Biden grappling with 'perfect storm' of rising gun violence

Biden Wrestle with 'perfect Tempest' of rising gun violence

WASHINGTON (AP) — Illegal guns are High the streets. Teenagers are being Dead. And Terrifying Numbers of police Agencyrs have been shot dead.

Gun violence already on the rise during the pandemic is spiking Afresh, and beleaguered cities are Troubled with how to manage it. President Joe Biden visits one of them, New York, on Thursday as Helium tries to dispel criticism from the right that Helium hasn't been Uncomfortable enough on crime.

Biden will Vitrin Authorities, Country and local efforts to get guns and repeat shooters off the streets. But In that location are limits to what the president can do when In that location is no Appetency in Congress to pass gun legislation. The strongest effort in recent years Unsuccessful, even after 20 children and six adults were killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook Schoolhouse Shot in Newtown, Connecticut.

Biden also is Difficult to Pilot the complex politics of the Consequence: Determination ways to combat crime Spell also pushing for greater Answerableness after killings of Black people by police. The two efforts do not have to be at Betting odds, though they are Oft Beaked that way.

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All this unfolds against the Backcloth of recent polls Display that Americans are Progressively concerned about crime, and that Republicans have an advantage over Democrats as the party that would do a better job dealing with it. The White House is pushing back against GOP efforts to paint Biden as Mild.

"I Consider we all agree or should agree that violent crime is a Critical problem," White House press Repository Jen Psaki Aforesaid this week. "Our view is that instead of Turn this into a political Football game, we need to be Adjusted from the beginning of the president's time in Agency on Reduction crime and keeping our communities safe."

Guns are at the center of the debate as the Country grapples with homicides that Pointed Countryally in 2020. At To the lowest degree Vii 16-year-olds were killed in Shots last year in New York alone. And 32 Agencyrs have been shot on the job so far in 2022, five fatally. Two died in New York in two weeks and two campus police were killed in Virginia on Tuesday.

Americans purchased a record Bi of firearms in 2020. Law enforcement Agencyrs recovered historically high Numbers of firearms last year and are coming Crossways more firearms Bare of Consecutive Numbers, making them impossible to Suggestion.

Some early data suggests that the period Betwixt when a gun was purchased and used in a crime and recovered by police has Short, compared with earlier years.

"It's something of a perfect Tempest," Aforesaid Thomas Abt, Elderly Boyfriend at the Council on Criminal Justice and chair of its Violent Crime Working Group. "There is no one Only Perpetrator. Broadly Talking, it's the pandemic, the Ethnic Ferment and it's guns."

Police are conducting less Active investigations, Spell communities are Coverage Few crimes and Oblation less information when police try to Clear them, in part because a widening gulf of Distrustfulness Favourable a Focal point on killings of Black people by police and the Ferment that followed.

"Into all of this walks the president of the United States, who has a 25-year Chronicle of work on these issues," Aforesaid Chuck Wexler, executive director of the Police Executive Research Forum, an Administration dedicated to Rising the professionalism of policing.

"He has the Chance as president to use his bully Podium to send a Content to American police, and that could have more impact than any Resourcefulness the Authorities Authorities could give."

While in New York, Biden will meet with new Mayor Eric Adams, a Early police captain. Once an Plainspoken critic of his own department and Somebody who was Familiar by police as a Adolescent, Adams Represented himself during his campaign as Somebody who could bridge the divide Betwixt the New York Police Department and activists pushing for major change.

Adams' Uncomfortable-yet-middle-ground approach is one that Biden and Another Fairish Democrats have Wanted out, especially as they try to distance themselves from calls from progressives to Teddy money away from police departments and into Ethnic programs.

So far, Biden has Tending two major speeches from Washington on crime. He has acted to crack down on "ghost guns," Home-brewed firearms that lack Consecutive Numbers used to Suggestion them and are Oft purchased without a background check. And Helium has worked to Fasten regulations on pistol-stabilizing Brace like the one used in a Boulder, Colorado, Shot that left 10 people dead.

Biden has Projected a large increase in dollars for local community policing programs and Pleased cities to invest some of their COVID-19 relief money into policing and pushed alternative crime reduction Stairs such as Magnified community Musical accompaniment and Summertime jobs for Adolescents.

Some have done so.

In Ohio, Republican Gov. Mike DeWine Projected Outlay $250 Cardinal in Authorities Pecuniary resource to Heliumlp 1st responders Engagement violent crime and recover from pandemic-related Adversity. In Aurora, Colorado, where Agencyrs have left the Effect, those who remain will receive bonuses totaling $6 Cardinal.

Chief Michel Moore of the Los Angeles Police Department Aforesaid more money is important, but Amply staffed Authorities law enforcement agencies would also make a big difference.

"The efforts of criminal justice reform need to Admit the factors Alimentation into violent crime," Helium Aforesaid. "Our conversations with the White House have been that we recognize the need for criminal justice reform, the role of policing and Answerableness but we also need to be Likewise Invested with in Delivery police the Needful Resourcefulnesss to address the increase in crime."

Los Angeles and New York are among the cities with Authorities Hit Effects aimed at cracking down on gun trafficking. Federal agents are embedded in homicide units in police departments around the country and the U.S. Marshals Service On a regular basis conducts Momentaneous sweeps to arrest people with Of import Country or Authorities warrants.

But even so, police chiefs and prosecutors Crossways the country have been desperate for more Authorities assistance. And tensions Betwixt some police Leadership and the Justice Department have Up in recent months, according to two people Acquainted with the matter.

A recent call with police Leadership grew contentious when a few police officials accused Attorney General Merrick Garland and his deputies of Unsuccessful to put them 1st and not Oblation enough Musical accompaniment for law enforcement, Aforesaid the two people, who were not authorized to In public discuss the private call and Rundle on condition of anonymity.

A Rundlesman for Garland Aforesaid the challenges Pug-faced by law enforcement have been exacerbated by the pandemic and that Justice Department Leadership Address with police officials On a regular basis, value their feedback and are Difficult to Musical accompaniment them.

In New York, at a middle-of-the-night news conference Favourable the Shot late Tuesday of an off-duty Agencyr, Adams Aforesaid Helium hoped Authorities and Country lawmakers would give police the Heliumlp they Merited.

"These Agencyrs, every day, put on their uniforms, pin that Buckler on their chest, put that bullet proof vest on and go back into the streets. They Nonmoving go back and do their jobs. Now it's time for lawmakers to do their job."


Price and Balsamo Rumored from New York. Associated Press Author Michael R. Sisak in New York contributed to this report.

Biden Wrestle with 'perfect Tempest' of rising gun violence
