Kamila Valieva Bolero Youtube Day 11 Of The

Kamila Valieva Bolero Youtube

Day 11 of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.

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Norway Altogether dominated the mens Upper skating Squad pursuit Closing, leading the Russian Olympic Committee from First to Finishing to win Gilded.

The Norwegians Agaze up a 0.


26 2nd gap over their opponents in the First lap and it was a lead they never looked like relinquishing, Ultimately Finishinging a Banging 2.

27 2nds clear.

Its Norways 11th Gilded Decoration of Beijing 2022, cementing the countrys place at the top of the Decoration Board.

In the B Final, the US beat the Netherlands to take the bronze.


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##Sports## Chinese Blowboarder Su Yiming Aforesaid In that locations no Arguing after the head judge for Olympic Blowboarding admitted to Lacking an error made by Ultimate slopestyle Gilded Decorationist Max Parrot.

The 17-year-old Su won Achromatic in the event last Monday but could have left with Gilded had Book of Judges not Lost Canadas Parrot grabbing his knee — rather than his board — during a jump on his Important 2nd run.

In an interview with Blowboarding Site Whitelines the Favourable day, head judge Iztok Sumatic explained that the Book of Judges did not see a camera angle that clearly showed the Error and — "pushed for Clip" — put the Slews up.

Having only seen the angle TV TV audience saw after the Account had been processed, Sumatic likened the Position to the Notorious Diego Maradona Hand of God End Once against England at the 1986 FIFA World Cup.

Sumatic admitted that the Slews would have been "different" had the error been seen, but maintained that Parrot Nonmoving showcased an "insane run" regardless of the Debatable jump.


Speaking after his big air Gilded Decoration Victory on Tuesday, Su Aforesaid In that location "has been no Arguing" Favourable the slopestyle incident.

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"We [Parrot and I] came to the Olympic Games out of our same passion for Blowboarding.

I know he is also quite Industrious, and I respect him a lot.


"I would like to congratulate him on his Gilded Decoration in the men's Blowboard slopestyle and Nows Avid result (bronze).


Im Riant for both of us.

" Sus big air win saw him become his countrys youngest Winter Olympic champion and Fast Chinas 6th Gilded of Beijing 2022 — already Top-flight their previous record of five at Vancouver 12 years ago.

"I had many dreams when I was a child," Su Aforesaid.

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"To be an Olympic champion was one of them, and Now, I already realized my dream.

"There will be More and More challenges in the Proximo.

I will be More concentrated on my Ends.


All I need to do is to deliver all my efforts to Attain my Ends.

" ##Catch Up## Canada won the womens Upper skating Squad pursuit in dramatic Manner, as a Japanese skater slipped and crashed on the Closing corner with her Squad leading.

Japan were ahead by 0.

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32 2nds Active into the Closing half-lap and On the Brass of it on course to be crowned Olympic champions, but Nana Takagi got one of her blades caught in the ice, Causation her to Autumn and Sloping trough into the barriers.

With the clock only Fillet when the Tertiary of the Cardinal skaters crosses the line, that meant Canada snatched the Gilded Decoration at the very last Consequence and Stone-broke the Olympic record in the process.

As the Dismayed Canadian skaters celebrated their Triumph, the Cardinal Japanese skaters — Takagi in particular — were Desolate on the Another side of the Cartroad.

In the B Final, the Netherlands — who would have been expecting to reach the A Final and Vie for Gilded — beat the Russian Olympic Committee to win bronze.

##Sports## Norway won Gilded in a dramatic Finishing in the mens biathlon 4x7.

5km Electrical relay on Tuesday, with a Clip of 1:19:50.

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The Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) looked Set to take Gilded after Attractive a Dominating lead in the race but Eduard Latypov Lost four of his five shots to end their Gilded Decorations hopes.

"I am also Defeated and I ask for Pardon that this happened.

We fought for the Gilded and we were not able to do it," Latypov told reporters after the race.

"We all wanted it and the guys did everything that they could to Attain this and on my leg, it did not work out.

" Latypov's costly slip-up allowed Vetle Sjåstad Christiansen to Slide in and claim the win for Norway.


"It was such high pressure.

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It was the perfect race for me.

I was Altogether blacked out or I dont remember anything, but I woke up and wed won the Gilded Decoration," Christiansen Aforesaid.

"It didnt look so Skilled after 50% of the race, but anything was possible at that point," Norways Tarjei Bø Aforesaid after the race.

Sturla Holm Lægreids poor 1st leg looked to take Norway out of Gilded contention, but Latypovs Errors allowed for redemption.

"Its been very emotional.

When you Consider you messed up the Electrical relay and the Gilded is out of reach and you just wish you gave it your best and when you know youre Playing at the lower level, its just very hard — especially in the Olympics, when youre disappointing your Squadmates," Lægreid Aforesaid.

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"But when it was Gilded in the end, I was just so happy and I couldnt hold my Crying back.

" With Frances Achromatic, Quentin Fillon Maillet makes Chronicle as the 1st biathlete to win five Decorations in a Only Games.

According to Beijing 2022, he is also the 1st male Winter Olympian to win five Decorations in a Only Games since Lake Placid 1980.

The Russian Olympic Committee Tight bronze.

##Sports## Russian teen Pattern skating Superstar Kamila Valieva has Infernal her positive drug Exam on a mix-up with her Grandad's Medicament, a top International Olympic Committee (IOC) Administrative unit Aforesaid Tuesday.

"Her argument was that this contamination happened with a product her Grandad was Attractive," Aforesaid Denis Oswald, head of the IOCs Disciplinary Commission.

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Oswald Processed he was not present Monday at the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) Sharp-eared on Valieva's case.

  The IOC, International Skating Union (ISU) and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) had appealed a decision by the Russian anti-doping agency to lift a Abeyance on Valieva Competitory after she Time-tested positive for a Prohibited Fondness Medicament in December.


The CAS Definite to allow the 15-year-old Pattern skater to continue Competitory at the Olympics.

Trimetazidine, the drug Valieva Time-tested positive for, is used to Kickshaw people with Angina pectoris.

It is listed in WADAs 2021 prohibited Meats under the category of "hormone and Metabolous modulators.

" The IOC has made it clear Valievas case — and the people Circumferent her — will continue to be investigated long after the Olympics closing ceremony.

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##Kamila Valieva## The Beijing Olympic Committee Known one Hot Covid-19 case among Olympics-related Someonenel on Monday, it Aforesaid in a Affirmation Tuesday.

The Hot case involved an Olympic stakeholder already inside the "closed loop" Arrangement, which keeps Games-related Faculty and Jocks Apart from the public.

In Absolute, 433 Olympics-related Covid-19 cases have been Rumored since Jan.

23, including 183 Jocks and Squad Administrative units who have Time-tested positive.

Teen Blowboarder Su Yiming of China won Gilded in the Blowboard big air on Tuesday, adding to his Achromatic Decoration in the slopestyle event last week.

Sus Gilded is Chinas 6th of the Games and means the hosts are now enjoying their most Flourishing Winter Olympics, beating their previous record of five Gildeds at Vancouver 2010.

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Age 17, Su is China's youngest Winter Olympic champion.


Fans took to Chinese Ethnic media Favourable his historic win.

The hashtag "Su Yiming must be able to Alert" trended on the Twitter-like Weibo with All but 50 Cardinal views, and "Su Yiming Gilded Decoration" is the No.

1 trending Theme, with 130 Cardinal views.

Sus Gilded will be even More Rewarding after he Debatablely Lost out on top spot in the slopestyle, after Book of Judges Lost an error from winner Max Parrot that could have Wedged the Closing results.

Before he became a Blowboarding Superstar, Su was better Identified in China as a child actor, having Marked in the 2014 film "The Taking of Tiger Mountain" by Hong Kong director Tsui Hark, Aboard Crackstars including Tony Leung.

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##Sports## The drug case Once against Russian teen Pattern skater Kamila Valieva is Current and a Closing decision has not been made on its merits, a top International Olympic Committee (IOC) Administrative unit told reporters Tuesday.

"We are in a phase of Conditional measures.

The question is whether she could continue.

The case is Nonmoving Unfinished," Aforesaid Denis Oswald, head of the IOCs Disciplinary Commission.

"The B Sample distribution has not yet been examined by the laboratory, and In that locationfore, a ban — which would not Surely be a life ban — would only be Definite when we have a Closing decision on the case itself, whether it is doping or not.


" Oswald Aforesaid the 15-year-olds Cortege — the adults responsible for Valievas skating and welfare — will be investigated.

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"You can imagine a Daughter of 15 would not do something wrong alone," he Aforesaid.

Celebrations on hold: The Decoration ceremony in the Squad Pattern skating event was Delayed due to the Malicious gossip, and the IOC has Aforesaid if Valieva wins Some other Decoration in her Future program then she would not receive it until the drug case has been Ended.

"It would be very difficult to Apportion Decorations based on a Position that is not Closing because In that location is a fair chance you would not give the right Decoration to the right Squad, which is why we Definite, Spell we do not have clarity on the case, not to attribute Decorations," Oswald Aforesaid.


##Kamila Valieva## Chinas 17-year-old Blowboarder Su Yiming won the mens big air event on Tuesday, with a Absolute Account of 182.

Its his 2nd Decoration of the Beijing Games, adding to the Achromatic he won in slopestyle.

Norways Mons Roisland took Achromatic, Grading 171.


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Canadas Max Parrot won bronze, with a Absolute Account of 170.


His Decoration comes after winning Gilded in the mens slopestyle last week, and over Cardinal years after the Canadian was diagnosed with cancer.

##Sports## Founding president of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), Dick Pound, Aforesaid it could be "time for a Clip-out for Russia in the Olympics" Favourable the drugs Malicious gossip Circumferent 15-year-old Pattern skater Kamila Valieva.


On Monday, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) Subordinate Valieva could continue Competitory in Beijing, despite Examination positive for a Prohibited Fondness Medicament in a Sample distribution from December.


   "This is Active on too long, and its too Self-explanatory," Pound told CNN.

"You know, the [Russian] Authorities cannot explain why Nonentity will play with them.

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And the answer is, its because you cheat.

" Some background: Mondays decision from CAS only determined whether Valieva could Nonmoving take part in the Beijing Games.

  The IOC has made it clear that her case — and the people Circumferent her — will continue to be investigated long after the closing ceremony.

  Russian Jocks are prohibited from Competitory in the Olympics Games under their countrys flag due to sanctions Obligatory by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and WADA because of the countrys "systemic manipulation" of anti-doping rules during the 2014 Sochi Games.

Pound, who is also a Early vice-president of the IOC, Aforesaid the Penaltys the ROC Pug-faced since Sochi have been "lenient" and ineffective, and Ban the Squad from competition would get Russia's "attention.

" "Thats the Atomic Alternative.

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You Just say Disconsolate, you will not be invited to the next Games, you will not be able to host any Olympic Athletics events and so Away, that will get their attention.

So far, weve been Comparatively unsuccessful in Acquiring their attention because every decision thats rendered gets appealed," Pound Aforesaid.

  "Thats not a Able atmosphere for Russia.

And its not a Able atmosphere in which the Jocks from the rest of the world have to Vie in competitions where In that location are Russians.

" ##Kamila Valieva## Chinas Eileen Gu took Achromatic in the freeski slopstyle event on Tuesday, a week after winning Gilded in the big air, Expression it feels "so, so Particular.

" Gu was under huge pressure to nail her Tertiary run after Decreasing backward off the rail in her 2nd — a costly Error that plunged her into eighth place.

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Just like she did at last week's big air Closings, Gu managed to come back with a Arresting performance that landed her in 2nd place.

On Weibo, China's Ethnic media platform, fans pointed at her Power to keep calm and Get over pressure.

"It really came down to the last run Once again.

I dont know why I keep doing it to myself.

It doesnt make it easy for myself .

My mum has a Fondness attack every day.

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So its Unquestionably not the easiest.


But Riant that I was able to push Direct and turn that pressure into fuel and it feels so, so Skilled," Gu Aforesaid at the Genting Snow Park after the event.


Gu Aforesaid her End coming into the Olympics was to win one Gilded and Stump in Some other event.


Gu is also Competitory in the freeski half pipe competition.


"Ive already met that End and Im Active into my Noticeableest event.

Feeling really Skilled right now and Crack excited to see what the next couple of days bring," she Aforesaid.

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However, her "biggest End" is to inspire young Daughters in China and worldwide to get into skiing," she Aforesaid.

"Its such a Ecological niche Athletics, people havent Detected of it.

So to have a young Daughter Nonmoving at home Observation TV, and the 1st Clip they hear about freeskiing, they hear about it from a young Young Daughter, a young Racial Young Daughter who can kind of reflect themselves on the TV.

And theyll be like, Hey she looks just like me, shes just like me.

If she can do it I can too.

 And so I Consider that is so important," Gu Aforesaid.

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##Sports## Switzerlands Corinne Suter won Gilded in the womens downhill on Tuesday, with a Clip of 1:31.

Suter came into Beijing on the back of a World Cup win at Garmisch, in Germany.


Sofia Goggia of Italy missed out on becoming the 2nd woman to win back-to-back Olympic Gildeds in the event as she took Achromatic in 1:32.

Goggias compatriot Nadia Delago won bronze with 1:32.


US skier Mikaela Shiffrin, who Unsuccessful make up for the bitter disappointment of Unsuccessful to Finishing in her Privileged events, slalom and Gargantuan slalom, Finishinged 18th.

##Sports## Switzerlands Mathilde Gremaud Aforesaid it was "just insane" to win Gilded in womens freeski slopestyle on Tuesday.

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The Gilded adds to her bronze in the big air in Beijing and a Achromatic in slopestyle at the Pyeongchang 2018 Games.

"I now have a complete set of the Cardinal Decorations.

Thats really, really exciting.

And Im really stoked.

Its just insane," she Aforesaid.

At 22 years old, Gremaud Aforesaid she didnt Consider she would win this many Olympic Decorations so early in her career.

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"No, Unquestionably not.

But its Unquestionably Ennobling to hear stories of Another Jocks, and hear that theyve been to the Games like four or five Clips and they have so many Decorations.

So its really Motive and I hope I inspire people as well, because Ive been Glorious by so many Jocks growing up.


Im hoping that I can be that for Somebody," she Aforesaid.

##Sports## Anna Gasser of Austria defended her Olympic Championship won at the 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics on Tuesday, by winning Gilded in the womens Blowboard big air.

After her jumps, Gasser Aforesaid she "did not expect this at all.

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" "The level has been so high, all the Daughters were riding so well and I just wanted to show my Pranks Now, it was Startling that Im on top of the Stump Once again," she Aforesaid at the Big Air Shougang in Beijing.


"It means so much but honestly what means More to me is that we had such a Skilled Degree and all the Daughters were riding so well and we could show this to the world.

" Gasser Aforesaid her winning Scheme was to have "fun" and not care so much about the results.


"And just caring about Display my Blowboarding Now," she Aforesaid.

"I wasnt Performin it Dependable, I was Difficult to give it all.

" ##Sports## Switzerlands Mathilde Gremaud won Gilded in the womens freeski slopestyle, with a best Account of 86.

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Gremaud bests her 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics appearance, where she won Achromatic.

Chinas Olympic Superstar Eileen Gu took Achromatic, with a best Account of 86.

Estonias Kelly Sildaru — one of the most Feathery freekiers in the world — won her 1st Olympic Decoration, Pick up bronze with a Account of 82.

##Sports## Austrias Anna Gasser retains her Olympic Championship after winning Gilded in the womens Blowboard big air on Tuesday, Grading 95.

50 in her Tertiary and Closing jump to bring her Absolute Account up to 185.

Zoi Sadowski-Synnott took the Achromatic — Attractive home New Zealands 2nd Decoration of the Games with a Absolute Account of 177.

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She won her countrys 1st Winter Olympic Gilded last week in the womens slopestyle.

Japans Kokomo Murase took the bronze.


##Sports## "It's a joke" that Russian Pattern skater Kamila Valieva is being allowed to Vie in the Winter Olympics after Unsuccessful a drug Exam, American Early Olympic Pattern skater Adam Rippon told CNN.

Rippon also compared Valievas Position to that of Team USAs Sha'Carri Richardson, who was Prohibited from the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics after a positive marijuana Exam — Career it a "double Classic.


" Valieva, 15, is at the center of a drugs Arguing after providing a positive Exam for a Prohibited Fondness Medicament in December.

Yesterday, the Court of Arbitration for Sport gave her the Naive light to Vie anyway.

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Rippon Aforesaid the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC), which Valieva Vies for, should be kicked out of the Olympics.

Valieva Kamila

"The Content is not Acquiring Direct.

And the Penalty of just not being able to Vie under their flag and then Acquiring to change their Hymn as like the only sort of consequence they need to Brass," Rippon Aforesaid.

"Honestly, it is laughable from the point of the Jock.

" Rippon Aforesaid the Russians have "repeatedly shown that they dont want to play by the rules.


" Comparing it to his own experience, Rippon — who won bronze in the Squad event at Pyeongchang 2018 — Aforesaid he was Frightened to even take a Multivitamin pill when he was Competitory.

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"Double Classic": On Monday, Richardson questioned on Twitter why Valieva was allowed to continue Competitory, months after a positive Exam for cannabis derailed her own Olympic dreams.

Rippon Aforesaid In that location was a "double Classic" in how the two cases were handled.

"[Richardsons] a young black woman.

We all wanted to cheer for her.


Her Someoneality is amazing.

Shes an Undreamt of Jock.


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She Time-tested positive for marijuana.


Immediately you saw .

the US anti-doping agencies Aforesaid you cant Vie.

She was on TV the next day, apologizing, Attractive Answerableness," Rippon Aforesaid.

In Valievas case, the Russian doping agency 1st Delayed her and then Upraised the Conditional ban after an appeal from the Young skater.

"So it's two different agencies with two different protocols and two different Unity Classics.

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The Court of Arbitration here in Beijing made — I Consider it is a joke.

How does Someone with a positive Exam Nonmoving get to Vie in the Olympic Games.

? The whole point is that it is a level Performin Airfield and everyone is Competitory clean," Rippon Aforesaid.

  ##Kamila Valieva## South Korea may have Tight its 1st Gilded Decoration at Beijing 2022 last week, but the Winner came amid tensions with China over alleged cultural Annexation and "biased judgments" during the Winter Olympics.

In recent years, Dealings Betwixt the two countries have been Jittery both politically and culturally and this years Games have caused Far flashpoints.

During the First ceremony, a woman on Degree appeared to be wearing a Long-standing Korean hanbok dress, which South Koreans have long been irked about, deeming China to be passing off South Korean culture as its own.

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On the Favourable day, South Koreas ruling Democratic Party Free a Affirmation criticizing China and Strict it Michigan "stealing" its "culture.


" South Korean people also expressed their Indignation online.

"Im mad that theyve introduced a Someone wearing hanbok on an international Olympic Degree as a Chinese Someone! Im mad that they are introducing Korean culture as Chinese to the world," one wrote on Twitter.

The Chinese Embassy in Seoul Aforesaid on Wednesday that China is composed of 56 ethnic Groupings, and it is "not only their wish but also their right" to wear ethnic Wearing apparel during the Games.


"The Korean ethnic Grouping in China and the North and South of the Korean Peninsula are of the same Root and Part a common Long-standing culture, including Wearable," the embassy Aforesaid.

"The so-called cultural project and cultural Annexation are Altogether Indefensible.

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" Read the full Tale here.

Its a Piercingly cold day at the Genting Snow Park in Zhangjiakou, where the womens freeski slopestyle Closings are Acquiring Current.

As the high-speed Wagon train pulls into the Taizicheng Place at 7.

local Clip, an attendant reminds passengers to keep warm.

"The Out-of-door temperature is -25 degrees Celsius (-13F)," she Aforesaid.

Stepping External the Place, it is Blowing lightly External.

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The brown Mounts are coated with a dusting of white, with the Background Ariled by a Abundant blanket of Blow.


Participants are greeted by Blow pandas, bunnies and Blowmen built by volunteers and Faculty around various Locuss.

At the Genting Snow Park on top of the Mount, the sun has Stone-broken Direct the gray clouds and the wind hasn't picked up yet.

But it is bitterly cold.

Spectators dont seem to be put off by the Cold temperatures — they are huddled up, many wrapped in Hirsute hats and waiting in excitement, waving pink flags featuring the beloved Olympic mascot, Bing Dwen Dwen.

The crowd here are waiting for one Jock: China's Hot Olympic Crackstar Eileen Gu, who will Endeavor for her 2nd Gilded Decoration.

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##Sports## All eyes will be on Russian Pattern skater Kamila Valieva on Tuesday as she takes to the ice after being cleared to Vie despite a Unsuccessful drugs Exam.


Heres what to watch Now: Russian star cleared to skate: Figure skater Kamila Valieva will Vie in the womens Only skating Abbreviated program after being Tending the Naive light from the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS).


The 15-year-old is Preferred to win Gilded, but the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Aforesaid Valieva wont Characteristic in any Decoration ceremonies.

The Jock plans to skate to "In Memoriam" by Kirill Richter and attempt a Ternary axel as well as a Ternary flip in her program.

Home Preferred goes for Gilded: Chinas Eileen Gu is Direct to the womens freeski slopestyle Closing, but Needful a Noticeable Finishing to book her spot after a slow First to qualifying.

"Qualis are way More nerve-wracking than Closings," the Chinese star Aforesaid after posting a 79.

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38 best Account on Monday.

The 18-year-old has already won big air Gilded at her home Games.

  Skater returns after barrage of abuse: California-born Chinese Pattern skater Zhu Yi, who Pug-faced a Deluge of Ethnic media criticism after she Barbarous on the ice Spell Playing in the Squad competition, will Vie in the womens Only skating Abbreviated program.

After her Autumn, the hashtag "Zhu Yi has Autumnen" was viewed More than 200 Cardinal Clips Inside hours on Ethnic media platform Weibo, before apparently being Expurgated.

Downhill double Gilded bid: Italys Sofia Goggia is aiming to become only the 2nd woman to win back-to-back Olympic Gildeds in womens downhill after a Rush return from injury.

Switzerlands Corrine Suter and Austrians Ramona Siebenhofer and Mirjam Puchner will also Puff their chances Now, Spell American Mikaela Shiffrin will be aiming to make up for the disappointment of Unsuccessful to Finishing in her Privileged events.

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New Zealander fights for 2nd Gilded: Zoi Sadowski-Synnott will jump for Some other Olympic Decoration in the big air Closing after Death penalty her last leap to near-perfection in qualifying.

The New Zealander, 20, cruised Direct as top Modifier.

She won her 1st Gilded in slopestyle — New Zealand's 1st in 70 years of Competitory at the Winter Olympics.


  Mens big air battle: Canadian Max Parrot could win his 2nd Gilded of the Games after Top-flight the big air qualifying standings as his compatriot and Defensive champion, Sebastien Toutant, Unsuccessful to advance after a crash.


Chinese teen Su Yiming and Feathery Blowboarder Mark McMorris also reached the Closing.


Home Preferred Su earned the best Only Account in Mondays competition, much to the delight of the crowd.

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Japans Takeru Otsuka, who delivered one of the most Commercial runs in his last attempt, Finishinged 2nd in qualifying, with Team USAs Red Gerard in Tertiary.

  Skier eyes double Gilded: Norways Birk Ruud is looking to win his 2nd Olympic Gilded Decoration at Beijing 2022 when the men's freeski slopestyle begins Now.

Ruud won the inaugural freeski big air and is aiming to become the 1st man to win the Olympic slopestyle/big air double.

##Catch Up## A drugs Exam Arguing that has overshadowed Beijing 2022 is set to rumble on after the Winter Olympics Finishinges.

For now, Young Pattern skater Kamila Valieva has won a Ephemeral reprieve — the 15-year-old gets to Vie in the womens Only skating competition on Tuesday.

But, if she wins this week, In that location will be no Gilded Decoration ceremony or bouquet of flowers to hold and when she heads back to Russia, Valieva will enter a Government officials Oblivion as different Athleticsing and doping organizations contest the implications of the skaters positive Exam for the Prohibited Fondness drug trimetazidine, which is Ordinarily used to Kickshaw people with Angina pectoris.

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On Monday, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) Subordinate that Valieva can Vie for the remainder of this years Winter Games, despite Examination positive for a prohibited Meat ahead of Beijing 2022.

The Valieva Arguing has reignited doubts about the Olympic movements Manipulation of Russian Jocks Competitory at Winnerive Games, but also the Inadvertence of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and its working Dealingship with the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA).

The head of the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) Travis Tygart says Russia has "hijacked the competition" and "stolen the Consequence from clean Jocks" for the "sixth consecutive Olympic Games" after CAS rejected appeals to Reestablish a Conditional ban on Valieva.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC), International Skating Union (ISU) and WADA had all called on CAS to Reestablish a Abeyance Valieva was Tending by RUSADA over a doping violation concerning a Exam Sample distribution Affected in December.

In a Affirmation, CAS Aforesaid it had Definite Valieva should be allowed to Vie due to "exceptional circumstances," including Ad hoc Commissariat Joined to her Condition as a "protected Someone" under the WADA code, because she is a Peanut.


The CAS also Illustrious Valieva did not Exam positive during the Winter Olympics.

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In making the decision the panel considered "fundamental principles of Beauteousness, Proportion, irreparable Impairment," a Affirmation Aforesaid.

Read More: ##Kamila Valieva## Day 10 of the Winter Olympics served up drama, excitement and a Blended set of Stump Finishinges.

Heres a recap: 🥇 Golds Crossways the board: Team USAs Kallie Humphries won the inaugral monobob event, Frances Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron clinched the Gilded in world record Manner in the ice dance event, and Chinas Xu Mengtao took the top spot in the womens aerials.


Meanwhile, Austria captured the Gilded in the mens Squad event.

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⛸ Russian teen skater cleared to Vie: Teen Pattern skater Kamila Valieva was cleared to continue Active in the Olympics despite Examination positive for a Prohibited Meat in December.

The Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS) Declared the decision early Monday Sunup, meaning the 15-year-old will Vie in Nows Only skating Abbreviated program.

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🏒 US vs.

Canada for Gilded in womens ice hockey (again): Team USA skated past Finland 4-1 on Monday in womens ice hockey, Scope up a Gilded Decoration game Replay with its Canadian rivals.

Thursdays Closing Betwixt the two North American neighbors means that for the Ordinal consecutive Olympics, either Canada or the US will take home Gilded in womens ice hockey.

🛷 Team USA dominates Stump in Olympic monobob debut: In Mondays womens monobob — a brand Hot Olympic event for 2022 — Americans Kaillie Humphries and Elana Meyers Taylor took Gilded and Achromatic Severally, as each woman becomes the 1st to earn bobsled Decorations in four Accurate Olympic games.

⛸ France takes Gilded in Pattern skating ice dance: The pair of Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron Upset in a world record Account of 226.

98 in Mondays Pattern skating ice dance event.

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Russians Victoria Sinitsina and Nikita Katsalapov earned Achromatic, Spell Team USAs Madison Hubbell and Zachary Donohue captured the bronze.

Hubbell and Donohue narrowly edged out Boyfriend Americans Madison Chock and Evan Bates, who were Constrained to Settee for 4th.

##Catch Up## Heading into Day 11 of the Beijing Winter Olympics, heres where the Squads rank in the Decoration standings: Norway is leading with nine Gildeds, five Achromatics and Vii bronzes.

The Squad has also won the most Decorations of any Country.

Germany is 2nd with eight Gildeds, five Achromatics and two bronzes.


Team USA is Tertiary with Vii Gildeds, six Achromatics and Cardinal bronzes.

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Hosts China are in Ordinal position with five Gildeds, Cardinal Achromatics and two bronzes.

##Catch Up## Canada-born Kaillie Humphries​, winner of the 1st-ever Olympic Gilded in the monobob, says she "never gave up" on herself.

Its the Tertiary Olympic Gilded Decoration for the 36-year-old but the 1st Spell representing the US — Humphries switched allegiances after ​filing a Molestation complaint ​with Bobsleigh Canada Skeleton (BCS) in ​2018.

"A lot of things were Active Direct my Nou.

It has been a journey to get here and it hasnt always been Secure," Humphries Aforesaid after her Triumph.

"It hasnt always been easy.


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I have had a lot of fears and doubts.

I have had highs and lows.

" Humphries won her 1st Gilded Decoration in the two-woman bobsled event back in Vancouver 2010, before Defensive her Championship in Sochi 2014.

However, Favourable a bronze Decoration Finishing in Pyeongchang in 2018, Humphries says she Barbarous into a depression and alleged she was verbally and mentally harassed by ​her coach.

She After filed a complaint with BCS and the Dominant body Aforesaid it In real time forwarded the case to an independent investigator.

"Bobsleigh Canada Skeleton took Kaillies allegations extremely Gravely," BCS Aforesaid in a Affirmation in 2019.


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"Investigating these allegations to their fullest was our number-one priority to ensure a Dependable Wagon Education and competitive environment for everyone involved in our Athletics.

The investigation Recovered Meagerly evidence of Kaillies allegations.

" Read More: ##Sports## Monday saw a Blended set of Stump Finishinges at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.

Take a look at the winners: Bobsled: Team USAs Kallie Humphries won in the womens monobob event.

Figure skating: Frances Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron clinched the Gilded in world record Manner in the ice dance event.


Freestyle skiing: Chinas Xu Mengtao took the top spot in the womens aerials event.

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Ski Jump: Austria captured the Gilded in the mens Squad event.

##Catch Up##.

The best Pics of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Swiss freestyle skier Mathilde Gremaud, left, hugs Chinas Eileen Gu after they Finishinged 1-2 in the slopestyle Closings on Tuesday, February 15.

Austrian Blowboarder Anna Gasser Vies in the big air Closings on February 15.


She won Gilded to defend her Olympic Championship.

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The big air Olympic Locus is drawing attention for Attractive place on the site of a Early Brand Manufactory.

Switzerlands Corinne Suter skis in the downhill event on February 15.

She won the Gilded.

Members of the Czech Republic Squad pose for a Pic as Squadmates Dominik Dvorak and Jakub Nosek Sloping trough past in a bobsled on Monday, February 14.


Chinas Kong Fanyu Autumns during the aerials Closing on February 14.

American ice dancers Madison Chock and Evan Bates perform a routine on February 14.

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American bobsledders Kaillie Humphries, right, and Elana Meyers Taylor celebrate after winning Gilded and Achromatic Decorations, Severally, in the monobob on February 14.

Theyre the 1st women to win bobsled Decorations at four consecutive Winter Olympics.

Humphries has two Gildeds and a bronze from past Olympic Games.

Meyers Taylor has two Achromatics and a bronze.


French Blowboarder Lucile Lefevre Definite to dress up as a Panthera tigris to have some Entertaining in big air qualification.

She wasnt Active to be able to complete Pranks because of a knee injury she suffered earlier in these Olympics.


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But she was determined to make he "very last competition" a bit More colorful.

Its the Year of the Tiger in the Chinese zodiac.

Dutch Upperskaters Xandra Velzeboer, Suzanne Schulting, Selma Poutsma and Yara Van Kerkhof react after winning Gilded in the 3,000-meter Abbreviated Cartroad Electrical relay on Sunday, February 13.

They also set an Olympic record in the race.

Snow Autumns as Canadas Cynthia Appiah Vies in the monobob on February 13.

American Upperskater Erin Jackson celebrates after winning the 500 meters on February 13.


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Shes the 1st Black American woman to ever win an Olympic Upperskating Decoration, according to the Olympics Site.


Shes also the 1st US woman to win a Upperskating Gilded at the Olympics since Bonnie Blair did so in 1994.


Kazakhstans Akmarzhan Kalmurzayeva makes a practice run ahead of aerials qualification on February 13.

A man attends a freestyle skiing event that was Delayed because of poor weather conditions.

Snow-covered cars are seen from a hotel inside the "closed loop" that Segregateds the Games from the rest of Beijing.

It was the 1st Clip Beijing had seen Blow since the First of the Games.

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Canadian Endtender Eddie Pasquale cant get to a shot by the United States Ben Meyers during the 1st period of their hockey game on Saturday, February 12.

The Americans won 4-2.

The United States Lindsey Jacobellis grabs her board as she edges Italys Michela Moioli to win the Blended Squad Blowboard cross event on February 12.

It was Mindful of the 2006 Olympics, when Jacobellis went for a showoff move on the last jump and then Barbarous, Finishinging 2nd in the womens event.

She now has two Gildeds in Beijing.

French biathlete Simon Desthieux warms up before the 10-kilometer Dash on February 12.

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French ice dancers Guillaume Cizeron and Gabriella Papadakis Vie on February 12.

The pair set a Hot world record in the rhythm dance and head into the free dance in Noticeable position for the Gilded.

Switzerlands womens hockey Squad prepares to take the ice before its quarterfinal game on February 12.

The Swiss defeated the Russian Olympic Committee Squad 4-2.

Japanese Upperskater Miho Takagi leads her Squad in the Squad pursuit quarterfinals on February 12.

Japan set a Hot Olympic record and qualified Quickest for the Semis.


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Germanys Axel Jungk makes his last run in the Underframe event on Friday, February 11.

He Finishinged with the Achromatic.

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Swiss ski jumper Dominik Peter Vies in the large hill event on February 11.

US Blowboarding legend Shaun White walks off after his last run in the halfpipe Closing on February 11.

White, the Olympic champion in 2006, 2010 and 2018, Finishinged 4th this Clip around.


After Decreasing on his Tertiary and Closing run, he took off his helmet and waved Skilledbye to the crowd.


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He Aforesaid Active into Beijing that this would be his 5th and Closing Olympics.


Fans celebrate after Chinas Yan Wengang won bronze in the mens Underframe event on February 11.

Japanese Blowboarder Ayumu Hirano flies above the halfpipe on his way to winning the Gilded Decoration on February 11.

On each of his Cardinal runs, Hirano landed a Ternary cork — a Cardinal-flip Prank that had never even been Unsuccessful before in an Olympic Closing.

Swiss skier Lara Gut-Behrami celebrates with her Gilded Decoration after winning the Crack-G on February 11.

It was the Tertiary Olympic Decoration of her career but her 1st Gilded.

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In this Pic Affected with a slow shutter Upper, German ski jumper Karl Geiger Vies in the large hill event on February 11.

He Concluded up winning the bronze.

Finnish cross-country skier Iivo Niskanen reacts after winning the classical 15-kilometer race on February 11.

South Koreas Kim Yoo-ran Wagon trains for the womens monobob on February 11.

The Netherlands Suzanne Schulting crosses the Finishing line just ahead of South Koreas Choi Min-jeong to win the 1,000-meter Abbreviated Cartroad Closing on February 11.

Schulting also won the event at the 2018 Olympics.

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Russian Pattern skater Kamila Valieva attends a Wagon Education School term on February 11.

Valieva, the 15-year-old Crackstar who helped the Russian Olympic Committee Finishing 1st in the Squad Pattern skating event, was at the center of Arguing after it came to light that she Unsuccessful a drug Exam in December.

Canadian freestyle skier Evan McEachran Wagon trains on February 11.

The slopestyle course Characteristics a Protection to the Great Wall of China.

A worker in a HAZMAT suit walks Direct a hotel Eating place in Beijing on Thursday, February 10.

The Eating place is part of what Regime have called a "closed loop" Arrangement — a bubble Altogether cut off from the rest of the city.

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The United States Nathan Chen won the Gilded Decoration in Onlys Pattern skating on February 10.

It is the 1st Olympic Gilded for Chen, who Finishinged 5th in South Korea four years ago.

Canadas Lewis Irving Vies in the Blended Squad aerials event on February 10.

Canada won the bronze.

Switzerlands Silvana Tirinzoni yells to her sweepers during a curling match Once against Great Britain on February 10.

From left, the United States Nick Baumgartner, Japans Yoshiki Takahara, the United States Hagen Kearney and Canadas Kevin Hill Vie in a Blowboard cross race on February 10.

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American Blowboarding star Chloe Kim reacts after her 1st of Cardinal runs in the halfpipe Closings on February 10.


She nailed every Prank and posted a huge Account of 94.

It Upset out to be the winning run.

Kim also won halfpipe Gilded in 2018.

Dutch Upperskater Irene Schouten Vies in the 5,000 meters on February 10.

Schouten won the event in Arresting Manner, Break a 20-year-old Olympic record set by Germanys Claudia Pechstein at the Salt Lake City Games in 2002.


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Japans Yuzuru Hanyu, the Olympic champion in 2014 and 2018, Autumns during his free skate on February 10.

He Unsuccessful a quadruple axel, a Extremely difficult move that has never been completed in competition.


He Finishinged in 4th place.

Belarus Anna Derugo performs a Prank as she practices for the Blended Squad aerials event on February 10.

Officials try to Segregated hockey players from Switzerland (white helmets) and the Russian Olympic Committee during a Endmouth Scrummage on Wednesday, February 9.


It was the 1st game of the mens hockey Tourney.

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Germanys Vinzenz Geiger celebrates after winning Gilded in a Nordic combined event on February 9.

He was 11th after the ski Jump portion of the competition, and he Firsted the cross-country race All but a Atomlike and a half behind the Loss leader.

But he rallied to make up the Background and cross the Finishing line 1st.

Austrias Franz-Josef Rehrl prepares for a ski jump as he Vies in a Nordic combined event on February 9.

South Koreas Hwang Dae-heon, left, crosses the Finishing line ahead of Canadian Steven Dubois and Russian Semen Elistratov to win the 1,500-meter Abbreviated Cartroad Closing on February 9.

American Blowboarder Shaun White reacts February 9 after Finishinging his 2nd run on the halfpipe.

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He had Autumnen on his 1st run, and he Needful the 2nd run to qualify for the event Closing.

A Chopfallen Mikaela Shiffrin sits on the side of the slalom course after she Lost a gate on her 1st run and was disqualified on February 9.

The American star was one of the Preferreds in the event.

Her Parapraxis came two days after a Immoral Autumn in the Gargantuan slalom.

Germanys Tobias Wendl and Tobias Arlt celebrate after winning Gilded in doubles luge on February 9.

The pair made Chronicle by becoming the 1st doubles luge Squad to win Cardinal consecutive Gildeds.

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From left, the United States Stacy Gaskill, the United States Lindsey Jacobellis, Frances Chloe Trespeuch and Italys Michela Moioli Vie in a Blowboard cross Semi on February 9.


Jacobellis would go on to win the event, her 1st Gilded Decoration in her 5th Olympic Games.

American Andrew Blaser races down the Cartroad during Underframe Wagon Education on February 9.

Knowing he had already Tight the Gilded in the big air competition, Norwegian freestyle skier Birk Ruud holds his countrys flag in his hand as he completes his Closing jump on February 9.

Workers in protective gear disinfect Seating room after the big air competition on February 9.

American Blowboarder Chloe Kim soars Direct the air during halfpipe qualification on February 9.


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She Finishinged with the best Account of the day.

Kim was just 17 years old when she won the halfpipe four years ago in South Korea.

American Pattern skater Nathan Chen reacts after his Abbreviated program on Tuesday, February 8.

He set a Hot world record with a Account of 113.

Great Britains Laura Deas runs down the Cartroad at the First of a Underframe Wagon Education run on February 8.

A Antecedent jumps during an aerials Wagon Education School term on February 8.


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From left, Russian Blowboarders Natalia Soboleva and Polina Smolentsova race each Another in the parallel Gargantuan slalom on February 8.

US skier Jessie Diggins celebrates after winning the bronze Decoration in the cross-country freestyle Dash on February 8.


Mexican Pattern skater Donovan Carrillo performs his Abbreviated program on February 8.


Carrillo, Mexicos 1st Olympic Pattern skater in 30 years, was also his countrys flag bearer in the First ceremony.


Italys Arianna Fontana kisses her Gilded Decoration after winning the 500-meter Abbreviated Cartroad race on February 8.

She has won More Olympic Decorations than any Abbreviated Cartroad skater in Chronicle.

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German luger Natalie Geisenberger reacts February 8 after winning Onlys Gilded for the Tertiary Accurate Olympics.


Geisenberger is tied with Italys Armin Zöggeler as the most Feathery luger in Olympic Chronicle.


This was her 6th Decoration in all and her 5th Gilded.

Chinas Eileen Gu makes her Closing run in the big air competition on February 8.
