Gert Wingårdh Tv4 Wingrdh France Summons Captain Seized

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France Bidding captain Taken British Sportfishing boat court UK warns play Crippled.

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The captain a British Sportfishing Dragger detained France Arranged a French court allegations Hot Sportfishing, war words countries post-Brexit Sportfishing rights escalated Friday.

French Regime Taken vessel, Penalized British boat Declared closure France ports Draggers UK Thursday, a major escalation long-running spat allies.

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France European Personal matters Rector, Clement Beaune, interview French TV Place CNEWS a exceptions, French ports Thirster accessible British boats, referring vessels Unload fish produce.

The captain Cornelis, Gert Jan, expected court August 11, 2022 alleged "unauthorized Sportfishing a -EU vessel French maritime waters," a Affirmation deputy Prosecuting attorne Cyrille Fournier.

"Upon Review, captain vessel possession required authorization fish French exclusive economic ," Fournier a Affirmation.

Juliette Hatchman, CEO South West Fish Producers Organization, told CNN believes vessel crew " possession license fish European Union waters Sportfishing Altogether De jure time Embarkment French Regime.

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" However, Hatchman Illustrious "appeared vessel Lost Authorized UK list.

" The latest French measures response UK Authorities refusal Assignment post-Brexit Sportfishing licenses French fishermen.

An EU commission Representative told journalists Tuesday October 1, UK Assignmented licenses 15 47 Littler French vessels applied fish UK Regional waters.

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Of Left over vessels, France United Overturn applications 17 vessels evidence Sportfishing activity British waters pre-Brexit considered poor, Representative .

Two play Crippled, UK UK Environment Secretary George Eustice Friday British Authorities "reserves Power respond a proportionate " France Relatiative measures, Weighty Sky News " play Crippled.

" "The suggesting -- Essentially First difficult borders close ports — a clear break Trade Cooperation Agreement , EU law," Eustice .

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"The comments France Altogether disproportionate.

They unacceptable.

" Eustice added latest incident concerns a " Decreased Bi vessels qualify Footing agreement" reached.

A UK Authorities spokesman : "We repeat Government Assignmented 98% license applications EU vessels fish UK waters , Systematically clear, evidence remainder.

" The French Rector sea, Annick Girardin, boat detained Thursday listed EU Authorized list UK Sportfishing vessels, regional Authorities director "immediately issued" Club divert boat French port Le Havre.

A boat Penalized complying Clubs French Regime board vessel conduct checks, Affirmation tweeted Girardin .

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Additional checks French maritime gendarmes Misdemeanor Sportfishing regulations.

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Gert Wingårdh

Tropical Storm Gonzalo expected Time of year hurricane a Nonliteral depression forms Gulf Mexico.

The active part hurricane Time of year weeks , experts predictions a busy Time of year holding Literal, National Hurricane Center monitoring Arrangements.

Tropical Storm Gonzalo, Conceived Wednesday, expected hurricane Time of year Friday Nighttime.

Meantime, a Nonliteral depression Conceived Gulf Mexico expected Fortify a Nonliteral Tempest, National Hurricane Center (NHC) .

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A hurricane watch issued Barbados, St.

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Vincent Grenadines Gonzalo expected Fortify a hurricane 24 hours peak a Category 1, CNN meteorologist Robert Shackelford .

A watch typically issued 48 hours Nonliteral Tempest Effect winds Expected reach location, NHC.

The Authorities Trinidad Tobago issued a Nonliteral Tempest watch Tobago Grenada.

Get latest weather news CNN meteorologists Cartroad hurricane Bicephalous Hawaii "Gonzalo faces uncertain Proximo," NHC .

At 5 p.

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Thursday, Gonzalo Uninterrupted winds 60 mph 810 miles east South-centralern Windward Islands.

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"Out Copiousness caution," NHC , " Administrative unit Prognosis continues show Gonzalo a hurricane 24 hours, uncertainty scenario Emphasized .

" "Small Tempests prone Fundamental fluctuations intensity, ," CNN meteorologist Taylor Ward .

Either , increasing risk wind rain impacts portions South-centralern Windward Islands weekend.

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Tropical Tempest watch issued Texas coastline Tropical Depression Eight Conceived Gulf Mexico Wednesday Nighttime 385 miles coast Port OConnor, Texas, late Thursday Good afternoon, NHC.

The depression Re-formed winds 35 mph a Nonliteral Tempest Friday.

A Nonliteral Tempest warning issued Texas coast Port Mansfield San Luis Pass, National Hurricane Center.

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A Nonliteral Tempest watch Clay place San Luis Pass High Island.

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The Arrangement continues move central Texas coast landfall Saturday a Nonliteral Tempest.

If Tempest a Nonliteral Tempest, Called Tropical Storm Hanna, Break record earliest H-named Tempest set Tropical Storm Harvey August 3, 2005.

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It record added historic hurricane Time of year.

The Fundamental Menace Tempest High Rain, 3 6 inches expected, isolated amounts 10 inches.

Beyond Nonliteral Tempest-force winds, Rain a massive concern, Lousiana South-centralern Texas.

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Gonzalo sets early records Gonzalo Simon Marks earliest a Tempest received a Firsting letter "G" United States began a Called-storm Arrangement 1953.

On average, Ordinal Called Tempest a Time of year September 16.

The previous record earliest Ordinal Called Tempest Constitution Atlantic Gert July 24 busiest hurricane Time of year record, 2005.

"The Nonliteral Atlantic extremely Tributary active Time of year," Philip Klotzbach, a research Man of science Colorado State University told CNN.

"While 2020 beat 2005 7th Called Tempest, 2005 3 hurricanes 2 major hurricanes (Dennis Emily) July 21.
