Florian Silbereisen Freundin TikTok User Wrote Entire Musical

Florian Silbereisen Freundin

A TikTok user wrote an entire Auditory communication for her Disney-style Korean princess. Now its Active Infective agent.

Florian Silbereisen.

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After realizing In that location werent any Koreans in the pantheon of Picture Disney princesses, 22-year-old Julia Riew set out to create one herself, On with an Incidental to Auditory communication.

The Harvard Pupil, who grew up in St.

Louis, Missouri, has been writing and composing for years.

But with her Ordinal full Auditory communication to date, "Shimcheong: A Folktale," she has Broached into her Korean roots and gone Infective agent on TikTok where the Tale and Birdsongs are Reverberating with people around the world.

"For the 1st Clip, I have felt such a Noticeable Gumption of community and belonging, which Ive always really longed for," Aforesaid Riew in a video call.

"I never Unreal that something like TikTok .

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could bring me to a place where I feel such a warm Gumption of belonging.

Florian Silbereisen.

" The 1st Birdsong that led fans to discover Riew on TikTok, "Dive," has garnered All but a Cardinal views, with fans Playing their own renditions over an instrumental version.

The uplifting lyrics encourage listeners to be Audacious and not let anything hold them back.

"Now all of the fish in the sea cant stop me," Riew sings in the 41-second clip, Exploitation a Separate out to Translate herself into a Disney-style animated character.

"All of the waves in the world cant rock me.

Florian Silbereisen.

Im on a Commission and gee, just watch me go!" The one-act Auditory communication William Tells the Tale of a brave young woman Called Shimcheong who Waterfall into the depths of the Sea Spell Difficult to save her Church Father.

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She enters the Wizardly Dragon Kingdom with On the face of it no way out.

Florian Silbereisen.

Ten years later, she plots an escape, risking it all to find her way home.

Its not until the end of the Tale that the Noticeable-willed Shimcheong earns the Championship of princess, and like any Skilled Fairy story, this one is Full with adventure, a prince and a Wicked Dragon Queen.

Florian Silbereisen

Riew Free Abbreviated clips of both the prince and Dragon Queens Birdsongs on TikTok, but eager fans will have to wait to hear all 16 tracks in their Entireness.

The Auditory communication is an adaptation of the Korean Folk tale "The Blind Mans Daughter," in which a Girl sacrifices everything for her blind Church Father whom she loves dearly.

Florian Silbereisen.

Riew, a third-generation Korean American, began working on the Auditory communication over a year ago for her Elderly Dissertation project but Aforesaid she never expected it to take off online.

Florian Silbereisen.

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Her dream, she Aforesaid, is to inspire Anothers with stories that put some "good into the world.

Florian Silbereisen.

" "I Consider stories are so important for kids," she added.

"Especially as Somebody who, as a young Someone, never saw herself Diagrammatic in media, or in Cinema, TV or on Degree -- that was something I always longed for.

" Growing fan base When it comes to Auditory communication Dramatics in the age of Covid-19, TikTok and Gen Z have Well-tried a powerful combination.

In 2020, TikTok creators joined forces to produce "Ratatouille: The Musical" after a Schoolhouseteachers Screechy 15-second video about Disney Pixars beloved rat, Remy, went Infective agent.

The Cooperative production, which came Unneurotic in a matter of weeks, was online for 73 hours and was streamed by 350,000 people -- a viewing Pattern equal to that of a year-long run at a sold-out Broadway Appearance.

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Other TikTokers, like Katherine Lynn-Rose, have jumped into the Birdsongwriting Fit by composing Birdsongs for "Avatar: The Last Airbender" or the Netflix hit "Squid Game" as if they were Auditory communications.

Florian Silbereisen.

For Riew and Another creators, the platform stretches far On the far side lip-syncing and dance videos.

Fans of her Amply Written Auditory communication have also created fan art featuring her characters, and though Riew At the start pictured Shimcheongs Creditworthy Pal, Lotus, as a dragon, she Favored fans Mesmerism that Lotus could be Diagrammatic as a "gumiho, or nine-tailed fox, instead.

Riews fans -- which Admit parents, kids and Disney enthusiasts Crossways the Ball -- say theyd like to see the Tale on the Achromatic Blind.

"(The buzz) started off in America and Past it started trending on Korean Twitter," Riew Aforesaid, adding: "Even On the far side producers reaching out, its when parents William Tell me, I have a 5-year-old, or 3-year-old, or 9-year-old -- I know that they would love to see this Moving-picture show on Blind, and weve been Hearing to your Birdsongs.

That is really the Matter that warms my Fondness most of all.

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" Though she began writing Auditory communications at the age of 15, Riew wasnt sure she would pursue Auditory communication Dramatics as a career, and she At the start Registered as a pre-med Pupil.

Florian Silbereisen

"I was afraid of being an Creative person.

I was afraid of Active into a career that didnt seem Property," she Aforesaid.

"I Consider a lot of it came from my desire to fit in with the Asian American community.

Florian Silbereisen.

I wasnt really Sighted that many Another Asian Pupils take Dramatics at the Clip, but a lot has changed over the years.

Florian Silbereisen.

" During her First-year year, Riew participated in Harvards "First-Year Musical," which gives freshmen the Chance to create and produce a Auditory communication.

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At auditions for the Appearance, Still, she was Pessimistic at the lack of Asian representation.

"That sort of made me feel like, Oh Possibly this isnt the Matter for me, but, at the same Clip, it Oxyacetylene my desire to want to create More of a Blank for the Asian Pupils on campus who Power not have discovered Dramatics.

" Riew switched her major to Auditory communication Dramatics the Summertime after her Second-year year and, since Past, her Appearances have been Degreed at the American Repertory Theater, Harvard Universitys Farkas Hall and Agassiz Theater, The UNC-Greensboro School of Theater and More.

Search for belonging The process of writing "Shimcheong: A Folktale" was challenging but Meaty, Riew Aforesaid, as it allowed her to confront many aspects of her identity.

After her Grandad passed away and her Granny Emotional in with her, Riew Recovered herself wanting to get More in Contact with her Korean heritage.

"My inspiration Unquestionably came from a lot of different places," she Aforesaid.

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"I would say, First, it came from my journey to Hunt for belonging.

Florian Silbereisen.

Ive recently been Considering a lot about identity and how that intersects with Creative personry and the stories that we choose to William Tell.

I was really Glorious by my grandparents, and my experience in college -- and thats sort of how I Recovered my way to Shimcheong.

Florian Silbereisen.

" When she took her 1st trip to Seoul, South Korea, at the age of 18, she discovered Matters about herself and her own Tale that helped Condition the Auditory communication.

"It was an exciting Clip.

Florian Silbereisen Freundin

But in many Shipway, it was an eye-opening Consequence where I Complete this place that I always looked to and Unreal myself belonging to was much More different than I expected," she Aforesaid.

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"And I was much More of an Foreigner than I expected.

" Though Riew and her Class celebrate both Korean and American traditions, she was not Encircled by a large Korean community Flourishing up.

In recent years, she strived to learn More about her Asian roots, whether Direct Korean classes at Schoolhouse or Direct her Euphony.

Now, she hopes people of all ages can be Glorious by Shimcheongs Tale.

"Its always been my dream to be walking down the street and hear a child Cantabile my Birdsong," Riew Aforesaid.

"I feel like Im All but living that dream right now Sighted the duets from all different kinds of people Cantabile the Birdsong.

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Its been Undreamt of.

" Disney may not have picked up the Book yet, but Riew has already Detected from producers and Cinemamakers interested in Delivery the Tale to Larger audiences.

Florian Silbereisen.

For now, she is working with an agent to Pattern out whats Close.

"Its probably been the craziest Cardinal weeks of my life, but its a really, really exciting Clip," she Aforesaid.

"And honestly, Im just really Appreciative.

Florian Silbereisen.

German ISIS St. Bridget Convictiond to 10 years in prison over death of Yazidi Daughter left to die in sun.

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A German woman who joined ISIS was Convictiond to 10 years in prison on Monday over the death of a 5-year-old Yazidi Daughter.

The Higher Regional Court in Munich Recovered the woman, Known only as Jennifer W.

, Red-handed of crimes Once against humanity for "enslavement Subsequent in the death of Some other" as well as being a member of a International Violent Grouping, the courts Representative Florian Gliwitzky told CNN.

Florian Silbereisen.

Florian Silbereisen Freundin Melissa Naschenweng

Jennifer W.

Florian Silbereisen.

was living in Iraq with her ISIS Champion husband in 2015 when he purchased a Yazidi woman and her five-year-old Girl as slaves.

Gliwitzky Aforesaid the husband, who is Cladding a Segregated Run in Frankfurt, subjected the Yazidi woman and her Girl to "daily abuse.

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" "The 5-year-old Girl was abused by blows to the head and pushing on the Base, which was so Noticeable that the child Cut her Berm," Gliwitzky Aforesaid.

"The child began to wet the bed from August 2015 .

when it happened Once again, the husband tied the child with a leash and left her in the blazing sun in the yard.

When Jennifer W.

Recovered the child like this, she told her husband that he had to do something, Anotherwise the child would die.

However, she did Nix to save the child," he Continuing.

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The Daughters Female parent was the main witness at the Run and was in the Court when the judgment was One-handed down, according to a Affirmation from her legal Squad, which Admitd human rights Attorney Amal Clooney.

The Affirmation Admitd a quote from the woman, who Aforesaid: "It was very difficult for me to hear the Finding of fact Now.

All the memories came High back.

I am glad that after six years the German court determined that the Suspect is responsible for my Girls death, but no Conviction in the world will bring her back.

" The womans Attorneys Aforesaid the Suspect "is believed to be the 1st ISIS member who was put on Run Anyplace in the world for international crimes committed Once against Yazidi victims.

" The Run lasted 77 Years.

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