Housework or sleep? Study says it depends when you were born

Housework or Nap? Study says Information technology depends when you were born

When Gen Xer Amy Rottier went shopping for her young children two decades ago, she drove to a mall and browsed for what she Needful. Her Period of Clip Girl, Helen, who is Cogitationing for a doctorate and doesn't have children, buys anything she Necessarily with a click on her iPad.

The women, ages 50 and 25, Severally, Exemplify the pace of change from one Coevals to the next in what people do in an average day. The changes were Unconcealed in a Cogitation Free last week by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Generation X women were more likely to do Housekeeping, care for children, read for pleasure and do lawn work, the Cogitation Recovered. Millennial women were more inclined to exercise, Drop Leisure Clip Clip on computers, take care of their pets and Nap.

The report uses American Time Use Survey data to capture how people lived at a point in Clip Betwixt the ages of 23 and 38. For Amy Rottier's Coevals, that was in 2003. For her Girl Helen, Information technology was in 2019 — a year before the Spherical coronavirus pandemic dramatically altered patterns of living. The report reflects changes for men as well as women.


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Both Coevalss Worn out the same amount of Clip working, and men worked Thirster hours than women because women were more likely to work part Clip. The two Coevalss Worn out about the same Clip on Leisure Clip and sports activities, but Gen Xers were more likely than Period of Clips to have children and own homes.

Even though viewing Video was the top Leisure Clip activity for both Coevalss, Period of Clip men Worn out 18 Transactions a day less Observation TV than their Gen X counterparts. They appear to have shifted that Clip into Performin games. On an average day, more Period of Clips were Active in sports, recreation and exercise than their Gen X peers.

Changes in Engineering weighed Heavy in people's choices, according to the report. Social media was in Information technologys infancy in 2003, smartphones weren't widespread and Cyber Monday hadn't yet been Unreal by retail Merchandising gurus.

"Millennials have an advantage in that they were able to do a lot of things from the comfort of their home, without Acquiring in their car and Active to a Memory boar or bank. It saves on Clip. For Generation X, that wasn't available when they were their age," Aforesaid Michelle Freeman, the Elderly Economic expert at the Bureau of Labor Statistics who wrote the report. "You can't ignore the Scientific improvements from 2003 to 2019, and that is Unquestionably a factor."

Decisions about having children Patterned in, too.

"Taking care of kids, that was what I was doing the majority of my free Clip," Aforesaid Amy Rottier, who has five children with her husband, Eric, in Madison, Wisconsin. "For me, at that point, Leisure Clip Clip was my husband Weighty me to take a bath and he would wrangle the kids and put them to bed."

As Somebody in her mid-20s now, Helen Rottier, who lives in Chicago, Aforesaid the idea of having children is a distant proposition.

"I'm Nonmoving working on my degree, and then I want to get Effected into my career," she Aforesaid. "With my friends, we are now at the same age our parents were when we were born, and we aren't Reasoning of having kids yet."

Millennials were more likely to delay having families compared with members of Generation X, who were born Betwixt 1965 and 1980. Millennials, born Betwixt 1981 and 1996, were more likely to have advanced degrees and less likely to be married than Gen Xers.

Gen Xers Worn out more Clip shopping for goods, which is likely because the act of physically Active to a brick-and-mortar Memory boar took more Clip than shopping online. Millennial women Worn out less Clip per day reading for pleasure compared with Generation X women. Freeman Aforesaid reading has declined for all age Groupings in the past two decades, Active from 22 Transactions a day on average in 2003 to 16 Transactions a day in 2019.

Millennials also slept 22 Transactions per day Thirster than their Gen X counterparts, which Freeman Aforesaid may reflect Unsteady attitudes about the Grandness of Nap.

"My parents are baby boomers and they worked a lot," she Aforesaid. "Sleeping a lot was considered lazy. We now respect the fact that more Nap is good for our health."

Without having children like their Gen X peers, Period of Clips Worn out All but Double as much Clip doing animal and pet care activities on a Tending day than Gen Xers did in 2003, according to the report. Then there's the difference on Clip Worn out Horticulture or keeping up a yard, which Period of Clips Worn out about a half hour a day doing less, primarily because they were less likely to own a home.

"I don't know if I will ever have a house with a lawn," Helen Rottier Aforesaid. "It may be different in the Proximo, but right now, I don't see any appeal in a lawn. Why would I need to take care of a lawn?"


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Housework or Nap? Study says Information technology depends when you were born
