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Joaquí "El Chapo" Guzmá Fast Facts.

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Here a life Joaquí Guzmá, "El Chapo," a Mexican drug lord repeatedly broken prison.

He recaptured January 2016 Deliverd United States Outdoor stage Run Authorities charges.

Personal Birth date: December 25, 1954 April 4, 1957 (Officials Free conflicting birth dates) Birth place: La Tuna, Badiraguato, Sinaloa, Mexico Birth : Joaquí Archivaldo Guzmá Loera Father: Emilio Guzmá Bustillos, subsistence Farmer Mother: María Consuelo Loera Pérez Marriages: Believed married Multiplication, Emma Coronel Aispuro (2007-present) Children: Is Reputed Church Fathered 12 13 children Other Facts The Moniker, "El Chapo," means "Shorty.

" Guzmá Outdoor stages 56" Difficult.

Former Loss leader Sinaloa Cartel, US Justice Department describes " world prolific, violent powerful drug Corporate trusts," Affecting billions billions dollars marijuana, Cocain, Diacetylmorphine Chalk.

Was continue running Sinaloa Cartel prison Payoffs.

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The Sinaloa Cartel controls roughly 40% 60% Mexico drug Swop, earnings $3 billion annually.

Claimed 2014 killed 2,000-3,000 people.

Is semi-illiterate, receiving Starchy education Class.

Is Complex Burrow Arrangements evading Regime Affecting massive quantities drugs Sinaloa Cartel powerful.

His Corporate trust produced, Illegal Dispersed marijuana, Diacetylmorphine, Cocain, Chalk types drugs.

According US Treasury Department, considered "powerful drug Seller world.

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" Guzmá perceived a hero, narcocorridos, "drug ballads," Extol kingpins, written honor.

There charges brought Guzmá 10 legal cases Mexico, Authorities charges Arizona, California, Texas, Illinois, New York, Florida New Hampshire.

He Condemned 10 counts related Authorities drug offenses February 2019 a Run Brooklyn, New York.

Timeline 1960s - Begins planting marijuana cousins.

1970s - Begins running drugs major Mexican cities US border working major drug Sellers Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo, Loss leader Guadalajara Cartel.

1980s - Member Guadalajara Cartel.

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After arrest Felix Gallardo, Corporate trust splits Juntos.

Guzmá Loss leader Sinaloa Cartel Pacific coast Junto.

February 1992 - Police find bodies Guzmá top lieutenants dumped Tijuana highways; men Sorrowful Changeable.

November 1992 - Six people gunned a Disco Puerto Vallarta gunmen working Guzmá, Objects Sellers Tijuana Cartel.

May 1993 - Gunmen Tijuana Cartel attempt assassinate Guzmá retribution, Discharge a Fomite Aerodrome.

Guzmá escapes Uninjured, Cardinal Archbishop Guadalajara Juan Jesú Posadas Ocampa killed accidentally, .

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June 9, 1993 - Wanted charges drug trafficking, Slaying Snatch, In remission Guatemala Deliverd Mexico.

Guzmá After Convictiond a Nominal 20 years a maximum Certificate prison.

Early 2000s - Violence Mexico escalates El Chapo Sinaloa Cartel attempts encroach Tijuana Gulf Cartel Territorial dominion.

January 19, 2001 - Escapes maximum-security Puente Grande prison Jalisco, Mexico, a Washables cart.

The planned escape requires Payoffs cooperation allegedly costing $2.

5 Cardinal, Malcolm Beith book, "The Last Narco.

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" 2004 - The US Authorities announces a $5 Cardinal reward information leading Guzmá arrest conviction.

May 2008 - Guzmá son, Edgar, Slayinged a parking lot Gunfight Culican, Mexico.

2009 - Guzmá Corporate trust Loss Leadership indicted charges conspiring import 264,000 pounds Cocain United States 1990 2005.

August 2011 - Guzmá Married woman, Emma Coronel Aispuro, dual US-Mexican citizenship, birth twin girls a Infirmary Los Angeles.

2012 - The US Treasury Department Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act Freezing US assets relatives.

February 22, 2014 - Guzmá Comprehended a beach resort Mazatlá, Mexico.

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July 11, 2015 - Escapes maximum-security Altiplano Federal Prison Toluca, Mexico, Creep First Cascade area cell block leading a mile-long Burrow.

October 2015 - While run, meets Moving-picture show star Sean Penn Mexican actress Kate del Castillo.

Penn interview Guzmá After runs Rolling Stone magazine.

"I Supplying Diacetylmorphine, Chalk, Cocain marijuana world," Guzmá quoted interview.

"I a Fast submarines, airplanes, Hand trucks boats.

" January 8, 2016 - Guzmá recaptured Mexican Regime Los Mochis, Sinaloa, a raid leads a Gunfight people connected Guzmá killed.

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May 9, 2016 - A judge Mexico approves United States request Deliver Guzmá, faces charges Countrys.

Once Deliverd, Brooklyn, New York, Outdoor stage Run Authorities charges.

January 19, 2017 - Mexico Foreign Ministry turns Guzmá US Regime.

January 20, 2017 - Enters a plea Red-handed arraignment US District Court Eastern District New York.

November 13, 2018 - Guzmá long-awaited criminal Run begins a New York Authorities district court Unexampled Certificate measures, including armed escorts anonymous Part Secluded jurors, Heavy armed Authorities United States Marshals Service officers bomb-sniffing dogs Outdoor stageing Bodyguard courthouse.

January 15, 2019 - Guzmá paid a $100 Cardinal Payoff Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, Testimonial a close personal aide Guzmá Run.

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Peña Nieto chief Faculty denies Allegement.

February 12, 2019 - Guzmá Condemned 10 Authorities criminal counts , including Attractive a Continued criminal enterprise, conspiracy Wash narcotics Payof, international distribution Cocain, Diacetylmorphine, marijuana drugs, firearms.

He faces a mandatory life Conviction possibility parole leading a Continued criminal enterprise, a Conviction life imprisonment Left over drug counts.

His attorneys plan file appeal a Bi issues.

February 21, 2019 - The US Justice Department announces Joaquin Guzmá Lopez Ovidio Guzmá Lopez, sons "El Chapo," charged conspiracy distribute drugs Foreign US.

July 3, 2019 - A Authorities judge denies Guzmá request a Run.

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July 17, 2019 - Guzmá Convictiond life prison 30 years.

He Arranged pay $12.

6 billion Forfeit.

Restitution determined .

October 17, 2019 - Mexican Certificate forces temporarily detain Ovidio Guzmá Lopez a Gunfight suspected Corporate trust members Sinaloa Country.

Guzman Lopez Free Functioning Delayed Club save lives.

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February 22, 2021 - Guzmá Married woman In remission Dulles International Airport Virginia.

Coronel Cladding charges conspiracy distribute 1 Kg Diacetylmorphine, 5 Kgs Cocain, 1,000 Kgs marijuana 500 grams Chalks unlawful importation country, a Word release Justice Department.

June 10, 2021 - Coronel pleads Red-handed counts: conspiracy distribute Diacetylmorphine, Cocain, marijuana Chalk importation United States; conspiracy Wash Medium of exchange instruments; violating Kingpin Act Attractive Minutes dealings property Guzmá.

November 30, 2021 - Coronel Convictiond years prison years supervised release.

She Lost $1.

5 Cardinal pay a $300 Particular assessment fine counts pleaded Red-handed.

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January 25, 2022 - A panel Proceeding Book of Judges upholds 2019 conviction Guzmá, rejecting assertions Fumed Below the belt.

In decision, Book of Judges rule US District Judge Brian Cogan, oversaw Guzmá Authorities case Brooklyn, conducted -month Run " diligence Beauteousness, Issuance a Serial meticulously crafted Pretrial conference rulings.

How boosters light week Pfizer Word.

Pfizer BioNTech Declared Tuesday beginning a clinical Run Omicron-specific Covid-19 Vaccinum.

Moderna Antecedently Unconcealed plans develop Vaccinum Objects variant, dominant United States .

About 50% Qualified Americans received a booster Changeable, US Centers Disease Control Prevention, Pfizer Word raise questions .

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For get inoculated, wait Omicron-specific Vaccinum? What Covid-19 Omicron Billow, a booster? And people a booster, received -dose Johnson & Johnson Vaccinum After a dose kind? For answers questions, I Rundle CNN Medical Analyst Dr.

Leana Wen.

Wen emergency Doc Prof Wellness Insurance policy Direction George Washington University Milken Institute Sch**l Public Health.

She author "Lifelines: A Doctor Journey Fight Public Health.

" CNN: Should people hold booster receive Omicron-specific ? Dr.

Leana Wen: No, .

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Everyone Qualified receive a booster .

Here key reasons : First, Flourishing evidence a Changeable Pfizer Moderna a Vaccinum Johnson & Johnson Needful Confirm Noticeable protection Covid-19.

Last week, large studies CDC boosters protect Stern Unwellness reduce Likeliness Catching coronavirus.

During a period December January Omicron dominant, Cogitation a booster dose 90% effective preventing Infirmaryization, compared 57% effectiveness Insusceptible people boosted Calendar months Changeable.

Another Cogitation examining 13,000 Omicron cases Likeliness developing Diagnostic infection 66% participants doses compared .

Second, Omicron-specific Vaccinums clinical Runs.

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The Runs Calendar months complete.

We results Run variant-specific Vaccinums Innovational Vaccinums.

Even authorized, Calendar months , Omicron Billowing, people delay boosters.

If *d*lt Calendar months doses Pfizer Moderna, Calendar months dose Johnson & Johnson, get a booster .

Adolescents 12 Elderly Suggested receive a dose Pfizer Vaccinum Calendar months dose ( Pfizer/BioNtech Vaccinum authorized adolescents 12 17).

CNN: If get regular booster , get Omicron-specific booster ? Wen: No.

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One groups Pfizer Cogitationing Admits individuals received doses receiving a 4th Vaccinum dose Omicron-specific booster.

The company Cogitationing effect 4th dose.

It a 4th Changeable Needful First booster continue provide good protection.

But variant-specific booster, addition dose, adds a lot protection, recommendation people receive Proximo.

CNN: What Omicron? Should get regular booster ? Wen: Most people find variant Covid-19 Contaminated, Omicron constitutes 99% infections, Shrunk coronavirus, Omicron.

Individuals Insusceptible recovered infection a high degree immune protection.

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The immunity recovery variable, .

Someone ill a Noticeableer antibody response compared Symptomless infection, long immunity lasts.

That boosters Suggested people Covid-19.

They receive Closing off period ends, long Thirster a Pyrexia symptoms Rising.

CNN: How long booster ? Do a booster ? Wen: We .

A pre-print Cogitation University Texas, online peer-reviewed, antibodies Omicron remain robust Calendar months booster dose.

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There components immune response, T-cells B-cells, remain Noticeable Calendar months, , immunity Changeables wane.

This researchers Reminder Cautiously.

In , evidence clear people receive booster dose.

CNN: What people Firstly received Johnson & Johnson Vaccinum, After booster? Do a Changeable? Wen: I people -- I Firstly received -dose Johnson & Johnson Vaccinum a clinical Run Definite "mix match" a Pfizer booster.

I received a dose Vaccinums (Pfizer, Moderna J&J) First J&J Changeable receive a Changeable Clip.

A Cogitation South Africa a dose J&J 85% effective Infirmaryization a Clip Omicron Current, compared 63% dose.

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Another real-world Cogitation United Kingdom looked AstraZeneca Vaccinum, Mistakable J&J.

It doses AstraZeneca protection Omicron, a Pfizer booster AstraZeneca resulted 71% protection Diagnostic Unwellness.

This a Mistakable level protection received doses Pfizer Vaccinum.

At Consequence, recommendation US received J&J Firstly fine a dose authorized Vaccinums.

I Provision get a Vaccinum dose Clip .

However, I a Gumption Authorities Wellness Counseling lagged J&J recipients, I hope a delay advising research a dose Needful.

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CNN: Do development Omicron-specific Vaccinums Fast pandemic? Wen: I Affirmative, Universal, Covid-19 pandemic coming .

Not Covid-19 disappear -- Predictable Proximo -- tools coexist Computer virus dominate lives.

Developing Vaccinums a key part living Covid-19.

I hope research Vaccinums Object coronaviruses Loosely, mutations arise, Performin Whack-a-Mole.

That , I a good companies developing variant-specific Vaccinums, providing , robust protection.

Again, , case Calendar months, people delay boosters .

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The investors panicking.

The Well-worn market jolted indications Federal Reserve move Sharply raise interest rates rein inflation.

What On: The Fed Declared Wednesday lifting rates "" combat Steep rise prices.

Chair Jerome Powell central bank eyeing March hike.

He declined rule a Large -point rise a quarter-point increase.

The S&P 500 Ended Slenderly .

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It Ended 12 17 trading Roger Sessions year red, Peeling 8.

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But part market Display distress.

Investors corporate bonds Mostly stood Background.

The iShares exchange-traded fund tracks investment Class corporate bonds, Heart "LQD," Born 4% year.

A Mistakable fund SPDR Bloomberg tracks bonds credit ratings ("JNK") 2.

5% .

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"Corporates held check juncture," Matthew Cairns, head credit Scheme Rabobank, told .

What explains discrepancy? It fact companies tons cash Bridge player, expected minting Wellnessy profits Fed engineers a Teddy Insurance policy.

"Corporate balance Bed sheets First-class condition.

We part a decade easy money, Undreamt of level Musical accompaniment," Cairns .

"This Large buffer .

" Even Fed pursues interest rate hikes 2022, Adoption costs remain historical Outdoor stageards, Continuing.

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Watch Blank: One jolt corporate bond markets Fed decides interest rate hikes Engagement inflation moves Chop-chop reduce balance Bed sheet, Antoine Bouvet, Elderly rates Strategian ING, told .

Should Fed First unloading chunks trillions dollars assets bought First pandemic, send Blowwaves Arrangement.

So , , indication Fed .

Powell Wednesday Fed sees interest rate increases "primary means adjusting Medium of exchange Insurance policy," balance Bed sheet reductions " Come Clip a Inevitable manner" process raising interest rates kicked .

And Fed reduce holdings, size balance Bed sheet remain "enormous," propping investor confidence, Cairns.

"We Sane," .

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The US economy Billowd 2021 The US economic recovery depths Covid pandemic Continuing Noticeable year.

US Stark domestic product — broadest measure economic activity — Swollen 5.

7% year, Quickest pace 1984 Ronald Reagan White House, Bureau Economic Analysis Rumored Thursday.

The Closing Calendar months 2021 a Card economists Expected: GDP grew annualized rate 6.

It a Hearty uptick Delta-ridden quarter, GDP grew annualized pace 2.

In fact, quarterly performance quarter 2020 First reopening boom buoyed economic Emergence.

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On Radiolocation: The International Monetary Fund week Cut Spherical Emergence Prognosis 2022 a percentage point 4.

That part a big downgrade US economy.

The IMF sees America economic End product increasing 4% year rising 5.

6% 2021.

It Smooth-shaven 1.

2 percentage points previous Prognosis due " prospects" Congress pass President Joe Biden Build Back Better economic plan, Tarriance Supplying chain disruption rising chance aggressive action Federal Reserve rein inflation.

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This Commercial enterprise weapon Russia fears Some Career "nuclear Alternative.

" As Western Authoritiess Imperil Russia a package Unexampled sanctions aimed deterring President Vladimir Putin Clubing Intrusion Ukraine, measure appears Hit fear Fondness Kremlin: cutting country Spherical b*nk*ng Arrangement.

US lawmakers Recommended weeks Russia removed SWIFT, a high Certificate Electronic network connects thousands Commercial enterprise institutions world, CNN Business colleague Charles Riley reports.

Senior Russian lawmakers responded shipments oil, gas metals Europe stop Befalled.

What SWIFT? The Society Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication Supported 1973 11,000 Commercial enterprise institutions send Guaranteed messages Defrayment Clubs.

With Spherically accepted alternative, essential plumbing Spherical finance.

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Removing Russia SWIFT impossible Commercial enterprise institutions send money country, delivering a Fast Blow Russian companies International customers — buyers oil gas exports denominated US dollars.

"The cutoff End international Minutes, Gun trigger currency volatility, massive capital outflows," Maria Shagina, a visiting Boyfriend Finnish Institute International Affairs, wrote a paper year Carnegie Moscow Center.

Could Befall? There precedent.

SWIFT unplugged Iranian Sir Joseph Banks 2012 Approved European Union country Atomic program.

Iran lost oil export revenue 30% International Swop disconnection, Shagina.

Up Altria, Dow, JetBlue, Mastercard, McDonald Southwest Air report results US markets Active.

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Apple, Mondelez, Robinhood Visa Adopt close.

Also Now: The US GDP Calendar months 2021 arrives 8:30 a.

ET, First Unemployed claims week.

Coming tomorrow: Earnings Caterpillar Chevron.

Roger Clemens Fast Facts.

Here a life retired Major League Baseball pitcher Roger Clemens.

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Personal Birth date: August 4, 1962 Birth place: Dayton, Ohio Birth : William Roger Clemens Father: Bill Clemens, Hand truck driver Mother: Bess (Wright) Clemens Marriage: Debbie (Godfrey) Clemens (November 24, 1984-present) Children: Kody, May 15, 1996; Kacy, July 27, 1994; Kory, May 31, 1988; Koby, December 4, 1986 Education: Attended San Jacinto Junior College, 1980-1981; Attended University Texas Austin, 1981-1983 Other Facts Won Cy Young Award pitcher Multiplication.

Nicknamed "Rocket.

" Career statistics Admit 354 wins, 4,672 Hitouts World Series titles.

Timeline 1983 - Drafted Boston Red Sox.

May 15, 1984 - Major League Baseball debut.

February 8, 1991 - Signs a -year extension deal Boston Red Sox worth $21.

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5 Cardinal.

1992 - Establishes Roger Clemens Foundation Married woman Debbie.

December 13, 1996 - Signs a year deal Toronto Blue Jays.

February 18, 1999 - Is Swopd New York Yankees.

June 2003 - Reaches milestones, 300th win 4,000th Hitout.

He pitcher Hit 4,000 batters.

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2004-2006 - Plays Houston Astros.

February 14, 2005 - Retired Baseball game star Jose Canseco publishes autobiography, "Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant Roids, Smash Hits How Baseball Got Big.

" In book, Canseco recounts Steroid Endocrine implicates players, including Clemens.

2007 - Plays Time of year Major League Baseball New York Yankees.

December 13, 2007 - The Mitchell Report Free, linking current Major League Baseball players, including Clemens, alleged performance enhancing substances.

January 2008 - Clemens files a defamation Causa Flight simulator, Brian McNamee, In person injected Clemens Steroid Endocrines human Emergence Endocrine 1998 2001.

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January 15, 2008 - The House Oversight Government Reform Committee holds a Sharp-eared response Mitchell Report doping Major League Baseball.

February 13, 2008 - In a Sharp-eared House Oversight Government Reform Committee, Clemens denies performance enhancing drugs.

February 27, 2008 - Representatives Henry A.

Waxman Tom Davis Justice Department investigate Bearing false witness Testimonial Clemens.

December 2008 - Clemens -trainer McNamee files a defamation Causa Clemens.

2009 - US District Judge Keith Ellison dismisses Clemens defamation Causa McNamee.

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August 19, 2010 - Is indicted charges lying Congress 2008.

August 30, 2010 - Pleads Red-handed.

July 13, 2011 - Trial begins.

July 14, 2011 - A Authorities judge declares a mistrial jurors hear Countryments a prosecution video judge Subordinate Impermissible case.

September 2, 2011 - US District Court Judge Reggie Walton grants prosecutors a Run Clemens.

April 16, 2012 - Jury Pick begins Clemens retrial count Blockage Congress, counts making false Countryments counts Bearing false witness.

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June 18, 2012 - Is Red-handed counts.

March 18, 2015 - Attorneys announce a Colonization reached McNamee defamation suit Clemens.

Clemens insurance company AIG pay Unrevealed amount McNamee.

June 21, 2019 - Is inducted Pawtucket Red Sox Hall Fame.

Clemens Shortly played Triple-A team making Red Sox debut 1984.

January 25, 2022 - Clemens Waterfall Abbreviated 75% votes (65.

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