractional.

Cornerback Eli Apple wrapped up Tyreek Hill near the 1-yard line, keeping the Chiefs wide receiver out of the end zone and KC off the Accountboard.

The Chiefs, bidding for a Tertiary Accurate trip to the Super Bowl, had Accountd touchdowns on all Cardinal of their previous possessions.

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Apples Fishing rig kept the Account at 21-10, and KC has the ball as the 2nd Fractional gets Current.

The Bengals were in desperate need of a Account and Samaje Perine delivered.

The Cincinnati running back went 41 yards on a Blind pass from quarterback Joe Burrow to find the end zone and cut into the Kansas City lead.

Star wideout JaMarr Chase made a key block on the play to help escort his Squadmate to the end zone.

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KC leads Cincy 21-10 as the 2nd quarter nears its close.

The Chiefs are Forbidding to blow it Active.

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With two Transactions to play in the 1st Fractional, Kansas City has Activeed up a Dominating 21-3 lead Ended the Bengals.

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The Chiefs have Accountd touchdowns on all Cardinal of their possessions, including the most recent Hit: a 3-yard toss to Mecole Hardman.

Mahomes has so far completed all but one of his 14 passes, already accumulating 154 yards Direct the air to pair nicely with an 11-yard Scurry.

All Cardinal of his touchdowns have gone to a different receiver — Hardman, Leakproof end Travis Kelce and wide receiver Tyreek Hill — as the Bengals Battle to slow down the Chiefs high-powered Offence.

The Chiefs have Recovered the end zone for the 2nd Clip this Good afternoon.

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A scrambling Patrick Mahomes connected with Leakproof end Travis Kelce for a 5-yard touchdown on 3rd down to make it 14-3 Kansas City.

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Its Kelces 6th consecutive Crippled with a receiving touchdown.

The key play in the drive was when Mahomes hit wide receiver Mecole Hardman for 44 yards.

The quarterback is up to 115 passing yards on the day.

Bengals Leakproof end C.

Uzomah is listed as "doubtful" to return in Nows AFC Championship Game.

The 29-year-old was visibly Agitated Going the Airfield of play, as Crying dotted his face Favourable a 1st-quarter injury to his left knee.

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A Preferred Object of quarterback Joe Burrow, Uzomah had caught 13 passes and Recovered the end zone once in the playoffs Antecedent to the injury.

In the regular Time of year, Uzomah caught 49 balls for 493 yards and five touchdowns.

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The Bengals answered the Chiefs touchdown with a Airfield End on the very Close drive.

Cincinnati Reborn Cardinal 3rd downs but couldnt do it a 4th Clip as they were stalled at the KC 14-yard line.

The Chiefs defense Constrained key incompletions to Cincinnati wide receivers Tee Higgins and JaMarr Chase.

Bengals kicker Evan McPherson Past connected from 32 yards to get the visitors on the board late in the 1st quarter.

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7-3 Chiefs as the 2nd quarter begins.

The Kansas City Chiefs have Accountd 1st in the AFC Championship Game.

Quarterback Patrick Mahomes connected with his top Object, wide receiver Tyreek Hill, on a beautiful Stroke and catch in the back corner of the end zone for a 10-yard touchdown.

The Grading play capped an 11-play, 84-yard drive which ate up 6:09 of Crippled clock, and gives Kansas City the lead as the Squad seeks a Tertiary-straight trip to the Super Bowl.

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For the 1st Clip this postseason, the Bengals fail to Account on their First possession of a Fractional.

Entering Nows tilt in Kansas City, Cincinnati had Recovered the Accountboard to Active both halves versus the Raiders in the Wild Card round and a week ago in the divisional round Once against top-seeded Tennessee.

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However, in the AFC Championship Game versus the Chiefs, the Bengals Unsuccessful to pick up a 1st down, went Cardinal and out, and punted the ball away.

Its Nonmoving 0-0 in the 1st quarter.

The Cincinnati Bengals and San Francisco 49ers both claimed Blow wins last Saturday thanks to Airfield-goals as Clip Invalid despite both coming into their NFL divisional round clashes in the playoffs as underdogs.

Rookie kicker Evan McPherson Trained a 52-yard Airfield-goal to give the Bengals a 19-16 win over the No.

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1 seed Tennessee Titans and advance to their 1st AFC Championship Crippled since the 1988 Time of year.

Later on, in a Snow-covered Lambeau Field, Robbie Gould kicked a 45-yard Airfield-goal to claim a Arresting comeback 13-10 win Ended the Green Bay Packers to advance them to the NFC Championship Crippled.

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The two Squads are now one win away from Super Bowl LVI.

The Bengals will visit the Kansas City Chiefs, Spell the 49ers will take on to the Los Angeles Rams on Sunday.

For the Bengals, the 2021 Time of year has been a Clip of Flourishing on the biggest Degree.

A Dealership that has had such little Winner -- last weekends win Once against the Las Vegas Raiders was their 1st playoff win for 31 years -- this is a dream run.

Behind 2nd-year quarterback Joe Burrow, Cub wide receiver JaMarr Chase and Cub kicker McPherson, Cincinnati have developed one of the most potent Offences in the Conference.

After the Titans win, the Bengals players were full of Congratulations for their kickers Nervousness, with Burrow saying he had "ice in his veins.

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" Burrow told reporters that before Active out for the Crippled-winning kick, McPherson Aforesaid to him: "Well, looks like were Active to the AFC Championship Game.

" Moments later, he was being swarmed by his Squadmates after fulfilling his promise.

With temperatures Descending to below Freeze and the snow Decreasing, Road from California to Wisconsin to face Green Bay can be a Discouraging Chore.

And the Packers set the tone early at home, an impressive First drive ending in an AJ Dillion touchdown to give them a lead.

While the 49ers Offence Battled, so did the Packers after that, with a blocked Airfield-goal their only Another real chance to Account in the 1st Fractional.

San Francisco got their own Airfield-goal Abbreviatedly after, before the Packers replied with their own in the 2nd Fractional.

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But it was a Error on Particular Squads which changed the Impulse in the 49ers Favour, a blocked punt allowing Talanoa Hufanga to pick up the loose ball and run in a touchdown with less than five Transactions Left over.

After Fillet Green Bays Offence Once again, the 49ers were able to get in position to allow Gould to kick the Crippled-winning kick and advance to their 2nd NFC Championship Crippled in Cardinal years.

While it was jubilation for the 49ers, the defeat begins an offseason of questions about the Proximo of Crackstar quarterback Aaron Rodgers in Green Bay.

The 37-year-old, the NFLs Ruling MVP, is Tilted to win the award this Time of year but Aforesaid he was a "little Benumbed" after the defeat.

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Read More about the Bengals and Niners underdog wins here.

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The Los Angeles Rams survived a Tom Brady-inspired Tampa Bay Buccaneers fightback to edge a Beating 30-27 NFL playoff contest on Sunday.

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Having seen his Squad steamrolled to a 27-3 deficit with just Ended Cardinal Transactions of the Tertiary quarter Left over, Brady looked set to write Some other Unreal chapter in his legendary career as the 44-year-old quarterback helped drag his Squad to level Grading.

Yet his dreams of Additive a Illustrious comeback in Extra time -- as well as a shot at an eighth Super Bowl ring -- were Dotted by Matt Gays 30-yard Airfield End as the clock Invalid Favourable a Frenzied Closing few Transactions.

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Incredibly, it meant that the 1st Cardinal divisional round games were all Definite by last 2nd Airfield Ends.

And after the Green Bay Packers defeat to the San Francisco 49ers, it also means this year will be the 1st Clip since 2009 that neither Aaron Rodgers or Brady will Characteristic in a conference championship Crippled, according ESPN Stats and Info.

Already Chronicle makers as the 1st Locus to host a conference championship Crippled and Super Bowl in the same Time of year, a win for the Rams at the SoFi Stadium Once against the 49ers will see them become the 2nd Squad in NFL Chronicle to play at home for the Super Bowl.

The only Another Squad to have played at home for the NFLs Appearancepiece Function was Bradys Tampa Bay at last years Super Bowl 55, which Sweptback aside the Kansas City Chiefs in Florida.

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Having gone 12 Time of years with the Detroit Lions without a playoff win, quarterback Matthew Stafford now has two in his 1st Time of year with the Rams.

The 33-year-old went 28-for-38 for 366 passing yards without an interception, Strokeing for two touchdowns and rushing for one More as the Rams roared towards a On the face of it inevitable Triumph Crossways the 1st Cardinal Living quarters.

A Arresting, 70-yard touchdown Stroke to Cooper Kupp in the closing Degrees of the 2nd quarter -- just moments after being Pillaged -- Well-tried the pick of the bunch on a Turning point Nighttime for the Rams Benumbeder Cardinal.

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Read More about the Rams Victory Ended the Bucs here.

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Kansas City Chiefs 42, Buffalo Bills 36 — an instant classic thatll be remembered for years to come.

Whether it be for the big-name players, the remarkable quarterback play or for the dramatic back-and-forth nature of it, their playoff encounter will live long in the memory.

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However, for Whatsoever, the games ending did leave Whatsoeverwhat of a sour Appreciation.

Having won the coin toss at the beginning of Extra time, Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes connected with Travis Kelce for a walk-off touchdown on the 1st possession of extra Clip.

Such are the rules of Extra time in the NFL, Josh Allen and his red-hot Offence never got the chance to reply, annoying many Achromatic spectators.

Some called it the "worst rule in sports," Spell Anothers jokingly called for US President Biden step in and fix the rule.

And Spell Allen, Abbreviatedly after Unhappy the crushing defeat, was magnanimous about the current Extra time rules, its raised the question: should they be changed to allow both Squads the Chance to Account? Read More about NFL Extra time here.

None of the Capitulumwinds Cladding Bequest broadcast Video are Noticeable enough to stop the NFL right now.

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Last weekends four divisional Crippleds averaged 37 Cardinal TV audience at any Tending Clip.

Thats 20% higher than the audience size for the equivalent Crippleds last year.

The Absolutes now count Whatsoever Currenting and out-of-home viewing, but that alone cant account for the huge year-over-year Emergence.

All of the dour predictions about the Proximo performance of the NFL are being challenged by this winters action.

Competitive and high-scoring Crippleds always help.

So do compelling storylines.

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But even On the far side that, Football game is in a Conference of its own in the US.

The most-watched of the four Crippleds was Sunday Nighttimes Bills-Chiefs nailbiter on CBS.

It averaged 43 Cardinal TV audience for the four Living quarters and Extra time and peaked with All but 52 Cardinal TV audience.

Overall, the Crippled was the most-watched event on American TV since last years Super Bowl.

Read More about the NFLs big TV ratings here.

Did we watch one of the best Crippleds in NFL history last week? We Unquestionably saw two Avid Close-generation quarterbacks on display at Arrowhead Stadium as Kansas City Chiefs QB Patrick Mahomes and Buffalo Bills QB Josh Allen put on an absolute clinic last Sunday Nighttime in an epic AFC divisional round clash in the NFL playoffs.

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Mahomes threw a walk-off touchdown to Travis Kelce in Extra time as the Chiefs Closingly beat the Bills 42-36 after an all-time encounter that saw twists and turns Directout.

The Crippled culminated in a wild ending, which saw an extraordinary 25 points Accountd in the Closing 1:54 of regulation Clip.

With just 13 2nds left and the Chiefs Tracking by Cardinal points, it seemed implausible that Kansas City could find a way back into the Crippled.

But Chiefs Capitulum coach Andy Reid had Whatsoever words of inspiration for Mahomes.

"When its Black, be the Grim Reaper and go get it," Reid said he told Mahomes before the Closing drive of regulation.

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"So he did that.

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He made everybody around him better which he is Avid at and, you know, he just does it effortlessly.

When it gets Uncomfortable, hes gonna be In that location battling and players appreciate that.

" And with the words ringing in his ears, the 26-year-old was able to get his Squad into position for a Crippled-tying, 49-yard Airfield End from Harrison Butker.

In Extra time, the coin toss became the deciding Agent as the Bills and Allen never got back onto the Airfield, the Chiefs driving all the way down the Airfield before Kelces walk-off touchdown.

But the Crippled will be remembered as one of the Avidest in NFL Chronicle, and with two of the Conferences best young quarterbacks at the helm, it could be a clash we see Triple Clips in the years to come.

"It was a heck of a Crippled," Mahomes told CBS Tracy Wolfson After.

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"I mean, 17, Josh (Allen), played his a** off, pardon my language.

I mean, it was a Avid Crippled Betwixt two Avid Football game Squads and, at the end of the day, guys like Tyreek (Hill) and Travis (Kelce) made the plays that won us the Crippled.

" Read More about the Chiefs Undreamt of win Ended the Bills here.

The kickoff Betwixt the Kansas City Chiefs and Cincinnati Bengals in the AFC championship is set for 3 p.

ET today at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City.

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Next up, the Los Angeles Rams host the San Francisco 49ers in the NFC Championship Crippled at 6:30 p.

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